
btw, Nancy Mace was left off this laundry list of fuckery because her scarlet A stunt will be in 'this week in stupid'

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What does she think a big red A means? Adorable? Maybe she's just admitting she's an Asshole.

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An adulterous asshole? She clearly hasn't read The Scarlett Letter. She's a talentless performance artist. Like they say, politics is show biz for ugly people.

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It fits.

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Good. Thank you. Signed, one of her unfortunate constituents.

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Nancy Mace is the scarlet Anus Apparatchik of the Republikan Syndicate.

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a vote for Speaker is happening right now. Manu Raju just tweeted "Ken Buck told me he voted “present” since neither man would answer his question yesterday about whether the 2020 election was stolen," so it sounds like we have another awesome day in front of us. https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/1712136519832478032

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Great so the vote is between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Fuck the GQP.

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I think you mean Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.

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Oh lovely!

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he'll need the dems to win and that ain't happening.

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word is Scalise won the first round. I guess you can call that a relief?? Not.

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Not the whole nut.217

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Scalise just won the Republican nomination

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After Donnie Dingus had four years in office, the bar is currently melted at the Earth's core and no longer exists physically.

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As always -very grateful for you Jeff. If there was a Pulitzer for best use of adjectives to describe a criminal organization and all of its feckless members, I can already hear your acceptance speech!

The GOP is in a marathon race to the bottom. I just wish they weren’t taking America down too.

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Shouty Gym Jordie is a favorite!!!

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Taking America down is how they get paid.

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Amen. And an amazing piece today, Jeff thanks

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Donated to Reuben Gallego TODAY!

We the People of Arizona already rejected Scary Kari but the parasite loser refuses to Leave. Much like her r@pist hero, djt, she’s incapable of comprehending that “No means NO!” She is so vile! 🤢🤮🤮🤮

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I started donating monthly to Gallego's candidacy as soon as I knew he was running! Here's HOPING!!

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That is AWESOME!

I just became Aware Today with Jeff’s post.

Have you signed to nominate him?


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I'm in SC. I just donate to the best Democrats who are running for the Senate.

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Oh, that's for AZ only. Conveniently, I have a brother in Kingman who will be happy to sign up to nominate.

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I too threw him some money. If Lake is running for Senator, then we all know she WILL BE Senator, no matter what, even if she only gets one vote, her own, she will claim the election is rigged and try to take down Arizona again. She's an unserious person, and should go back to news reading, maybe for RT.

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I knew about Paul and Tuberville but not about Josh Hawley and Vance. JFC. It's like they decide what's thew worst possible thing I can do to fuck up the government today, then they do it. STOP ELECTING THESE ASSHOLES. My head hurts. 🤦‍♀️

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Josh Hawley of the white power fist on the morning of J6, and then sprinting out of the Capitol in the afternoon when the white power boy activities got too hot for him? THAT Josh Hawley? Yeah, he's a POS from way back. HOW he could have defeated Claire McCaskill, even in Missouri, is still beyond me.

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A down turn in this country where the good old boys needed an excuse, no doubt.

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LOL!!! “spineless contortionist Kevin McCarthy has taped a “kick me” sign to his own back and announced that he wants another shot at being tortured daily by the stupidest fucking lunatics on the planet.”

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that was actually the first line I wrote when I sat down at the laptop this morning. it was all downhill from there

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Keith Olberman said on Monday that McCarthy was hanging around in order to be Speaker again. Let’s see if it happens with yet another bloodletting. Jeez, all this shite its tiring.

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When two public humiliations at the hands of your own party aren't enough, why not go for the full masochistic hat trick?

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How can Scalise be David Duke without baggage? David Duke is nothing but baggage.

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Don't forget the plastic surgery! Baggage and plastic surgery.

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How can there be so many batshit crazy criminally dysfunctional people in this country? Seriously. I'm beginning to think that aliens have landed and secretly poisoned the entire water supply. Makes more sense.

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I agree. Is there one decent elected official with an ounce of decency and integrity out there?

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Jimmy Carter...

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Or Sheldon Whitehouse?

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Yeah, he is president now. Perhaps you meant is there one decent GOP? Not much. Trump ran them out in 2017-18, was it like 150+ that didn't run or DID run, out of the office.

Or quitely retired. That is who they are. Shut off FOX news and who are they?

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I meant in the GOP.

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Sorry if I over-clarified. The GOP do tend to make one a bit pissey!

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Jeff Tiedrich is my soulmate❣️


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He's fabulous!!!

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I have nothing to add to all the comments. It all makes my stomach hurt. And my head and my feet. 🤯😵‍💫😳☠️. Thank you to all the people I see here on a regular basis. Thank you Jeff for making me laugh with pain.

(I found out last night my sister in law and 2 nephews got out of Isreal Saturday morning after attending a memorial service for the death of her brother (age 19) during the war 50 years ago. It never fucking ends....)

It's embarrassing to be an american these days.

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Yep understand fully and this is why I appreciate the US immigration department that took away my father’s citizenship (he was a dual citizen of CA and US) because he had served in the Canadian military - an absolute NO NO when he wanted to move the family to the US back in the early 60s. Everyday now, I breathe a sigh of relief for my good fortune, and that of my sibs.

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Oh myyyy, so happy they got out!!

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I'm going to be referring to Jim Jordan as Fibber McGee from here on out. If you're not old enough to know why, Google it. There's a LOT of shit in Jimbo's closet.

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I will now be looking for opportunities to use "treason weasel" :-D

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You will have a lot of opportunities.

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"I say we give the Speaker’s gavel back to Kev — he’s a feckless doofus but at least he recognizes the value of a functioning government. holy shit, look how low the bar has dropped when it comes to being considered a 'responsible' Republican." FOTFLMAO!!!

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The ghost of Salvador Dali is working on a mural.

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I've often thought that almost all republican officials can be characterized as (select all that apply): Sociopaths, Idiots, and/or Psychotic.

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And imbeciles

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Agree (but thought I had that covered under "idiots"). "Imbeciles" is a more evocative word, and therefore, probably more accurate.

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I can accept that. (Must say I toned it down actually)I’d used my quota of bad words by then..

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