It is almost funny that insurrectionist Trump is the GOP front runner for President, that Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron Johnson, DeSantis, and other corrupt incompetents, fundamentalists, science deniers, and others who are seeking to destroy the American system of representative democracy and replace it with Putin-Orban style authoritarianism. Almost funny until you consider the suffering and sacrifice previous generations made to provide this and future generations with the possibility of democracy.

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well stated, George!

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Nicely stated!

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Yesterday, MAGA Rep. Jerry Carl complained that 2 apples in Washington DC cost $5.71.

The internet sleuths found out that 2 POUNDS of apples cost $4.31 in DC.

You would think that these MAGA clowns would be embarrassed by now. 🤡

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Unfortunately the MAGAts are completely impervious to shame or embarrassment. They’re too busy “owning the libruls”

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Also most of them don't do their own actual shopping because then their constituents might see them and talk to them.

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They won’t be embarrassed until someone pops the Wingnut Grievance Bubble and they are exposed to actual facts. The Bubble protects them from reality.

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::looks horrified, pulls my hair out—if I had any—runs around my apartment like Milwaukee Culkin!::

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Somebody get Ron DeChickenfucker a box of Kleenex. 🤮 And who is Matt Walsh? 🤔 But the old dude in the horns on Trumps arraignment day made me choke with laughter...he's proof we need MENTAL healthcare for all. I love these trips down memory lane, Jeff. Thank you! 🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah, that video was hilarious! Ram-horned, missing teeth man, holding umpteen signs saying gawwd knows what is on the loose! Car 54, Where Are You?

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Thanks. Nearly lost my sinuses snorting at “Ron DeChickenfucker”

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Lizard people don't use Kleenex. (Run chickens, run!!!) Goat horns are the new fashion trend for 2024.( There's not enough thorazine on the planet for that guy)

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😂😂😂 Thorazine! Haha

They walk among us!

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I wonder if Goat Horns knows the Pig Head on a Stick guy.🧐

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I loved how he had to move a horn to hear the reporter’s questions 😆

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He didn’t know what he believed himself. His signs were all gibberish.

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He was a little "out there"!

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I loved when he was asked-“ do you take medication?” and the old man answered-“hell no…”

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lol! I had to watch that twice! Poor dude!

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It is apparent he put a lot of effort into his political signs as well….lol!

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🤦‍♀️ he wanted to be sure he was understood I guess! 🤣

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I think our society swung way too far the opposite direction after that movie

“The Snake Pit” came out exposing the abuse of the mentally ill. We closed down almost all hospitals for the mentally ill & then basically abandoned them & their families to fend for themselves. This man so obviously needs help

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Little bit, little bit.

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That poor bastard was priceless The GOP key note speaker! Laughing my ass off ! Now I wish some one would help him ,it won’t be a Republican that’s socialism!

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that's a fair point

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I’m with you Vickie , I’m not for making fun of the mentally ill ,but I’m also a very bad human being,sometimes I suck!

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I agree, I’m a retired RN & I see a man who so obviously needs mental health care & probably medications; but we, as a society have decided that it’s okay to just let people be mentally ill & refuse treatment even when they clearly are in no condition to make those decisions.

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Boy oh boy, this country went down hill fast. The worst part of the Mango-hued Mussolini era is learning just how many of us are utter nut jobs

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Scary eh?

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The scariest part for me is that this doesn’t look all that different than Germany in the 1930s. For everyone who has ever wondered how the hell Germany went so far off the rails... this is it! This is how it happened! Authoritarians wearing everyone else down a millimeter at a time until they controlled everything. It CAN happen again if we don’t step up and stop it.

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MY Wife of German ancestry says we are witnessing kristalnacht all over again

Scary Stupid Sad

If your not subscribed to Robert Rei, please do so, one of the most articulate, concise writers on some of the dangers facing America

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Everyone should read “Prequel” by Rachel Maddow, it’s excellent. The Nazis actually learned some things from us, like how to project to the world that we were that shining light of democracy & freedom, while at the same time denying that to a huge number of citizens via Jim Crow Laws.

They used that as their model for stripping rights from their Jewish citizens.

It is scary just how much history is repeating itself now

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Funny, I just posted the same recommendation. I think now that it's more of an imperative and not just a recommendation.

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If you think that's terrifying (and it is) read "Prequel" by Rachel Maddow. It is a history of fascism, neo-nazis, the Christian Front, and the well-armed insurgents. It is not to be taken lightly.

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Thanks for the lead. I have been becoming more alarmed about these historical parallels for the last few years. I have no doubt that this isn't just going to quietly go away. The responsible adults are going to have to work hard to prevent the loonies from taking over.

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Who the fuck drinks a $60 bourbon with a cheeseburger?!?

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A twit. (Right up Brook's alley.)

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I found that exceptionally gross

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In an airport, no less🙄🙄🙄

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It most likely was a single-malt or some blended Scotch whisky. He's too snobby to drink bourbon. I'm just glad I wasn't on a plane with him, after he goes batshit crazy. Such an ass.

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Wow, just wow. Taking in all these moments separately was ridiculous enough but when you remember they’re all part of the same fucking timeline, it’s absolutely batshit crazy. It really has been a helluva Twilight Zone year.

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Just a Big Thank You for 2023,

All The Best

Lots of Health And Happiness for 2024

Help keep us sane and laughing all year long.

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These laughs are in great need at the moment. I'm thankful I finished my coffee before the fart at the RFK Jr. press dinner story. The sheets would've had to been changed since my wife and I were laughing so hard. Like they say, you can't make this shit up.

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Classic stuff you just can’t make up. First you laugh and then you get angry.

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I need to get me a Fetterman hoodie.

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Same! I’m so proud that Fetterman is my Senator. He’s exactly what America needs. ✌️💙

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Is it possible that every adult in Moron Taylor Greene’s district is as dumb and repugnant as she is?

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It is, and not just "possible," but "probable."

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I know of at least two constituents of hers that are not MAGAts. (They got to her district when they moved to be near their kids and grandkids; they're originally from SoCal via Washington State.) He takes a lot of heat from his fellow friends and neighbors for being there. I wish he'd run for Congress.

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Just perfection, and your section on Kathleen Parker? That is creme de la creme, no notes, 13/10

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My favorite too. Jeff can roast these overinflated babblers like no other!

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Once again you made my day, just delightful! I Hope you’ll make a book of all this, I’ll pay good money for it

There are too many Fidiots to talk about ,Country is in bad shape, I’m stressed just thinking about elections, but at least you make me laugh!

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When he puts on one those fake smiles, Ron DeShitstain, curiously, looks just like Alfred E. Neuman!

Am I the only one who sees that?

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“Have you ever been told that you need to take medication?” I know that I shouldn’t laugh, this poor man obviously has mental issues, but ffs these people need serious help! Also, we need a vaccine for stupidity; asap!

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The horned man with the penis signs.... 🤔 what the actual fuck is that all about ?


smh smh smh 🙄 I've sprained my toe now...

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He was protesting the evils of circumcision, but you had to pause the video to see that since wherever this was from didn't want to dwell as soon as the cameraperson saw, "PENIS." Unfortunately, I was then forced to wonder if he himself was circumcised and protesting it because of that, or if he was uncircumcised, and his signs were warnings. Either way, I was forced, FORCED! to think about HIS penis and that put me right off whatever else was going on in the video.

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Hahaha! Your comment has me laughing all over again!!!

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