Shouty half dressed Gym Jordan, little Donny fuck face, Rudy Colludy, three toes what’s her face, Wingnut Grievance Bubble! I love my new vocabulary! 😂
He’s the Scott Adams of Scott Adamses. And hasn’t ever acknowledged just where he strayed from the righteous path. He’s not Stephen Miller, but he’s certainly bad enough. “Trash takes itself out,” said some philosopher recently.
I worked in IT for over 4 decades, and I can think of only one person who was way too far to the right that it was downright scary. He really adored Susie Collins and commuinicated, so I think. I remember one time I was out on my motorcycle and got slowed down by about 20 or so antiabortion yokels with signs, and there he was, standing there with them. He looked embarrassed lol
yes, very rare to see a high IQ be so far to the my observation, it all boils down to education and upbringing (brainwashing) but even then, IT folks, doctors, engineers, rocket scientists etc. eventually get past all the early childhood toxic propaganda at some point....usually.
Not that guy.... he was still stuck with the old IT languages and tech while the rest of us moved on and adapted. We all kinda felt sorry for him lol Last I heard when the layoffs hit he moved out to somewhere in the Bible Belt type of country. Perhaps he will be happier there.
That fascist schmuck lived in a pretty much white people gated community about 30 minutes from where I live. Good riddance to his ass! Never found his cartoons remotely funny, anyway.
I've never, to this day, been able to square the idea of having a "grievance" with another country and then claiming that you're going to MAKE that sovereign country PAY for your supposed solution to YOUR grievance. It's another illustration of the absolute stupidity of the MAGAts. The first question if anyone on our side would have made a lying, bullshit claim like that would be, "How are you going to do that?"
Yup. I asked that question of trump all the time. He throws out words to his unintelligent supporters, and they just agree with whatever he says. How is it possible so many Americans lack critical thinking skills and believe his lies at face-value, no matter how preposterous?Perhaps they are just like trump - lacking basic human qualities like empathy, integrity, humor, kindness, etc., and they want an angry, ranting, violent man to "lead" them. Too bad we can't move them all to an island somewhere and let them have at it. Leave the rest of us alone to do good things.
Just watched an interview on CBC about the meeting with Blinken and MX's Obrador. The US is pressuring Mexico to "do something" at their southern border. Here's the quote from the journalist:
"Why should Mexico be doing the US's dirty business?"
Exactly! It would be akin to the US trying to stop its citizens from fleeing to Canada if Trump is re-elected. It is our problem NOT solved by "closing the border." They need more judges, more asylum hearings FASTER, and another tree to fall on Greg Abbott, who keeps human trafficking people to Chicago and New York without consequence!
MAGA Republicans don't really want to solve the immigration issues. They'd rather blame Democrats for not doing anything. I've yet to see them come up with anything to help.
Also, try not to read anything else on his Wiki page. He's a monstrous human -- probably since the tree. For example:
As attorney general, Abbott unsuccessfully defended Texas's ban on sex toys. He said Texas had a legitimate interest in "discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation."
What bull💩! Obama wasn’t in office and show the proof that either one interfered with Trump’s wall. The truth is that he and his team of nitwits were shoving the money for the wall in their pockets. They had no clue what to do other than grift and steal.
How many “infrastructure weeks” did we have under Trump? And what got done? NOTHING! Not one f’ing thing. He played golf and ripped off the government for the Secret Service accommodations in his hotels. Please stuff your comments where the sun doesn’t shine. Real Americans know the truth.
Watching the Scott Adams video made me sick. Success, money, abilities do not seem to have affected this person. The hate in his heart, the smugness with which he talks... all I can take some comfort in is what a miserable life he must have.
Good. Because I just asked one of the few past RWNJ ‘friends’ I still communicate with, and I use that word lightly if he was a part of that non-organized group… no response so far.
I resisted subscribing, but now i am all in. i started reading you every day, and i thought, this political writer deserves to get paid. I didnt know about Dilbert and i had forgotten about Jim Jordan trip. Thank you!
when I wrote this last February, my substack was only four months old, and this is the first piece I consider "successful" in that it was widely-read, widely-commented-on, and caused a lot of people to sign up for the daily emails. I'm happy to know people are still enjoying it
February 2023 was before I found you, so I was glad to read one of your past posts. I wish I could easily find it now, but you were the ONLY Substack that I immediately became a paid subscriber based on reading just one column. I like a man who can get 30 or 40 fucks per gallon. Happy New Year, Jeff!
So true! I think my first substack subscribe was Robert Reich, who also lives in Berkeley, but my second was Jeff's (though I don't remember how I saw it). I did remember him from Twitter, though.
last I read you had 48,000 emails sending out, and X amount of subs from that... that is outstanding....I take it your numbers have grown since then...and well deserved...
I read the newsletter for a month or so wondering if I would subscribe as well. The final push to subscribe was the interaction of all the commenters. I found my peeps - my snarky, mocking, same sense of humor gang that could all speak my language with a trip leader to kick off every day. What internet bliss from the comfort of my little section of the world connected to others of like mind. It's like Christmas every day. Best gang I've ever joined!
Totally agree. I love this little community. Lots of like minded people! And Jeff, our fearless leader, I am so thankful for his irreverence! For the first time I was reading someone who said what I was thinking in the same manner in which I was thinking it. 😝
Remember when Dilbert was funny? Neither do I. It's just office culture generalizations. Scott Adams and his idol in the Space X outfit can just sit and watch their fortunes dwindle. It is what one finds out after 'fooling around.'
I'm glad you said that because I never thought it was funny, or enlightening, or anything. Then finding out what a racist ass Scott Adams is makes it easier to dismiss.
Dilbert never made me laugh or chuckle, or even smile. It was an incessantly DUMB strip that had no real effort behind it, and now we see why. Scott Adams was too busy moving into a white enclave because he was so MAD about "supporting" Black people, and it not "paying off." What an incandescent asshole.
I love this recap idea...sadly our memories are short, especially with the overwhelming amount of information to digest daily. The worst players are exposed for 15 minutes then on to the next disaster. We need reminders of how we got to this place, and how we survived it. Hopefully it will stimulate a bit of introspection going forward into the new year, and how we can make a positive impact in this most important year upcoming. Action is not an option, it’s an imperative.
It sure is and we do need the constant reminder how much more things would go to shit if the mango madman and his disturbed disciples are reelected. The threat and consequences of this nightmare scenario are real and this info needs to bombard the airwaves between now and November. Unfortunately, the MSM is too concerned about their revenue and not the reality of how horrific another big win by the GOP would be.
I have to disagree, I don’t know what MSM you watch or what time of day; but I happen to think the evening journalists on msnbc do a great job of ringing the alarm on this authoritarianism pretty much every day.
And they had the 90” Special of Chris Hayes & Rachel Maddow discussing her book Prequel about how prior to WWII we had Nazi/Hitler fans here, German interference in our elections, Senators on Hitler’s payroll mailing out propaganda to Americans. The hopeful part is how a few ordinary Americans exposed & stopped them, & we CAN do it again.
Over the Christmas/New Year’s holidays, they have re-aired it 2-3x
It is so unfortunate that the names Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gym Jordan have become commonplace in our national dialogue. Just the mention of their names evokes a feeling of a tongue depressor being shoved into the back of my throat for the sole purpose of making me gag.
Living in a wingnut grievance bubble means paying a high price for shooting your mouth off. Don’t most of those fuckwits who live there always complain about the cost of living? Slow clap for Scott Adams proving once again that free speech does not mean you can diss people without consequences. Asshat.
They can't believe that so many people are crossing the Southern Border.
It's their own fault.
To the desperate, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, these people around the world hear an invitation whenever they say "OPEN BORDER".
They're willing to endure the suffering of a long, long walk to the United States and all the hardships that may befall them on their trek. All for a better life for their families.
All they hear is "Come on on up. You're welcome here!"
Fox Noise daily chyrons since Jan. 21st 2021 ;; " The border is wide open! ". You're so right - what did they expect immigrants would do after hearing that?
Shouty half dressed Gym Jordan, little Donny fuck face, Rudy Colludy, three toes what’s her face, Wingnut Grievance Bubble! I love my new vocabulary! 😂
Where did MTG's "three toes" name come from? I missed that origin story :-P
Sporkfoot for short!
Her feet look like sporks
A photo of MTG barefoot surfaced when the photographer accidentally focused on her seemingly deformed, webbed feet. Gristlefoot
She was on a beach? I assume just coming in from the depths of the nearest ocean.
She needs to be studied by biologists to determine her genetic origins. Crab? Mollusk? Catfish? All bottom-feeders.
I love how funny commenters on this page are!
It happened after someone summoned Cthulhu, the ancient one. Or was she the Sydney Powell Kraken. I am so confused!
He’s the Scott Adams of Scott Adamses. And hasn’t ever acknowledged just where he strayed from the righteous path. He’s not Stephen Miller, but he’s certainly bad enough. “Trash takes itself out,” said some philosopher recently.
I never thought Dilbert was that funny, anyways. Give me Berke Breathed's Bloom County any day of the week.
Ack. Thbbft.
I worked in IT for over 4 decades, and I can think of only one person who was way too far to the right that it was downright scary. He really adored Susie Collins and commuinicated, so I think. I remember one time I was out on my motorcycle and got slowed down by about 20 or so antiabortion yokels with signs, and there he was, standing there with them. He looked embarrassed lol
yes, very rare to see a high IQ be so far to the my observation, it all boils down to education and upbringing (brainwashing) but even then, IT folks, doctors, engineers, rocket scientists etc. eventually get past all the early childhood toxic propaganda at some point....usually.
Not that guy.... he was still stuck with the old IT languages and tech while the rest of us moved on and adapted. We all kinda felt sorry for him lol Last I heard when the layoffs hit he moved out to somewhere in the Bible Belt type of country. Perhaps he will be happier there.
Oh Im sure he will fit in nicely out there...
That fascist schmuck lived in a pretty much white people gated community about 30 minutes from where I live. Good riddance to his ass! Never found his cartoons remotely funny, anyway.
Out of mealy-mouthed MAGAwingnut Moron Taylor Greene......
"(Fraud) Trump's wall was only going to cost $22 Billion, but Congress failed to fund it"
Hey, if I'm recalling this correctly, (Fraud) Trump said:
a) I'm going to build a wall!
b) Mexico is going to pay for it!
Well, neither of those things happened, so, would I be right to assume that (Fraud) Trump is a bold-faced liar?
He would've built it, but Hillary Clinton ruined it with her emails. Plus Obama, just cuz Obama.
Yeah, yeah! AND John McCain!!
I've never, to this day, been able to square the idea of having a "grievance" with another country and then claiming that you're going to MAKE that sovereign country PAY for your supposed solution to YOUR grievance. It's another illustration of the absolute stupidity of the MAGAts. The first question if anyone on our side would have made a lying, bullshit claim like that would be, "How are you going to do that?"
With your help, I just coined "Shitupidy"!
Meh, I spelled it wrong. Whatever...
Idk, I kind of like it
Yup. I asked that question of trump all the time. He throws out words to his unintelligent supporters, and they just agree with whatever he says. How is it possible so many Americans lack critical thinking skills and believe his lies at face-value, no matter how preposterous?Perhaps they are just like trump - lacking basic human qualities like empathy, integrity, humor, kindness, etc., and they want an angry, ranting, violent man to "lead" them. Too bad we can't move them all to an island somewhere and let them have at it. Leave the rest of us alone to do good things.
Just watched an interview on CBC about the meeting with Blinken and MX's Obrador. The US is pressuring Mexico to "do something" at their southern border. Here's the quote from the journalist:
"Why should Mexico be doing the US's dirty business?"
Exactly! It would be akin to the US trying to stop its citizens from fleeing to Canada if Trump is re-elected. It is our problem NOT solved by "closing the border." They need more judges, more asylum hearings FASTER, and another tree to fall on Greg Abbott, who keeps human trafficking people to Chicago and New York without consequence!
MAGA Republicans don't really want to solve the immigration issues. They'd rather blame Democrats for not doing anything. I've yet to see them come up with anything to help.
Another tree? One has already fallen on him? haha
The tale is that's how he ended up in the wheelchair.
Also, try not to read anything else on his Wiki page. He's a monstrous human -- probably since the tree. For example:
As attorney general, Abbott unsuccessfully defended Texas's ban on sex toys. He said Texas had a legitimate interest in "discouraging prurient interests in autonomous sex and the pursuit of sexual gratification unrelated to procreation."
Ugh! Disgusting man.
Along with Obama’s tan suit...
And--first amendment!! Can't forget that crucial reason.
What bull💩! Obama wasn’t in office and show the proof that either one interfered with Trump’s wall. The truth is that he and his team of nitwits were shoving the money for the wall in their pockets. They had no clue what to do other than grift and steal.
How many “infrastructure weeks” did we have under Trump? And what got done? NOTHING! Not one f’ing thing. He played golf and ripped off the government for the Secret Service accommodations in his hotels. Please stuff your comments where the sun doesn’t shine. Real Americans know the truth.
That would be correct!
Watching the Scott Adams video made me sick. Success, money, abilities do not seem to have affected this person. The hate in his heart, the smugness with which he talks... all I can take some comfort in is what a miserable life he must have.
I can't even watch it, I'll take everyone's word for it. I just can't stand to listen to Wingnuts anymore.
The ignorance of the white privilege that he enjoys is really something.
“Wingnut Grievance Bubble”, love it. I’m using it, if you don’t mind?
of course I don't mind
Good. Because I just asked one of the few past RWNJ ‘friends’ I still communicate with, and I use that word lightly if he was a part of that non-organized group… no response so far.
Me, too.
I had forgotten about MTG and her 6 BILLION comment... Christ on a cracker, she's a moron. 🤦♀️
(See, all these remembrances would make a great book.)
Christ on a cracker??? I love that! hahahahaha
I resisted subscribing, but now i am all in. i started reading you every day, and i thought, this political writer deserves to get paid. I didnt know about Dilbert and i had forgotten about Jim Jordan trip. Thank you!
when I wrote this last February, my substack was only four months old, and this is the first piece I consider "successful" in that it was widely-read, widely-commented-on, and caused a lot of people to sign up for the daily emails. I'm happy to know people are still enjoying it
February 2023 was before I found you, so I was glad to read one of your past posts. I wish I could easily find it now, but you were the ONLY Substack that I immediately became a paid subscriber based on reading just one column. I like a man who can get 30 or 40 fucks per gallon. Happy New Year, Jeff!
Jeff's substack was the first one that I immediately got a paid subscription to as well. It's been so worth the money!!!
So true! I think my first substack subscribe was Robert Reich, who also lives in Berkeley, but my second was Jeff's (though I don't remember how I saw it). I did remember him from Twitter, though.
last I read you had 48,000 emails sending out, and X amount of subs from that... that is outstanding....I take it your numbers have grown since then...and well deserved...
I read the newsletter for a month or so wondering if I would subscribe as well. The final push to subscribe was the interaction of all the commenters. I found my peeps - my snarky, mocking, same sense of humor gang that could all speak my language with a trip leader to kick off every day. What internet bliss from the comfort of my little section of the world connected to others of like mind. It's like Christmas every day. Best gang I've ever joined!
Wendy, I feel the same way! The conversations here are funny and stimulating! Everyone here gives me hope.
I'm right there with you. I don't have much to give but because it matters to have comrades in thought, I give it happily. I like laughing ....
Totally agree. I love this little community. Lots of like minded people! And Jeff, our fearless leader, I am so thankful for his irreverence! For the first time I was reading someone who said what I was thinking in the same manner in which I was thinking it. 😝
Good on you, Rosemary. My sentiments exactly. 2024 promises many more!
Welcome, Rosemary.
::in a world of Scott Adamses, be a Charles Schulz::
This belongs on a T-Shirt, a Bumper Sticker, an Enameled Pin....
In a world of Kim Kardashians be a Taylor Swift.
My t shirt is going to read LEFTIST VERMIN....
Could it have "...and Rebel Scum!" on the back?
I already have one of those. I’m going to wear it out in 2024.
Remember when Dilbert was funny? Neither do I. It's just office culture generalizations. Scott Adams and his idol in the Space X outfit can just sit and watch their fortunes dwindle. It is what one finds out after 'fooling around.'
I'm glad you said that because I never thought it was funny, or enlightening, or anything. Then finding out what a racist ass Scott Adams is makes it easier to dismiss.
I have to say I did think it was funny and was really sad and shocked to see the racist video he posted.
Dilbert never made me laugh or chuckle, or even smile. It was an incessantly DUMB strip that had no real effort behind it, and now we see why. Scott Adams was too busy moving into a white enclave because he was so MAD about "supporting" Black people, and it not "paying off." What an incandescent asshole.
Well, I like to know what the hell he did exactly to “support Black people”
Did he donate to orgs that are working on intervening early to prevent violence? Or set up a scholarship fund for disadvantaged kids?
I love this recap idea...sadly our memories are short, especially with the overwhelming amount of information to digest daily. The worst players are exposed for 15 minutes then on to the next disaster. We need reminders of how we got to this place, and how we survived it. Hopefully it will stimulate a bit of introspection going forward into the new year, and how we can make a positive impact in this most important year upcoming. Action is not an option, it’s an imperative.
It sure is and we do need the constant reminder how much more things would go to shit if the mango madman and his disturbed disciples are reelected. The threat and consequences of this nightmare scenario are real and this info needs to bombard the airwaves between now and November. Unfortunately, the MSM is too concerned about their revenue and not the reality of how horrific another big win by the GOP would be.
I have to disagree, I don’t know what MSM you watch or what time of day; but I happen to think the evening journalists on msnbc do a great job of ringing the alarm on this authoritarianism pretty much every day.
And they had the 90” Special of Chris Hayes & Rachel Maddow discussing her book Prequel about how prior to WWII we had Nazi/Hitler fans here, German interference in our elections, Senators on Hitler’s payroll mailing out propaganda to Americans. The hopeful part is how a few ordinary Americans exposed & stopped them, & we CAN do it again.
Over the Christmas/New Year’s holidays, they have re-aired it 2-3x
thank you, Jeff, for "everyone is entitled to my own opinion"!
my new year's resolution was to become a paid subscriber, which I did last week.
Good on you.
It is so unfortunate that the names Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gym Jordan have become commonplace in our national dialogue. Just the mention of their names evokes a feeling of a tongue depressor being shoved into the back of my throat for the sole purpose of making me gag.
“A couple of real dipshits....” so little space...
I had completely forgotten about Scott Adams. Now if I could only forget about Gym Jordan.
IKR? That video is dated in February 2023, and it feels like it happened five years ago! WAY too much NEWS these days.
Living in a wingnut grievance bubble means paying a high price for shooting your mouth off. Don’t most of those fuckwits who live there always complain about the cost of living? Slow clap for Scott Adams proving once again that free speech does not mean you can diss people without consequences. Asshat.
Those silly Republicans!
They can't believe that so many people are crossing the Southern Border.
It's their own fault.
To the desperate, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, these people around the world hear an invitation whenever they say "OPEN BORDER".
They're willing to endure the suffering of a long, long walk to the United States and all the hardships that may befall them on their trek. All for a better life for their families.
All they hear is "Come on on up. You're welcome here!"
Fox Noise daily chyrons since Jan. 21st 2021 ;; " The border is wide open! ". You're so right - what did they expect immigrants would do after hearing that?