
fun fact: Joe Biden called McConnell to wish him well. Donald Trump did not.

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Given that Drumpf owes 99% of his "successes" such as they are to the turtle...

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In true malignant narcissistic a-hole fashion, Trump do a kindness? Haha But meanwhile back in Trumpland...while Ma is shaving Pa's back, still waiting for health & dental care can't wait to re-elect the greatest president that did nothing for them. Oh wait did he shift his tax to his voter

? Or the owners of that trailer park get another $ tax 'break so they too can skim a bit more while raising their rents?

Sure probably but try convincing Pa & Ma!

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Because Biden is a good man and tRump is a POS.

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humpty trumpty dumps everyone once they are no longer useful to him or have the audacity to question any of his pure unadulterated bullshit. don't any of them get it yet?? it's all about poor beleaguered trumpty dumpty, none of them mean anything to him.

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Joe has class.

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So fucking true Jeff. I’ve been thinking the same exact thing since it happened. Actually, AS it happened and McConnell froze-up, I was surprised to see such a lackadaisical response to what might have been a TIA, (mini stroke), or something like that. But the coverage is 180 degrees opposite of what happens with Biden, - or even Diane Feinstein when she was ill. Is it the media’s lopsided coverage in general, - or are the Dems being too fucking polite to call out the same shit happening on the Republican side of the aisle? Either way, excellent call to write about this Jeff.

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Maybe I’ve had my head in the sand about the press, this is really enlightening.

Also, I don’t think it’s politeness on responses of the Dems, I think it’s more that we don’t want to be like “them”, and lower our standards to that mudslung -covered level that they seem to embrace.

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Robert Reich posted today that the same thing happened to him years ago. It’s a good read.


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thanks for posting that link. I thought about including it in my piece but couldn't find a way to make it work in context

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And good old Robert Reich, full of the human kindness that I apparently lack. 😂

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

I've lost that capacity to care with some of these monsters. When I start to feel compassion (for less than a nanosecond) about Mitch, I remember people are dead because of his actions.

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He’s a good man

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Robert Reich certainly is.

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You and me both!

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Thanks Gail, I read it this morning. Robert Reich has been one of my favorites for years. He is a kind, thoughtful generous man. His experience which he describes as similar to McConnell’s, is the best information we can expect to get? Journalist are dying to find one tidbit of information that Biden may possibly have been impolite, to pass on to Comer and Jordan. From there with the help of today’s journalist it’ll be spun to “prove” Biden deserves to be impeached.

Mr Reich wished Mitch well. With respect and dignity after all the damage McConnell has done to our country.

I want Mitch gone.

We cannot watch our elected officials physically deteriorate daily being less and less able to perform their duties.

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Great link. Thank you for posting that.

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Well I’m 81 and I’ve had two falls recently and I go blank sometimes because I can’t think of a word so my first reaction was, ‘he’s just an OLD fart’.

But that’s not the issue is it?

If Biden sneezes he has plague and if a repub pol can’t even get out of bed no problem, don’t mention it.

The issue is an Australian ass named Rupert who despises humanity controls most of our press. Good journalism fell by the wayside with good journalists who were forced out. We are fed celebrity type coverage and disinformation and pap and it’s a really good hour that goes by without every story being about Trump.

Thank Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich and Ronnie Reagan (whose freakin’ Alzheimer’s was hidden) and hang on to your girdle, Myrtle, because now these right wing mad dogs are not content with altering our present they’re trying to change the past as well.

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I'm 66. I'll bet if I fell off a bike I'd break multiple bones and would need to be taken away in an ambulance

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I’d be in a jar waiting to be scattered

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I'm 69 and am not even sure I can still ride a bike! I'm pretty sure Mitch can't.

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1957 was a very good year! I’m 66 too 😉

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Apparently I’m in good company 😂

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With all due respect, I don’t think we know what is really going on with McConnell and it doesn’t look like regular ‘old fart’. (Which I am as well).

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You are probably right. That was just my first reaction.

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Oh, McConnell - anyone who calls himself the Grim Reaper doesn’t get my sympathy card. I’m speculating that he had a mini stroke or some kind of seizure. Maybe he saw the real Grim Reaper grinning at him from across the room.

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Perhaps he'll be in Samarra this evening.

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They know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. Drumpf is a ratings goldmine, and Republican scandals drive ratings too. There are very few proper journalists left. Mostly just ratings whores now, giving real whores a bad name.

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It's nonstop and it's everywhere. One- sided journalism is all about the money and your perfect description of "whores: tell us how toxic it really is. This reminds me of the sensationalized bullshit the media spewed after the tangerine turd got his physical from forever Trump lapdog, Dr. Ronny Jackson. He declared him fit and weighing 238 lbs. Have another drink Ronny.

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He will receive the best medical care our taxpayers dollars can buy, then get back to work taking away our Medicare and Social Security. I don’t gaf what happened to him, personally. Despicable old racist fuck.

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Someone told him Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice.

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That needs to be a voice-over on YouTube.

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Mitch had polio when he was a child. While I empathize with anyone who is suffering from physical or mental disabilities, we indeed have the right to know more.

Also, I’m avoiding twitter these days, preferring to get my news from you, Jeff, and Substack.

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Same. Stay away from bikes, Jeff, we need you! Having had a hip replacement at the young age of 61, I have given up bikes, roller skates and skiing because yeah i lose my balance now and then.

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Those on the right (wrong) keep howling about a perceived double standard… they're correct, there is a double standard and they're the ones getting special privileges. Yet, they try to project it as a liberal-leaning bias, when in fact it's 180° the opposite.

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Classic gaslighting

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a series of TIAs probably? pertinent symptoms of lack of coordination, weakness, trouble with speech or vision. or lingering after-effects of head injury after a fall? we won't now b/c the wing nuts protect their own...

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Looked like an absence seizure.

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we can all speculate, but we have a right to know the facts

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Agree. Prefer to hope he had an epiphany of just how great an ass he is and was struck dumb.

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Oh yes!

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not a word from the hypocritical MAGAS...can you imagine if Biden Froze during a speech? It would be non stop for the rest of the year. Trump never read his CIA briefings and struggles reading a teleprompter. Trump suggested taking hydroxychloroquine to cure COVID and injecting bleach.

Free passes from the right.

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Yup. All that.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

Once again, Jeff, you get right to the main point. The sold-their-souls-to-the-devil Media, that trades in hypocrisy daily, treats the demented criminal orange slob and his minions very delicately. Actual News is going by way of the dinosaur and we’ll have to hunt for fossils to find any.

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McConnell showed signs of having a TIA. His several falls are signs of them. He must be seeing a neurologist. I just don't want to see him have a massive stroke on national television.

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Unfortunately, there is a list of people with whom I wouldn’t mind seeing something go terribly wrong publicly. At least it would be on film and not go mostly unnoticed by the media.

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