I’m still giving 4-to-1 odds he weasels out.

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I wouldn't be shocked if he did

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I want it to happen SO badly! But I am pretty sure orange will come up with some excuse.

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Bone spurs

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On the inside of his skull. Long ones.

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Skull 💀 spurs I like it

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Made me laff aloud. Thanks -- I needed that!

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Windmill cancer. He’s going to have a biopsy done. Wonder what it would look like?

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Do you have ANY CLUE how hard it is to biopsy hot air????

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I love it!

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The windmills of/in my mind.....

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The windmills of my former mind.

Former prez. Former mind.

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Like Biden is just too senile to have a debate with.

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That's it. It would be too easy and unfair for stable genius Donny to make the senile old guy look bad. So Trump will be the "better man" and not do it.

His fans will eat it up!

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Or, considering Trump, Republicans and FOX's specialty is specious claims, they'll say that Biden had a meeting with one of the organizers privately and tainted the impartiality of the debate. Then that meeting could have never happened or sort of did and could be totally legit, but they'll bend some twinge of a pulse of a lifeline to suggest Biden did him dirty and was given the questions ahead of time. You name it, that's what's going to happen.

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Fox will go with got the questions ahead that's their style of lame

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when did Donald show that much compassion for anyone but himself? He’ll have to go with “rigged” to preserve his victim status

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Trump has zero compassion. That would just be the BS excuse for skipping the debate. And like all their claims, utterly laughable.

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Biden will be fine - if he can contain his laughter

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I'd like to see Biden burst out laughing a few times. Boy would that fuck up trumps bravado.

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I just want to see jolten Joe Biden mop the floor with tRump.

That would end this he's to old crap

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donny’s thin skin cannot survive laughter

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I think Donald will start screaming that "Biden must take a drug test!" before any debate. And of course, that is ludicrous. But that will be his "out."

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And a cognitive test—the same one Dumbass Donny took. 🤣🤣

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If he does that the word needs to get out that a debate is a cognitive test.

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I would say that he’d use the ‘My dog died’ excuse. But everyone knows that he hates dogs.

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I would not take a bet on him participating- in fact, it might be fun to create a betting pool about what his excuse will be to bail. Bone spurs? used already. Sudden case of laryngitis? Melania got the flu and he needs to sit by her bedside? sure.

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I think if he quits, he'll say it's because it was rigged against him

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Like he wanted to testify but "they" wouldn't let him...because Mother Theresa...sharks...windmills...hannibal lecter...said.

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‘They’, ‘people are saying’, but ‘we know’ … huh he never says ‘studies have shown’…😅😂🤔

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He probably has said "studies have shown." He'll say anything. He's been saying that all the best legal minds in the country have denounced his trial.

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True- and he’s certainly mentioned ‘polls’ a bazillion times… cause we’ve forgotten abt his healthcare plan that he was putting the finishing touches on 2 weeks and 8 years ago…😒

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And when anyone addresses him directly (while kissing his ass), they always start with "Sir"... Sir, I don't know how you do it. Sir, you know more than the doctors. Sir, you're smarter than the generals. I want to know who those idiots are!

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His imaginary playmates?

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Me too. Somebody needs to be taking names - and writing them down! 😀

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Give him time.

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And that big old battery

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That's one of my new favorite insanities. I want someone to ask him to please channel his genius MIT uncle and tell us how that whole electrocution v. shark thing works. It should be one of the debate questions!

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Absolute brilliant foolproof win-win solution for Trump—FAKE RIG THE ELECTION!!

Build a reproduction of the Oval Office. Hire Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway and he'll feel right at home. He can get visits from Napoleon and Frederick Douglass, and he won't know the difference. Then videotape the whole thing and show it on the Alternative Facts Network. Works for everybody! Hire a few impersonators and he can get a call from Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un every single day. And guess what! He won't be any more out of touch with reality than he is right now! (with thanks to Darrell Smith)

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This could work

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And filmed from his nursing home.

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This is surely a cousin to "Wag the Dog", yes?

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🎯 Why change excuses just for this? I agree. They’re preparing the “RIGGED!” statement already.

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Will that get harder to claim post-Hunter convictions?…

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Biden rigged the conviction of his own son to prove how honest he is. He'd do anything to look good. Don't ya know?

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Asking for +300 Million friends

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Wait...it's 2024 and you are asking if it's going to be a stretch for a MAGA Republican to make some absurd, preposterous, made-up claim, have the faithful believe it and the 'serious' media report it with a straight face?

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He has told us since 2016 that all presidential elections are rigged all the time. What with illegals and dead people voting, etc.

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The Emmys were rigged against him too, while he was on "The Apprentice."

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Good point!

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Except when he wins.

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He'll claim they don't let him speak. Then he will use that as an excuse and walk off the stage.

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I think that will be the real reason that he won’t debate-he won’t be able to just talk over Biden & Jake Tapper so he believes it’s rigged against him. Last debate he became unhinged & talked over Biden so that Biden couldn’t get his point across-on purpose of course to try to make it look like Biden was confused. He knows he can’t win a debate if Biden has a chance to speak without him interrupting every word Biden says

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No way he participates.

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But but but…the champagne is chilling!

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He’s already playing that line. Tim Scott and Lindsey are ready to boost that idiocy and his fans would love to hear that he’s not gonna debate. They don’t give a shit anyway.

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Lindsey is too worried about all of those skeletons that would probably fill up two closets. Tim Scott is so delusional that his non-stop puckering on Trump's ass will never make him his choice for VP.

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I think it'll be an easy bet in Vegas.

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Exactly, and it’s the same thing he will say if he shows up and inevitably loses.

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Indeed, that would be his “numero uno” reason. It’s the typical one that he uses to defend himself against all the mean and bad things that people say or undesirable things that happen to him.

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He’ll play the victim again-like always. Like authoritarians do (and narcissistic sociopaths too)

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What else is new?

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He’ll say that CNN is soooo unfair

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He always does.

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The standard reply. Or because Biden won't take a drug test.

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I think the above ideas all have merit, especially the proving Biden was slipped the questions pre debate. That IS their M-O.

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He’s a coward. Always has been.

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In 2016, my liver and I watched the debates with "have a shot" challenges for every time he said certain trigger words. I recall that "hombre" was one of them. I got pretty drunk.

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They make Bingo cards for that too ;) COLLECT THEM ALL! ( Well if we’re gonna go with the ‘game show theme’ AGAIN, might as well…)

way to go America 😒🙄☹️

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I’m betting 9-1 he weasels out, but Bingo words may include Scam! Witch Hunt! Hunter Biden! China! Bullshit!

Elephant! Windmills! Crackers! The last one isn’t on the Bingo card, I’m just calling HIM crackers, which is an olde timey way of calling him crazy.

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Laptop! Crooked! Deep State! Appeal! (This stupid) Gag Order! Unfair! and UNFAIRLY!!!

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Sir/Tears/Big Strong Men

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Mustn't forget Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.

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He weasels out because Stephen Miller yells, "SHARK!"

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my liver would complain mightily if I did the "have a shot" challenge (besides, my Dear Husband would win -- can't have that!) -- I'd have to go with popping gummies instead lol...

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My liver and I watched ... that is funnier than shit!!!

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Perhaps a bad hair day but then again, that balding weasel, like him, always looks like shit.

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He's the personification of shit!💩💩

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I have written this once before on this site, but when my brilliant grandson was 4 he stated the obvious about the orange creep: "Donald Trump can't go poop because Donald Trump is poop."

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Love it! when my grandson was 3 i asked him if he liked Donald Trump and he said “No, because he uses bad words.”

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To the 10th power!

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You beat me to it. I just posted same: we need a will he/won't he pool.

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Debate day is my birthday. The best present ever…he strokes out right there in front of everyone.

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I sincerely hope that all your birthday wishes are granted.

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My most-wished for mean wish -- I DO try not to wish death on any fellow human, but that arguably leaves Fuckface out -- is for him to drop dead like a stone maybe 3-4 days before the election. He'll never pick a VP candidate who might be actually competent even in the eyes of GQP voters (too much competition, since he's not competent. Or even continent.) And in less than a week, I can't imagine how the GQP could possibly field a strong enough candidate to beat Biden.

I'd just wish debilitating illness on him instead, but that would be way too easy to hide -- Woodrow Wilson got away with being completely out of it from the 1919 peace talks in Paris until the end of his term. (He caught the 1918 flu at the conference and it apparently did a lot of damage, both physically and mentally -- kind of like long covid.) Edith covered for him, something Melania isn't likely to do (unless he's in a coma or something), but there will a lot of Repug volunteers if it keeps them all in power. And it's not like video's all that hard to fake. (See this morning's WaPo for an analysis of the "cheapfake" hoax videos that claim to show Biden's "freeze".)

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I pray he takes a Dirt Nap, every single day!!! Hopefully soon...

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A Dirt Nap ... I'm dying here!

Wait ???

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What if Repugs are hoping he strokes out a few days before election & they quickly substitute Nikki Haley? Perhaps that is her strategy in endorsing tRump?

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No matter how The Felon finally departs, you know it's going to be a conspiracy top to bottom. He could stand in front of an international cable news feed and shoot himself in the head and say nobody made me do this, this is my choice. And the sheep would come up with something to twist it into a conspiracy. "He was hypnotized. He was fed a drug that made him self-harm. Yadda Yadda Yadda!" It will be bigger than the JFK theories. Way bigger.

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