RFK Jr's brain worm would have made for a much lighter topic, but I thought it was important to address the Fangirl Fuckery. I promise, Funny Jeff will be back as soon as he can
The dim witted Cannon has surely been getting advice and orders from some Federalist/2025 fascist creeps. What she has done is so insidious and vile, using everything in a judge’s powers to usurp justice and let the orange fart face go free. My heart can’t take all this stress, I don’t want to hate but my outrage is boiling over on a daily basis.
Boom Boom Cannon has been pulling this shit since day one and her inability to be impartial couldn't be more obvious. Interesting how the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is overseen by the most corrupt and unethical asshole SCOTUS justice, cross-eyed Clarence Thomas. Perhaps he's coaching Cannon as we wait for this trial to proceed and his shady treasonous wife to finally be indicted.
Sarah! This creepy drump has managed my HEART to attack me 3 times since he became the nominee LAST time. I am on my way to the cardio office for a 4th STINT to be added to my heart functioning. It is so truly DIFFICULT to get the image of himself in the OVAL as he DID occasionally the last time.
I find that HATING him doesn't help me personally, but I keep posting the way I feel and making myself live to NOV to vote BLUE as always, and if the bastard wins the EC, am checking off the planet. At 87 by Nov., I will NOT live under his EVILNESS and loss of our country.
As FDR said: "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have MUCH; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
I can readily understand that. As Trump was about to be inaugurated, I clenched my teeth so hard I dislocated my jaw. It's never gotten back to 'normal' since!
The entire country has not returned to normal since then. Having Biden as President and a Democratic majority in the Senate certainly help, but as long as Dumbass Donny and the maggots are still in existence, this country will never return to ‘normal’.
Whatever 'normal' means. Our history is replete with crazies, secessionists, and intractable political differences. Still, you're right, Trump is an aberration.
Cordeliane...I am not planning to, but thanks for the encouragement. If my bod would just listen to my BRAIN, and not HATE TRUMP, I might do better, but when people tell me to let it GO, that seems to irritate me more. Hence, I have now decided that I feel better when I call the gop what it is...the NAZI Party of 'merica.
What I do know is that Hitler staged a coup, and got a 5 year sentence instead of an execution, then he went on to a life of relative luxury in prison and his sentence was cut to 9 months. Why do these traitorous criminals get so many breaks? Trump is telling us he has a list he wants to go after. In this series, Rise and Fall of the Nazis in Episode 3, you can see what Hitler does to the people on his list right when he gets in.
I assume on Trump's list are Biden, Harris, Lis Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and a whole bunch of people testifying and on juries right now. Also any judge that allows a trial.
Same, my heart and soul are tired. Angry Jeff wrote: “and then we will all have the pleasure of seeing those guilty verdicts for Trump in 2025 — and watching him go down once and for all.” it just seems endless. How many “next years” do we have to keep waiting for until something catches up to this disgusting diaper wearing fascist asshole? Right now waiting for another year to roll around before justice is served is just plain torture.
Trump has been evading accountability for decades of fraud, usually by buying his way out of it every time. He can't do that in these cases, so he's turning to delaying tactics. That takes a lot of lawyering, and that takes a lot of money. Since Trump never pays anything out of his own pocket, that means using donations and campaign funds, which is why the RNC has little money to spare for ads and the all-essential ground game. He's just kicking the accountability can down the road.
Hoping the RNC will have zero dollars for any ads and the “all-essential ground game” for any of the upcoming elections, bringing the RNC to its knees. They will be known as the FAFO party by the choices they made. Hehehe
No need to worry here, I have the perfect solution. I am willing to take over Miz Cannon's position at a moment's notice. Did I go to law school? Not that I remember. Have I ever been a sitting judge? No, but I've been judging people like she does and like her buddies while standing up for years, and many people are saying I would make a wonderful judge. Do I have any legal education? Well, HELL YES!! One of my sons is a lawyer, I know several lawyers, and I watch Judge Judy every day. What more do people want??? Please reach out to me through my agent, who is a yellow dog Democrat and a fine rescue Labrador. Let's get this matter on the books, I can rule on these idiotic ideas in mere minutes!
You’ll take over for Cannon in 3 weeks after you complete your time assisting the DA in Manhattan on the court case against trump for his scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election by falsifying business records. It’s official, according to me.
Then you're obviously well qualified too! We will take you up on your kind offer and get together soon to discuss strategy. A niece and a son who are attorneys - what more do we need, especially since I watch Judge Judy????
Jack Smith has got to find a little known piece of legal history + a new crime associated with this case and rip the skin off of Cannon and Thomas. Like, they both scream "Eeek!!!" at the same time.
1) Since Trump was commander and chief, why not let the military tribunal mount its own classified military documents trial? Hey, if there's such a thing, JAG should be all over it.
2) Get a warrant to look into witness tampering and judge tampering by Trump. Remember how FBI figured out Trump staff was talking to Russia? Because the FBI listens to Russians and inadvertently heard Carter Page on the other line (I'm pretty sure it was Carter). So, it's logical to call out Trump for further criming along the lines of obstructing justice, witness tampering etc. Wouldn't it be interesting if in all the phone records gathered showed Federalist/2025 peeps talking to Cannon? IOW, catch Cannon by not directly attacking Cannon.
3) Figure out IF Cannon and Thomas are talking. Is that allowed?
4) File a motion that Thomas recuse himself and list out all the evidence and pending indictment for Ginni. Thomas would recuse himself yesterday with an indictment hanging over Ginni's head.
Fellow Jeff-heads, I know these are not "real" ideas, but the point is FIND A WAY. Find a fucking way to get back in control. Jack Smith can do it. Same with Fani. Fani should sue for invasion of privacy and sue for frivolous lawsuits. Because they are.
I'm so frustrated but there's too much at stake to give up. Jack Smith and Fani Willis need to dig deep and frankly, the best lawyers in our country need to help them pro bono.
Your points make me realize that one way to talk to the "undecideds" and the "low information voters" and relatives and friends about the 2024 election: remember that the next person to hold the Presidency will have the ability to nominate Federal judges, including to the SCOTUS. VOTE BLUE
Thanks for your note. I posted some crazy, loose cannon thoughts there that verge on sounding like the militia nut jobs we laugh at. Like living in normal times, we expected our institutions to protect our democracy and instead those institutions have been compromised by the Federalist Society, McConnell and the last straw, Crime Boss Trump. But you're right. We have proof of what a Trump term can bring: Gilead. So, if you want church and state to remain separate, VOTE BLUE. SCOTUS = 13 Justices!!!
Actually, when your name is Eileen or Aileen, people sing the Dexys Midnight Runners' song, "Come on Eileen" even more than the what do you call a girl with one leg joke. You can set your watch to it.
Was he referring to Mercedes who was the organizer of the CPAC or did he fuck up on his wife’s name? Please don’t think I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I was thinking all this same shit yesterday and just how fucked up things are that this shit can actually - and IS actually - happening!!...so sometimes it's important to address shit like, "fangirl's fuckery"...we have to hope that wormbrain takes more votes from bloatus than he does from Biden...but that is a wild card...
I do too. I don't think he'll get a single punishment from any of these charges, beyond the ludicrous $1,000 fees for breaking the gag rule. My boyfriend is sure that the Mango Mussolini won't be re-elected, but I wish I were as confident-- I'm not.
The birds are coming home to roost after years of an overly corporate-aligned Democratic party has let the working class down. They are voting against their own interests, but they don't seem to know and/or care.
Moreover, even if he does not win the election, the damage he has wrought will still linger on - the distrust in the judicial system (bc of his attacks on it), the vile threats to people and things he doesn’t like (bc of his stochastic terrorist “hints”), the broken families (clear-thinking anti-trumpers vs blind-to-reality pro-trumpers) - the list is almost endless. The worst thing, however, is the damage he has done to the democratic process. What moron tells people before an election - a secure election, like every other one - that he won’t accept the results if he thinks they’re rigged? Are we to believe that elections are only fair if he wins? That’s bs and he knows it, his lying liar supporters know it, and surely everyone with even one molecule of a brain cell knows it. I utterly despise him and what he’s done to the country. And there’s no sign of him stopping anytime soon.
It’s hard to be funny with the judiciary so stacked against us. The GA Court of Appeals will probably rule in favor of Von Shitzenpants & the GA Republican controlled legislature will get rid of Fani if the appellate court doesn’t. The conservatives on SCOTUS are gleefully rolling back rights for women & LGBTQ folks. It SHOULDN’T be up to us to save this democratic republic AGAIN ( we did that in 2020), but everything else is failing. Yes, Jeff, it’s hard to be funny as we head towards real life Gilead
She is definitely being coached, and her moral compass is below that of a middle-schooler. In fact her compass points only Trump-ward. When she’s not writing Mrs Donal Trump on her notebook, she’s dreaming of her elevation to the Supreme Court.
Evidently, her husband was a major (like 7-figure) contributor to Trump, and she wouldn't want to hurt his investments, would she? Trump's on trial right now for election interference because he thought news of his night with Stormy might hurt his election chances. Cannon is basically suppressing most of the evidence of Trump's handling of classified documents, which one might think is even more relevant to the calculation of who to choose for president.
Jeff, this was so much more important in the grand scheme of things than RFK’s brain worm; I fear that trump will never be held to account for one of his most egregious violations while he was still president. I keep hoping that sensible lawyers will gang up on Fangirl Cannon and press to have her disbarred. Please let this come to fruition, Lord. There has to be justice somewhere for the worst man to ever walk on this earth.
I've lost count of the substack posts from parents who say they're voting Republican to protect their kids from the surgeons but it's at least in the hundreds.. I don't want to get into gender ideology but any parent with a kid on TikTok is dreading the announcement that the kid wants to go to the clinic.
RFK just has to say what 75% of parents agree with and he pulls a ton of votes from Biden.
I think RFK is a doofus and he sounds like he has throat cancer but this is a potent issue. Parents are scared.
That is how the Eastern Euopean trolls revived the anti-vax controversy, by posting and pretending to be "concerned parents". Gullible idiots then jumped onto the bandwagon.
When Cannon’s brain worm is finally diagnosed we’ll find out it ate the part of her brain that shows her what she’s doing to herself and everyone else.
No worries - this is a serious indictment of our judiciary system. Not as if we haven’t realized the uneven (at best) application of the law but this is simply rotten to the core. And dangerous.
Late Night jokes were particularly good last night, so I decided to share them. The NYT runs a summary of late night and that's where I found them. These jokes are way above the Late Night average— generally speaking, Jeff's are much better!
STEPHEN COLBERT: “I just want to say to any R.F.K. Jr. fans who might be watching, do not despair. Just because he has sworn in a deposition that he has parasitic brain damage doesn’t mean he’s going to drop out, because Bobby Kennedy Jr. does not know the meaning of the word ‘quit’ — ’cause that concept was in the part of the brain that the worm ate.” —
“His family’s like, ‘It is true, but it still doesn’t explain why he’s like that.’” — JIMMY FALLON
“And this is strange: Instead of using dewormer, he injected himself with a Covid vaccine.” — JIMMY FALLON
“Apparently, the worm was giving him all his ideas, like in ‘Ratatouille.’” — JIMMY FALLON
“I don’t know what’s worse — that R.F.K. Jr. had a worm that was eating his brain or that his brain is so poisoned that it killed the worm.” — JORDAN KLEPPER
“For a guy who seems to believe doctors are con artists trying to scam you into getting a vaccine, he sure did get to one fast when a worm started eating his brain.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“The inside of his head is basically the movie ‘Dune,’ but you should definitely vote for him.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“The New York Times today published a report on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s health issues, including a dead worm in his brain. Or as that’s known in Libertarian circles, a running mate.” — SETH MEYERS
The Punchiest Punchlines (Kristi Noem’s Press Tour Edition)
“Former President Trump said that South Dakota governor Kristi Noem has had a ‘rough couple of days.’ Said Noem, ‘Who said ‘ruff’?” — SETH MEYERS
“I will say, for the past few years, I have been wondering how far is too far for the right-wing MAGA crowd. And now, we know: shooting your dog in a gravel pit. That is not acceptable — until Trump does it. Then every Republican has to shoot their dog just to stay in the party.” — JORDAN KLEPPER
“Kristi Noem’s getting grilled harder than criminal defendant Donald Trump. Not only is she making Trump look good by comparison, but she’s making Kim Jong-un look good by comparison. For all we know, she was going to meet him, and then right beforehand, he said, ‘Wait, isn’t that the lady who killed her puppy? No, thank you. I’m a monster, but I’m not that.’” — SETH MEYERS
“So kudos, right-wing media, for putting your foot down against killing dogs. You can hold your head up high and go back to your regularly scheduled segment: ‘Why Don’t We Toss the Migrant Kids Into the Grand Canyon?’”— JORDAN KLEPPER
Before court this morning Donald says to the Jewish community “you should be ashamed, you should be ashamed if your Jewish and vote for Joe Biden”.. My reply? Fuck you Donald and that horse you rode in on.. Can’t this idiot STFU? Donald has told the Jewish community how to vote, how to pray, who to donate campaign funds to… I’m sorry but we are getting very tired of this back handed Jew hatred… Thanks Jeff for allowing me to vent this morning.
That's what kills me about his bitching about the gag order — for someone who is "being silenced," he sure can't shut the fuck up for even 5 fucking minutes!
Let me get this right. The sack of fertilizer stole America's secrets, sold what he could and then sat on them while CIA spys and spooks got murdered or "disappeared".
Espionage has a definition and I think what he did fits it. Ask the Rosenbergs how that worked out for them.
America needs to return to a legal system in which no one is above the law, most especially a grown man with the intelligence of a 10 year old.
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ‘The Twilight Zone’”😵💫🤔🤯
It's now an area known as a Banana Republic that used to be known as the Unites States of America. It's a dimension that lies between "holy shit" and "we're totally fucked."
Can we impeach Judge Fangirl for incompetence and political bias? There has to be some checks and balances in place. Otherwise, the Dems should just pack all the courts with smarter, politically biased judges and remove those that are not loyal to the Dems. The Dems cannot just roll over and let this happen.
I agree. I honestly don’t understand how ANYONE can be allowed to stay in ANY job when they refuse to DO their job with absolutely no way of remedying the situation. How is this possible? She needs to be removed from the bench, because she’s proven she’s incapable of being impartial and actually isn’t interested in upholding the law. That doesn’t just affect this trial, it will affect any trial she’s ever assigned.
There is a way that a citizen can file a complaint against a judge. Glenn Kirschner spoke about it when LDFF was in office. I’m not sure where to find the form, but it is only one page, and anyone can use it. Since I’m 84, I don’t know how to find the information, but I’m sure someone younger could.
I read an article a few days ago where they interviewed Judge Cannon’s previous law clerks and they all stated that she is incompetent. They all quit within a few months which is unusual since most clerks stay with their judges for many years. These clerks are in these jobs to learn and apparently she offered them nothing.
Why is this case still hers to play with and distort like a wad of old Silly Putty? She was appointed by Trump, her husband was a MAJOR donor to Trump, and she is known to be inexperienced, incompetent, and maybe even lazy. We know this is not the wheels of justice moving slowly, it's the blatant obstruction of justice.
Ginni does have a law degree but has not practiced law in decades.
When Daub took office in 1981, Thomas moved to Washington, D.C., and worked in his office for 18 months.[8][9][10] After completing law school in 1983, she had an internship at the National Labor Relations Board and worked one more year for Daub in Washington as his legislative director.[16] [10] From 1985 to 1989, she was employed as an attorney and labor relations specialist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,[9][17][18] attending congressional hearings where she represented the interests of the business community.[9] Her advocacy included arguing against the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.[19] In 1989, she became manager of employee relations at the Chamber of Commerce.[20]
Hello Angry Jeff! Irate Irma here! Great piece and you are 1000% correct! No one, except DJT is above the law, and it makes my head explode and my blood pressure rise to hear him whining, ad nauseam about how poorly he is being treated. Boo f***ing hoo! Poor baby. Anyone have any crocodile tears to spare? Give me, and every other person in his or her right mind, a break! Thank you, Jeff. I like funny Jeff a lot, but aírate Irma loves, loves, loves Angry Jeff! At least I know I am not alone. Keep up the good work, Jeff, we need it!
If a judge is assigned a case and refuses to take it to trial in a timely fashion, I don’t understand why the case can’t simply be assigned to a different judge. How is there not some sort of back-up recourse when a judge won’t do their job?
As a small blue dot in a very red city, state & county (yes-Hooiserville) I am beyond delighted with what happened in the primary yesterday. The fact that Braun will most likely be our governor takes the joy of that victory away. Will someone in Michigan please adopt me?
I sincerely doubt Cannon is smart enough to come up with all this herself. It would be great if an investigative reporter could come up with who is pulling the strings on this.
All of the horseshit this idiot gets away with is driving me insane. His entire life is criming, delay and screw over people that work for him. He sees them as lesser peons. The IRS should have nailed him years ago.
On another note I just moved into Marge's district 8 months ago (from South Florida). The only thing that made me happy yesterday was seeing sporky get slapped down in the House. But as always there is a down side to this. Marge is too stupid to realize what took place and Moses Mike gets to keep his seat...for now.
We all knew the appointed lawyer by Trump would repay him by doing this. What is worse is they think that we do not see this. Why would you be able to have someone reside over your criminal trial that YOU appointed. Something is wrong with this picture.
SCJ can be impeached. It is vital in the upcoming election to keep the Senate blue and turn the House blue. Perhaps Congress will impeach. We need to vote like our lives depend on it, because at this point it does.
When we kick ass in November, Democrats will be able to change things for the good. Impeach the right-wing, traitorous SCOTUS and expand the court. Make taxes fair; the more you have, the more you pay. Help those less fortunate. Stop childhood hunger. Homelessness is a problem. There must be an empathetic solution. Fix our immigration to make it shorter and easier to become a citizen. Give more money for border guards and technology to watch our borders and process and vet immigrants faster. I'm sure people much smarter than I can offer solutions to this issue. Immigrants shouldn't be used as political pawns. They are people. Just like all of us. All I know for sure is cruelty, hate and violence is not an answer, but that is what trump & company will bring to everything and everyone. Vote, vote, vote!
Then the Dems should just campaign as though he's been found guilty. "Donald Trump stole classified documents, hoarded them in his bathroom, and probably sold some to the Russians and the Chinese. If that's okay with you, vote for him."
"That's not fair! He hasn't gone on trial for it yet!"
RFK Jr's brain worm would have made for a much lighter topic, but I thought it was important to address the Fangirl Fuckery. I promise, Funny Jeff will be back as soon as he can
The dim witted Cannon has surely been getting advice and orders from some Federalist/2025 fascist creeps. What she has done is so insidious and vile, using everything in a judge’s powers to usurp justice and let the orange fart face go free. My heart can’t take all this stress, I don’t want to hate but my outrage is boiling over on a daily basis.
Boom Boom Cannon has been pulling this shit since day one and her inability to be impartial couldn't be more obvious. Interesting how the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is overseen by the most corrupt and unethical asshole SCOTUS justice, cross-eyed Clarence Thomas. Perhaps he's coaching Cannon as we wait for this trial to proceed and his shady treasonous wife to finally be indicted.
I totally agree with you, but it’s not going to happen 🤬
I refer you to Palisades Park, a hit for Boom Boom!
I remember Freddy well and he's still around and 83 years young.
Sarah! This creepy drump has managed my HEART to attack me 3 times since he became the nominee LAST time. I am on my way to the cardio office for a 4th STINT to be added to my heart functioning. It is so truly DIFFICULT to get the image of himself in the OVAL as he DID occasionally the last time.
I find that HATING him doesn't help me personally, but I keep posting the way I feel and making myself live to NOV to vote BLUE as always, and if the bastard wins the EC, am checking off the planet. At 87 by Nov., I will NOT live under his EVILNESS and loss of our country.
As FDR said: "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have MUCH; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
I can readily understand that. As Trump was about to be inaugurated, I clenched my teeth so hard I dislocated my jaw. It's never gotten back to 'normal' since!
The entire country has not returned to normal since then. Having Biden as President and a Democratic majority in the Senate certainly help, but as long as Dumbass Donny and the maggots are still in existence, this country will never return to ‘normal’.
Whatever 'normal' means. Our history is replete with crazies, secessionists, and intractable political differences. Still, you're right, Trump is an aberration.
Sad but true
I took sleeping pills the night he won in 2016, called in sick to work the next day and, TMI, lost control of my GI track. Trump is poison.
OUCH...Glad that won't affect you ability to vote FOR Biden again!! Or, the way you keep writing here!
Martha—if TFG were to win the EC we will need good resister sisters like you more then ever. Please don’t check out of anything.
Cordeliane...I am not planning to, but thanks for the encouragement. If my bod would just listen to my BRAIN, and not HATE TRUMP, I might do better, but when people tell me to let it GO, that seems to irritate me more. Hence, I have now decided that I feel better when I call the gop what it is...the NAZI Party of 'merica.
What I do know is that Hitler staged a coup, and got a 5 year sentence instead of an execution, then he went on to a life of relative luxury in prison and his sentence was cut to 9 months. Why do these traitorous criminals get so many breaks? Trump is telling us he has a list he wants to go after. In this series, Rise and Fall of the Nazis in Episode 3, you can see what Hitler does to the people on his list right when he gets in.
I assume on Trump's list are Biden, Harris, Lis Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and a whole bunch of people testifying and on juries right now. Also any judge that allows a trial.
tRump and his ilk would never understand that thought FDR was something. Keep strong 💪
. My heart can’t take all this stress, I don’t want to hate but my outrage is boiling over on a daily basis. Well said.
Same, my heart and soul are tired. Angry Jeff wrote: “and then we will all have the pleasure of seeing those guilty verdicts for Trump in 2025 — and watching him go down once and for all.” it just seems endless. How many “next years” do we have to keep waiting for until something catches up to this disgusting diaper wearing fascist asshole? Right now waiting for another year to roll around before justice is served is just plain torture.
Trump has been evading accountability for decades of fraud, usually by buying his way out of it every time. He can't do that in these cases, so he's turning to delaying tactics. That takes a lot of lawyering, and that takes a lot of money. Since Trump never pays anything out of his own pocket, that means using donations and campaign funds, which is why the RNC has little money to spare for ads and the all-essential ground game. He's just kicking the accountability can down the road.
Hoping the RNC will have zero dollars for any ads and the “all-essential ground game” for any of the upcoming elections, bringing the RNC to its knees. They will be known as the FAFO party by the choices they made. Hehehe
May you be a prophet!
I agree. You’re not alone, mine too.
No need to worry here, I have the perfect solution. I am willing to take over Miz Cannon's position at a moment's notice. Did I go to law school? Not that I remember. Have I ever been a sitting judge? No, but I've been judging people like she does and like her buddies while standing up for years, and many people are saying I would make a wonderful judge. Do I have any legal education? Well, HELL YES!! One of my sons is a lawyer, I know several lawyers, and I watch Judge Judy every day. What more do people want??? Please reach out to me through my agent, who is a yellow dog Democrat and a fine rescue Labrador. Let's get this matter on the books, I can rule on these idiotic ideas in mere minutes!
Marciam12 - haha! I’d place you in her position with all your qualifications NOW!
Thanks!! When do I start???
You’ll take over for Cannon in 3 weeks after you complete your time assisting the DA in Manhattan on the court case against trump for his scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election by falsifying business records. It’s official, according to me.
If I could I would like your comment a million times. Well done.
Thanks! I appreciate that. I guess we're only able to pray that Miz Cannon is sick the first day of the trial and stays that way.
I am offering to assist you as I have a niece who is an attorney! We will do a much better job than fangirl Mrs Ailleen Trump!!
Then you're obviously well qualified too! We will take you up on your kind offer and get together soon to discuss strategy. A niece and a son who are attorneys - what more do we need, especially since I watch Judge Judy????
😂😁🤣 clearly, we are qualified and set to go!
Jack Smith has got to find a little known piece of legal history + a new crime associated with this case and rip the skin off of Cannon and Thomas. Like, they both scream "Eeek!!!" at the same time.
1) Since Trump was commander and chief, why not let the military tribunal mount its own classified military documents trial? Hey, if there's such a thing, JAG should be all over it.
2) Get a warrant to look into witness tampering and judge tampering by Trump. Remember how FBI figured out Trump staff was talking to Russia? Because the FBI listens to Russians and inadvertently heard Carter Page on the other line (I'm pretty sure it was Carter). So, it's logical to call out Trump for further criming along the lines of obstructing justice, witness tampering etc. Wouldn't it be interesting if in all the phone records gathered showed Federalist/2025 peeps talking to Cannon? IOW, catch Cannon by not directly attacking Cannon.
3) Figure out IF Cannon and Thomas are talking. Is that allowed?
4) File a motion that Thomas recuse himself and list out all the evidence and pending indictment for Ginni. Thomas would recuse himself yesterday with an indictment hanging over Ginni's head.
Fellow Jeff-heads, I know these are not "real" ideas, but the point is FIND A WAY. Find a fucking way to get back in control. Jack Smith can do it. Same with Fani. Fani should sue for invasion of privacy and sue for frivolous lawsuits. Because they are.
I'm so frustrated but there's too much at stake to give up. Jack Smith and Fani Willis need to dig deep and frankly, the best lawyers in our country need to help them pro bono.
Your points make me realize that one way to talk to the "undecideds" and the "low information voters" and relatives and friends about the 2024 election: remember that the next person to hold the Presidency will have the ability to nominate Federal judges, including to the SCOTUS. VOTE BLUE
Thanks for your note. I posted some crazy, loose cannon thoughts there that verge on sounding like the militia nut jobs we laugh at. Like living in normal times, we expected our institutions to protect our democracy and instead those institutions have been compromised by the Federalist Society, McConnell and the last straw, Crime Boss Trump. But you're right. We have proof of what a Trump term can bring: Gilead. So, if you want church and state to remain separate, VOTE BLUE. SCOTUS = 13 Justices!!!
This is another Sarah screaming right there with you.
You may think that this is all Angry Jeff, but it's pretty damn funny too.
"if all you meanies are going to do is reverse my rulings, then I just won’t make any rulings, and then you can never overrule me!!!”
Absolutely, totally fucking "Insightful Jeff" has entered the building!
Hey remember a month or two ago you posted a clip where Donald said "Mercedes" instead of "Melania?"
I can tell you that if my name were Aileen, I would have gotten tired of "I lean" jokes before I was a teen and started going by my middle name.
Hers? Oh, Mercedes, why?
You don't suppose she's on a "first" name basis with someone whose trial she's pending over, do you?
THAT is why they are in Fani's business.
Every MAGA accusation is a confession.
Aileen Mercedes Cannon 1981 (age 42–43) Cali, Colombia
Hey how many "I lean" jokes did you get? Character witness!
Actually, when your name is Eileen or Aileen, people sing the Dexys Midnight Runners' song, "Come on Eileen" even more than the what do you call a girl with one leg joke. You can set your watch to it.
I've heard them all. ;-)
Was he referring to Mercedes who was the organizer of the CPAC or did he fuck up on his wife’s name? Please don’t think I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
He specifically says wife in the video in like the first 30 seconds.
I was thinking all this same shit yesterday and just how fucked up things are that this shit can actually - and IS actually - happening!!...so sometimes it's important to address shit like, "fangirl's fuckery"...we have to hope that wormbrain takes more votes from bloatus than he does from Biden...but that is a wild card...
Read Jay Kuo’s Substack on that—rumpland is turning on RFKJ because their polls say he is taking more votes from them!
“bloatus” Well done MBM. Solid candidate for the archives.👍
I feel a kind of deep-seated despair, and an anger that’s deeper, wider and more profound than I can express.
I think there is a whole group of us that feel the same way.
I do too. I don't think he'll get a single punishment from any of these charges, beyond the ludicrous $1,000 fees for breaking the gag rule. My boyfriend is sure that the Mango Mussolini won't be re-elected, but I wish I were as confident-- I'm not.
The birds are coming home to roost after years of an overly corporate-aligned Democratic party has let the working class down. They are voting against their own interests, but they don't seem to know and/or care.
Moreover, even if he does not win the election, the damage he has wrought will still linger on - the distrust in the judicial system (bc of his attacks on it), the vile threats to people and things he doesn’t like (bc of his stochastic terrorist “hints”), the broken families (clear-thinking anti-trumpers vs blind-to-reality pro-trumpers) - the list is almost endless. The worst thing, however, is the damage he has done to the democratic process. What moron tells people before an election - a secure election, like every other one - that he won’t accept the results if he thinks they’re rigged? Are we to believe that elections are only fair if he wins? That’s bs and he knows it, his lying liar supporters know it, and surely everyone with even one molecule of a brain cell knows it. I utterly despise him and what he’s done to the country. And there’s no sign of him stopping anytime soon.
It’s hard to be funny with the judiciary so stacked against us. The GA Court of Appeals will probably rule in favor of Von Shitzenpants & the GA Republican controlled legislature will get rid of Fani if the appellate court doesn’t. The conservatives on SCOTUS are gleefully rolling back rights for women & LGBTQ folks. It SHOULDN’T be up to us to save this democratic republic AGAIN ( we did that in 2020), but everything else is failing. Yes, Jeff, it’s hard to be funny as we head towards real life Gilead
Meant 2020
Click the 3 dots on the bottom right hand of your comment and you can correct mistakes or add stuff!
If you’re on an iPad you don’t have that ability unfortunately.
I sure feel like the deck is stacked against democracy.
You did the best with what we have, Jeff. Not one thing is funny about this fuckery.
She is definitely being coached, and her moral compass is below that of a middle-schooler. In fact her compass points only Trump-ward. When she’s not writing Mrs Donal Trump on her notebook, she’s dreaming of her elevation to the Supreme Court.
Coached AND bribed—remember she just had to divulge some fancy free trips she got recently
Evidently, her husband was a major (like 7-figure) contributor to Trump, and she wouldn't want to hurt his investments, would she? Trump's on trial right now for election interference because he thought news of his night with Stormy might hurt his election chances. Cannon is basically suppressing most of the evidence of Trump's handling of classified documents, which one might think is even more relevant to the calculation of who to choose for president.
Jeff, this was so much more important in the grand scheme of things than RFK’s brain worm; I fear that trump will never be held to account for one of his most egregious violations while he was still president. I keep hoping that sensible lawyers will gang up on Fangirl Cannon and press to have her disbarred. Please let this come to fruition, Lord. There has to be justice somewhere for the worst man to ever walk on this earth.
Please stay healthy, Jeff. Your fans need you.
Raging Jeff just says what we feel.
Not so fast, Jeff. RFK has an ace in the hole:
I've lost count of the substack posts from parents who say they're voting Republican to protect their kids from the surgeons but it's at least in the hundreds.. I don't want to get into gender ideology but any parent with a kid on TikTok is dreading the announcement that the kid wants to go to the clinic.
RFK just has to say what 75% of parents agree with and he pulls a ton of votes from Biden.
I think RFK is a doofus and he sounds like he has throat cancer but this is a potent issue. Parents are scared.
That is how the Eastern Euopean trolls revived the anti-vax controversy, by posting and pretending to be "concerned parents". Gullible idiots then jumped onto the bandwagon.
The Coup Continues
Hubby and I cracked up at King Fuckface the First!
I am a fan of Agolf Shitler.
When Cannon’s brain worm is finally diagnosed we’ll find out it ate the part of her brain that shows her what she’s doing to herself and everyone else.
No worries - this is a serious indictment of our judiciary system. Not as if we haven’t realized the uneven (at best) application of the law but this is simply rotten to the core. And dangerous.
Late Night jokes were particularly good last night, so I decided to share them. The NYT runs a summary of late night and that's where I found them. These jokes are way above the Late Night average— generally speaking, Jeff's are much better!
STEPHEN COLBERT: “I just want to say to any R.F.K. Jr. fans who might be watching, do not despair. Just because he has sworn in a deposition that he has parasitic brain damage doesn’t mean he’s going to drop out, because Bobby Kennedy Jr. does not know the meaning of the word ‘quit’ — ’cause that concept was in the part of the brain that the worm ate.” —
“His family’s like, ‘It is true, but it still doesn’t explain why he’s like that.’” — JIMMY FALLON
“And this is strange: Instead of using dewormer, he injected himself with a Covid vaccine.” — JIMMY FALLON
“Apparently, the worm was giving him all his ideas, like in ‘Ratatouille.’” — JIMMY FALLON
“I don’t know what’s worse — that R.F.K. Jr. had a worm that was eating his brain or that his brain is so poisoned that it killed the worm.” — JORDAN KLEPPER
“For a guy who seems to believe doctors are con artists trying to scam you into getting a vaccine, he sure did get to one fast when a worm started eating his brain.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“The inside of his head is basically the movie ‘Dune,’ but you should definitely vote for him.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“The New York Times today published a report on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s health issues, including a dead worm in his brain. Or as that’s known in Libertarian circles, a running mate.” — SETH MEYERS
The Punchiest Punchlines (Kristi Noem’s Press Tour Edition)
“Former President Trump said that South Dakota governor Kristi Noem has had a ‘rough couple of days.’ Said Noem, ‘Who said ‘ruff’?” — SETH MEYERS
“I will say, for the past few years, I have been wondering how far is too far for the right-wing MAGA crowd. And now, we know: shooting your dog in a gravel pit. That is not acceptable — until Trump does it. Then every Republican has to shoot their dog just to stay in the party.” — JORDAN KLEPPER
“Kristi Noem’s getting grilled harder than criminal defendant Donald Trump. Not only is she making Trump look good by comparison, but she’s making Kim Jong-un look good by comparison. For all we know, she was going to meet him, and then right beforehand, he said, ‘Wait, isn’t that the lady who killed her puppy? No, thank you. I’m a monster, but I’m not that.’” — SETH MEYERS
“So kudos, right-wing media, for putting your foot down against killing dogs. You can hold your head up high and go back to your regularly scheduled segment: ‘Why Don’t We Toss the Migrant Kids Into the Grand Canyon?’”— JORDAN KLEPPER
BTW, let's all keep laughing to keep from crying.
Thank you! I needed that!
Thank you Kathleen.
Thanks, Kathleen!
Before court this morning Donald says to the Jewish community “you should be ashamed, you should be ashamed if your Jewish and vote for Joe Biden”.. My reply? Fuck you Donald and that horse you rode in on.. Can’t this idiot STFU? Donald has told the Jewish community how to vote, how to pray, who to donate campaign funds to… I’m sorry but we are getting very tired of this back handed Jew hatred… Thanks Jeff for allowing me to vent this morning.
Back-handed Jew hatred is exactly what it is. Himself telling anyone to be ashamed is rich, coming from someone devoid of any shame whatsoever.
No, D-F-F absolutely positively cannot STFU.
As long as he breathes oxygen, he will NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
That's what kills me about his bitching about the gag order — for someone who is "being silenced," he sure can't shut the fuck up for even 5 fucking minutes!
And why the fuck isn't anyone in the media calling out these CLEARLY anti-Semitic statements of his?
Because then you are murdering Palestinian babies, see how they did that?
Let me get this right. The sack of fertilizer stole America's secrets, sold what he could and then sat on them while CIA spys and spooks got murdered or "disappeared".
Espionage has a definition and I think what he did fits it. Ask the Rosenbergs how that worked out for them.
America needs to return to a legal system in which no one is above the law, most especially a grown man with the intelligence of a 10 year old.
He has the emotional age of a 3 year old and an IQ of about 85...
No! IQ is below room temp, that's why he's so cold in court.!!!
I used to do disability evaluations. I’m serious when I say that. He and RFK, Jr. have some organic brain syndromes going on.
Even the brilliant Rod Serling couldn't have made this dystopian shit up........
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ‘The Twilight Zone’”😵💫🤔🤯
It's now an area known as a Banana Republic that used to be known as the Unites States of America. It's a dimension that lies between "holy shit" and "we're totally fucked."
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So true.
William…./ brilliant! One of the greatest
TV shows ever; describing the worst person on planet Earth. Love it!!!
Nice job — thanks! 😄
Can we impeach Judge Fangirl for incompetence and political bias? There has to be some checks and balances in place. Otherwise, the Dems should just pack all the courts with smarter, politically biased judges and remove those that are not loyal to the Dems. The Dems cannot just roll over and let this happen.
I agree. I honestly don’t understand how ANYONE can be allowed to stay in ANY job when they refuse to DO their job with absolutely no way of remedying the situation. How is this possible? She needs to be removed from the bench, because she’s proven she’s incapable of being impartial and actually isn’t interested in upholding the law. That doesn’t just affect this trial, it will affect any trial she’s ever assigned.
If anyone in any other job performed like she does, they would be fired.
There is a way that a citizen can file a complaint against a judge. Glenn Kirschner spoke about it when LDFF was in office. I’m not sure where to find the form, but it is only one page, and anyone can use it. Since I’m 84, I don’t know how to find the information, but I’m sure someone younger could.
Not a lawyer. Her ruling reads as if it was dictated to her by......ginni.
I read an article a few days ago where they interviewed Judge Cannon’s previous law clerks and they all stated that she is incompetent. They all quit within a few months which is unusual since most clerks stay with their judges for many years. These clerks are in these jobs to learn and apparently she offered them nothing.
Why is this case still hers to play with and distort like a wad of old Silly Putty? She was appointed by Trump, her husband was a MAJOR donor to Trump, and she is known to be inexperienced, incompetent, and maybe even lazy. We know this is not the wheels of justice moving slowly, it's the blatant obstruction of justice.
And there it is! You knew someone was behind all this! Clarence via Ginni.
He does serve on the Eleven Circuit Court who oversees Cannon…so…
Ginni does have a law degree but has not practiced law in decades.
When Daub took office in 1981, Thomas moved to Washington, D.C., and worked in his office for 18 months.[8][9][10] After completing law school in 1983, she had an internship at the National Labor Relations Board and worked one more year for Daub in Washington as his legislative director.[16] [10] From 1985 to 1989, she was employed as an attorney and labor relations specialist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,[9][17][18] attending congressional hearings where she represented the interests of the business community.[9] Her advocacy included arguing against the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.[19] In 1989, she became manager of employee relations at the Chamber of Commerce.[20]
From her Wiki
Hello Angry Jeff! Irate Irma here! Great piece and you are 1000% correct! No one, except DJT is above the law, and it makes my head explode and my blood pressure rise to hear him whining, ad nauseam about how poorly he is being treated. Boo f***ing hoo! Poor baby. Anyone have any crocodile tears to spare? Give me, and every other person in his or her right mind, a break! Thank you, Jeff. I like funny Jeff a lot, but aírate Irma loves, loves, loves Angry Jeff! At least I know I am not alone. Keep up the good work, Jeff, we need it!
If a judge is assigned a case and refuses to take it to trial in a timely fashion, I don’t understand why the case can’t simply be assigned to a different judge. How is there not some sort of back-up recourse when a judge won’t do their job?
That’s the Eleventh Circuit Court’s job. Why they are not doing anything is beyond me.
They are not doing anything b/c Clarence Thomas oversees the 11th.
As a small blue dot in a very red city, state & county (yes-Hooiserville) I am beyond delighted with what happened in the primary yesterday. The fact that Braun will most likely be our governor takes the joy of that victory away. Will someone in Michigan please adopt me?
Come over to Illinois- we await you with blue arms open wide (wait… that doesn’t make us Smurfs!)
I sincerely doubt Cannon is smart enough to come up with all this herself. It would be great if an investigative reporter could come up with who is pulling the strings on this.
All of the horseshit this idiot gets away with is driving me insane. His entire life is criming, delay and screw over people that work for him. He sees them as lesser peons. The IRS should have nailed him years ago.
On another note I just moved into Marge's district 8 months ago (from South Florida). The only thing that made me happy yesterday was seeing sporky get slapped down in the House. But as always there is a down side to this. Marge is too stupid to realize what took place and Moses Mike gets to keep his seat...for now.
Please Jeff, don't let your head explode. It's only been a few months, but I seriously doubt I can live without you.
We all knew the appointed lawyer by Trump would repay him by doing this. What is worse is they think that we do not see this. Why would you be able to have someone reside over your criminal trial that YOU appointed. Something is wrong with this picture.
They don’t care if we can see. It’s a lifetime job.
So many holes thanks to the orange beast that has been brought to life.
SCJ can be impeached. It is vital in the upcoming election to keep the Senate blue and turn the House blue. Perhaps Congress will impeach. We need to vote like our lives depend on it, because at this point it does.
And the sooner us peons bow to our Trumpist overlords and just get over it, the happier we'll be, right?
When we kick ass in November, Democrats will be able to change things for the good. Impeach the right-wing, traitorous SCOTUS and expand the court. Make taxes fair; the more you have, the more you pay. Help those less fortunate. Stop childhood hunger. Homelessness is a problem. There must be an empathetic solution. Fix our immigration to make it shorter and easier to become a citizen. Give more money for border guards and technology to watch our borders and process and vet immigrants faster. I'm sure people much smarter than I can offer solutions to this issue. Immigrants shouldn't be used as political pawns. They are people. Just like all of us. All I know for sure is cruelty, hate and violence is not an answer, but that is what trump & company will bring to everything and everyone. Vote, vote, vote!
Exactly, vote like your life depends on it, because at this point it does.
Then the Dems should just campaign as though he's been found guilty. "Donald Trump stole classified documents, hoarded them in his bathroom, and probably sold some to the Russians and the Chinese. If that's okay with you, vote for him."
"That's not fair! He hasn't gone on trial for it yet!"
"Oh, really? Huh."