Harry Litman: "The DC circuit was careful to anchor its ruling not just in separation of powers and ability of judiciary and legislative to check the executive, but also in the right of the people to vote, which the insurrection abridged."
Let us hope so. Then just maybe Judge Chutkan can reschedule BOFF’s trial date sooner rather than later. It’s obvious Cannon isn’t going to move on anything so there’s no reason for any further delays for the cases that are still alive. I, like many, am so ready for some big boot to kick BOFF’s ass so far back into a max security cell that he’ll never be heard from again then let the maga nuts go crazy. Maybe they’ll take each other out like they’ve done at their blown out border caravan. Damn fools!
I love hearing from him and all of the MSNBC legal experts. I just hope he took these particular justices into consideration when he made that assessment and didn’t just consider what normal,
yeah... can't imagine why, but some of them appear to be a little nervous about looking too much like fake justices... (and no, not including Thomas and Alito in that group lol -- Thomas doesn't give a shit as long as the RVs and free private plane rides keep rolling in.)
And people talk about corruption in these “other” countries. Those scotus judges are so vile and corrupt and they don’t give two shots who knows it because what are we the people gonna do about it?! Nothing! I knew Thomas was gigantic piece of shit at the Anita Hill hearing with his arrogance and faux outrage. I’m talking to you too Brett Kavanaugh, you frat boy wannabe rapist. And that judge in Florida must be raking in millions for all the delays she has given that evil man. And don’t get me started on the lackeys he has in congress sucking on anything he orders them to. I often wonder around just exactly what sick things that sick fuck has made them all do to prove their loyalty to him. I’ve never seen so many corrupt and disgusting, low class trash in the US government in my entire lifetime. It is sickening.
Yeah, except for Thomas -- who won't recuse because assholery is his brand -- and Alito, I think the others will reject immunity. History books and all that. If Robert's knows anything, he will try hard to make it unanimous. After Dobbs, you know he needs this.
We can only hope the SC of paid off Justices will realize they are under a microscope and actually SlamDunk that POSOrangeDoucheFuckForBrainsTroglodyte.
I concur. The SCOTUS already has a spotlight on them for all the rampant corruption of several of their justices, so I don't think they're going to rule in TRump's favor. They may not even take the case and leave it to the lower courts.
Honestly all I have to add is it's just another one of Donald's kid glove treatments that anyone takes him seriously despite every post being all caps now.
If Biden made an all caps post on Shitter, we'd be hearing about it on Newsmax for a month solid.
Actually, I was afraid you are a little too optimistic.
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.“ (HL Mencken)
…even federal judges.
Based on the few Trump-like people I’ve known in my life, (yes, they’re out there), he is energized by threats and fulfilled by others’ frustration. I don’t imagine he’s as worried as we’d like him to be.
I concur, but I still love reading the articles and comments from people that get excited whenever some new revelation or legal decision comes down. It's heartening to know good people are so passionate about fairness and justice, no matter how unlikely I personally think those outcomes will actually occur.
Unfortunately, I have too much life experience with malignant narcissistic/psychopaths. When anyone calls them out, they go fucking insane. They obsess about revenge. Their biggest fear is we are going to find out who they really are. They are experts in love bombing and gaslighting. They never feel remorse. Ever. They are the worst abusers on the planet. There is no cure, except irrelevance. How do you have a relationship with someone like him, you don't. They kill souls. They only get worse. Until they finally die. And leave a fucking mess behind for the rest of us to clean up. Motherfuckers!
Survivor of a narcissist here as well. You are absolutely correct, telling them you see the fraud, the lies, the emptiness, the fear, the cruelty, is the worst thing possible. It's called "narcissistic injury", and Trump is suffering the worst case he has ever had in his dreadful and miserable life. He will thrash and fight and maybe even collapse from it but he hopes to take a lot of folks with him. Narcissists must attack those who see who they are, this is an existential battle for Trump. We must make him irrelevant because there is no changing him. Put him in prison and run away, America. Run away.
I feel your pain. I'm actually holding a mirror up to one of my many family members with NPD as we speak. It's not going well. If this person could set me on fire, they would. I spend a shit ton on therapy.
Lisa59: truth. You covered it all. There are People of the Lie, and that’s who they are. Not redeemable. They will take down or devour anyone who tries to stop them. And yes, puncturing him nonstop into irrelevancy is the only way to shrink these people down to size. Cut off their air time. They choke and suffocate. Don’t pretend they make sense or have any redeeming qualities; they do not. They are born without certain “genes” for functioning within social norms.
There hair trigger rage keeps everybody on their toes. It's constant chaos. Then you add their grifting tendencies. Never hug a narcissist. They will pick your pockets. You're right on target. Thanks for saying that.
Word out there is he is one of the people who expects he will be convicted. He blew is own master grift. He became president. He could have gotten away with this level of grift forever otherwise. Teehee
Exactly. Becoming President was the worst thing that's ever happened to him. His wife hates him. His kids are (mostly) pariahs. He's reviled literally all over the world. And for what? Money? So he can eat hamburger, do drugs, bang prostitutes, and play golf? He could have done those for the rest of his life.. And fawn over father figures who are despised by decent people?
Then again, sick is sick. He couldn't have done otherwise. It's enough to make a fella believe in fate.
Well, I remember his face and reaction at the press dinner when Obama mercilessly roasted him and hit every weakness he has and I figured then he would actually run. He was also surprised when he won and it's just too bad he did. He's one major sick puppy. No, I don't want to compare him to a puppy, and not even the most vicious animal. He is a thing unto himself. Barely human, only because he walks on two legs.
Agent Orange and his wife are a couple of bookends. She doesn't give a fuck about anybody. Don Jr. is crying in his coke, "daddy doesn't love me", Eric would hide if he could because he's terrified of his father. Ivanka follows in her father's footsteps. And the youngest is upset because daddy doesn't want to have sex with her. Just her sister. They are a hot mess.
I can't watch Jr. when he talks. His mouth overworks and I suspect it's a combination of coke and Ecstacy which makes you do weird things with your mouth I'm told. And I've actually seen people in the throes of those drugs where they've overdone it.
No. There is usually a truth teller in the family. I don't know if that's him. Or if he's been conditioned to rescue his mother, or he's just another gene carrier of narcissism.
Agree with you, but we've seen he's incapable of showing control the way a normal human being does, even if the end result is shooting himself in the face. For a sociopath piece of shit like him, the juice that comes with being the "most powerful man in the world" is a drug he has to chase. Rational human beings know he's not qualified or smart enough to clean shit out of a litter box.........
I still say no matter the times he can perk himself up, he is looking very strained and very frayed. Everything in his world depends on getting the presidency and killing all these trials and charges.
You know I'm just waiting for the day when he pulls that nasty comment "you're not my type" and someone has the presence of mind to say, "Oh, thank God. I was terrified you were going to rape me thinking I found you attractive on any level."
I saw his hats are 70% off now on that link. But he's sure he's got this election in the bag if it weren't for ol' crooked Brandon's election interference.
Won't clean up the colostomy bag that sprung a leak in his head. Another funny as hell moment Jeff. The court has ruled so the catsup, used diapers and whatever he can get his grubby little hands on must be flying at a frantic pace. Stay tuned for more of his usual annoying bullshit victim and witch hunt rants.
I wonder is some prison guard will take over the job of "wet wipes" when he's locked up. With his man girdle on, he can't do it himself. And who pays for all his man diapers?
I saw on Facebook a post of a gas handle hanging on the tank the other day with the caution: Do not insert into mouth or rectum. And it wasn't handwritten.
Anyone who doesn’t want this addled fuck back in office needs to show video of him golfing, with his audio of bleach and 15 cases to zero, and then to hospitals with patients dying of Covid, to him golfing and bodies building up outside of hospitals and the final tally. Then someone needs to connect the dots to supply chain issues, the collapse of the economy because of Covid etc. Dems need to do this NOW.
Also, didn't the fluorescent crime factory also discontinue/disband the pandemic response team (because Obama created it)? That would be something to include.
Yes!!!!!! Dems do NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE of this material. Show pictures! Stop using polysyllabics. Keep it simple so no translation (nor any reading ability above 5th grade) and keep repeating. Tik Tok campaign
And!! Use the material as Jeff sets it out. Images and the simple things we all endured and observed. So simple… Dems have their heads up somewhere and seem tongue-tied or shy about pounding these messages. It drives me bonkers.
Same here. Hillary lost because she didn't take Zuckerberg up on social media help offer on Facebook for her campaign (he offered to both), the Republicans welcomed it, and it was one of the very big factor that hurt her campaign-so unbelievably stupid. So while LDFF always shoots himself in the face, the Democratic marketing & strategizing team is so passive and steps on rakes or falls asleep during key timeframes, it's unbelievable. They have plethora of material, they need to get aggressive! We've already had 2 very good campaign ad suggestions just this week (such as this today from DR JAGC).
For context, roughly 25% of our total national debt incurred over the last 230 years actually occurred during the 4 years of the Trump administration. That's right. 25% of our entire national debt, all during the Trump years. "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans, according to a Times analysis. In more concrete terms: The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades. If anything, that period (which is based on data availability) is too kind to Republicans, because it excludes the portion of the Great Depression that happened on Herbert Hoover’s watch."
And a great deal was because of poor management on behalf of t's administration. In addition the overwhelming portion was the billionaire tax giveaway that will far outdistance covid in the long run. Finally, every President has to deal with both his own and the former Presidents mistakes that badly reflect on his administration. Look at what Clinton, Obama and Biden had to do just to get their new administration in gear. They had to repair the old republican administration first. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump each in their own way all worked tirelessly to destroy our country and install a Kingdom. Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden all worked mightily to restore order after each Republican tried to tear us apart. Of course the media has not reported on this. Ever.
It's a recognizable cycle. Just over the past 30 years, Clinton balanced the budget and erased the deficit. W trashed it again with two wars and some other shit and capped it with a huge financial crisis. Obama got us through the crisis and back into a much better fiscal position. Then Trump trashed it all -- even the Covid disaster would have been much less traumatic in so many ways if he hadn't completely mismanaged it. Biden has brought us back to the best economy for decades. And if you want history, you can start with Hoover & Roosevelt.
Human nature is to reject anything that goes against your ethos. It would mean extreme failure to believe in something and then turn on your own beliefs. It is rare to get anyone to admit they were wrong, especially when they have gone so far out on the limb, there is nowhere but a speedy descent to the ground.
Great. Very few young voters will read this or be moved by it. That is what we need to focus on. What will voters “consume and digest” and then act upon? I am for the kinds of facts that Jeff stated today.
This was the moment I almost choked on my peanut butter toast: "the rotting colostomy bag inside Trump’s head chose that unfortunate moment to spring a leak". 😂
The Appeals Court ruling is very promising...I feel I ride the wave of good news/bad news every day and this is good news! Donny Diaperload can go fuck himself.
*him* -- I'd be happy to send *him* some. Even a stick. And a strongly-worded message, probably leading off with an F-bomb or two. I doubt all this would make it through a security screening, but if it did, all the squirrels in his head would explode lol
Ikr what a coincidence that very shortly after she relinquished that date, THEN the immunity opinion gets released. Gosh dammit!! Chukan has a European vacation planned for August, but says if she can get that trial started she will give that up.
By October 2024, there should be so many great clips of Donald Trump looking stupid that the Biden campaign will be able to make a killer ad for use in swing states.
Why it would be best to wait till October to deny the Trump campaign time to come up with counter programming.
Why wait until Oct 2024? There is already SO much footage of him looking stupid. Also of him making hugely embellished claims that he's been proved mentally competent (hahahahahaha)...
Well Jeff, after this ruling perhaps Donald will have second thoughts about boarding his private jet and fly to Moscow. Since his good buddy Tucker is already there probably negotiating a proper welcome and residence for the Orange Blob. Perhaps Donald could become the new mayor of The Villages, currently being constructed in the suburbs of Moscow..hoping to attract White MAGAS, Christians and perhaps Q nut balls… This morning I fill my bong with MAGA tears 😭
This is excellent. If he really wanted those 11,780 votes, he could have found them in a list of registered republicans who died from their cult leader’s handling of COVID.
The Biden campaign should pound home,all the incredibly obscene things that Trump was responsible for, the kids cancer money,The fraud involved in the phony Trump University scam,the unnecessary Covid deaths,etc,etc,there’s so many vile things to choose from! Maybe it’s just a bit early in the campaign to bring out the heavy duty stuff , using it just prior to the election in order to keep it fresh in the public’s short attention span might be more impactful! I hope 🤞 they get a lot more focused and forceful with their messaging! The Republicans are going to fabricate the most incredibly vicious attacks they can! We have much better ammunition ,the best part being ,ours is the truth !
I think that… along with his campaign advisors he should have 5 or so of us Dem activists and hard core supporters of all races giving him campaign advice too. Frankly we’re closer to the dem voters than they are
That definitely needs to happen, but I think Joe's probably got the other half of this already... he was at this campaign stop yesterday, answering questions from the press, grinning, looking very relaxed, with a big glass of bubble tea. They asked him if he was going to debate Trump, because Trump really wants to debate him, like, immediately.
He laughed and said "Immediately? if I were him, I'd want him to debate me too. He's got nothing else to do."
I know Biden's a seasoned campaigner, but he's also really quick on his feet. He threw a LOT of offhand shade there -- Trump does nothing, while Joe is running a nation... and drinking bubble tea lol... even contending with a stammer, he stays cool, and one thing Trump will NEVER be is cool. I think that probably drives Trump into a fit of rage every time he's reminded. And with snap like that response had, Joe puts the lie to the right wing's contention he's senile.
Stephen Colbert's impression of him wearing aviators all the time speaks to that, too, and so do all the memes where he's creatively booby-trapping the White House in January 2016 and Obama has to keep talking him down. Highlighting what a disaster -- what a maniac -- Trump is needs to be done. But it's also good to remind people just how far from that Joe is.
Joes definitely chillier than an Eskimo’s ass , add the experience he’s cultivated over 50 years and it’s invaluable.My point goes to battling a freak of political and human nature.He beat this moron before and I have faith that he’ll do it again ,but I still get real bad vibes about what information Trump might have gleaned while in office.Think about it , he had unlimited access to thing’s only a handful of living people could know.Granted he’s an intellectual 15 watt light bulb 💡 but he’s also the most devious bastard to hold the office of President.Its frightening to think of the sensitive material he had access to! This guy is a professional criminal,blackmail,extortion,and every other thing that he could possibly benefit from is within his twisted nature to use.I dread to think of what he might have up his sleeve !
He is a piece of shit who should be in jail…damn….I’m so pissed he’s not there yet I’m swearing more everyday….😡🤭…supply change..what a fucking idiot. I better go lay down! lol
Swearing is healthy, keep it in check though. Swearing at innocent babies and REALLY old ladies isn't cool. Unless of course the old lady has a magat hat on then go for it.
I'm an old lady (with NO MAGA HAT) and for the record, I am fine with being around people who swear. In fact, it would help if you were fine with that too; otherwise, you're going to be kind of uncomfortable.
SCOTUS won't take the case because they can't uphold the law and have their lips attached to tRump's ass at the same time...so they'll recuse themselves.
me to Ms Spouse: it doesn't even matter what I wrote today, all anyone's going to want to talk about is the Appeals Court
There is a huge chance that the Supreme Court won’t even consider this appeal now.
Neal Katyal on Trump immunity ruling: "I don’t think the U.S. Supreme Court is going to take this."
Harry Litman: "The DC circuit was careful to anchor its ruling not just in separation of powers and ability of judiciary and legislative to check the executive, but also in the right of the people to vote, which the insurrection abridged."
I'm feeling a little less anxious re: SCOTUS.
If I was that gang, I wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole. They’re standing on their chairs going “eek!” like a mouse is loose
Let us hope so. Then just maybe Judge Chutkan can reschedule BOFF’s trial date sooner rather than later. It’s obvious Cannon isn’t going to move on anything so there’s no reason for any further delays for the cases that are still alive. I, like many, am so ready for some big boot to kick BOFF’s ass so far back into a max security cell that he’ll never be heard from again then let the maga nuts go crazy. Maybe they’ll take each other out like they’ve done at their blown out border caravan. Damn fools!
Works for me.
🤞🏼😬🤞🏼 I am not holding my breath or putting up the farm on that. More will be revealed as a friend of mine always says and also has the name Jeff.
Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Like hoping Czar Cheetos has a stroke but, having to wait another day. 😩
I love hearing from him and all of the MSNBC legal experts. I just hope he took these particular justices into consideration when he made that assessment and didn’t just consider what normal,
honest justices would do.
Nah, bro. It’s headed to the Supremes and that is what has us all shaking.
I think the Supremes will reject immunity
yeah... can't imagine why, but some of them appear to be a little nervous about looking too much like fake justices... (and no, not including Thomas and Alito in that group lol -- Thomas doesn't give a shit as long as the RVs and free private plane rides keep rolling in.)
and that walmart will let him park in their parking lot to enjoy a down home vacation! /snark/
No sex for Clarence if he doesn’t defend his wife’s real love
Agreed. Even a partisan hack like Thomas can see the outrage and danger of giving a President unfettered power to act with impunity
Thomas and Gorsuch are unredeemable and Alito will vote whichever way he's paid to, but the other six should come down on the side of sanity
I don't think SCOTUS will take the case
I wouldn't bet against you
That’s be smart.
Neal Katyal on Trump immunity ruling: "I don’t think the U.S. Supreme Court is going to take this."
Hope so, hehas the SC experience-fingers crossed.
Gorsuch is still upset that his mother got slammed from her corruption.
Oh, he is such a Momma'boy. Sounds better in Italian.
I have heard and read in several places today that the "Supreme" Court will indeed reject immunity. So I'm allowing myself to feel hopeful.
SHOULD and probably will.👍
do judges HAVE to vote? can they abstain?
They can choose to not take this stupid case. That’s the very best form of abstention!
They don’t have to take this ridiculous case. That’s the best form of abstention!
Hope you’re right. I have serious doubts.
Not sure I agree with you. No recusal on the insurrection stuff…. Thomas is capable of anything
And people talk about corruption in these “other” countries. Those scotus judges are so vile and corrupt and they don’t give two shots who knows it because what are we the people gonna do about it?! Nothing! I knew Thomas was gigantic piece of shit at the Anita Hill hearing with his arrogance and faux outrage. I’m talking to you too Brett Kavanaugh, you frat boy wannabe rapist. And that judge in Florida must be raking in millions for all the delays she has given that evil man. And don’t get me started on the lackeys he has in congress sucking on anything he orders them to. I often wonder around just exactly what sick things that sick fuck has made them all do to prove their loyalty to him. I’ve never seen so many corrupt and disgusting, low class trash in the US government in my entire lifetime. It is sickening.
Preach It🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
You certainly have nailed it Gayna.
Wish I had written this, Gayna!! Channeling you now
Yeah, except for Thomas -- who won't recuse because assholery is his brand -- and Alito, I think the others will reject immunity. History books and all that. If Robert's knows anything, he will try hard to make it unanimous. After Dobbs, you know he needs this.
Yeah... the way it's going, this court makes the Taney court look like a shining city upon a hill.
Nope. Taney still worse.
Yeah, but when? In April, in June, or next term. The fuckery of the Thomas wing of the SCOTUS knows no bounds
We can only hope the SC of paid off Justices will realize they are under a microscope and actually SlamDunk that POSOrangeDoucheFuckForBrainsTroglodyte.
me too absolutely. it's stupid claim and not worth 5 minutes of their time
I concur. The SCOTUS already has a spotlight on them for all the rampant corruption of several of their justices, so I don't think they're going to rule in TRump's favor. They may not even take the case and leave it to the lower courts.
Jeff I sure hope you are right! What makes you think so?
Agreed, but .... I don't think they will accept either Colorado or Maine's attempts to keep him off the ballot.
Scotus is all up to you, All eyes and ears waiting... patience is needed, I know this. 😌 🫣🤨🤔😯
I think SCOTUS will deny Cert--letting the DC Applellate Court decision stand!
sorry but you're right! i read your newsletter anyway of course because it usually makes my day!
Honestly all I have to add is it's just another one of Donald's kid glove treatments that anyone takes him seriously despite every post being all caps now.
If Biden made an all caps post on Shitter, we'd be hearing about it on Newsmax for a month solid.
Thank you for reminding everyone just how horrible the pandemic was for so many of us under tRump is so important.
Those of us keeping an eye on things have been blasted for nearly a decade with a fire hose of subversion, deflection, and misinformation.
Actually, I was afraid you are a little too optimistic.
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.“ (HL Mencken)
…even federal judges.
Based on the few Trump-like people I’ve known in my life, (yes, they’re out there), he is energized by threats and fulfilled by others’ frustration. I don’t imagine he’s as worried as we’d like him to be.
I concur, but I still love reading the articles and comments from people that get excited whenever some new revelation or legal decision comes down. It's heartening to know good people are so passionate about fairness and justice, no matter how unlikely I personally think those outcomes will actually occur.
How'd you guess? :)
Not true!! What you write always matters. Btw: can he appeal to the SC??
it's been an hour since the decision and Trump hasn't said a word about it. maybe they hid his phone
Unfortunately, I have too much life experience with malignant narcissistic/psychopaths. When anyone calls them out, they go fucking insane. They obsess about revenge. Their biggest fear is we are going to find out who they really are. They are experts in love bombing and gaslighting. They never feel remorse. Ever. They are the worst abusers on the planet. There is no cure, except irrelevance. How do you have a relationship with someone like him, you don't. They kill souls. They only get worse. Until they finally die. And leave a fucking mess behind for the rest of us to clean up. Motherfuckers!
Survivor of a narcissist here as well. You are absolutely correct, telling them you see the fraud, the lies, the emptiness, the fear, the cruelty, is the worst thing possible. It's called "narcissistic injury", and Trump is suffering the worst case he has ever had in his dreadful and miserable life. He will thrash and fight and maybe even collapse from it but he hopes to take a lot of folks with him. Narcissists must attack those who see who they are, this is an existential battle for Trump. We must make him irrelevant because there is no changing him. Put him in prison and run away, America. Run away.
I feel your pain. I'm actually holding a mirror up to one of my many family members with NPD as we speak. It's not going well. If this person could set me on fire, they would. I spend a shit ton on therapy.
100% a fact, having been married, and worse, through a divorce with one.
Lisa59: truth. You covered it all. There are People of the Lie, and that’s who they are. Not redeemable. They will take down or devour anyone who tries to stop them. And yes, puncturing him nonstop into irrelevancy is the only way to shrink these people down to size. Cut off their air time. They choke and suffocate. Don’t pretend they make sense or have any redeeming qualities; they do not. They are born without certain “genes” for functioning within social norms.
There hair trigger rage keeps everybody on their toes. It's constant chaos. Then you add their grifting tendencies. Never hug a narcissist. They will pick your pockets. You're right on target. Thanks for saying that.
Word out there is he is one of the people who expects he will be convicted. He blew is own master grift. He became president. He could have gotten away with this level of grift forever otherwise. Teehee
Exactly. Becoming President was the worst thing that's ever happened to him. His wife hates him. His kids are (mostly) pariahs. He's reviled literally all over the world. And for what? Money? So he can eat hamburger, do drugs, bang prostitutes, and play golf? He could have done those for the rest of his life.. And fawn over father figures who are despised by decent people?
Then again, sick is sick. He couldn't have done otherwise. It's enough to make a fella believe in fate.
Well, I remember his face and reaction at the press dinner when Obama mercilessly roasted him and hit every weakness he has and I figured then he would actually run. He was also surprised when he won and it's just too bad he did. He's one major sick puppy. No, I don't want to compare him to a puppy, and not even the most vicious animal. He is a thing unto himself. Barely human, only because he walks on two legs.
Agent Orange and his wife are a couple of bookends. She doesn't give a fuck about anybody. Don Jr. is crying in his coke, "daddy doesn't love me", Eric would hide if he could because he's terrified of his father. Ivanka follows in her father's footsteps. And the youngest is upset because daddy doesn't want to have sex with her. Just her sister. They are a hot mess.
I can't watch Jr. when he talks. His mouth overworks and I suspect it's a combination of coke and Ecstacy which makes you do weird things with your mouth I'm told. And I've actually seen people in the throes of those drugs where they've overdone it.
That's him. Cotton mouth is his enemy.
Did you forget about Barron?
No. There is usually a truth teller in the family. I don't know if that's him. Or if he's been conditioned to rescue his mother, or he's just another gene carrier of narcissism.
Oh, I'd say there is certainly some genetic issues going on there.
Damaged person.
Does anybody else find him strange but me? And I say that with great pity that he was born in a cesspool.
I have the feeling that Barron is smart enough to understand that he is part of an f'ed up family. Maybe when he is old enough, he will escape.
That whole family is dysfunctional with a capital D. Each one only cares about themselves.
Agree with you, but we've seen he's incapable of showing control the way a normal human being does, even if the end result is shooting himself in the face. For a sociopath piece of shit like him, the juice that comes with being the "most powerful man in the world" is a drug he has to chase. Rational human beings know he's not qualified or smart enough to clean shit out of a litter box.........
His desire to one up President Obama blew up in Little Donnie The Walrus's face! Well, that, and the Putin Playbook!
His stable genius is trying to come up with the best words.
I still say no matter the times he can perk himself up, he is looking very strained and very frayed. Everything in his world depends on getting the presidency and killing all these trials and charges.
I thought the same thing. No amount of bronzer can hide the fact he looks horrible.
Most of the time he looks like road kill.
HA! True that! Delusional old coot.
He looks terrible. 🥴 Not that he was ever even remotely appealing before but now? Yuck.
You know I'm just waiting for the day when he pulls that nasty comment "you're not my type" and someone has the presence of mind to say, "Oh, thank God. I was terrified you were going to rape me thinking I found you attractive on any level."
Love it Mary!
Death on a stick! An old saying from my mom. ☠️😂
Hilarious. I love your mom. hahahahaha
Do they sell that at the State Fair?
Ha! Duct taped his orange yap?
Or, the person responsible for his texts - Trump sure as tomorrow is Wednesday - knows better or is waiting to hear from the attorneys. 😁
And the orange shitgibbon has just posted.... same old shit he's been saying.
I saw his hats are 70% off now on that link. But he's sure he's got this election in the bag if it weren't for ol' crooked Brandon's election interference.
I see 2024 Trump hats are 70% off over there awful waffle rofl.
We can only hope Jeff.
Finally, something to shut his pie hole for a while anyway.
Let him inject bleach for immunity from his crimes.
Bleach enema.
Dang you two have some excellent and horrifying ideas. LOL
ouch! lol
Hey! I hear bleach can clean up anything!
Won't clean up the colostomy bag that sprung a leak in his head. Another funny as hell moment Jeff. The court has ruled so the catsup, used diapers and whatever he can get his grubby little hands on must be flying at a frantic pace. Stay tuned for more of his usual annoying bullshit victim and witch hunt rants.
I wonder is some prison guard will take over the job of "wet wipes" when he's locked up. With his man girdle on, he can't do it himself. And who pays for all his man diapers?
Or a UV lamp up his rectum. Either would work.
I saw on Facebook a post of a gas handle hanging on the tank the other day with the caution: Do not insert into mouth or rectum. And it wasn't handwritten.
Ah, 'Murica! So stupid.
Republicans' war on public education has been a roaring success.
They've done a great job. Thank Reagan for eliminating the ethics in reporting rules to allow Murdock to create Fox BullS%#t Mountain.
Oh my god! That's a good one.
“Sundowning Grandpa Capslock.” Again, you’ve made my day! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Fuck that guy and anyone who doesn’t stand against him. I’m too angry to think anything else.
Anyone who doesn’t want this addled fuck back in office needs to show video of him golfing, with his audio of bleach and 15 cases to zero, and then to hospitals with patients dying of Covid, to him golfing and bodies building up outside of hospitals and the final tally. Then someone needs to connect the dots to supply chain issues, the collapse of the economy because of Covid etc. Dems need to do this NOW.
Agreed. I know it's not my money to use, but their messaging is lagging. Meanwhile, Trumpy continues to gaslight.
Same...I get frustrated with the lack of strong Democratic messaging. They could be educating voters with indisputable facts ... be consistent.
And persistent.
Trump is the modern day Nero, instead of a fiddle, he used a golf club.
Trump- “What’s wrong with golfing during the Pandemic?”
Us- “Because fuck you, that’s why!”
Also, didn't the fluorescent crime factory also discontinue/disband the pandemic response team (because Obama created it)? That would be something to include.
Yes he did
Yes!!!!!! Dems do NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE of this material. Show pictures! Stop using polysyllabics. Keep it simple so no translation (nor any reading ability above 5th grade) and keep repeating. Tik Tok campaign
And!! Use the material as Jeff sets it out. Images and the simple things we all endured and observed. So simple… Dems have their heads up somewhere and seem tongue-tied or shy about pounding these messages. It drives me bonkers.
Same here. Hillary lost because she didn't take Zuckerberg up on social media help offer on Facebook for her campaign (he offered to both), the Republicans welcomed it, and it was one of the very big factor that hurt her campaign-so unbelievably stupid. So while LDFF always shoots himself in the face, the Democratic marketing & strategizing team is so passive and steps on rakes or falls asleep during key timeframes, it's unbelievable. They have plethora of material, they need to get aggressive! We've already had 2 very good campaign ad suggestions just this week (such as this today from DR JAGC).
For context, roughly 25% of our total national debt incurred over the last 230 years actually occurred during the 4 years of the Trump administration. That's right. 25% of our entire national debt, all during the Trump years. "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans, according to a Times analysis. In more concrete terms: The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had somehow grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades. If anything, that period (which is based on data availability) is too kind to Republicans, because it excludes the portion of the Great Depression that happened on Herbert Hoover’s watch."
TBF, some of that deficit spending was COVID relief (and all the checks were personally signed by Donny hisself).
And a great deal was because of poor management on behalf of t's administration. In addition the overwhelming portion was the billionaire tax giveaway that will far outdistance covid in the long run. Finally, every President has to deal with both his own and the former Presidents mistakes that badly reflect on his administration. Look at what Clinton, Obama and Biden had to do just to get their new administration in gear. They had to repair the old republican administration first. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump each in their own way all worked tirelessly to destroy our country and install a Kingdom. Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden all worked mightily to restore order after each Republican tried to tear us apart. Of course the media has not reported on this. Ever.
It's a recognizable cycle. Just over the past 30 years, Clinton balanced the budget and erased the deficit. W trashed it again with two wars and some other shit and capped it with a huge financial crisis. Obama got us through the crisis and back into a much better fiscal position. Then Trump trashed it all -- even the Covid disaster would have been much less traumatic in so many ways if he hadn't completely mismanaged it. Biden has brought us back to the best economy for decades. And if you want history, you can start with Hoover & Roosevelt.
But just try discussing this with republiscum...
Human nature is to reject anything that goes against your ethos. It would mean extreme failure to believe in something and then turn on your own beliefs. It is rare to get anyone to admit they were wrong, especially when they have gone so far out on the limb, there is nowhere but a speedy descent to the ground.
And a big percentage of that money went to his corrupt cronies and their pretend businesses.
Shell companies. That's who cleans the dirty money.
Great. Very few young voters will read this or be moved by it. That is what we need to focus on. What will voters “consume and digest” and then act upon? I am for the kinds of facts that Jeff stated today.
This was the moment I almost choked on my peanut butter toast: "the rotting colostomy bag inside Trump’s head chose that unfortunate moment to spring a leak". 😂
The Appeals Court ruling is very promising...I feel I ride the wave of good news/bad news every day and this is good news! Donny Diaperload can go fuck himself.
With a barbed wire wrapped stick!
😂😂😂 Barbed wire...from Texas!
Nice and rusty.
I'll be happy to send you some!
*him* -- I'd be happy to send *him* some. Even a stick. And a strongly-worded message, probably leading off with an F-bomb or two. I doubt all this would make it through a security screening, but if it did, all the squirrels in his head would explode lol
This should have happened before Judge Chutkan had to remove the March 5th trial date but I am glad to finally have the ruling.
IKR? Let's get this over with already!
Ikr what a coincidence that very shortly after she relinquished that date, THEN the immunity opinion gets released. Gosh dammit!! Chukan has a European vacation planned for August, but says if she can get that trial started she will give that up.
Hopefully, the court date can be reset to sometime in April. We would get a verdict before the election, and that would be a BFD.
Indeed it would! GOD! I'll be soooo relieved when this asshole is put away. 🙄
There are millions of us who agree!
I still think he'll run.
Flee the interview, that is. (Gulf states or Russia)
That was my favorite line from the movie Fargo!!
He’s fleeing the interview 😂😂
"I just think I'm gonna barf!"
Just fucking GOLD...
Jeff's posts should come with a disclaimer, "Absolutely no eating or drinking while reading this essay."
Thats the absolute truth. I usually am eating breakfast and I've had my share of coffee through the nose! 😂
By October 2024, there should be so many great clips of Donald Trump looking stupid that the Biden campaign will be able to make a killer ad for use in swing states.
Why it would be best to wait till October to deny the Trump campaign time to come up with counter programming.
Why wait until Oct 2024? There is already SO much footage of him looking stupid. Also of him making hugely embellished claims that he's been proved mentally competent (hahahahahaha)...
Right TC. The messages have to be short, simple repetitive and loaded with images. People don’t read and young people read less.
Well Jeff, after this ruling perhaps Donald will have second thoughts about boarding his private jet and fly to Moscow. Since his good buddy Tucker is already there probably negotiating a proper welcome and residence for the Orange Blob. Perhaps Donald could become the new mayor of The Villages, currently being constructed in the suburbs of Moscow..hoping to attract White MAGAS, Christians and perhaps Q nut balls… This morning I fill my bong with MAGA tears 😭
Good place for the orange menace - The Villages in Moscow - what a nice thought.
This is excellent. If he really wanted those 11,780 votes, he could have found them in a list of registered republicans who died from their cult leader’s handling of COVID.
excellent point.
The Biden campaign should pound home,all the incredibly obscene things that Trump was responsible for, the kids cancer money,The fraud involved in the phony Trump University scam,the unnecessary Covid deaths,etc,etc,there’s so many vile things to choose from! Maybe it’s just a bit early in the campaign to bring out the heavy duty stuff , using it just prior to the election in order to keep it fresh in the public’s short attention span might be more impactful! I hope 🤞 they get a lot more focused and forceful with their messaging! The Republicans are going to fabricate the most incredibly vicious attacks they can! We have much better ammunition ,the best part being ,ours is the truth !
I think that… along with his campaign advisors he should have 5 or so of us Dem activists and hard core supporters of all races giving him campaign advice too. Frankly we’re closer to the dem voters than they are
That definitely needs to happen, but I think Joe's probably got the other half of this already... he was at this campaign stop yesterday, answering questions from the press, grinning, looking very relaxed, with a big glass of bubble tea. They asked him if he was going to debate Trump, because Trump really wants to debate him, like, immediately.
He laughed and said "Immediately? if I were him, I'd want him to debate me too. He's got nothing else to do."
I know Biden's a seasoned campaigner, but he's also really quick on his feet. He threw a LOT of offhand shade there -- Trump does nothing, while Joe is running a nation... and drinking bubble tea lol... even contending with a stammer, he stays cool, and one thing Trump will NEVER be is cool. I think that probably drives Trump into a fit of rage every time he's reminded. And with snap like that response had, Joe puts the lie to the right wing's contention he's senile.
Stephen Colbert's impression of him wearing aviators all the time speaks to that, too, and so do all the memes where he's creatively booby-trapping the White House in January 2016 and Obama has to keep talking him down. Highlighting what a disaster -- what a maniac -- Trump is needs to be done. But it's also good to remind people just how far from that Joe is.
Joes definitely chillier than an Eskimo’s ass , add the experience he’s cultivated over 50 years and it’s invaluable.My point goes to battling a freak of political and human nature.He beat this moron before and I have faith that he’ll do it again ,but I still get real bad vibes about what information Trump might have gleaned while in office.Think about it , he had unlimited access to thing’s only a handful of living people could know.Granted he’s an intellectual 15 watt light bulb 💡 but he’s also the most devious bastard to hold the office of President.Its frightening to think of the sensitive material he had access to! This guy is a professional criminal,blackmail,extortion,and every other thing that he could possibly benefit from is within his twisted nature to use.I dread to think of what he might have up his sleeve !
While I agree with the majority of what you have written Robert, I still think that Nixon was creepier because he was much smarter than orange anus.
Shouting now: YES!!!!!!!
He screwed himself with his no mask recommendations and inciting people to commit felonies so they can no longer vote.. but he’s a genius 😂.
A VERY STABLE genius -- don't forget that part! (whatever it means lol)
I always picture a horses ass, but maybe that’s just me lol. 😂
Very stable too...don’t forget that part...
That there is a Pulitzer-Prize-winning use of the words “colostomy bag.”
He is a piece of shit who should be in jail…damn….I’m so pissed he’s not there yet I’m swearing more everyday….😡🤭…supply change..what a fucking idiot. I better go lay down! lol
Swearing is healthy, keep it in check though. Swearing at innocent babies and REALLY old ladies isn't cool. Unless of course the old lady has a magat hat on then go for it.
I'm an old lady (with NO MAGA HAT) and for the record, I am fine with being around people who swear. In fact, it would help if you were fine with that too; otherwise, you're going to be kind of uncomfortable.
I’m 73, & FUCK & ffs 🤦♀️ are some of my favorite words
Fuck, yeah!!!
I like how you think P.J. and I'm 71.
100% agree!!!! No swearing at babies or old ladies unless maga!
Swear words are just words that are there to be used. If I’m going to be offended by anything, it will be someone’s actions.
Love this. Thx
No immunity, no immunity! You’re the supply change! 🙄
The Radical Left is trying to cheat? Ha! January 6th was the biggest cheat attempt in US history. FU you big lying orange clown 🤡. 🙄
SCOTUS won't take the case because they can't uphold the law and have their lips attached to tRump's ass at the same time...so they'll recuse themselves.
No, they won't "recuse"--SCOTUS will deny certiorari.