
yes I know Alex Vindman misspelled 'peddling.' he's still a national hero

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It was a jarring error only because fitness expert Trump probably couldn’t “pedal” anything if his life depended on it!

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🤣 🤣 🤣 I would pay good money to see that happen—and to see Trump fall over dead afterwards.

Though I would be sad that he cheated prison by dying first....

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Usually, the appropriate description for Republicans includes the word "puddling." Vindman is perfect at characterizing Grand Old Party operatives.

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He is.

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Ban all grammar Nazis! They disgust meeeee

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O that's cold

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From Iowa and here’s the caucus breakdown:

📍2,083,000 registered voters

📍718,000 registered republicans

📍102,000 people voted

📍53,219 voted for Trump

That’s only 14% of Republicans.

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Thank you. The RepubliCon media are spinning a false narrative. Same cartel seem also to be selling this Trump as an inevitable Winner here on the UK’s BBC radio. Like the pro Trump Conservative party in the UK, the Republicans are trying to prevent their party from splitting into ungovernable political faction fights.

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Of course they are, we can thank fox fuckin news for this

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Looks like that cow has left the barn. Particularly, if you look at that sandbox fight called the Republican majority in Congress.

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Susan, thank you for the statistics!

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My statistically inclined brain was already itching to know these numbers, but didn’t think they would be that drastic! Thanks Susan! 🫶🏼

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AH. I had it at 8% because the NYT was saying he got 50,260. Basically, however, the only takeaway from the Iowa Caucus was "who the hell knows what Iowa Republicans want other than not to go out in the cold to express themselves."

Update: it WAS 8%. 56,260/718,901

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I heard 110k on news, happy to be corrected here!

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Disturbing that 65% of Iowans think that being convicted of a crime is ok and doesn’t make a person ineligible for president of the United States, WTF. There is something very wrong with that kind of thinking, VERY WRONG.

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They don't want felons to vote, but running for office is OK? Can't wrap my head around that logic.

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Blows the mind

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Honestly, WTF do these people think will be the result trumpism? Even if they listen to Bannon daily and want to deconstruct the administrative or "deepstate" what miracle is supposed to happen as a result? Who wants to live through that chaos? Surely, not these snowflakes that crybaby about everything NOW before they break it.

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Another good example on how much division the mango felonious fraudster continues to create. Sad and disturbing that these folks from middle America don't realize or perhaps even care that heartless, dangerous Donny could give two shits about them except their votes.

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And money

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Not sure but I think many of those Iowans believe he is being attacked unjustly. Those are the Witch Hunters. Then there’s the Evangelicals who finally think they have their foot in the door to Power and are drooling mad at the prospect of being able to RULE at last. Then I believe there are those who love the show and are egging it on knowing it’s all a lie. We have the Q-Anon and other conspiracy theorists to add to the bunch. It’s not that they’re crazy per se, because if you believe something to be true when it’s false you act on it. Kids believe Santa is real. They aren’t crazy, they simply believe the lie they were told by their all powerful parents.

Add to all that the money promoting and betting on this attempted takeover.

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What happens when the kid discovers their parents lied to them and made a chump out of them, duped them and made them look like a baby. The kid is humiliated and the trust for the parent is suspect from then on.

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Pardon me for going way off topic here, but I have heard that before, that kids are hurt by being "lied to" about Santa. This is just personal anecdote, but I have never in my life known a child to be hurt by finding out that Santa was a myth. Rather, they all seem to understand that the Santa Myth is for little kids, but now they're a big kid, and know better. It makes them feel more grown up.

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled roast of the perennial toddlers in the GOP

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Yooper--Gotta take it one more step: When we were kids, we'd flat out ask if Santa was real (we had our suspicions). Mom would never lie, but would say, "It's nice to believe in Santa." That told me all I needed to know. (It wasn't a lie by omission, but it wasn't straight up either). We all turned out just fine.

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It’s not that far off topic when you consider that Trumps cult ‘believes in him” as children do with Santa Clause. They will not hear that the man they revere and love is the opposite of all they’ve come to understand about him. They refuse to awaken from the fairytale of DJT. He sees them when they’re sleeping. He knows when they’re awake. He knows if they’ve been bad or good so they WILL be good. Or Else.

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Haha, lol. I’m sure that’s true for some kids. They will make the best of it by telling themselves now they’re grown up enough to know that secret.

In my case, I was too embarrassed to let anyone know I had been so duped. I pretended like nothing happened, but I was humiliated and hurt to the bone because I so thoroughly believed that Santa was a true thing.

I also felt betrayed when I found out how babies were made. My mother, possibly trying to protect me, kept pounding home that sex was bad, and never to engage in such a thing.

One very good thing came out of it though I avoided lying to my daughter under any circumstances. Instead, I told her Santa was the spirit of Christmas and he said to have brought presents to the world’s children and maybe you’ll find some presents under the tree in the morning. Wink wink.

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For me the jury is still out on ‘Santa’.. :) My inner child is alive & well thank you very much✨

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I like your Santa story!

Regarding sex, in maybe 5th or 6th grade after seeing the "sex film" and being completely horrified, my girlfriends realized, " wow, you have 5 brothers and sisters, your parents had to "do it" 5 times! We had one friend with 10 siblings! We were in sympathy for her parents 10 times! Awful. I guess because we had no idea that this "act" might be pleasurable due to the seriousness of the lesson. Still funny...

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Exactly, RV. The horrifying realization that our parents actually DID that. The whole world flipped on me that day, as it did when I discovered that Santa was not a real person who lived at the North Pole and drove a sleigh pulled by reindeer flying through the sky and landing on our rooftops and him coming down the chimney with all the presents. Lol. If I could believe that think how malleable a child’s mind is. Now think of all the children of the people who think Trump is a savior. I want to say SAD but the word has been buggered.

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I didn't care one way or another, my concern was if the presents dried up or not.

Santa represented cool stuff not some grandfatherly guy that I had any attachment to.

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What I find truly offensive are all the Jesus praying jerks who have no issue with any of trump’s “criming”. It’s appalling that these church goers don’t give a flying f..k about any of his indictments, including stealing top secret documents that he peddled in an attempt to line his pockets, yet again, Apologies for my made-up word.

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Those same Jesus praying jerks are silent when their Christian National Guard does nothing to help a drowning mother and children who are also Christian because they have decided to hate her.

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Those 65% have no brain left

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Bad people hate good people. It's that simple but hard to wrap your head around it regardless.

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* only if you are White

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Is psychopathy contagious or what?

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Trump has continued to defame E. Jean Carroll on Lies Antisocial while he's sitting in court. Here's hoping Judge Kaplan finds him in contempt and maybe even throws his fat ass in jail.

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Will T rump attempt to address the bench today? Let’s hope so, and for the sake of sanity, let’s hope this Judge takes real action

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Judge Kaplan is allowing him to testify next Monday. If he does, he'll be subject to cross examination. Any bets on the likelihood of Trump getting on the stand under oath?

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Not likely.

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He’s not capable of telling the truth whether or not he’s under oath.

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Which is why he's likely to get slammed with perjury charges if he's stupid enough to testify under oath. Not to mention that Judge Kaplan will shut him down quickly and possibly hold him in contempt if he starts shouting his bullshit in defiance of Kaplan's order.

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Brilliant move. That is one way to shut his fucking mouth. Give him a chance to "speak" but under oath!

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I want E. Jean Carroll to be given the right to kick Trump in the balls with some nice pointy steel toes. I would pay a lot to see that. I would love a pair of those steel toes myself.

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Smack him upside the head with stiletto heels.

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You're setting the bar too low. Steel stiletto up the arse.

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Ooh, even better!

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I’m for channeling some Rosa Klebb here.

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Sounds good to me.

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Look, Iowa is a red state, we knew Trumpenfurher would hoover up the votes. I think 49% of those that braved the elements to vote against him is a hopeful sign. As is Tacopina throwing in the towel. Let Habba Dabba Doo’ bad lawyering ruin P01135809’s day.

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Love the nicknames. May I add Ramaswampy to the list. Sooo reptilian, you can almost feel his scaly or slimy skin

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I use Ramasmarmy because of his shit-eating grin.

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Ditto. Smarmy, much? He plays 3-card Monty but with investors' money. He is nothing BUT a shell game fraud that he wants to fraud others with mother's help... geez, slither away already.

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I was hoping his epic campaign fail would cause him to vanish, but I’m thinking he might stump for Chump in hopes of keeping his name out there.

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Every single time I hear V R’s name, my skin literally crawls and I throw up in my mouth a little. I would not want to be near that guy!

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And how about Ramasmarmy.

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How about Vivek Top Ramen Swamy

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Reptiles don't deserve this.

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Kay-El, I agree. I find the reports on Iowa results overlook the fact that so few voted for the Orange Nazi. There is nothing for the bozos to celebrate. The big R scramble is on.

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Habba Dabba Doo 😂

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Trumpenfurher, Hanna Dabba Doo. These names are making my day!

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Me too lol

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Too much stupid out there. Brain shutting down to cool the system.

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I hear you. If we don't enforce the laws now, no matter who it is, then when?

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'turns out that the Space Nazi is as good at guessing as he is at making cars that don’t randomly try to kill their drivers."


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Iowa is good at killing hogs and Democracy. However only 110k actually participated, so in the big picture scheme of things this media event was just that. Something for the slaughterhouse gang in the frozen white flyover state to get giddy over. It’s meaningless crap. The real world theater is in the NYC courtroom this morning, preparing to slap diaper filling Donny with another few cool millions in fines for shooting his little foot before sticking it in his tiny little pie hole. I’m picking up on the optimistic side of the story bc it’s the fuel that keeps me fighting for Democracy. Thanks Jeff for your take this morning.

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110K is the population of an adjoining neighborhood here in San Diego

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I’m in Eastlake(Chula Vista)! Howdy neighbor!🫶🏼

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Howdy back atcha! It's a beautiful day here in lovely San Diego!

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Up here in nocal 🌨️

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I am so fucking sick of all the news about Trump. There is msm crowing about how Trump won Iowa...but the turnout was half of what it was in 2016, and of that number, Trump barely got 51% of the vote. So I might think that the other 87k who stayed home are likely not huge Trump supporters. Granted I may be wrong, but why is this never broadcast? I mean, half of those who did go out to vote, voted against him! Doesn't sound like a massive mandate to me. It just proves that there are still a good number of dumb fucks in Iowa.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

I wish they were dumb fucks. Those would be educable. Iowa is an enormous corporate power engaged in massive resource extraction. They vote their pocket books and attend Calvinist churches where they are reassured that greed is good and they are decent people.

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"Iowa is an enormous corporate power engaged in massive resource extraction."

TRUTH. And they have severe water and land degradation to prove it.

Recommend Chris Jones' Substack - https://substack.com/@riverraccoon

Hydrological research engineer who went up (and is still going up) against the behemoth that is the Iowa GOP coupled with Big Ag.

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Thank you. I've subscribed.

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Caucuses are stupid and undemocratic. In Washington State, the Republicans dumped the caucus system many years ago in favor of a primary. The dum-dum Washington Dems, on the other hand, clung to their caucus like Kate Winslet's table in "Titanic" until 2016, when every Bernie Bro and anyone who still wears tie-dye flocked to the caucuses and trounced Hillary Clinton. (I was there. It was AWFUL.) They switched to a primary pretty quickly after that (thank god).

A system where only about 6 percent of the electorate gets to tell the rest of the state who the nominee should be is absolutely ridiculous and always skews in favor of the candidate with the most cult-like and/or bizarre followers (looking at you, Bernie Sanders and Mike Huckabee). Trump's victory in Iowa means nothing.

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Exception to my comment below. Bernie supporters were not bizarre. In fact, we wouldn’t have as many progressive accomplishments for the party if Biden campaign hadn’t recognized that they couldn’t win without Bernie supporters. He had massive support. It was the DNC as usual who prefer a middle of the road type who accomplish nothing against the frightening Fascist loving rethugliCons.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

See "and/or." (Although I gotta say, booing John Lewis and putting duct tape over their mouths at the national convention was pretty darn bizarre.)

And I wouldn't call his support "massive." The DNC is not the all-powerful force Bernie and his supporters made it out to be.

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They booed John Lewis? That's bad.

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We wouldn't have lost 2016 to Trump without Bernie.

So there's that.

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B.S. Bernie was not on the ticket. That’s why the primaries took place. And then he supported the candidates who won the primary. So no, there isn’t that.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

I tried very very hard to get my angry Bernie Bro friends to vote for Clinton but they would not, no way, no how. Now they're lining up for RFKjr. It is a problem we need to face, not deny. Right now they're mad at Bernie, AOC and all of the squad. They are doing everything they can to defeat Biden/Harris. A lot of them think Matt Taibbi is god. It's really sickening.

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There is no way any significant number of people on the left-would vote for RFKjr UNLESS they are MAGAs RFKjr is irrelevant and will not have an impact. He's an anti vaccine nut case. He does NOT appeal to the left.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

I hope you are right. RFKjr polled at 20%. They are also conspiratorial, anti-vax, smoke way too much weed, and believe they were abducted by aliens. They're also white, male and privileged. You can find them on Taibbi's sub stack comments. My son-in-law keeps sharing it with me and I worry about all of them.

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Andrea, Agree. Caususes were useful in the 1940s when spread out farm communities could drive the ‘ol tractor over to meet with most of the residents. It is laughably irrelevant today and doesn’t take into account all of the flexible work schedules and child care etc. So many people are unable to attend these in-person gatherings.

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1972. First Iowa caucus.

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Really!? Now it makes even less sense! Totally undemocratic!

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No sense at all.

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Caucuses are as ridiculous and outdated as the electoral system

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I had just moved to Washington when that happened and boy was I pissed. I got a ballot, voted, sent it in, then lo and behold there was a caucus. WTH?

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Oh, and I nominate TacoPenis for Break the Internet Award.

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That guy is out of Central Casting. His mug would have been perfect on The Sopranos

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When does he get whacked?

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Oh wait, I was referring to his former client 😏

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Haha but seriously..........

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I sooo agree 👍

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TacoPenis is the BEST! 😂😂😂

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Will TacoPenis Tuesday be a thing? :-)

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Iowa: "Unchurched" Christians tried to claim God sent Trump. Another plague. They pledge allegiance to White America.

Ramalamadingdong out: good. We don't a rainbow of Trumps.

Tapioca: I'm going with ketchup bottles thrown at him because the judge denied the motion to delay.

If you can find last night on MSNBC, during the 7-9 PM period of coverage, there was very sobering discussion of the Iowa voters, their version of Christianity (see "unchurched"), and white supremacy. And fascism.

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Robert Reich posted a pretty good analysis of Iowa Republicans yesterday.


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Reich hits the nail on the head - the talent migration from Iowa has left the state with an older, less educated electorate that is not representative of the nation’s population.

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I fucking love Robert Reich

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They only started paying attention when Jimmy Carter won in 1976.

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I pray he's right!

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So they DID try to use his quitting for a delay tactic. Yay!

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Am I the only one who finds it therapeutic to read the best bits out loud e.g., “Let’s go ahead and mock these morons!” Thanks, Jeff!

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"a bunch of dipshits held a caucus..." eieio

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"and at caucus the dipshits froze, eieio"

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It is therapeutic.

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"Agolf Shitler" 🤣🤣 You made me laugh, and I really needed to after the Texas debacle.

I'm sharing what a friend of mine posted on another site about this stupid Iowa Caucus:

"Finger on the pulse: Since 1976, Iowa has chosen the following as their Republican standard bearer:

1980 Bush 1 (loser)

1984 unopposed incumbent

1988 Bob Dole (loser)

1992 unopposed incumbent

1996 Bob Dole (loser)

2000 Bush 2 (winner)

2004 unopposed incumbent

2008 Mike Huckabee (loser)

2012 Rick Santorum (loser)

2016 Ted Cruz (loser)

2020 Donald Trump (loser)

2024 Donald Trump (lol)


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That’s right! Nevertheless, the media still calls it done after Iowa.

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Yup. I've watched the IA Caucuses and if they represent 'Merica, the God save us.

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They only represent the "REAL America" because 'Heartland' something-something.

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They don’t represent the US at all, nor do the reScumliCons.

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