
regarding Joe Biggs's complaint: he's right, and conditions in US prisons are hellish, especially compared to those in Europe, and are in bad need of reform. but I will never stop being amused when a member of the "LOCK HER UP" crowd finds out first-hand just how terrible it is to be a prisoner

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Graduate of FAFO university.

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Kinda takes your breath away, doesn’t it? How DO they manage, week after week, outdoing one another In Stupid and even breaking their own former records. Hats off to ya Jeff for sweeping it up into a literate column we can all read, goggle eyed and heads shaking. Kudus and - thanks...I think...

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“you can’t eat the food here. it is not edible in any kind of way.” ...because prison food is supposed to be gourmet? 🤣🤣

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Well, we did have to save the popcorn for ourselves, after all. Boo hoo.

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I believe they do eat meat labeled Not For Human Consumption

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Hi Jeff, let’s explore the trail of Alex Jones... on Russian TV... a show kind of like The 5 or FOX and Friends.... spouting the most anti American rhetoric I’ve heard from an American, praising Putin, telling the captivated audience that most Americans support Putin and Russian policies, that America is controlled by a cabal of the CIA and globalists... Jones follows the Tucker line on Russian TV= bash America every single opportunity. Next up the Pillow guy in his deposition recently released in the Dominion lawsuit.. My G-D man...I’ve never seen anyone so arrogant, so entitled, screaming, ranting ....insulting counsel... I mean this guy is on the crack wack or bipolar or a just plain nut bag... fuck these guys, fuck these traitors.

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How nice that he's finally found a venue for his line of horsesheeite - I wonder how much he got paid for the interview? And when he's moving to Moscow? I'll chip in $5 for the airplane ticket. One way, of course.

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Here is another guy that needs Federal housing.

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I'd like to read that deposition.

I think your bipolar diagnosis may be right

but I'd add, untreated to it.

Did you hear Rudy G's plea about how everyone should go

online and buy something from My Pillow Guy!

Pitiful, aren't they?

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I’m crying laughing on y’all’s comments!

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‘Marge Marge the garbage barge’ 😂 no kidding!

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"I figured that doing high crimes was the main way to find the top foods in America! This is exactly the kind of secret those corrupt coastal elites would have kept from the rest of us! FUCK how was I so wrong??"

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Social media algorithms led him astray. Boohoo.

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Led his brain to an ashtray, more like.

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The competition must have been tough Jeff. You left out Tuberville, mental giant of the US Senate. He’s so full of it, he breathes stupid air.

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...breathes stupid air, nah. It goes in ok but comes out stupid

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deletedSep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023
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Seriously? Either way hilarious. What a freaking goober he is.

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Why this dude is allowed in public, much less given any power, is absolutely beyond me.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

He was a college football coach. No better qualification on the planet to be a United States senator. You might’ve noted that Navarro, that other guy who got convicted recently for flunking his subpoena test, spoke on TV about the glories of the Green Bay sweep. Tellatubby is down to 15 seconds and trailing by six touchdowns. You can do it coach! Delay them military professionals. Plenty-O-Time.

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His mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries.

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Go away Alabama pig dog! I fart in your general direction.

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One word : ALABAMA.

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That's a lot of extra letters to spell "Hell."

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I really feel for all those whose promotions & transfers are held up bc of a PoS a-hole

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Thx will check it out

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Omg idiot that he is

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This is more evidence of the failure of our public schools. Failure, which has been made worse by alternate systems like charter and other private schools who don't deserve one goddamn dime of our tax money to operate their 'private' schools.

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Even the best schools can only do so much, when you have just three brain cells to work with.

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Character is parents responsibility.

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Some might say say it's parental failure.

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The schools aren't anywhere near as bad as the indoctrination that people like Marge the Garbage Barge had from daddy's knee. She confessed to listening to right-wing talk radio with dear old dad. Sheesh...what school can undue that propaganda?

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Poisoned from birth.

People do escape childhood church indoctrination, but a cult has a tighter grip somehow.

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“Truth smacks man in head and he pushes it away like it doesn’t exist” is the perfect metaphor for today’s republicans.

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Deep in the recesses of my exhausted brain I kinda, sortof, wished, vaguely hoped that Marge had gone away. No, she's back. Taxes in the ice age.... what the fuck????????

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I know there's some old wood in Congress but taxes in the Ice Age?

How old is Grassley, etc. anyway?

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Apparently, older than we imagined.

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Awwwww... poor 3 Toes watching her hopes to be Defendant trump's VP dashed on the faces of Mount Rushmore...

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The dinosaurs didn't pay their tax...

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Dinosaurs and Republicans share this genetic trait.

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The cumulative effect of these gas giants are offset only by those like you who make me laugh about them. We do know their real purpose in life though - motivating us to research who opposes them in elections and start giving.

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Brava, Patris! "Gas giants"--lol. I've been doing exactly this--finding out who are the opponents of these idiots and giving them my money.

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Let’s make them crazy, Margaret!

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Patris, I'm working very hard on it! Wish I had $ millions to support the good guys and cut the bad guys off at the knees. Meanwhile, I'm sending my money like focused stealth bullets into the heart of the pathetic Gas Giant, Trump-talkin', bullshit-spewing "X-tians" who resist reality in favor of wishful thinking. Fuck them and the dinosaurs they rode in on.

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Ah, Ohio, forgive us Lord we know not what we’ve done. We chose JD over the good man Tim Ryan and I’m still crying about it. Don’t tell me to cry harder cause that’s just not possible. Jordan and Vance. 10 yr old rape victims not allowed to get an abortion. Governor Mike DeMister Magoo. Lord help us.

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Nutball city limits.

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Ryan shouldn't have ran Republican light. Now we're stuck with the hillbilly boy .

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Sporkbrain is smarter than the rest of us. She knows the dinosaurs died out to avoid taxes. 🙄

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Good one. I said sort of the same thing before I scrolled down to read your comment.

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How do they even know which shoe goes on which foot???? Jaysus.

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No wonder they prefer their women barefoot and pregnant!

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Of course the really problem is getting those pants on in the morning. When you are this corrupt it probably takes 2 extra hands and a corkscrew.

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One of your best, Mr. Tiedrich. 😂

“you’re going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?”--Wut? I don't even know what this "sentence"/question means. Does anyone??

"..they’ll swap out Hillary for scary black person Michelle Obama." 😂😂 I fell out laughing. Except really it's not funny. I'm sure the Obamas do have time, outside of their media productions and raising their children and so-on to run a "shadow government." 🧐 Insanity. Pure insanity.

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“I don't even know what this "sentence"/question means. Does anyone??” Well, I’m not a certified medical professional, but I would imagine that massive intake of steroids could cause this type of synaptic malfunction.

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I was around in the ice age and I don’t remember the government trying to melt the ice.

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I remember. It wasn't so bad but I could handle cold better then.

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You were probably an infant. 😆

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.I realize of course the last ice age ended 10,000+ years ago but was Chuck Grassley a freshman senator then?

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