How does this lying piece of shit continue to walk around free. He’s a national terrorist. If anyone else said this the FBI would be at their door to cuff them and cart them off to jail. I’m not understanding. This is bullshit.

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Rt wing ownership of the airwaves, rt wing ownership of most major corporations, help from foreign dictators, endless supply of money from numerous right wing billionaires.

The propaganda is so widespread it difficult to fight. We should not have to have an election that allows the massive orange criminal to run, but that’s where we are. Now we need to support Biden et al overwhelmingly, or everything trump talks about will come true! We a a chance to preserve our democracy or turn it over to Fascism…period.

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RW ownership of our courts.

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Not quite yet. This is why we MUST keep the Senate

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AND win back the House of Representatives!

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Overwhelmingly win..no slim margins anymore!

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To get attention, Donald has to say crazier and crazier shit. If I don't vote for him his thugs are going to kill me? A recent NBC News analysis estimates the hard core MAGAs represent about 10% of the adult population. We have them out numbered.

Follow up question: At what point do the editors of the National Press/News Networks, dismiss Donald as a legit candidate? They are propping him up in hopes for bigger revenue. "Today the former President stated that if he is not elected he will kill the people who didn't vote for him."

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The fact that the orange terrorist lunatic wasn’t hauled off to prison after his 1000th deadly threat shows that something more sinister than we know about is happening.

The media is complicit, absolutely! Allowing this terrorist to show up for inciting violence against innocent citizens in his private jet (like a damn rock star) is corruption of law to the nth degree.

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Creeping fascism!!

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Wrapped in our own flag.

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Makes no sense. He's a fucking nightmare that won't go away but we can all help put an end to this insane bullshit. Also, Angry Staffer on Twitter predicted during his Friday Ask Me Anything session that the repulsive shit stain will have two trials over with by election day. As a former White House staffer, he's pretty damn accurate with what he predicts. If our votes and and a few well deserved convictions take place, we should all be sleeping a hell of a lot better the next four years.

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The should word doesn’t make me real secure!

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I get that but we have to try to stay positive and hope the Democrats turn out to vote.

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Thanks, Rick. I miss seeing Angry Staffer’s AMA. So knowledgeable and accurate.

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Non of our institutions are going to save us. We need to vote blue in numbers to big to challenge

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I agree 100%, but don't think for a second that Trump won't challenge them anyway. As I privately predicted, he's already starting his campaign to make the November election sound "rigged" again. His "bloodbath" comment, in addition to being stochastic terrorism, is the first step in his predictable campaign of, "If I lose, the election is rigged by radical left Democrats."

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I don’t understand how he is campaigning with all those indictments and encouraging violence with every speech! I have no faith in the justice system. When he tries another insurrection how do we know what side the military will be defending. Having a hopeless day!! Sorry!

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There isn’t a “Justice” system. We have a “Legal” system that always goes to the highest bidder.

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Yes exactly 👍🏽

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Unlike 2020 this moron isn't Commander in Chief in 2024, he's not technically in charge of the military in Nov. 2024, and all this moron can do IF he loses is continue to bitch and moan on his unused "app" or on Musk's rightwing Twitter replacement if Musk feels so inclined.

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I know-we can only hope for the best…in the meantime…try to find a funny movie to watch…(for the next 8 1/2 months!) hmmmm….or something to lighten the mood!

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Blazing Saddles stat!!!

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My favorite mental health magic elixir. Mel has made me laugh my whole life! Starting with “Get Smart”. (Barbara Feldon and I graduated from the same high school).

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Totally medicinal, every time. I'm so glad you love it. Also Young Frankenstein.

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100% agreed....makes no sense....Where TF is Merick Garland...his inactions are treasonous IMO

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I am hoping that in his second term, Biden replaces Garland with someone who will actually go after crime "without fear or favor," because at this point when Trump asks, "why did it take so long to indict me?" I have to ask the same question. His answer is "election interference," the truth is Merrick Garland.

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DOJ derp derp dee poo poo whaddya gonna do

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What part of Shitty Hitler do his supporters find even remotely appealing? I just cant even with these fucking people. We MUST win in November and end this madness. He's clearly lost his mind. 🤦‍♀️

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I am getting to a point where I will not be able to be friends with ANY republiKKKans...ESPECIALLY if they vote for that vile ignorant bloated disgusting pile of shit!

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I’m right there with you. Morals, values, integrity are now in view. You can’t have those qualities and STILL condone this asshole.

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100%, Susan....he is literally teflon as he can say the most fucked up shit, and not have to deal with ANY repercussions!!....the only truth that ever came out of his vile diseased piehole, is: "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and not lose any supporters"....I believe that wholeheartedly!!....he could shoot their fucking mothers and they'd still worship their führer!

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Ditto-I have a maga friend that I can’t even see anymore-so maddening-and I don’t even listen to her on the phone-crazy kool aid drinker-same for my brother….geeeeeez!

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The worst thing about Shitty Hitler is what he revealed about so many of our fellow citizens, including family and friends. Shitler kicked over the rock of decency and all of the fidiot MAGAts scurried out to fuck-up everything because he said it was cool to be a racist, misogynistic, rapey, bigoted, lying, cheating, asshole and they agreed.

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It sucks big time, I have some in the family ,it’s scary as shit ! Can’t talk anything remotely related to politics.I love these folks and it sucks feeling so friggen on edge all the time!

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My nephew is one of those and it's cost him big time in my will.

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Oh, Mike, I passed that point about three years ago. There are NO Republicans in my life at all. The few relatives that I know are Republican I avoid like the plague. The last time I talked to one, she tried to get me to commiserate with her because Trump was being indicted! That was the end of that.

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I don’t socialize or speak to anyone who is a seditionist-rapist-Nazi -criminal supporting, religion-privileging psycho supporter! I say my opinions out loud. We need to laugh at and humiliate these monster supporters as much as possible. They are not deserving of friendship or family relationships.

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My grandma , Crazy Hazel we loving called her,taught me and my siblings how to deal with psyco’s and pains in the ass types decades ago,when the holy molies as she referred to them were spotted on the street ,she got out her written in Latin 175 year old Bible and her rakes ,hoes and garden 🪴 tools and when they came to the door BANG! She owned their asses!She invites them into her enormous backyard ,and they become her gardeners for the next few hours,if they survive the Latin Mass she’s about to lay on their hypocritical asses ! They get to pitch a minute of their con and it’s crazy time !she agrees with everything they said but,she asks them if this passage is the correct interpretation of blah blah blah,on and on ,while she’s quoting the Bible “in perfect Latin” she’s jamming the rakes and tools into their mitts and pointing to their tasks ,her best move was the 10 one dollar bills showing out of her apron pocket! That always hooked the greedy bastards,she was a marvel to behold in action! When they had been sufficiently worked and snookered she’d take the 10 singles that appeared to be much more out of her apron ,walk over to them , and call one of us kids ,now they figured it was 💰 cash time and just when they stuck out their grubby mitts , Crazy Haze would swing the other way and say to one of us ,here kiddo go get the groceries and beer from Pete at the store !It was perfect 🤩! Never ever failed,those shit heads found Jesus that day ! Too bad it only worked a few times a year ! Guess the word got out about that crazy old which at number 7 near the store! Oh ! That was a fun memory! Thanx gran Ma !😛🥰😇😍

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Meant to add that there are always ways to deal with assholes ! Ahh! That got my mind off that thing ! At least for a few minutes!

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I agree. It's not a matter of politics, or even policy (though R policies suck and have sucked for at least 50 years). It's a matter of morality, ethics, and values.

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I've never disqualified anyone from my life over politics before, even when I felt strongly about them. I have now because when I've asked honestly, what are the reasons to support Trump, I don't get an answer, his supporters know what he stands for is not right & won't say it aloud, that all the arguments come down to dominance. Our country was founded on principles of government by consent. There is no misdirection that can reframe force & coercion as consent & healthy cooperation. In a way I am glad this has come out, that we are confronting these fundamental interpersonal dynamics, the imbalance of power, the need for superiority & dominance that too many are holding onto. I won't let that in my life now. Secrecy & superiority, the abuse of power, has done so much damage. I've drawn clear lines, too! Good for you, not letting that stuff in.

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He never had a mind.. that dickless wonder is dumber than a box of rocks. Sorry rocks

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Don’t forget the box !

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Crazier than a rat in a cesspool.🐁🐁

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If you saw any Joe Schmoe ranting and raving like this on a street corner, you’d give them a wide berth. Even MAGATs would.

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Totally. That they listen to this guy gargling English, almost and think, yeah that sounds like a president talking! ( as I slap my forehead in exasperation!).

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He’s exhausted his options. Next jump he’s gonna show up in uniform and goose-step across the stage. He has fully morphed into a Botero portrait.

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Mar 17
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If he wants to be treated as bad as Lincoln, just go see a play. Someone will be along to help you out to be the most unfairly treated.

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A "play"? You expect him to sit and watch something that isn't even ABOUT him? Not bloody likely!

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After the 1st act it will be all about him ,hope he can be a bit patient! The wait is a show stopper!

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You could always move up the shooting to the point where the play starts and he realizes the show isn't about him. I'd bet there are even some ex-Miss Universe contestants out there who would be happy to volunteer to keep him interested long enough for someone to shoot him.

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If only.

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Other that that, Melania, how was the play?

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"I really didn't care for it. Did you?"

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Ohhh! My bubbushka ,Odjebi kaka boy 🤧now you really gonna stink hahaha!

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Yes please, pretty please!

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Where is John Wilkes Booth when we need him? He could show Shitler how persecuted Abraham Lincoln was.

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If only…

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Why are his followers standing there enthralled? That's what I don't understand. I guess they are just brain dead. Personally, I find those zombies terrifying.

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It's a cult. They need to be culled and put on an island. A few can be reached, but most of them are unredeemable after decades of brainwashing by Fux News and Reicht-winged hate radio.

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Indeed ,no matter his fate ,those lunatics are not going away!

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At this point in his devolution he’s not capable of deciding what he spews out of his mouth ,this boy done gone over da waterfall !

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Mar 17
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The law of averages has to kick in soon ! Then one of his psycho apostles will have an epiphany and rat the scum bag out to the rest of the twilight zoners as the false prophet ,then they’ll rip his ass to shreds!! … Well we can dream 😴 at least till November anyway??🤣☘️Happy ST.Pats day to all !

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Hi Jeff, I get a lot shit from MAGAS over the Black National Anthem being played at events such as the Super Bowl.. very upset people, they refuse to watch the event… boo fucking who.. so now we have the J6 convict choir singing, Donald saluting, people take their hats off for respect to a phony national anthem. Fuck these people, they are not patriots…. More like remnants of the Confederacy… apparently they want a “bloodbath” their demented is wailing for… just like Jefferson Davis.. Thanks for what you do Jeff and all fellow travelers.

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‘Lift Every Voice’ should BE the national anthem.

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Don't miss this!

This free substant post tells what it's like to live under a dictatorship. It will set your hair on end.

The most important skill for survival under a dictatorship is the ability to keep your mouth shut. I know commenters on this page will will fail spectacularly!

The Strongman Fantasy and Dictatorship in Real Life



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Thanks for sharing this piece. It should scare the living crap out of anyone. 😳

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Timothy Snyder is becoming extremely worried and that scares the shit out of me.

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His cult members seem to have conveniently forgotten that he *already* had 4 years to fix everything, and accomplished nothing...unless you count the hundreds of thousands of unnecessary Covid deaths, a disastrous economy, a rusty pos wall that Mexico *didn't* pay for... Oh, and committed the US to withdrawing from Afghanistan by a certain date (when he no doubt expected to be out of office). The list is endless, of course. WHY ISN'T HE IN PRISON. OR DEAD. (OR BOTH?)

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I once asked a MAGAt how this could have happened, given that he had everything he wanted. Oh, you know, he was opposed by the swamp dwellers who wouldn't give him his way.

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We are all in extremely deep shit if this goes down badly,today’s technology will make it so much easier to identify the people who opposed him! I’m of the opinion that it’s not going to be life as I wish to continue with ,if this goes badly, but I am not going easy!

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I have kids and grandkids, not to mention my better half. It might kill me to shut up, but Mr Snyder has it right: you stay quiet to protect the people you care about. I've marched and protested, worn a pink hat in public and spoken up about all the stupidity. Anyone who knows me outside of work knows what my opinions are, probably in more detail than they'd like.

But at work, I don't talk about it. Political opinions, even at a state agency that leans pretty lefty (for TX, at least) are not something discussed openly. I protect my coworkers (and my job) by hiding my opinions and justify it as professionalism. I don't react to reviewing the latest nutjob legislation by digitally shredding it while screaming, "OMG WHAT A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" (as I might otherwise do); instead, I hold my nose and do my job, assessing its potential effect on data center operations. (I consider this my bid for sainthood. Or maybe my bid to be sent directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200. One of those things.)

Some of us did talk at work -- hanging around after the morning ops meeting once or twice a week, to discuss whatever horrendous shit Trump had just perpetrated (in lowered voices and with the door closed) -- before the pandemic, anyway. Now we all work from home and worry that our Teams app is bugged. (As in eavesdropping, not bugged as in the natural state of Microsoft software products.)

I know the care I take now to keep my opinions away from work is a world away from the kind of repression the GOP favors, but it's still informative. If I hold my tongue now so neither my own job nor my coworkers' could be damaged, wouldn't I also be silent if it guaranteed the lives and safety of the people I care most about? I can see this happening all too easily now, and it scares me as much as anything I've seen lately.

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It was excellent…

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FUCK Agolf Shitler!....fuck 'im in his hamberder filled ass with a rusty 9 iron!!!....I am SO fucking sick of this vile ignorant orange POS and his ugly hateful ignorant busch lite swilling MAGAt cult slobs, and the spineless pussy bitch republiKKKan politicians who continue to do absolutely NOTHING when they hear this stupid fucking cunt spew his hateful hitler wannabe bullshit at his grotesque hate rallies...how are we even looking at the possibility of this carnival barking pig fucker being elected POTUS again???....what the fuck is wrong with tens of millions of 'Muricans?????....the older I get, the less I understand my country, and seemingly, half of its citizens!!!

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I loathe this vile putrescence, and am sick of his voice, his performances, his people. But I do love everything you said. And it’s exactly how I feel: he’s a carnival barking pig fucker …

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I like your POV Booyah!!! Thank you Mike!!

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It seems as if a third of the population are rabid wolves ,and the rest are sheep awaiting the slaughter! This should get the crowd warmed up a wee bit “I said to me self “ So glad some nice person showed me how to go back and amend things,so very helpful,and appreciated 🤙🏼🙏thank ya so very much!

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That would be great use of a 9 Iron. Thanks for your post. I'm so sick of these people and their hypocritical, hateful values. "Carnival barking pig fucker" needs to be on a t-shirt. It's so easy to slide into despair. This had me donkey laughing. Bless you, Mike.

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Geeez! And I thought 💭 I was pissed off 😤! Excellent use of the king’s English extremely discriptive and enlightening,I’m jealous,thought I had it covered? O’well can’t be greedy!

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Jeff, you make me laugh every day. I mean really laugh. Agolf Shitler. I know exactly when to check in for my much needed laugh. The real stuff is often unbearable.

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Sundowning Grandpa Befuddle pants. 🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah, that was a good one.

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Dementia is too friggen easy of a way out for pure fucken 👿 evil incarnate! That M.F. Should writhe in the unbearable ,agonizing pain of a blazing inferno for days and be aware of every single moment of it,the escape by dementia and loss of consciousness is a blessing he does not deserve !👹⚖️🔥that Might balance out the scales ? I don’t think the families of the million Covid victims would necessarily agree with that,but it’s a good start 🌈

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I could not have said it any better!

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You know what? I'm over being threatened by Emperor Shitstain and his followers. Fuck you!! You assume that your opponents won't defend themselves. WRONG!! Go ahead! Try to pull the bullshit you tried 4 years ago. We're ready this time.

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You're so right, Charlie! I am ready for these clowns. Why do they think we won't fight back?

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They mistake our kindness for weakness.

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Yes. If he calls for a coup again, we’ll have our own troops at the ready to support the Capitol police in defending our freedom.

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Mar 17
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Way to go Charlie! Always remember opinions are like assholes everybody gots one ☝️ and theirs all leak and ain’t worth the shit Thats dripping from them ! Kick some leaky MAGAT ass into DER Fuhrers asshole like mouth !👄 pucker up Fatboy dinner time !

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I volunteered as a poll worker for the first time in the primary and the clip of the Russian election was eerily reminiscent of what this county has in terms of ‘observers’. The far right is already employing this to the furthest extent possible currently. These ‘patriots’ are election deniers, followers of tffg and the my pillow christian fascist. It’s a real thing folks, not an Orwellian prediction.

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Orwell wrote "1984" as a warning, not a how-to manual.

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Totally true!! Had to read 1984 in high school years ago.. yes years plural.

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Yes I should have used the word warning rather than prediction I suppose.

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I certainly don’t think it couldn’t happen anymore,as I did back then !

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We can keep the fascist assholes company at our polling stations I intend to!🇺🇸😠

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Thank you! I plan on working in November and I’d be lying if I said it’s going to be easy. We remain neutral but they sure as hell do not.

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I guess it’s springtime for Shitler but until the election and our chance to sundown him permanently, it’s cold dark days in American politics.

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Mel Brooks made it seem so funny 😂,I’m not laughing any longer !🤬

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It was very funny, but agreed my humor has indeed gotten grimmer

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If I weren’t witnessing this with my own eyes I would not believe that this shit is happening in this country. I cannot believe that Donny’s behavior attracts even the voters with the worst instincts. Why? Why would anyone chose fascism unless they expected to be at the top of the food chain? Is that their fantasy - that they will somehow come out on top? Don’t they realize their lives will change but definitely NOT for the better?

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It’s the same reason you can ask Republican voters whether they’re part of the 1% who benefit from tax cuts and a ridiculous number think they DO. Conditioned to vote against their own self interests. Hand them a whip and they’ll beat themselves. Unfortunately because of the electoral college, e.g. the only way they win elections anymore, they can drag us to hell with them.

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You have inspired some Sunday morning rambings:

I am really tired of being locked in a room with the slow learners and jerkholes, and I'm beginning to think that the entire US Senate is inherently undemocratic. LA county alone has more people than at least ten Rethuglican taker states. WTF? That is not equal representation, especially when it's only the US Senate that can vote for SCOTUS, which has proclaimed itself the supreme rule of all that is and will ever be. That is not what the founders had in mind. This country feels like an off-balance load spinning around in the washing machine. In my next life I'm going to be Canadian.

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I’ve often wondered if the rulings of the Supreme Court are not enforceable by the Supreme Court , and the Supreme Court has no mechanism to police itself why is anyone listening to them ?They have no reason to find in the interest of the laws that the people overwhelmingly support.Why are we not enforcing a code of conduct that would make them accountable for their actions , all other courts have to follow rules that the Congress can and does enforce?The politicians have screwed up the intent of the Constitution so badly that nobody knows how to fix the friggen damage that they ,the “politicians” have caused to the Constitution, something must be done out side of the corrupt system that the hacks in the government have created for themselves that makes them almost invincible and self righteous as well as perpetually living on the people’s dime ,like cockroaches we can’t get them out of the House or the Senate,they are literally self perpetuating infestations !This is not how our government was intended to function! We have to find a way to force the hacks in the elected government to do the bidding of the people,I mean really aren’t they supposed to be working for us , the people? The percentage of honorable politicians is,if that is possible less than it’s ever been by the looks of things! Granted there are still some people in the Congress that have honor ,but they are so few that they are limited to doing what is necessary to get an honest functioning government that we canTRUST ,to do the work of the people! The Foxes shouldn’t be allowed to determine their stay in the friggen hen house !

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We’re not dealing with the MENSA crowd ,nor the pick of the litters !

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I have very limited communication with Trump supporters. One recently revealed that she does not care what T says or does as long as he is pro life which is its own way quite ironic.

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Those folks ain’t gonna be getting an invite to join THE MENSA CREW !

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Why is this allowed to go on ? Imagine this rhetoric at a George Floyd protest. Smdh

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The court room doors would be swinging off their hinges,they’d have to install one way revolving replacements ! ALL LEADING IN NO EXIT!

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Orange Shitler isn’t held accountable for deadly attempted overthrow of the government, rape- merely needing to pay a fine, multiple Constitutional violations, emoluments violations, 91 pending indictments. Should we expect him to be held accountable for violent terroristic threats? Don’t make it sound like he was selling loose cigarettes or possibly trying to get away with passing a counterfeit $20 bill! 🙄😡🤬

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Absolutely! This is incomprehensible,how is the government not acting on this shit?

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Funny, but not funny.

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A bloodbath? Oh, no, I guess I’m now convinced to vote for Shitler? Logic, man.

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Too bad for the PAB the maga vigilantes know the FBI is just waiting around for them to reveal themselves.

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This is crazy shit , the screwy son of a bitch is inviting a blood bath and daring the government to do something about it!Somewhere in his malignant,putrid brain he knows he is fucked if he loses,….there’s nothing left for him to lose! He is going for the win or to the Joint !

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See now, "if he loses". The campaign really only gets going this summer. When working people with kids who are too busy to pay much attention hear this garbage, he ain't gonna win. IMHO.

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Mar 17Edited
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MTGangreene is such a great roll model for MAGAtville.. 1). Total SKANK 2). Dumbass 3). Cannot speak in a full sentence 4). Mispronounces almost every word in the dictionary maybe she should stick with Pictionary. 5). Thinks she’s HOT AF 6) excuse me while I vomit 🤮 7). Wants to be the OrangeGriftingDoucheFuck’s VP AKA private OrangeMusrollini’s Fluffer. 8). Looking to score points by spreading God knows what for anyone wanting an STD. 9). Thinks her voice is the voice of reason when in all honesty her voice is like nails on a fucking chalkboard. 10). She’s MTG and wants us to worship her.. and her MangoMagaTWannabeDickTatorTot …not fucking likely. Like NEVERFUCKINGEVERINANYLIFETIMEORALTERNATEREALITY!!

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And a spork-footed pipe bomber, also too.

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Good one Mary!!

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Excellent take down of Mad Marge. I think you covered it all.

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Then they get all butt-hurt when someone tries to hold them the least little bit accountable for their treasonous, slanderous, anti-democratic behavior.

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Sorry Tess, but I just found out that the video going around on Twitter of MTG holding a sign saying honk if you want a blood bath was photoshopped.

Of course I didn’t know that, but I’m going to delete my original post.

My apologies.

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No problem Susan! Wouldn’t put it past her —— probably will give her the idea to do just that!

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Thanks Tess.

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That MangoMussolini is exhausting me. He’s exhausted all his options and now America gets to see his inflated dickforbrainsego get right in the way. How can anyone vote for that griftingpieceofshitassholemotherfucker.. oh yeah MagaTs those wormy assholes just are waiting to line up and blow that bloviatingblowhard. WTF happened to our country? Oh yeah MagaTs infested our country.. someone call the exterminator.ASAP

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Damaged goods. The dude is badly damaged. All he's got at this point is empty threats. Couldn't even pull off a coup when he was in power, FFS. Can't even get anyone to protest at his multiple arrests. SAD! Blathering at Klan rallies just alienates more human beings.

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We can only hope it alienates his base. They’re bat shit certifiably crazy assed trolls.. got into it with some MAGAt twatmuffin.. omg they couldn’t even string a complete sentence together! But boy was he big mad.. all 5’ feet of him.. I almost called him Frodo .. what?!? You guys know I just cannot play nice with these dumbmfkingasshats

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🤣🤭😜 Don't even trouble yourself! The base really is a cult. They will stick with their dear leader. But they are a minority that hasn't gained any hearts or minds in years now. Grandpa's current rhetoric, along with his ridiculous followers, only keeps regular folk away.

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Your mouth to God’s ear!!🙌🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽 I just can’t anymore with that Orange Asshat and his followers

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And we used to wonder how Hitler pulled it off in Germany. 🙄😵

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There's my descriptive adjectives!!😄😄

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A bit late for the exterminator,retroactive abortion is out, no Lee Oswald or John W.Booths around,shit slim pickings are the order of the day! I’m still hoping Karma is going to get the job done!

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At least someone else, the NY Times, happened to mention the morbidly obese former president and what he said for all to hear. He relishes the idea of violence to put his massive ass into the seat of power! For the reasons you mentioned, Jeff, his "appeal" is shrinking and his candidacy is nothing but threats to our citizens, He MUST BE STOPPED AT THE BALLOT BOX!

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