You are so right about both Warhol and Trump ... both weird as fuck

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Buenos Dias everyone. You may be right about the moron’s boxes’ random shit being similar to Warhol’s. But my take on it from the beginning has been this: Remember in the movie Animal House a couple of underage characters wanting booze went into a liquor store to try and trick the man behind the counter into accidentally selling them alcohol ?

It went like this - “I’ll take a couple of packs of this chewing gum, a few of those candy bars, one of these combs and couple of those packs of cookies, a pint of that Smirnoff, and how about a few of these packages of breath mints. “ The kid would point at each thing all in the hopes of confusing the guy, while looking innocent at the same time.

I think that this is what the moron was hoping to do , create confusion and look incompetent and innocent while doing it.

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I guess in a nutshell what I am saying, is he was attempting "a sleight of hand."

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American Graffiti

It was Toad. Trying to get a bottle of Old Harper.

Classic scene...

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Ok so there was a time when I looked at Andy as a sort of muse. And, I admit to random boxes of stuff in my basement I mean to go through. BUT. You working at the Factory?!’ Now THAT is some cool shit.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023Author

98% of the time it was just a regular old job. but someday I'll tell the story of mistaking Ron Reagan Jr. for a messenger I'd called to come pick up a package I needed delivered

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Haaaaaaaaaaaa (Ron R jr). My uncle was RR sr.'s Chief of Staff when he was gov then went on to become a cabinet member in several positions, but I digress. We met Ron jr in Sacramento as a very entitled chap (I was maybe 10 years old at the time). He was WAY too cool to be associated with all of us cousins. Kinda the same attitude he has on those atheist commercials, TBH.

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I would love to be able to tell you that Ron Jr. was a terrible person but actually he was very nice, and his wife, who worked at the desk next to mine, was even nicer. I have nothing bad to say about either of them. but don't get me started on his parents

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I worked for an entertainment firm and mistook James Brolin for a messenger. This was in his long hair Amityville Horror days.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I'm ok with them being "his" boxes. The FBI should return them, EMPTY!

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Trump was in the White House for four years. There are a great many valuable art works and other historically valuable things throughout the the first house.

After reading about these examples of Pack-Rat-ism I have to wonder what and how many, if at all, of these smaller items of value made their way into Trump's boxes, that have not been accounted for or noticed as missing.

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Quite early on in his term, WH cleaning staff reported things missing--likely his nefarious pals helping themselves to America's artifacts!

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Actually, don’t give two shits and a flying fuck whether the boxes contained his skid-marked underwear or his smelly golf shoes. The fact is that his justification for ignoring subpoenas was that he was too fucking busy to sort through the boxes. And that’s what I hope buries that lying, corrupt, orange blob. If he had time to play golf...and time to hold rallies...and time to stuff his fat orange face with hamburgers...and time to post his bull shit on Truth Social ad nauseam...then he had plenty of fucking time to comply with the FBI, or Jack Smith, or whoever demanded that he dig through our nuclear documents to find his fucking dentures. He needs to spend the rest of his deplorable life in a prison cell. And maybe while he’s there, he’ll learn some fucking time management skills.

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Fucking A!! Stephanie!! Woohoo great post! Right there with you sister 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 My Give A Shit Meter is on EMPTY! I have ZERO FUCKS to GIVE about that Orange Shit Stain

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I’m right there with you! And I’m sick to death of his moronic Nazi supporters!

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So we'll written & couldn't agree more.

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I heard that tfg mixed and shuffled stuff in some kind of evil genius scheme (or moronic scheme that somebody told him an evil genius would do) to keep some amount of plausible deniability/protection over his mixed piles but afaik discoverable is discoverable even if it needs to be sieved

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You made me google Andy Warhol’s Boxes. JFC.

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Just hanging around today waiting to see if the Wagner guy makes through the day and if Putin even shows his face.

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I am pretty sure he knows they will try.

Will be interesting to watch.

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He'll be taken out by morning!

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I remember when Trump called the White House "a real dump." It was not, nor was it ever a dump, until Donald Trump darkened the doorway with his sociopathic, narcissistic, moronic ass and overpopulated the place with his sycophantic minions.

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I've been inside the White House. it's not a dump. it's an 18th century residence furnished with 18th century furniture. there's nothing tacky or gold-plated in it and the rooms are appropriately-for-the-era small, so naturally the vulgar pig Trump would call it a dump.

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Of course, no chandeliers & gold toilets, go figure.

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And K Mart shower curtain and rod.

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His talent is convincing the low info doing my own research morons and the cowards and ambitious members of " the grand old potty."

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I am very glad I subscribed to your opinion. I look forward to it. You made me laugh again today. Thanks.

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I Find myself going back-and-forth about whether TFG is a conniving, foxy, person with forethought and malice, or is it just moronic, impulsive, narcissistic behavior?

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I vote for Moron With Malice.

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The latter!

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The Orange Douche For Brains isn’t that bright but what HE definitely is: A Lying Scheming Grifting DickTaster who thought he could remain in power forever and his sycophantic wannabes would keep him there with the help from Russia.. what blows me away is his minions in the Repuklican Party are fully willing to die on his cross.. so the Orange Moldy Muffin can stay in power INDEFINITELY! Is this the Democracy our forefathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution?? They left England because of suppression of their voices.. they wanted a new start in a new land “The Home of the Free and the land of the Brave!” That Orange Melting Blubber Butt will NEVER allow America to be free. He wants to be the next Hitler Mussolini Putin. He wants to be KING. FOREVER. We as Americans are on the precipice of losing every single thing we hold dear.. starting with our FREEDOM. Say that isn’t so?!?!! Seriously, he’s all about white is right and the rest can clean the toilets and be subservient to the “Masters” who deem it necessary to take away everyone else’s rights because we are seen as less than. Here’s just a sampling of what’s already been said: anyone of color: murderers and rapist, junkies welfare recipients a drain on the system. White people = privileged better education higher pay and easier loan approval investments savings and living in a higher socioeconomic lifestyle. Ok folks that’s in reality a minority except it’s in our faces 24/7. And the rest of us mere humans can suck it. WTAF has happened to our country. Because in reality there are more of US than there are of those DickTaterTots. Stand up Be Seen USE YOUR VOICE AND USE YOUR VOTE!! Be Brave and Be the CHANGE ! Together we can accomplish ANYTHING and WE ARE THE CREATORS of a

MORE EQUITABLE FUTURE. Make your voice heard and VOTE them OUT. Because that’s the ONLY way we can salvage our Country. GOD HELP US ALL.. cause we’re gonna need it

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So, Andy Warhol was a hoarder who could afford warehouses and boxes. Hoarding is a sad, fascinating condition. (Not saying he wasn't weird, too.)

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Andy Warhol always looked to me like Charlie McCarthy had somehow morphed into human form. 😳

As for what I'm up to today. It's a scorcher in Kansas City so I'm indoors with my four cats watching a YouTube video of ducks. They love their cat TV. 🐈 Later I am going to a memorial gathering for a childhood friend.

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You have my deepest condolences on the loss of your friend. I've done that for two this year and it's wrenching. <3

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Just hanging out on my patio in San Diego. It’s going to be mid-70s. No humidity. I know, right? California dreamin. My hats off to those of you who are living blue in a red state. I don’t know how you do it. ✊🏻

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I miss San Diego.. I used to live in La Costa and my eldest was at college in SD.. I miss Juanita’s

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