big sad rage-baby Morning Joe melts all the way down in unhinged on-air rant
boo fucking hoo
Morning Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have been feeling a little prickly lately — ever since their stunt-trip to Motel-a-Lago to kiss Donny’s ass blew right up in their appeasing faces, and resulted in half their audience going fuckity-bye.
it all came to a head Thursday morning, when Joe cracked under the pressure of dwindling ratings and constant mockery — and blew the fuck up right in the middle of his show.
here’s how that shit went down.
on Wednesday, Joe and Mika invited David Frum onto their show to bloviate a bit about Donny’s christofascist SecDef nom Pete Hegseth’s ahem alleged public drunkenness and ahem alleged sexual assault sprees. during his segment, Frum got off a pretty good one-liner:
“if you’re too drunk for Fox News, you’re very, very drunk indeed.”
that’s when all hell broke loose behind the scenes at MSNBC. per Frum,
At the next ad break, a producer spoke into my ear. He objected to my comments about Fox and warned me not to repeat them. I said something noncommittal and got another round of warning.
MSNBC then hustled Frum off the air as fast as they could.
I was then told that I was excused from the studio chair. Shortly afterward, co-host Mika Brzezinski read an apology for my remarks.
that afternoon, David Frum wrote an essay for The Atlantic in which he unloaded on Joe, Mika and MSNBC for being utter fucking cowards.
It is a very ominous thing if our leading forums for discussion of public affairs are already feeling the chill of intimidation and responding with efforts to appease.
and that’s when Morning Joe got his fee-fees all hurt, and responded in the most grown-up and maturest way possible — by melting all the way down and throwing a four-and-a-half-minute shit fit on his Thursday morning show.
here’s the first minute of Joe’s rant.
“you can say he had fascist rhetoric and still go in and talk to him, you know why I do that? to get the read of the man. you know why I went in and talked to Macron? to get the read of the man in a crucial time in EU funding, and NATO funding. that’s why I went to leaders in the Middle East who were angry at the United States and I sat there and I listened to them attacking me personally for forty-five minutes because of US policy. know why I do that? to get the read of the leader. to get the read of where the county’s going. [here, Joe starts shouting] SO I CAN COME BACK HERE AND TALK TO YOU AND LET YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.”
Jesus H. Christ on a crankshaft, Joe — defensive much?
I love the way Joe pretends he’s just a journalist doing journalism, out there talking to people. he’s not. he’s a morning happytalk chat-show host. (and by the way, actual journalists don’t generally give themselves cutesy-pie nicknames. Walter Cronkite didn’t call himself Evening News Wally.)
make no mistake — Joe and Mika didn’t slink down to Donny’s golf motel to get the read of him. they went down there to grovel, so that Donny and Pam and Krazy Eyes Kash would grant them a Get Out Of Jail Free card when the Retribution Machine gets cranked up.
it’s nobody’s fault but Joe’s and Mika’s that their audience was so disgusted by their cowardice and pre-capitulation that they abandoned them in droves — and no amount of defensive on-air meltdowns will change that fact.
boo fucking hoo. you did this to yourself. maybe next time don’t be so slavishly eager to obey in advance.
(Joe’s entire four-and-a-half minute rant can be found here.)
Donny Convict’s plan to round up and deport the shit out of every immigrant in America is already blowing up right in his big dumb pumpkin face.
Donny is super awesome at coming up with harebrained ideas — but because he’s a low-wattage imbecile who acts first and thinks never, he totally fucking sucks at implementation.
one question that Team Donny never thought to ask in advance is hey, where do we deport all these people to?
The incoming Trump administration is preparing a list of countries to which it may deport migrants when their home countries refuse to accept them, according to three sources familiar with the plans.
The countries on the list have included but may not be limited to Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas, Panama and Grenada, the sources said.
so how did Team Donny compile this list of tiny countries and territorial islands on which they’ve decided to inflict their unwanted cast-offs?
who the fuck knows? maybe they threw darts at a globe.
anyway, good luck shipping millions of deportees to a place like Turks and Caicos, which in the first place is British territory, and in the second place is a series of tiny fucking islands in the middle of the Atlantic Fucking Ocean.
look at the place. it’s a tourist paradise. there’s no way they want to get caught up in our bullshit.
for the most part, the countries on Donny’s list are content for now to stick their fingers in their ears and go LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU DONNY LA LA LA LA.
Spokespeople for Turks and Caicos, Grenada, and Mexico did not respond to NBC, while a spokesperson for Panama told the network, “The Panamanian government does not respond to assumptions and rumors. We cannot not speculate in this regard.”
but the Bahamas has already told Donny to go fuck himself sideways.
The Bahamas, however, has already “reviewed and firmly rejected the plan,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.
hey, you know who else rounded up all their “undesirables” and then had a huge fucking problem on their hands when it turned out there was no place to send them?
of course you do.
when those original madcap Nazis took power in Germany in 1933, their first solution to their ahem “Jewish problem” was to make life so miserable for the Jews that they self-deported.
From gaining power in January 1933 until the outbreak of war in September 1939, the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany was focused on intimidation, expropriating their money and property, and encouraging them to emigrate.
that was all fine and dandy, but Jews weren’t self-deporting fast enough to please the Nazis. so they came up with their second solution — and ran smack into the same problem that Donny’s about to have.
the Nazis carried out early experiments with deporting Jews from Germany. They also considered forcibly relocating entire Jewish communities to what they considered distant, undesirable, or isolated places. They explored plans to establish a reservation for Jews in the Lublin district of German-occupied Poland. They also considered sending Jews to Madagascar, an island off the African coast. Ultimately, these plans were too hard to carry out.
and that, dear friends, is how the Nazis settled on their final solution.
weird how history keeps repeating itself. once again, I guess it’s all just one big coincidence.
or maybe not.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on Blue Sky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
props to Ms. Spouse, who, when I told her that I was going to end today's piece with a clip of Morning Joe melting down, responded with "no, that's your lead story."
that's the kind of input I'd been sorely lacking during her seven-week convalescence
"to get the read of the man"
What the fuck kind of "read" can you get of a man who is the human equivalent of one of those puffy board books for 2-year-olds? Go fuck yourself, Joe.