
the usual caveat applies: I am not a lawyer — I just play one in my mind

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Well, at least Steve Bannon has to report to prison on July first! 🥳

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I won’t believe Bannon is reporting to prison until it happens!

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Do we know which facility he'll be in? If these traitors get country club prisons, it will be another slap in the face to us.

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and before July 2 he'll have a "boyfriend."

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If he can find one who will put up with his decaying body. Eeewww, all those nasty bits falling all around.

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Yes, he's like the human version of leprosy.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks for that mental picture /s

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An involuntary boyfriend… not mutually attracted

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The absolute perfect, perfect soooooo perfect for him.

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I’d bring up the old canard about not bending over to pick up the bar of soap in the shower, but that would incorrectly assume that Bannon showers.

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There's a phrase - "eating the salad', it means anal oral sex. I hope he eats lots of salad.

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The drunken asshole looked as if he actually shaved, somewhat, for his court appearance. Post court appearance I loved the guy who was behind the staggering buffoon with the LOCK HIM UP sign!

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Hopefully, he'll remember to take a box of tampons with him for date night.

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Oh My God!!!!!!!

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Ha! I do too. Not a lawyer, but worked in legal field for 30+ years. Never wanted to be one, because I had a life and many don’t.

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Me three! Thirty + years. My first legal gig was working at Bill Gates' dad's law firm. He was a stellar man. RIP.

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Wow! I’ve worked for firms, corporations and the 9th Circuit.

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Between this bat-shit crazy bitch, overturning Roe v Wade, Texas being Texas and the MAGATS voting down the right to contraceptives I'm ready to burn this whole fucking patriarchy to the fucking ground. We ride at dawn! Who's with me??

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And now the Georgia case in on hold. I’m so fucking furious with this bullshit!!!!

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This shit just blows my damn mind

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I’m really tired of being angry and outraged.

And don’t get me started on Alito and Thomas.

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I told my daughter last night I'm old, I'm tired and I don't give a fuck any more. I'm looking out for me and mine.

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Got ya right where they want ya. But I understand. I’m older than Biden and from what the media is reporting that must mean I’m dead because he’s the oldest person on earth.

Yes, I’m exhausted from it all too. Seems like it’s all Trump all the time.

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The Orange Ape get clicks, even hate-clicks count, so they give us more.

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That’s my attitude as well! Stay well 🌷

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The more shit that comes out, the angrier I get

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I’m still fighting. Donating & writing postcards. One can certainly take a break but we need to keep up the fight until its all over

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We need to be in the streets fighting for democracy instead of just waiting politely for our turn to vote.

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Soooo tired of polite Dems. Thank heaven for Eric Swallwell…. He stood up and stood tall in the House. He did not get vulgar and dishonest and low. It he made the point. We need like 50 more people to do this

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Meryl-totally agree. Eric Swalwell is fantastic!

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He's young, attractive and smart. Maybe a presidential candidate someday? That is if we don't end up with a dictator in November.

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Arne-He DID run. 2019. I didn’t know enough about him. I did like him so if he ran again, he’d have my support!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

We need to swing Eric Swalwell over... he's GOP. Oops! My dementia is showing! That's twice in 2 days that I have confused him with Adam Kinzinger!! SORRY!

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I’m with you Mama ,I’ll not let these make believe Americans drag me down !

I want to see this through and piss on their moldering corpses!🇺🇸😤

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I am at my wits end this evening. Traitors appointed to the intelligence committee, assholes taking away women’s right to control their bodies, (I guess condoms and viagra are history, too) shit face fangirl cannon submitting herself to convicted felon 34 and so much more. I am writing postcards, letters, donating money, helping people register to vote and I still have absolutely no fucking control over any of this Republican whackadoodle bullshit. I need a short break from reality so it’s time to bury myself in another book about the rock group Queen. Sorry-not sorry for the rant.

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Oh but a question…could Jack Smith drop the charges and refile or would there have to be another indictment process?

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I'm totally on board. Dammit! This is all such bullshit.

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Me! 😡 this is so freaking frustrating!

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I'll bring snacks and water

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I’ll bring bourbon 😂

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We're gonna need that! ✌️

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Lots of it!!

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Right there with you on the out rage and ready to burn the whole patriarchy down. These fuckers have to go!

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Yesterday there was a vote in the Senate about protecting access to birth control, which the Rethugs voted against, of course. These fkers are going to pay in ROEvember.

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They sure are. As Jeff likes to say “fuck around and fucking find out” and they will definitely find out and feel the burn in Rovember!

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Lord, hear our plea. Let the women rise up in fury and vote, vote, vote Blue.

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And the men who love us, because it is going to take all of an informed electorate.

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Count me in!!😡

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Freaking ALL OF US.

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Let’s go!!!!!!!

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I'm going to go buy a horse, tack, and a torch! What is our battle cry? 🤔 I just turned 74, and I am ready to roll!

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82 here. I’ll roll you ! If I can’t do a horse, I’ll do a golf cart 👍😂

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71 here and CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE STILL FIGHTING THIS FUCKING FIGHT! But oh yeah, I'm even angrier now! I'm going to buy one of those three-wheeled scooters though

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Paris Paloma " Labour" The lyrics give me chills and then enraged me. What a fantastic song

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Read the lyrics last week to get context for an article I was reading but didn't go listen at the time so thanks for the reminder. You do not understate--a GREAT song. With 26M views on YouTube, I think a lot of people are right there with you.

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I’d like to take a blowtorch to all the red states to start!

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Start with the politicians and Fox (so-called) news that is who is poisoning them.

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I'll see if I can find an extra ❤️

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I'm in!! But can we make it more like 10:30? I'm kind of a night owl

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Me too ! 😂

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I’m right there with you Dawna…

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That sounds like what (some) MAGATs are saying

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There's a difference between "hatred" and "standing up to hatred." It's very much not the same thing.

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I’ve got a bullhorn, a crowbar, and a blinding laser light. Let’s go!

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Fighting "the patriarchy" is like having a fistfight with fog.

It was pointlessness like this that destroyed feminism just as it was beginning to make progress,

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Why, in the name of all that is holy, does this shitfuck get away with this? We need some very good, strong news, because this stuff is beyond demoralizing. You're so right... any one of us would have already been in jail... but this convicted felon walks. Jack Smith has got to be frustrated. We need to vote them ALL out in a decisive victory in November. I hate everybody. Except you guys. ✌️💙

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It’s obvious that the POS Fangirl is getting instructions/advice from some MAGA hack pro-Putin organization like the Federalists or Justices Alito and Thomas. She’s too stupid and inexperienced to figure any of this fuckery out on her own.

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Somebody who has been studying just how weak the guardrails are if you just continually crime & don’t ever give in 😞

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I agree with you, Sarah. ARRRGGHHHH!!

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No doubt !💯💯💯

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I read this today and I don't remember who wrote it. In short, stupidity became fashionable, hostility to knowledge acceptable, and challenging the ignorant deplorable. We have a very serious stupidity crisis. Our political culture is a reflection of our general culture. We're in trouble.

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Thats exactly right, Lisa. Scary stuff.

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The authoritarians in the world (Putin, Xi, Orban, Kim etc) are hoping Americans will get so frustrated that they will just throw up their hands and give up-get even more apathetic & not vote or vote for 3rd party so we have to stand up to the bullies or they win

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Couldnt agree more... I never thought I'd see things get this fucked up. 🤦‍♀️

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He's really good at getting enablers

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True, and he is so low and disgusting. What is his magic? I just don't understand.

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Racism, he lets them be the worst selves, and they love him for it.

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I want to slap the smug off her face.

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I want to punch her in her face!

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She has a punchable face!

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Her eyes less than a millimeter away from being crossed. When she's asleep, each one moves independently. But when awake, she can usually control this feature.

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She does look like a demented chameleon. (with apologies to chameleons.)

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Thank you Jeff. You know I always have something to say. But I just can't. Cannon, the nonsense in Georgia, and the Supreme Grifters of the US have raised my blood pressure to dangerously high levels.

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Every time some numbnuts troll says MAGA or Trump 2024, I’m going to post a screen shot of this, Trump getting his ass kicked

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👍🏼They can get a preview of seeing FELON trump’s ass kicked.

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This is all being done with intent. Judge Fangirl is surely getting advice from right wing legal hacks. This is the most agregious of Donny Fuckface's crimes. She needs to go.😡😡

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If I were a reporter, I’d hire a real pro to tail Aileen Cannon 24x7. See who she meets and hear what she says in public. Go through her trash. Catch her. Every criminal eventually screws up. She’s getting help - and maybe more than advice. Promises for promotion.

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Clarence Thomas is my guess. So it plays straightforward to the SCAMUS.

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He's in on it. Along with Leonard Leo.

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This Cannon shit is getting old. It's like the entire judicial world from top to bottom has the bought and paid for, unethical, crooked as fuck judges who will do whatever it takes to take care of the criminals they are instructed to assist. Now the orange turd gets another ruling in his favor from the high court in Georgia to further delay his trial there. The 34 convictions in NY was a big deal but all of this stalling bullshit like SCOTUS deciding if he's immune from his Jan. 6 crimes is beyond belief.

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This demented dame wants to wear us all out, so we just give up and crawl away to die. Hang on, we will win!

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I sure hope so considering her husband has ties to a mobster who's a big Trump supporter. It's like follow the money.

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Thom Hartmann reminded me that Traitor Tot was denied a casino license in Las Vegas because of his mob ties.

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Go figure. Always surrounding himself with the best people; mobsters, Manafort, Putin, etc. The list is endless.

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Wow, I bet that was a huge blow to his ego.

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Doesn't Clarence Thomas oversee the 11th? That's how she gets away with her foot-dragging.

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Holy shit I forgot about that. 😡🤬

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I know his refusal to return the documents happened in Florida, but wasn’t it a crime to take them? Can’t he be charged for something in DC?

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as I understand it, when Trump flew off from DC before Biden was inaugurated, he was still president and allowed to posses classifies docs. he landed in FL as a private citizen, so that's where the crime took place

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I would love to know how Jack Smith is feeling about all of this. I’d blow a gasket

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Jack Smith is clearly one of the toughest human beings who has ever walked the Earth. He will never give up.

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And he’s damn smart too

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He took a lot of these documents long before he flew off to Mar-a-Lardo. I imagine that he had hundreds of them stashed at Bedminster as well but we all know those are keeping Ivana's ashes warm. It doesn't take 10 pallbearers to carry a coffin with her ashes inside. I just hope the FBI has constant surveillance on her grave.

As for Cannon, well I hope someday Karma comes to her doorstep. She's obstructing justice and getting away with it and the country deserves better.

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Right. News reports showed Ivana Trump's pallbearers struggling with her casket. Her weight was 105 lbs!! WTAF? And not one of her adult children spoke up about her burial at a golf club, which news reports said would get #OrangeTurd a tax write-off. Not even Ivanka "NO WAY! Mom gets a dignified funeral and service!" 🦗🦗🦗

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Maybe she and her mob husband can rat everyone out and live miserably in witness protection like in Goodfellas. Getting her ass kicked when she tries to Karen.

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So he MUST have been advised on that by an attorney!

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Damn! That is really so annoying.

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deletedJun 6
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Yes, and it's in federal court. Cannon is a federal judge.

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Or what passes as a Federal Judge nowadays!

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I'm not sure of the answer to that question, but when he was in the white house, he did what the fuck he wanted to do, all the time. So, you can bet everyone else did the same, hence there were no rules as long as the lunatic was happy. Also, it's a big part of the reason we're in the mess we're in now.

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Can anyone above her legally pull her off this case ?

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not until she does something Jack Smith can appeal

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I suspect Thomas is coaching her. She is too dumb to come up with these delays on her own.

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I suspect his puppet-masters are coaching her Thomas is not very good at lawyering.

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For sure JR

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JRR-Good point & I agree!

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The laws have to be rewritten to enforce common sense compliance with their intended spirit,this blatant misuse is an insult to the American people!

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When we take the election in November,a MILE LONG “TO DO LIST “would be a great first 100 day kick off agenda !🤬

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What about Gym Jordan why isn’t he held in contempt of Congress for ignoring his subpoena ?

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Ha! I initially read your comment as " can anyone above her legally pull off her face.?" I've since cleaned my glasses.

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She is a true believer. Her background suggests she thinks Dems are all socialists and communists. These types who escaped Cuba (like her mother) like reactionary strong men who suppress liberals. Fuck her.

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Still not sure why they did not search Bedminster. There must be a shit ton of stolen classified docs there, & NJ would be much more amenable to getting this case one & done. And once again, nothing can be done! I hope everywhere Loose Cannon goes that her life is made miserable.

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She needs to be wearing klan robes.

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It's all political.

The Republicans are clear, they want to steal the country from We the People and get back to the Golden Gilded Age.

Judges were appointed and here we are.

I will vote 💙.

My family will vote 💙

We are not divided.

Anger for the actions, of the Republican party is over.

Now I wait for The Democratic Party to Shout from Rooftops

It's a start seeing VP Harris's interview with Kimmel.

More of that.

Good Day.

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How is it possible that the orange shitbag has been able to wrangle his way out of all of this? It is maddening!

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He’s done it his entire life.

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Dirtbag appeals to the rich and wannabe famous like the billionaires in Silicon Valley who are going to hold a fundraiser for him. I am sure he’ll promise them more tax breaks.

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