What can we add that’s anything worse than what eructates out of their own mouths? Let them be hoist on their own petard whilst we register every soul we can reach and drag them to the polls.
I’m older than Joe Biden. I know it hurts him to walk, but trump has to ride in a fucking golf cart to cross the road and Joe keeps going like a bat outta hell. If you write in a candidate or vote for ANYONE other than Biden, you’re not making the statement you think you are. You’re saying instead, "I’m a dumb fuck who’d like to see Trump v. Hillary all over again and put the whole shitload of trumpers back in the White House forever!"
I’m not older than Biden, but I *am* old, and I’ll take the liberty of speaking on behalf of many oldsters who recognize Joe’s grit and his political ability born of applicable experience, inner strength, and smarts. that’s what I look for in a leader, and I trust that a lot of very young voters are looking for those same qualities
I hope someone working on their campaigns makes them watch this debacle in it's entirety. What an embarrassement each and every one of them are. The idiot who makes Lauren Bobert look like a a validictorian actually said, “thank you for speaking while I'm interrupting.”
What's so embarassing for me is that I actually watched it. I would love to say it was entertaining but I'm not as proficient at lying as they are. I do know I left the room for a minute and came back to an actual verbal brawl.
Please, I'm begging every Democrat I know to vote for Biden. Do NOT write someone else in because you know, he's old and only getting older. His gait has slowed. The facts prove the polls wrong. For an ancient old pol he has gotten more done in this past 2years than most presidents do in a full 8 years. Just vote for him damnit. Because, if not Biden, who? ...........Exactly.
"I hope someone working on their campaigns makes them watch this debacle in it's entirety." Sad things is this crap plays to their low information, conspiracy theory loving base. They likely high-fived each other after and went to go get smoothies.
Too fucking true. What nitwits! Wtf is the problem with Tim Scott? Do you think his ancestors found freedom through slavery? I cannot understand the GOP and their opposition to Social Security, Medicare etc. I guess it’s a part of their cruelty - support the 1% and the rest of us can starve and die without healthcare, pension etc. IF THE 1% WERE TAXED LIKE THE REST OF US, WE’D HAVE ENOUGH MONEY for FEMA, aid to Ukraine and everything else we do. Damn these people. Sorry for yelling..
Anyone in this country who is not consumed with anger is not paying attention. The problem is that the other half of the country is consumed with anger over the fact that they can’t have Hitler reelected.
I think your yelling was completely appropriate for the subject matter.
For me, it's the profanity I can't help, every fucking day, every time I see one of those shitheads. Or hear about one on the news or the internet. In Texas, you cannot avoid the triggers. And yes, there's yelling. I yell a lot, usually the aforementioned profanity. And then there's the booze and the weed. Without Republicans, I might be a laidback, sober, church-attending paragon of virtue.
Sharyn, brothers like him are self-hating; see: Clarence Thomas. I also think they suffer from a perception psychologist call "friending", the idea that being friends with an abuser will make them care for or spare you.
I didn't watch the debate. I'm too old for that shit. But I did watch some of the post-debate analysis on MSNBC. It was more entertaining, but so is driving by the scene of an accident where the road is strewn with body parts and severed heads.
How embarrassing. Do any of them actually SEE and HEAR themselves and how they're coming across to sane, rational people? (Not to the morons who seem to think a cruel dictatorship is what they want). The GOP has truly lost its way. There isn't a decent, coherent statesman among them. And I'll never vote for another one. 🙄
What they're taking away from the Mango Mussolini is that a significant portion of their voters looooooves this shit. I was waiting for someone to pick up a folding chair, or at least throw a roundhouse. That would probably get them an instant nomination.
Yet their polling sores after--even Vivek got a bit of a bump after the debates. Thankfully
he then did a dumpster dive because he has no original ideas of his own. They do this performative BS for a base that eats it up. They proudly think of themselves as the orange mafia, most are not wrapped too tight. And they vote.
I know far too many people who would cut off their nose to spite their face. There was even a MAGA guy who allowed himself to die of cancer on the idea that partaking in government assistance was akin to allowing socialized health care, which would open the door to helping ne-er-do-well minorities. SMDH.
Yup--he died several years back. Reminded me of the guy who died of Covid because he didn't like being told to wear a mask. How did that work out for yah Sparky?
The only way Republican debates can work going forward is if the moderators have the ability to cut the mics of those not answering the question, especially if Trump ever shows up.
As for "Donald Trump wasn’t there. why would he be?"
Why would he be when he knows he sucks at it, he hates it, and he can only ever shrink his base and never build it, especially at a debate?
There ought to be at least 3 primary debates that are mandatory.
Vivek: "I will listen." If he had been listening, he would know that Republicans will never vote for a brown-ish guy named Vivek Ramaswamy.
Pence: We will pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery…
Even better would be a scenario in which Candidates are asked serious policy questions, and if the try the usual bob and weavedeflection, they get buzzed iff the stage.
My wife and I heard that even if the tangerine turd wanted to participate in this debate, the folks at the Reagan Library didn't want him there. It was something about Trump not representing the values of another former GOP president, Ronald Reagan. Regardless, the deranged frontrunner should have to be up on that stage at some point as well. He knows he would have his lying crooked ass handed to him and perhaps a few of those real suckers, the misled red hats would finally start to get it.
Dear Jeff: You are essential to my sanity. Therefore, I worry that you may injure yourself from excessive rolling of your eyes. I know I've come close myself. I am, by the way, absolutely petrified concerning the 2024 election. Why are people so stupid?
I watched exactly one minute, tuning into the fun moment between Vivek and Timmy shouting over each other. That was enough for me and I went back to watching Only Murders in the Building. (My current binge). Anyone who actually watched that clusterfuck, please contact your therapist asap. You’re in need of a brain enema. STAT!
Sorry this Marine is another evil TrAnSgEnDeRr! “Thank you for serving” has never been a GOP priority. Nixon said enjoy the jungles and Jim Crow. Now it’s $2/hr and coming home to realize that Africa and the Middle East represent peace and safety. Compared to the domestic actions spurred by ultra conservatives and approved by the silent middle right in not voting out policies and politicians. The GOP continues to piss on the dead in Arlington and nationwide.
Ron Fucking DeSantis makes me angry with his total disrespect to the Latina questioning him "first of all, that was a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris, we are not gonna be doing that". He's pretty fucking scary. His obvious deep desire to rule the world is leaking out of every pore on his ugly punchable face. He truly thinks he's superior and has the authority to shut down a question, particularly that's being asked by a woman; the way he spoke to her was so disrespectful and of course, he couldn't pass up a chance to throw a black woman under the bus with lie about Kamala. I never thought I could possibly feel the level of negative emotion toward any human the way I despise this lying monster.
I can't fucking wait for Gavin Newsom to publicly annihilate DeSantis in their debate on November 30. He will explode in rage with every response, and I for one will be giggling uncontrollably the entire 90 minutes.
He is lying tool. I checked out the Black History curriculum he was peddling and Harris called him out on. DeSantis is even going to both sides race massacres like Rosewood and the killing of Emmet Till. He saw his polls tanking and now he is acting like we didn't all see what we saw come out of his own vapid mouth. Do not believe our own lying eyes, he says. I cannot stand that hateful, awful man.
Trump paved the way for shameless liars, and DeSantis is wasting no time in following that lead. MAGAts have shown that they don't care about the lies, as long as their leaders hate the same people they do.
That Tim Scott rant is a perfect illustration of the way Confedreracy era white supremacist politicisation and demonisation of civil rights has evolved into a GOP policy. Brilliantly explained in a recent article in the Atlantic by the historian Heather Cox Richardson: ‘The Origins of the Socialist slur’.
It is just wonderful how these hate fuelled ideologues are exposing themselves in public.
What can we add that’s anything worse than what eructates out of their own mouths? Let them be hoist on their own petard whilst we register every soul we can reach and drag them to the polls.
I’m older than Joe Biden. I know it hurts him to walk, but trump has to ride in a fucking golf cart to cross the road and Joe keeps going like a bat outta hell. If you write in a candidate or vote for ANYONE other than Biden, you’re not making the statement you think you are. You’re saying instead, "I’m a dumb fuck who’d like to see Trump v. Hillary all over again and put the whole shitload of trumpers back in the White House forever!"
Man, I haven't seen or heard "eructates" since a school spelling bee. Grats on that one.
I’m not older than Biden, but I *am* old, and I’ll take the liberty of speaking on behalf of many oldsters who recognize Joe’s grit and his political ability born of applicable experience, inner strength, and smarts. that’s what I look for in a leader, and I trust that a lot of very young voters are looking for those same qualities
I'd never seen that word--learned a new one today!
me too
I had to look it up. Never saw or heard that word before.
You had me at *eructates*.
👏👏👏👏 very well said
Exactly, they keep falling for the same schtick expecting different results.
Actually I believe they are hoping for the same results. Each to their own according to their greed.
The rich will get richer and the stupid get their favorite drugs: hate, violence, and anger.
Exactly--this is the true opiate of the masses.
Dancing Fox! Spot on!
I hope someone working on their campaigns makes them watch this debacle in it's entirety. What an embarrassement each and every one of them are. The idiot who makes Lauren Bobert look like a a validictorian actually said, “thank you for speaking while I'm interrupting.”
What's so embarassing for me is that I actually watched it. I would love to say it was entertaining but I'm not as proficient at lying as they are. I do know I left the room for a minute and came back to an actual verbal brawl.
Please, I'm begging every Democrat I know to vote for Biden. Do NOT write someone else in because you know, he's old and only getting older. His gait has slowed. The facts prove the polls wrong. For an ancient old pol he has gotten more done in this past 2years than most presidents do in a full 8 years. Just vote for him damnit. Because, if not Biden, who? ...........Exactly.
Spot on. Vote Biden/Harris. Vote blue up and down the ballot.
Otherwise we will descend into chaos, anarchy, and autocracy.
I watched it as well because I like to see if they've come up with anything remotely coherent. Once again, that answer is a resounding "No."
"I hope someone working on their campaigns makes them watch this debacle in it's entirety." Sad things is this crap plays to their low information, conspiracy theory loving base. They likely high-fived each other after and went to go get smoothies.
Too fucking true. What nitwits! Wtf is the problem with Tim Scott? Do you think his ancestors found freedom through slavery? I cannot understand the GOP and their opposition to Social Security, Medicare etc. I guess it’s a part of their cruelty - support the 1% and the rest of us can starve and die without healthcare, pension etc. IF THE 1% WERE TAXED LIKE THE REST OF US, WE’D HAVE ENOUGH MONEY for FEMA, aid to Ukraine and everything else we do. Damn these people. Sorry for yelling..
Don't apologize for yelling. Yelling can be really cathartic. We need to yell more these days.
Thanks - I know it’s a no-no to do it but sometimes when it comes to the GOP, I can’t help myself.
Anyone in this country who is not consumed with anger is not paying attention. The problem is that the other half of the country is consumed with anger over the fact that they can’t have Hitler reelected.
I think your yelling was completely appropriate for the subject matter.
For me, it's the profanity I can't help, every fucking day, every time I see one of those shitheads. Or hear about one on the news or the internet. In Texas, you cannot avoid the triggers. And yes, there's yelling. I yell a lot, usually the aforementioned profanity. And then there's the booze and the weed. Without Republicans, I might be a laidback, sober, church-attending paragon of virtue.
Or not...
Sharyn, brothers like him are self-hating; see: Clarence Thomas. I also think they suffer from a perception psychologist call "friending", the idea that being friends with an abuser will make them care for or spare you.
they remind me so much of the movie Soylent Green & the beginning where people are sleeping on the steps to Heston's apartment
I didn't watch the debate. I'm too old for that shit. But I did watch some of the post-debate analysis on MSNBC. It was more entertaining, but so is driving by the scene of an accident where the road is strewn with body parts and severed heads.
Ah, I see you found my Halloween decorations.
You’re probably right. So freakin sad
How embarrassing. Do any of them actually SEE and HEAR themselves and how they're coming across to sane, rational people? (Not to the morons who seem to think a cruel dictatorship is what they want). The GOP has truly lost its way. There isn't a decent, coherent statesman among them. And I'll never vote for another one. 🙄
What they're taking away from the Mango Mussolini is that a significant portion of their voters looooooves this shit. I was waiting for someone to pick up a folding chair, or at least throw a roundhouse. That would probably get them an instant nomination.
Yet their polling sores after--even Vivek got a bit of a bump after the debates. Thankfully
he then did a dumpster dive because he has no original ideas of his own. They do this performative BS for a base that eats it up. They proudly think of themselves as the orange mafia, most are not wrapped too tight. And they vote.
Man I don’t have an answer to counter stupid. Surely the majority of Americans don’t want to live in an authoritarian country. 🤷♀️
I be sellin my farm if that happens and finding a peaceful place to spend my golden years. 😆
I hear the Netherlands are nice--had my eye on moving there myself.
I know far too many people who would cut off their nose to spite their face. There was even a MAGA guy who allowed himself to die of cancer on the idea that partaking in government assistance was akin to allowing socialized health care, which would open the door to helping ne-er-do-well minorities. SMDH.
The ideal poster child for a cult if there ever was one. 🤦♀️
Yup--he died several years back. Reminded me of the guy who died of Covid because he didn't like being told to wear a mask. How did that work out for yah Sparky?
The only way Republican debates can work going forward is if the moderators have the ability to cut the mics of those not answering the question, especially if Trump ever shows up.
As for "Donald Trump wasn’t there. why would he be?"
Why would he be when he knows he sucks at it, he hates it, and he can only ever shrink his base and never build it, especially at a debate?
There ought to be at least 3 primary debates that are mandatory.
Vivek: "I will listen." If he had been listening, he would know that Republicans will never vote for a brown-ish guy named Vivek Ramaswamy.
Pence: We will pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery…
Even better would be a scenario in which Candidates are asked serious policy questions, and if the try the usual bob and weavedeflection, they get buzzed iff the stage.
My wife and I heard that even if the tangerine turd wanted to participate in this debate, the folks at the Reagan Library didn't want him there. It was something about Trump not representing the values of another former GOP president, Ronald Reagan. Regardless, the deranged frontrunner should have to be up on that stage at some point as well. He knows he would have his lying crooked ass handed to him and perhaps a few of those real suckers, the misled red hats would finally start to get it.
Dear Jeff: You are essential to my sanity. Therefore, I worry that you may injure yourself from excessive rolling of your eyes. I know I've come close myself. I am, by the way, absolutely petrified concerning the 2024 election. Why are people so stupid?
I watched exactly one minute, tuning into the fun moment between Vivek and Timmy shouting over each other. That was enough for me and I went back to watching Only Murders in the Building. (My current binge). Anyone who actually watched that clusterfuck, please contact your therapist asap. You’re in need of a brain enema. STAT!
It will take more than one.
Jeff Tiedrich Rocks Mockery! 'Course these clowns make it kinda easy. A little song, a little dance, a little nonsense down your pants.
Sorry this Marine is another evil TrAnSgEnDeRr! “Thank you for serving” has never been a GOP priority. Nixon said enjoy the jungles and Jim Crow. Now it’s $2/hr and coming home to realize that Africa and the Middle East represent peace and safety. Compared to the domestic actions spurred by ultra conservatives and approved by the silent middle right in not voting out policies and politicians. The GOP continues to piss on the dead in Arlington and nationwide.
David sadly left out the most important requirements; rabid, if not openly violent opposition to women, non-whites, and LGBTQIA+ folks.
Knowing David, he probably did this out of good taste, which I completely lack.
Right--why are Scott, Rameswamy, and the forgettable token female I already forgot her name even bothering?
Nothing better to do???
I watched the first debate because the enemy you know. Did not descend into the madness of the second. There’s no winner in this “beauty” pageant.
Ron Fucking DeSantis makes me angry with his total disrespect to the Latina questioning him "first of all, that was a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris, we are not gonna be doing that". He's pretty fucking scary. His obvious deep desire to rule the world is leaking out of every pore on his ugly punchable face. He truly thinks he's superior and has the authority to shut down a question, particularly that's being asked by a woman; the way he spoke to her was so disrespectful and of course, he couldn't pass up a chance to throw a black woman under the bus with lie about Kamala. I never thought I could possibly feel the level of negative emotion toward any human the way I despise this lying monster.
I can't fucking wait for Gavin Newsom to publicly annihilate DeSantis in their debate on November 30. He will explode in rage with every response, and I for one will be giggling uncontrollably the entire 90 minutes.
He is lying tool. I checked out the Black History curriculum he was peddling and Harris called him out on. DeSantis is even going to both sides race massacres like Rosewood and the killing of Emmet Till. He saw his polls tanking and now he is acting like we didn't all see what we saw come out of his own vapid mouth. Do not believe our own lying eyes, he says. I cannot stand that hateful, awful man.
Trump paved the way for shameless liars, and DeSantis is wasting no time in following that lead. MAGAts have shown that they don't care about the lies, as long as their leaders hate the same people they do.
Exactly--they give them permission to be their awful, evil selves.
I should send Gavin a brand-new Louisville Slugger.
Its really going to happen? What channel, anybody know yet?
Now that will be fucking worth watching!
Fox News of course so they can edit out anything of substance Newsom says.
Fuck! Are you kidding me?
That Tim Scott rant is a perfect illustration of the way Confedreracy era white supremacist politicisation and demonisation of civil rights has evolved into a GOP policy. Brilliantly explained in a recent article in the Atlantic by the historian Heather Cox Richardson: ‘The Origins of the Socialist slur’.
It is just wonderful how these hate fuelled ideologues are exposing themselves in public.
OMG-“morons”-is right! Thanks for watching it...couldn’t do it!
I couldn’t watch any of these idiots speak!! They’re all deplorable POS imbiciles!!