“SIMPLE as A to Z” by Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, soon to be House Speaker Jeffries, included these aspirational virtues in his acceptance speech as Democratic Leader in January of last year. His comparison of Democratic values as opposed to republican ‘values’ is a testament to who we are AND more importantly, who they are. For full impact of his speech, watch it on youtube. You won’t regret it. The excerpt begins at 13:35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLOAQjjKJbM&t=1s

American values over autocracy,

Benevolence over bigotry,

the Constitution over the cult,

Democracy over demagogues,

Economic opportunity over extremism,

Freedom over fascism,

Governing over gaslighting,

Hopefulness over hatred,

Inclusion over isolation,

Justice over judicial overreach,

Knowledge over kangaroo courts,

Liberty over limitation,

Maturity over Mar-a-Lago,

Normalcy over negativity,

Opportunity over obstruction,

People over politics,

Quality of life issues over QAnon,

Reason over racism,

Substance over slander,

Triumph over tyranny,

Understanding over ugliness,

Voting rights over voter suppression,

Working families over the well-connected,

Xenial over xenophobia,

‘Yes, we can’ over ‘you can do it,’ and

Zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.”

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How does this lying piece of shit continue to walk around free. He’s a national terrorist. If anyone else said this the FBI would be at their door to cuff them and cart them off to jail. I’m not understanding. This is bullshit.

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Dumbo continued his long drive toward total insanity last night at a Klan rally in Ohio. Trump had numerous "glitches" while on stage, bungling names and lashing out at the teleprompter for insubordination. At one point dump said that "Joe Biden won against Barack Obama."

“Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann responded, saying that "not only is trump hallucinating and on the verge of complete cognitive collapse but if you can bear to listen to it, the second time, he says, 'Obaba.'" dump also pronounced the "Rolling Stones" as "Rolling Storns."

“Olbermann responded to the mistakes from tfg, calling it "phonemic paraphasia - when you stop saying actual words or syllables and instead say things that SOUND like them." Phonemic paraphasia, also known as phonological paraphasia or literal paraphasia, is a speech disorder characterized by the substitution of a word with a nonword that preserves at least half of the segments and/or number of syllables of the intended word.” Edited from RAW STORY.

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What part of Shitty Hitler do his supporters find even remotely appealing? I just cant even with these fucking people. We MUST win in November and end this madness. He's clearly lost his mind. 🤦‍♀️

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He’s exhausted his options. Next jump he’s gonna show up in uniform and goose-step across the stage. He has fully morphed into a Botero portrait.

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Hi Jeff, I get a lot shit from MAGAS over the Black National Anthem being played at events such as the Super Bowl.. very upset people, they refuse to watch the event… boo fucking who.. so now we have the J6 convict choir singing, Donald saluting, people take their hats off for respect to a phony national anthem. Fuck these people, they are not patriots…. More like remnants of the Confederacy… apparently they want a “bloodbath” their demented is wailing for… just like Jefferson Davis.. Thanks for what you do Jeff and all fellow travelers.

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Don't miss this!

This free substant post tells what it's like to live under a dictatorship. It will set your hair on end.

The most important skill for survival under a dictatorship is the ability to keep your mouth shut. I know commenters on this page will will fail spectacularly!

The Strongman Fantasy and Dictatorship in Real Life



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FUCK Agolf Shitler!....fuck 'im in his hamberder filled ass with a rusty 9 iron!!!....I am SO fucking sick of this vile ignorant orange POS and his ugly hateful ignorant busch lite swilling MAGAt cult slobs, and the spineless pussy bitch republiKKKan politicians who continue to do absolutely NOTHING when they hear this stupid fucking cunt spew his hateful hitler wannabe bullshit at his grotesque hate rallies...how are we even looking at the possibility of this carnival barking pig fucker being elected POTUS again???....what the fuck is wrong with tens of millions of 'Muricans?????....the older I get, the less I understand my country, and seemingly, half of its citizens!!!

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Jeff, you make me laugh every day. I mean really laugh. Agolf Shitler. I know exactly when to check in for my much needed laugh. The real stuff is often unbearable.

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You know what? I'm over being threatened by Emperor Shitstain and his followers. Fuck you!! You assume that your opponents won't defend themselves. WRONG!! Go ahead! Try to pull the bullshit you tried 4 years ago. We're ready this time.

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I volunteered as a poll worker for the first time in the primary and the clip of the Russian election was eerily reminiscent of what this county has in terms of ‘observers’. The far right is already employing this to the furthest extent possible currently. These ‘patriots’ are election deniers, followers of tffg and the my pillow christian fascist. It’s a real thing folks, not an Orwellian prediction.

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I guess it’s springtime for Shitler but until the election and our chance to sundown him permanently, it’s cold dark days in American politics.

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If I weren’t witnessing this with my own eyes I would not believe that this shit is happening in this country. I cannot believe that Donny’s behavior attracts even the voters with the worst instincts. Why? Why would anyone chose fascism unless they expected to be at the top of the food chain? Is that their fantasy - that they will somehow come out on top? Don’t they realize their lives will change but definitely NOT for the better?

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Why is this allowed to go on ? Imagine this rhetoric at a George Floyd protest. Smdh

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Orange Shitler isn’t held accountable for deadly attempted overthrow of the government, rape- merely needing to pay a fine, multiple Constitutional violations, emoluments violations, 91 pending indictments. Should we expect him to be held accountable for violent terroristic threats? Don’t make it sound like he was selling loose cigarettes or possibly trying to get away with passing a counterfeit $20 bill! 🙄😡🤬

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A bloodbath? Oh, no, I guess I’m now convinced to vote for Shitler? Logic, man.

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