Agolf Shitler promises a “bloodbath” if he doesn't win in November
Donny goes full fascist again
Little Donny Pantload went Full Fascist on the tarmac at the Dayton International Airport in Vandalia, Ohio yesterday. check out this fucked-up rant:
“now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it — it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.”
hello, what? a bloodbath? if you don’t win? what the holy fuck are you insinuating here, Shitty Hitler? who exactly are you signaling to “stand back and stand by” when you get crushed at the polls in a few months?
now listen to this atrocity:
“ladies and gentleman, please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages.”
that’s right, MAGA has their own version of the national anthem, written and recorded by the fuckfaces currently behind bars for trying to overthrow our government. it’s called “Justice for All” and it’s basically a poorly re-written Star Spangled Banner. all of Trump’s hate-rallies open with it.
oh wait, did I just call them “fuckfaces”? I’m sorry, in MAGA-land, these assholes are known as “hostages” — martyrs to the glorious cause of Let’s Make Trump King For Life.
look at Trump, saluting these assholes.
by the way, the overwrought “horribly and unfairly treated” is all the proof you need to know that Trump wrote the announcer’s introduction himself.
hey, you know who else had their own anthem? the Nazis, of course. their own dipshit serenade was called the Horst Wessel Song, and from 1933 to 1945, it replaced the German National Anthem. Horst Wessel was — you guessed it — a martyr to the Nazi cause, and the Nazis passed a law requiring people to seig heil whenever it was played.
again, look at Trump, saluting. is there anything that Shitty Hitler does that isn’t cribbed straight out of the Nazi playbook?
in fact, last night Donny Poisonblood was at it again, dehumanizing immigrants.
“… if you call them people. I don’t know if you call them people. in some cases they’re not people, in my opinion, but I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say. they say ‘you have to vote against him because did you hear what he said about … humanity?’ I’ve seen the humanity and these humanity— these are baaaaad— these are animals, ok? and we have to stop it.”
mind you, the speech wasn’t all Shitty Hitler — Sundowning Grandpa Befuddlepants also came out to play.
“Joe Biden won again Barack Hussein Obama. has anyone ever heard of him?”
noted historian Donny So-Unfair also put in an appearance.
“now I’m being persecuted I think more than anybody but who the hell knows. you know, all my life — you’ve heard of Andrew Jackson. he was actually a great general and a very good president. they say that he was persecuted as president more than anybody else. second was Abraham Lincoln. this is just … what they said. this is in the history books. they were brutal. Andrew Jackson’s wife actually died over it, they say. died of a broken heart. but she died over it. he was never quite the same. but they say Andrew Jackson. they say Abraham Lincoln was second, but he had a — y’know, in all fairness, he did have a Civil War, so you would think that would cause a problem, right? so you could understand it. but — nobody comes close to Trump.”
oh, boo fucking hoo. you’re not being persecuted, you’re being prosecuted. maybe crime less, you dildo.
oh, and Andrew Jackson was an ignorant racist who slaughtered Native Americans — that’s why Donny Ratbrain admires him so much.
the speech was so over the top that even the New York Times couldn’t ignore it.
Trump Says Some Migrants Are ‘Not People’ and Predicts a ‘Blood Bath’ if He Loses
In a caustic and discursive speech in Ohio, former President Donald J. Trump once again doubled down on a doomsday vision of the United States.
but don’t get excited — recall what happened the last time Trump went Full Hitler and said that migrants were vermin poisoning the blood of our nation: the press spent a whole 24 hours on the story, and then dropped it in favor of a more pressing issue: figuring out exactly how old Joe Biden is.
so, once again, we have a deranged maniac promising to destroy democracy. he’s promising to round up migrants and put them in mass deportation camps. he’s promising to pardon actual criminals and to imprison his enemies.
and, once again, he’s promising to put our county through hell when he loses.
get ready for 2020 all over again, except this time on steriods.
it’s why the Trump-infiltrated RNC made election-denying lawyer Christina Bobb its first hire — so that this time, when she files sixty-two election lawsuits, or when she concocts some fucked-up scheme involving bogus slates of fake electors, her efforts will have the full weight of the national Republican party behind them.
and you know goddamned well that Trump will try another insurrection — a “bloodbath,” to use his own words.
get a load of this cheery clip:
this is from the election that’s happening today in Russia, where Putin is expected to “win” his fifth term as president.
welcome to King Fuckface the First’s vision for America: a country where — if we even have elections any more — a gun-toting MAGA poll watcher will make sure you vote the right way.
every passing day brings a fresh new reminder that the courts are not going to ride to our rescue. we need to vote in huge numbers, and we need to win — and we need to return the House to a Democratic majority, so that the Republicans can’t pull any of their we refuse to certify this election bullshit — because you know they will. we can’t give them that chance.
do not despair. Trump is not growing his base. 40% of GOP primary voters are still rejecting him, even after Haley has dropped out. he’s repelling the independent voters he needs to win. the guy who already lost two popular votes is not going to win a third. we just have to get out there and vote.
we can do this. let’s go.
How does this lying piece of shit continue to walk around free. He’s a national terrorist. If anyone else said this the FBI would be at their door to cuff them and cart them off to jail. I’m not understanding. This is bullshit.
What part of Shitty Hitler do his supporters find even remotely appealing? I just cant even with these fucking people. We MUST win in November and end this madness. He's clearly lost his mind. 🤦♀️