
dammit, I forgot to add this to the bottom of the emailed version of this piece:

"folks, a word on a different subject before I let you go: we’re doing some quarterly fundraising at my other venture, The Smirking Chimp. I’m leery of even mentioning it because if you’re one of the people paying to support my own writing here, you’re already doing god’s work and you’re already doing more than enough to help out. but if you’ve got five dollars that you absolutely wouldn’t miss and you do feel like supporting the Chimp, well, that just makes you twice the hero. the donation link is here ( https://bit.ly/3JN4abs ), or you can go straight to paypal ( https://bit.ly/3Tc6f30 ). if you need no further convincing. and if you don’t care to donate, that’s totally cool, too, and we will not speak of this again. in fact, we never had this conversation. thanks for listening and that’s it from me for now."

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You got it, Keep on keeping on!

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Donated yesterday. 😊

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This is why I subscribe to these postings. Jeff says out loud exactly what I am thinking.

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Me too, Jeff's my sanity.

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Ditto. Jeff definitely tells it like it really is without sugar coating a thing.

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I’m only mad at Hillary because she didn’t win the election; instead we’re living in an “alternate universe” that belongs to Donald Trump. As far as Hunter Biden, today’s Miami Herald has an article titled: “Three House Committees Gear Up to Investigate Hunter Biden”....like, REALLY? What the fuck HAVE they been doing all this time? The three talking-points of the mid-terms: “inflation, immigration, and crime” that House GOP candidates campaigned on all but disappeared like a Lance Burton magic trick. Politics and News have intertwined with People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight so that nothing substantial or important ever gets done by the GOP House. What a shit-show. I hope the Dems can take the House back!

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Let’s not forget what Jeff’s post is about today - Maureen (the dishonest hypocrite) Dowd. She’s on my list of despicable people that I hold responsible for the shitstorm we have been living in since 2015 - what a f*cking moron she is. Dowd couldn’t discern the difference between the email lady (for whatever faults she accused her of) and the grotesque orange, sociopathic, pathological exploding mountain of shit. Dowd and quite a long list of other short-sighted, so called journalists/pundits can f*ck off and go away.

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Love the”…grotesque orange, sociopathic, pathological exploding mountain of shit.”

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Yes, we clearly need to spend a few more $million investigating the poor guy

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And he never ever was a politician or government employee, even for a second.

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I would like to see the GOP have to pay $$ back to the social security fund, for instance for all the time & $ they spent on Hunter instead of doing the job they were hired (elected) to do!

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And I hope I never see any series that begins with “the real...”. Or ending with “...the Stars”. Deliberate mind numbing stupidity as “entertainment” legitimized by those we thought knew better.

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It's cheaper than paying writers to write good scripts week after week.

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It has an audience but I never...I don’t see the attraction or the entertainment.

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You can lay blame for The Hill not winning, the electoral vote but did win the popular vote, the one where you get the most votes, from the voters, who vote, blame that on the FBI director who thought it was extremely vital that he inform the public that Hillary did some “wrong” stuff but didn’t break the law-this I will never understand, “end of October” surprise, unless some kind of shenanigans were going on, while Donald Trump could discount our actual hero’s, mimic handicapped reporters, be openly hateful to crying babies, openly loving the Russians, Wikileaks for exposing Hillary. If TFG had emails go through a different server he’d have schemed and lied his way out of it immediately. Like the liar he is. The sociopath he is.

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John Edwards did embrace his illegitimate child after having done everything in the world to deny her existence. So, admirable, yes. But he knew and cared about the mother. Hunter just appeared in court recently to reduce the $20,000 a month child support the court ordered him to pay based on paternity and his income at the time, and it was reduced. The mother pushed hard for him to give the Biden name to the child. I don't know what the right thing to do is about this but sorry, there are tons of men who don't support nor ever see the children they thought they wanted at one time. I say Hunter's got to hvae a lot more to him than many to withstand the onslaught of Republican faux self-righteousness, as one after the other of them is convicted for sexual predation, many times of the underaged and a complete denial they did so until all the evidence is published. And Barron Trump is freakishly tall but there's something else one could wonder about him. Oh, but he's a child, freakishly tall or not. Hunter is also someone's child.

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May I add that Hunter, unlike Edwards, never held public office or ran for one. What is his relevance?

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I still find what Edwards did to his dying wife unbearable. And that troll he had an affair with can keep f..g off. And then F off some more.

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Edwards had my vote until the story was confirmed. Then I was just sad for all concerned. Sad for him, his wife, the girlfriend, the child, and the American people who had planned to vote for him.

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I supported him initially too, but was first inspired by Elizabeth. Their platform for universal health care resonated with me and I’d learned by then that litigators are usually what stands between ordinary citizens and death by corporate misadventure. Probably why I despise him as much as I do now. Great disappointment

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Oh, he's rotten all right. That was unforgiveable. And that troll he had an affair with raises her head from time to time.

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She sat through HOURS of questioning and never once pled the 5th.

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11 hours. I’m a year younger and I had trouble just watching her. I doubt I could have kept my cool through it all.

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Hunter Biden took responsibility for his actions. Donald Trump will throw his own kids under a bus to save himself if it ever comes to that. Hell, he forgets Barron is even his and took his lap dogs to a World Series game instead of his own son.

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Son probably preferred not to be with his dad.

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Good point. He and Tiffany are the lucky ones. They’re of no use to him so they didn’t get dragged into the legal messes.

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I mean, Barron looks nothing like orangehead so it's not surprising he'd forget he even exists.

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Right. Also, if you’re not stroking Donald’s fragile ego or making him money, you’re of no use to him.

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MoDo is a nasty piece of work, and I’ve always felt her columns are hateful at worst, trying-too-hard posturing at best. She’s highly overrated as a writer and a thinker.

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She's like a h.s. mean girl, who gives he impression that she was either a victim of them or one of them when she was younger. I find her writing style to be unbearably puerile.

And to think, she won a Pulitzer for her hate rants about the Clintons.

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Puerile is the perfect description! Pulitzer, my ass!!!

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I have long skipped over reading anything she writes. She would have fit in well with the Enquirer.

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The committee must have been drunk

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It's past time for the media as a whole to take a quick peek at just how many people no longer trust them to give them the news. Instead they're either "bothsidesing" any given issue, despite it being obvious there is no other side that's equivalent, or they're trumpeting either the latest outrage to spew from MTG (or whomever), or failing to mention even in passing any of Biden's successes.

No, instead of real news we get to hear all about the latest Hunter Biden peccadillo, or other nonsense.

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We were told to respect them because they’re the “fourth estate” and vital to an informed public. Humbug! It’s all about making money for the overlords.

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Funny, those conservatives. Long before Barron Trump, I seem to remember Rush Limburger (may he forever burn in hell) running a character assassination campaign against a very young Chelsea Clinton. The deplorables couldn't pile on quickly enough then.

The GOP has always operated under the principle of, "What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable." Democrats need to stop squabbling over details, compromise with other Democrats, and vote these GOPers into impotence. After that we can work out the differences and finer points. We are in a civil war that must be fought at the polls.

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but the media has a liberal bias...

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if that's sarcasm, you left off the /S.

if not, then please point to the abundance of stories regarding the Biden administration's successes. Also please feel free to enumerate the stories in which the media in general has slammed the GOP for it's apparent descent into lunacy.

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it should have been obvious it was /s...

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Thanks Jeff for reminding folks of what passes for intelligence and logic these days.

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so THIS: "Individual-1 Junior — who quite publicly dumped his wife and five children for a pneumatic floatation device older than his second stepmother " ROFLMAO (if anyone on here remembers what THAT means...)

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She believes she is one of those high achievers who should not be eclipsed, (as if my cat hasn’t done that repeatedly in the litter box). Thx

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FWIW, Beau and Hunter were *critically injured* as toddlers, but survived the incident. And their little sister died in the accident. Hunter was almost 3 years old when this happened.

Before I had kids, I thought kids didn't really become "people" or display any personality until they're 3 or 4 years old, and wouldn't remember anything from that time, so wouldn't be affected by anything that happened to them before that time.

Nope. Now I know that personality is pretty much 100% evident at about 6 weeks after birth, and everything affects them. Nature, yes, but also nurture, from very early on, and big. When my kids were 3, their younger siblings were the biggest things in their lives. No way would the instantaneous disappearance of your mom and sister not wreck you one way or another.

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This too is why I subscribe. Jeff meticulously compiles and exemplifies sordid facts, and presents them on a perceptive silver platter--Sparing no spice! 🌶🌶🌶

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