I had to eat alot of gummies to get through it. The diaper rash and his misogynistic KKK buddies stated they didn't put everything in there. They just posted the stuff they wanted us to see. It's actually much worse. It's the Handmaid's Tale on crack.
That is why I am reading Project 2025 with a group. Joyce Vance suggested doing it as a book club, so I suggested that to my Democrats Abroad group. We are just getting started. I have read the Dept of Education section which is in section 3 The General Welfare. That section lists a lot of Departments. Education they want to do away with. I don't just mean the department, but basically public education of American children. College students should be saving some of their Gaza protest spirit and working for Biden's campaign while informing everyone of the financial plans of Project 2025 for college payments as well as getting rid of accreditation. Think of taking a humongous loan from one of Trump's grifter friends and ending up in prison when you can't pay it or the military. Right now Congress should be drafting legislation that says you cannot be president if you are a criminal. We should not be going the way of Italy under Mussolini and Berlusconi, Libya under Gaddafi, Zaire under Mobutu, Germany under Hitler. As for the NYT, they don't get my money, and if anyone still subscribes to them stop. The same for WaPo. I have canceled both subscriptions, and except for the pieces Jeff and other Substacks share, I am clearing my brain of their taint. I don't choose Fox for a reason, and when the NYT becomes like my Scottish roommate in college's subscriptions to mags that have covers where headings say, "Aliens landed on my front lawn!" I know where they are headed. It is the same place all bodily wastes should go.
Page 319 is the start of The Education Section of Project 2025. There is no reference to windmills. I’ve read 3 sections so far. It’s a tough read and I can only take it in small doses. But one thing for sure, if what I’ve read so far is the future for America, now is the time to take action because if Trump is reelected, the US will become a one-party state for decades. Scary sh*t.
just do a search on the PDF. It is actually rather more than windmills. The context is
"Under the next President, the Department of Energy should end the Biden Administration’s unprovoked war on fossil fuels, restore America’s energy independence, oppose eyesore windmills built at taxpayer expense, and respect the right of Americans to buy and drive cars of their own choosing, rather than trying to force them into electric vehicles and eventually out of the driver’s seat altogether in favor of self-driving robots."
I do trust the drafter of this section can continue to afford air conditioning and won't get storm coverage removed from his insurance, because the need for THAT is already happening--provoked by the fossil fuel industry.
And I have not seen ONE recommendation from anywhere but the tech bros that anyone be forced to use "self-driving robots."
The version that I have was sent by Joyce Vance last Saturday. She included the link in that particular post where she speaks about her girls - her chickens.
No as I’m reading from my IPad. But my task for the rest of the day is to work on my desktop, download it in a PDF as others have suggested. Thank you to all who’ve provided guidance on the process. It is appreciated.
Where do these people get the "war on fossil fuels?" Production has increased under Biden (shouldn't be proud of that, either), and America has been energy independent for quite some time now. More nonsense from the Right.
A little early in the day, but when I’m done reading it I will certain celebrate with my favorite Pinot noir. And I can guarantee you that I won’t stop at “one” glass unless of course if it’s big enough to take the whole bottle. 😄
Actually it’s in the Table of Contents in each of the 2 documents that I checked. And both cite page 319 as the start of the Education Section. But thank you for providing the correct page #.
So did mine. But I clicked on the page # of TOC to access the section that I was first interested in - Education Section. Thank you nonetheless for your input.
if you download the Manifesto (that's actually what they call it) and save it as a PDF you can then search on your PDF reader for terms that interest you. That's how I found the reference to HHS protecting "innocent" lives "from conception to natural death."
We should spread the word that windmills cause frantic sexual desire and extreme appeal. Doesn't everyone know that? Why isn't this fact shared everywhere? The Dutch are notoriously horney and I think it's cause of the windmills.
The Wikipedia article on Project 2025 is long (but not 920 pages) and enough to scare anyone into voting blue. It includes very troubling quotes from Roberts et al, that show the hateful, violent mindset of this crowd.
I'm concerned the Heritage Foundation is going to whisk the plan away from their site as more people become Project 2025 curious. I hope somebody has a copy they can share if that happens.
Also see Andra Watkins substack :"How project 2025 will fuck up your life." She's an escaped evangelical victim, who speaks wingnut and translates it into sane speech for the rest of us.
Just gonna quote Desmond Tutu here for the FTFNYT:
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
And FYI to Kahn and Sulzberger and the rest of them: The mouse in this scenario is the very existence of the USA as we know it. You bottom-feeding fuckwagons.
Every Substack that I read has hundreds of people canceling their subscriptions. I canceled mne a year ago and WAPO six months ago. I like to play Wordle and the NYT has been fucking with my account. Well fuck them. Wordle or standing up for Democracy and the millions of lives given to protect it? Duh. I get infuriated when I see commenters say, "but I like their recipes." Listen to yourselves, PLEASE!
The only reason we're hanging on to WaPo is for Jennifer Rubin. When she goes, we go. And yeah, same here. Every other comment I read is about cancelling the NYT. Good!
I wish Substack would have a subscription for a large number of blogs or all of them, at a discount. I can't afford to subscribe to more than two or three, and I'm up to three now, paid. With a paper, I got lots of information, and I thought I was supporting journalism. Not anymore.
That would be ideal. Gonna suggest it next time I comment on her column. (I don't have the sense that any of the columnists read the comments, but never mind.)
There is no reason good enough to give money to people like the ones at WaPo. Not one. Jennifer will move when she realizes that her followers have left.
I couldn't finish her column today. Yes, Trump. is. a. stochastic threat. Yes, he must be defeated. But does this mean Biden cannot defeat him and must drop out? NO!
She has a email newsletter that goes out every Wednesday and Friday. You can sign up for it under her column. I haven't canceled yet, but probably will once the election's over.
Where will we get accurate news if Trump comes in? NYT will knuckle under so fast it'll make your head spin, WaPo will take a little longer, MSNBC might try to carry on but their corporate owner will muzzle them in the face of Trump threats. Do we go to The Guardian? Canadian papers? Will Project 2025 stifle the Internet in the guise of keeping us away from porn?
props to Marisa Kabas at The Handbasket who read through the entire 900-page Project 2025 to find the line about windmills.
I hope she is okay after reading over 900 pages of whacko garbage.
I had to eat alot of gummies to get through it. The diaper rash and his misogynistic KKK buddies stated they didn't put everything in there. They just posted the stuff they wanted us to see. It's actually much worse. It's the Handmaid's Tale on crack.
Pretty much. This stuff is making chest hurt. I can't read any media, other than here. It's too much. Everyone has lost their goddamn minds.
The poor girl might need counseling after that !
That is why I am reading Project 2025 with a group. Joyce Vance suggested doing it as a book club, so I suggested that to my Democrats Abroad group. We are just getting started. I have read the Dept of Education section which is in section 3 The General Welfare. That section lists a lot of Departments. Education they want to do away with. I don't just mean the department, but basically public education of American children. College students should be saving some of their Gaza protest spirit and working for Biden's campaign while informing everyone of the financial plans of Project 2025 for college payments as well as getting rid of accreditation. Think of taking a humongous loan from one of Trump's grifter friends and ending up in prison when you can't pay it or the military. Right now Congress should be drafting legislation that says you cannot be president if you are a criminal. We should not be going the way of Italy under Mussolini and Berlusconi, Libya under Gaddafi, Zaire under Mobutu, Germany under Hitler. As for the NYT, they don't get my money, and if anyone still subscribes to them stop. The same for WaPo. I have canceled both subscriptions, and except for the pieces Jeff and other Substacks share, I am clearing my brain of their taint. I don't choose Fox for a reason, and when the NYT becomes like my Scottish roommate in college's subscriptions to mags that have covers where headings say, "Aliens landed on my front lawn!" I know where they are headed. It is the same place all bodily wastes should go.
Joyce Vance is too cool!
Truly a brave American. She read Project 2025 so we don't have to.
Page 319 is the start of The Education Section of Project 2025. There is no reference to windmills. I’ve read 3 sections so far. It’s a tough read and I can only take it in small doses. But one thing for sure, if what I’ve read so far is the future for America, now is the time to take action because if Trump is reelected, the US will become a one-party state for decades. Scary sh*t.
huh. it's possible that different PDF readers paginate differently. that's the first explanation that comes to mind
just do a search on the PDF. It is actually rather more than windmills. The context is
"Under the next President, the Department of Energy should end the Biden Administration’s unprovoked war on fossil fuels, restore America’s energy independence, oppose eyesore windmills built at taxpayer expense, and respect the right of Americans to buy and drive cars of their own choosing, rather than trying to force them into electric vehicles and eventually out of the driver’s seat altogether in favor of self-driving robots."
I do trust the drafter of this section can continue to afford air conditioning and won't get storm coverage removed from his insurance, because the need for THAT is already happening--provoked by the fossil fuel industry.
And I have not seen ONE recommendation from anywhere but the tech bros that anyone be forced to use "self-driving robots."
No, I checked her version also. But I will find it, even though it may take me to the end of October to finish the effing document.
The version that I have was sent by Joyce Vance last Saturday. She included the link in that particular post where she speaks about her girls - her chickens.
Can you do a search for “windmills?”
No as I’m reading from my IPad. But my task for the rest of the day is to work on my desktop, download it in a PDF as others have suggested. Thank you to all who’ve provided guidance on the process. It is appreciated.
Page 286: The next Secretary of Energy will similarly have much work to do. Under the
next President, the Department of Energy should end the Biden Administration’s
unprovoked war on fossil fuels, restore America’s energy independence, oppose
eyesore windmills built at taxpayer expense, and respect the right of Americans
to buy and drive cars of their own choosing, rather than trying to force them
into electric vehicles and eventually out of the driver’s seat altogether in favor of
self-driving robots.
Where do these people get the "war on fossil fuels?" Production has increased under Biden (shouldn't be proud of that, either), and America has been energy independent for quite some time now. More nonsense from the Right.
Plus, ol' Handsome Joe made a fkton of $ for the gummint by selling our oil reserves high and buying them back low -- https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/us-crude-oil-profit-strategic-petroleum-reserve-releases-crude-joe-biden-2022-12
He did this lower gas prices, correct?
They mean cutting their subsidies, and making people aware of the fuckery they have been committing world-wide.
When I get the dementia I want a self driving robot car. 🚙
Sounds Hunter S Thompson-esque. 😂
Thank you for providing the page number. At least now I can take the rest of my life to read the Manifesto. 😉
Please have a beer or glass of wine while you are reading it! ❤️
A little early in the day, but when I’m done reading it I will certain celebrate with my favorite Pinot noir. And I can guarantee you that I won’t stop at “one” glass unless of course if it’s big enough to take the whole bottle. 😄
The 319 referenced is the pdf page counter in the top left corner. Actual page is 286.
Thank you.
Actually it’s in the Table of Contents in each of the 2 documents that I checked. And both cite page 319 as the start of the Education Section. But thank you for providing the correct page #.
Love a Comment Section with a mission ;)
the pdf I downloaded actually has a TOC that is clickable.
So did mine. But I clicked on the page # of TOC to access the section that I was first interested in - Education Section. Thank you nonetheless for your input.
if you download the Manifesto (that's actually what they call it) and save it as a PDF you can then search on your PDF reader for terms that interest you. That's how I found the reference to HHS protecting "innocent" lives "from conception to natural death."
That’s what I did
I’m assuming “innocent lives” does not include prisoners on death row. So this would mean that they still support capital punishment.
But of course. Even if DNA proves innocence after the trial.
My mom’s family was from the Netherlands. If windmills cause noise cancer, I wouldn’t be here. 🙄
We should spread the word that windmills cause frantic sexual desire and extreme appeal. Doesn't everyone know that? Why isn't this fact shared everywhere? The Dutch are notoriously horney and I think it's cause of the windmills.
you'd certainly have swarms of people swimming out to the ones in oceans and sunbathing under them in the desert:)
Lo, post of the day. 🏅
LDFF specifically said, "... noise cancer." WTF that is. I am so sick of this fkin' guy. Die already!
Noise. Cancer. How do they even say that with a straight face?
Decades of practice...
Beats the hell out of me!! Hope you’re feeling well and on the mend!!
The Wikipedia article on Project 2025 is long (but not 920 pages) and enough to scare anyone into voting blue. It includes very troubling quotes from Roberts et al, that show the hateful, violent mindset of this crowd.
I'm concerned the Heritage Foundation is going to whisk the plan away from their site as more people become Project 2025 curious. I hope somebody has a copy they can share if that happens.
Oh, Im sure it has been copied many times..and will become available and accessible to all from various sources.
You or anyone else who wants a copy of the PDF, just ask me.
They plan shutting it down.
Or just changing the name, that fools their people every time.
It’s all over the place now. No worries on that point.
What is so un-aesthetic about windmills? They imply security and hope for a future. I love the sight of them.
Me too! There is a tour of a 'farm' of them you can take in Palm Springs. It is very interesting.
Also see Andra Watkins substack :"How project 2025 will fuck up your life." She's an escaped evangelical victim, who speaks wingnut and translates it into sane speech for the rest of us.
Adolf Hitler told the world that he was founding a 1000-year Reich. I think that sets the record for being forward looking.
She’s awesome!
That is just so amazing. What a find. Hilarious.
I’m printing out my copy, tomorrow. Excellent catch by Marisa!
Just gonna quote Desmond Tutu here for the FTFNYT:
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
And FYI to Kahn and Sulzberger and the rest of them: The mouse in this scenario is the very existence of the USA as we know it. You bottom-feeding fuckwagons.
Cancelled our NYT subscription several days ago, and we've subscribed since 1990. Dead to us.
Every Substack that I read has hundreds of people canceling their subscriptions. I canceled mne a year ago and WAPO six months ago. I like to play Wordle and the NYT has been fucking with my account. Well fuck them. Wordle or standing up for Democracy and the millions of lives given to protect it? Duh. I get infuriated when I see commenters say, "but I like their recipes." Listen to yourselves, PLEASE!
The only reason we're hanging on to WaPo is for Jennifer Rubin. When she goes, we go. And yeah, same here. Every other comment I read is about cancelling the NYT. Good!
I was tempted but having Rupert's lackeys involved was a bridge too far. I wish Jennifer would do her own Substack.
I wish Substack would have a subscription for a large number of blogs or all of them, at a discount. I can't afford to subscribe to more than two or three, and I'm up to three now, paid. With a paper, I got lots of information, and I thought I was supporting journalism. Not anymore.
you can read most if not all for free, you just can't comment.
That would be ideal. Gonna suggest it next time I comment on her column. (I don't have the sense that any of the columnists read the comments, but never mind.)
I believe that Jeff reads the comments because he sometimes comments on them. As an aside, I think Jeff is awesome.
I meant the NYT and WaPo columnists. Substack is different.
What you said.
He is one of the better angels keeping us sane these days!
I bet they have a underling or two that scans them.
They do, or at least they read the early ones. Megan McArdle actually responded to one of my comments, and we had an interesting back and forth.
She reads them because she is a narcissist and can't believe we don't fall for her "glibertarian" trust fund baby bullshit.
Cool! Good to know.
There is no reason good enough to give money to people like the ones at WaPo. Not one. Jennifer will move when she realizes that her followers have left.
Even Jennifer Rubin was starting to question whether President Biden should stay in the race. 🙄
I couldn't finish her column today. Yes, Trump. is. a. stochastic threat. Yes, he must be defeated. But does this mean Biden cannot defeat him and must drop out? NO!
I couldn't read it, either. If she keeps this up, we're outtie!
I unfollowed her on Twitter yesterday.
Yep, Ann, Jennifer Rubin is a good reason to stay with WaPo. I always liked Greg Sargent, but read him now at The New Republic.
I used to read The Plum Line regularly. May look into New Republic.
TNR has a great deal right now: two years (digital) for $15. If you can subscribe, pls do -- they do great, essential work. Thanks.
He mostly does podcasts there, though, sadly.
Sadly, I think she’s crossed over.
She has a email newsletter that goes out every Wednesday and Friday. You can sign up for it under her column. I haven't canceled yet, but probably will once the election's over.
Where will we get accurate news if Trump comes in? NYT will knuckle under so fast it'll make your head spin, WaPo will take a little longer, MSNBC might try to carry on but their corporate owner will muzzle them in the face of Trump threats. Do we go to The Guardian? Canadian papers? Will Project 2025 stifle the Internet in the guise of keeping us away from porn?
The Guardian is very reliable and so is New Republic
And Propublica.
When will she start her own Substack so that I can cancel WAPO? I have a really cheap deal but I will cancel when that's finished.
She also has a podcast called The Green Room and is on Mary Trump’s Nerd Avenger panel, too. ✨
Jennifer Rubin’s Green Room is on You Tube. https://youtu.be/LyHxG5LbX4Y?si=-9FV-KLYrgqZ1Gqx
I guess a 2nd Trump administration would cause journalism and law schools to shut down. No need for either in Trumerica.
MAGANazis will tell everyone what to write.