Shouty half dressed Gym Jordan, little Donny fuck face, Rudy Colludy, three toes what’s her face, Wingnut Grievance Bubble! I love my new vocabulary! 😂

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He’s the Scott Adams of Scott Adamses. And hasn’t ever acknowledged just where he strayed from the righteous path. He’s not Stephen Miller, but he’s certainly bad enough. “Trash takes itself out,” said some philosopher recently.

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Out of mealy-mouthed MAGAwingnut Moron Taylor Greene......

"(Fraud) Trump's wall was only going to cost $22 Billion, but Congress failed to fund it"

Hey, if I'm recalling this correctly, (Fraud) Trump said:

a) I'm going to build a wall!

b) Mexico is going to pay for it!

Well, neither of those things happened, so, would I be right to assume that (Fraud) Trump is a bold-faced liar?

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Watching the Scott Adams video made me sick. Success, money, abilities do not seem to have affected this person. The hate in his heart, the smugness with which he talks... all I can take some comfort in is what a miserable life he must have.

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“Wingnut Grievance Bubble”, love it. I’m using it, if you don’t mind?

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I had forgotten about MTG and her 6 BILLION comment... Christ on a cracker, she's a moron. 🤦‍♀️

(See, all these remembrances would make a great book.)

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I resisted subscribing, but now i am all in. i started reading you every day, and i thought, this political writer deserves to get paid. I didnt know about Dilbert and i had forgotten about Jim Jordan trip. Thank you!

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::in a world of Scott Adamses, be a Charles Schulz::

This belongs on a T-Shirt, a Bumper Sticker, an Enameled Pin....

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Remember when Dilbert was funny? Neither do I. It's just office culture generalizations. Scott Adams and his idol in the Space X outfit can just sit and watch their fortunes dwindle. It is what one finds out after 'fooling around.'

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I love this recap idea...sadly our memories are short, especially with the overwhelming amount of information to digest daily. The worst players are exposed for 15 minutes then on to the next disaster. We need reminders of how we got to this place, and how we survived it. Hopefully it will stimulate a bit of introspection going forward into the new year, and how we can make a positive impact in this most important year upcoming. Action is not an option, it’s an imperative.

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thank you, Jeff, for "everyone is entitled to my own opinion"!

my new year's resolution was to become a paid subscriber, which I did last week.

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It is so unfortunate that the names Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gym Jordan have become commonplace in our national dialogue. Just the mention of their names evokes a feeling of a tongue depressor being shoved into the back of my throat for the sole purpose of making me gag.

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“A couple of real dipshits....” so many...so little space...

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I had completely forgotten about Scott Adams. Now if I could only forget about Gym Jordan.

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Living in a wingnut grievance bubble means paying a high price for shooting your mouth off. Don’t most of those fuckwits who live there always complain about the cost of living? Slow clap for Scott Adams proving once again that free speech does not mean you can diss people without consequences. Asshat.

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Those silly Republicans!

They can't believe that so many people are crossing the Southern Border.

It's their own fault.

To the desperate, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, these people around the world hear an invitation whenever they say "OPEN BORDER".

They're willing to endure the suffering of a long, long walk to the United States and all the hardships that may befall them on their trek. All for a better life for their families.

All they hear is "Come on on up. You're welcome here!"

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