Well, it’s human piece of garbage, Greg Abbott. Although his POS AG can’t defend Texas against the DOJ -he’s got to defend himself in an impeachment trial because of a pattern of bribery and corruption.
What happened to the land of Ann Richards, Molly Ivins, and Jim Hightower.
No idea what has happened but when the current level of brutality and corruption is just another day...BUT the same Texas GOP decides, wait, enough and impeaches Ken Paxton the state AG, it does make you wonder where the line is? Wow, really there's a line, a limit?In a state that seems bottomless. Go figure
They aren’t Christian’s. If I’m no zealot buy going to Sunday school I actually read what they never have: Jesus said, “it would better a milestone tied around your neck than to harm a little on.” They’re opposite of anything He taught. They use it as a weapon to the ignorant. All that burning of books you’d think they might try actually reading the one they brandish. Kit just named them accurately. Chistofascism. They should add it to the dictionary
If A-butt ignores the court order, then I say Biden should order the Army Corps of Engineers to remove the obstacle. By blowing it up in a spectacular fashion if necessary. Let A-butt squawk all he wants. The border belongs to the US, not Texas.
I'm a Texan and have no desire to live in Mexico. It would be much better if the Democrats in the state did a better job of getting more people to the polls and out voting these SOBs.
And San Antonio is like, 4 hours to the current border.
Greg Abhorrent doesn't even try to hide his misanthropy...and those kinds of people don't change...he just needs to dissappear. Maybe in the Rio Grande under some razor wire.
Governor Asshole Abbott is the worst kind of piece of shit there is adorning the face of this earth. He’s as bad as Frumpy, Hitler, Putin, Xi, all rolled into one.
What needs to happen is he needs to be taken down to the Rio Grande, thrown into that razor wire head first, and left there to escape it all on his own. See how he likes it.
This man needs to be charged with cruelty to humans, child neglect, first degree murder (for the child which was killed in his razor wire), first degree murder (for this child’s mother which drowned trying to free her child), first degree murder (fir the second child of this mother which also drowned at the razor wire), and one count of malicious intent to commit murder for every single person that had had to endure crossing that river with the barrier and razor wire there.
Put his ass in jail. That’s where he needs to be. He has no sense being the Governor of any state.
Hell, how does he treat animals? Somebody better check his pets, and his wife. He probably beats them with razor wire!
This is when I wish Biden was a tough son of a bitch and would say fuck it, call Garland and tell him to press charges against this monster. I think the Dems and left leaning indies would dance in the fucking streets!
Yes, but if you think realistically, Biden is doing the right thing. Letting DOJ, FBI, and all do their thing with this. This way, the GQP has no recourse on Biden whatsoever. Biden doesn’t want his influence on this investigation either way, good or bad.
What’s going to be righteous is after this dirt bag, and all his cronies , are indicted tried, convicted, sentenced, and jailed, fir all these crimes. Biden will not pardon the first one of them. That’s when this is going to be real fir them all.
That’s the second reason we have to keep Biden in there the one more term!
What kind of monster? The same one who was paralyzed by a falling tree, collected half a mil/year for the rest of his life then signed limited settlements for everybody else after him.
A real piece of shit and a monster constantly tightening the ratchet of misery on poor people and anyone else he hates
I can't wait to leave Texas (3 more years on a work contract, tick tock!). I live in a wonderful progressive pocket of Houston, which somewhat shields me from the awfulness, but it's hard to take. And it's impossible to reason with folks who watch far-right partisan infotainment all day — because they live in an alternative reality.
I wish Abbott nothing but grief in his miserable life as a pseudo human being. Those poor people come here with very little except a desire for a better life. It doesn’t take much to show kindness, but I guess even that’s a bridge too far for Governor Asshole. After all, he doesn’t mind letting Texans freeze in the winter or broil in the summer.
Because torturing children and the downtrodden is EXACTLY what Jesus would do, right? Oh wait, the New Testament says something about caring for those in need because they are metaphorically Jesus. Enjoy your Hieronymus Bosch Hell, Abbott.
Greg Abbot is an animal in his own wheelchair! He is half human and now wants to hurt seriously the humans coming to our shores.
He needs to be arrested himself. But that's Texas for you. Their Governor trying to out demonize the Florida Governor for fucked up human of the month!
Abbott is a monstrous piece of garbage and should be held personally accountable for harming these people. Why a majority of Texans put him in office just astounds me. But apparently Abbott isn’t the only cruel person in that god forsaken state.
I think this is worse than putting an unauthorized barrier in a waterway. I think it's crime against humanity. Abbott belongs at The Hague. I'd like to see the Army Corps of Engineers go down there and dismantle it.
These religious Governors who claim to practice “what would Jesus do?”, - just lay barbed wire so that desperate immigrants struggling their way to freedom get severely wounded by the barbed wire and then suffer even more. Texas GOP’s, - just give’em their guns and they’ll be tickety-boo. Who needs to display compassion, love, or just plain decency towards other human beings anymore?
Well, it’s human piece of garbage, Greg Abbott. Although his POS AG can’t defend Texas against the DOJ -he’s got to defend himself in an impeachment trial because of a pattern of bribery and corruption.
What happened to the land of Ann Richards, Molly Ivins, and Jim Hightower.
Christofascism happened.
That is one sect of it. But it doesn’t define over 2 billion globally. That’s a good title for them.
Talibubbas works too.
I like that.
It's true. I live in the South, so I see/hear them every day.
Love those three!!!
No idea what has happened but when the current level of brutality and corruption is just another day...BUT the same Texas GOP decides, wait, enough and impeaches Ken Paxton the state AG, it does make you wonder where the line is? Wow, really there's a line, a limit?In a state that seems bottomless. Go figure
So much for Republicans being "pro-life," or Christian.
No, David - pro-life only means BEFORE birth. Afterwards, they’re no longer pro-life, because ‘fuck you’!
They're not pro-life, their pro-birth.
They aren’t Christian’s. If I’m no zealot buy going to Sunday school I actually read what they never have: Jesus said, “it would better a milestone tied around your neck than to harm a little on.” They’re opposite of anything He taught. They use it as a weapon to the ignorant. All that burning of books you’d think they might try actually reading the one they brandish. Kit just named them accurately. Chistofascism. They should add it to the dictionary
Christian, whatever that word means anymore. Of course, their God only works for them.
There’s nothing “pro life” or “Christian” about most of these assholes. It’s a fraud, a manipulation.
If A-butt ignores the court order, then I say Biden should order the Army Corps of Engineers to remove the obstacle. By blowing it up in a spectacular fashion if necessary. Let A-butt squawk all he wants. The border belongs to the US, not Texas.
I can't wait to vote those turds out.
wish they'd give Texas back to Mexico and build a wall around bordering around San Antonio to the Louisiana state line.
I'm a Texan and have no desire to live in Mexico. It would be much better if the Democrats in the state did a better job of getting more people to the polls and out voting these SOBs.
And San Antonio is like, 4 hours to the current border.
Every decent Mexican National would go to war rather than accept the the influx of Texacans into their fine country.
Greg Abhorrent doesn't even try to hide his misanthropy...and those kinds of people don't change...he just needs to dissappear. Maybe in the Rio Grande under some razor wire.
We can only hope.
Governor Asshole Abbott is the worst kind of piece of shit there is adorning the face of this earth. He’s as bad as Frumpy, Hitler, Putin, Xi, all rolled into one.
What needs to happen is he needs to be taken down to the Rio Grande, thrown into that razor wire head first, and left there to escape it all on his own. See how he likes it.
This man needs to be charged with cruelty to humans, child neglect, first degree murder (for the child which was killed in his razor wire), first degree murder (for this child’s mother which drowned trying to free her child), first degree murder (fir the second child of this mother which also drowned at the razor wire), and one count of malicious intent to commit murder for every single person that had had to endure crossing that river with the barrier and razor wire there.
Put his ass in jail. That’s where he needs to be. He has no sense being the Governor of any state.
Hell, how does he treat animals? Somebody better check his pets, and his wife. He probably beats them with razor wire!
This is when I wish Biden was a tough son of a bitch and would say fuck it, call Garland and tell him to press charges against this monster. I think the Dems and left leaning indies would dance in the fucking streets!
I agree
Yes, but if you think realistically, Biden is doing the right thing. Letting DOJ, FBI, and all do their thing with this. This way, the GQP has no recourse on Biden whatsoever. Biden doesn’t want his influence on this investigation either way, good or bad.
What’s going to be righteous is after this dirt bag, and all his cronies , are indicted tried, convicted, sentenced, and jailed, fir all these crimes. Biden will not pardon the first one of them. That’s when this is going to be real fir them all.
That’s the second reason we have to keep Biden in there the one more term!
Made me think of one of the movies that came after the silence of the lambs where the a-hole was going down the parking ramp on fire in a wheelchair.
Sounds about right for Abbott. Lighter handy?
Oh I loved that bit of business! Well done scene!
What kind of monster? The same one who was paralyzed by a falling tree, collected half a mil/year for the rest of his life then signed limited settlements for everybody else after him.
A real piece of shit and a monster constantly tightening the ratchet of misery on poor people and anyone else he hates
I say roll Abbott in, wheelchair and all, to test the effectiveness of all devices placed in the river, no?
I can't wait to leave Texas (3 more years on a work contract, tick tock!). I live in a wonderful progressive pocket of Houston, which somewhat shields me from the awfulness, but it's hard to take. And it's impossible to reason with folks who watch far-right partisan infotainment all day — because they live in an alternative reality.
I wish Abbott nothing but grief in his miserable life as a pseudo human being. Those poor people come here with very little except a desire for a better life. It doesn’t take much to show kindness, but I guess even that’s a bridge too far for Governor Asshole. After all, he doesn’t mind letting Texans freeze in the winter or broil in the summer.
So true. The GOP has gone from, "I am rich, why aren't you"? To general indifference to pathological cruelty. Truly, WTF already?
Wait until the crops go without harvest. And more.
How do such monsters persist? What the fuck? I’m outta words. Empty. Ready for a giant shoe to crush them. Deus ex machina.
Votes. Abbot likes feeling powerful and strong. Impresses trump. How many of these Texans claim to be Christians?
They only think they are gods...
This stuff is why I have to believe in karma.
Because torturing children and the downtrodden is EXACTLY what Jesus would do, right? Oh wait, the New Testament says something about caring for those in need because they are metaphorically Jesus. Enjoy your Hieronymus Bosch Hell, Abbott.
Just being mean, because he can. Makes you wonder what values were taught to him as he grew up.
I think values are something a psychopath learns to mimic not to internalize or actually believe in.
I see no other way to explain it.
Greg Abbot is an animal in his own wheelchair! He is half human and now wants to hurt seriously the humans coming to our shores.
He needs to be arrested himself. But that's Texas for you. Their Governor trying to out demonize the Florida Governor for fucked up human of the month!
Abbott is a monstrous piece of garbage and should be held personally accountable for harming these people. Why a majority of Texans put him in office just astounds me. But apparently Abbott isn’t the only cruel person in that god forsaken state.
I think this is worse than putting an unauthorized barrier in a waterway. I think it's crime against humanity. Abbott belongs at The Hague. I'd like to see the Army Corps of Engineers go down there and dismantle it.
These religious Governors who claim to practice “what would Jesus do?”, - just lay barbed wire so that desperate immigrants struggling their way to freedom get severely wounded by the barbed wire and then suffer even more. Texas GOP’s, - just give’em their guns and they’ll be tickety-boo. Who needs to display compassion, love, or just plain decency towards other human beings anymore?