This is the column that forced me to upgrade to a "paid" subscription. I've been lurking, reading your morning posts in my email, enjoying every single one. I got to the point where I would skip other things just to get to my inbox first so I could read your take on "this day in stupid". But this morning's column was so funny that I just had to open my wallet so I could post a comment here.

Dude, you're my replacement to Jon Stewart's days hosting The Daily Show. Not only do you give accurate summations to the news, you're funny AF.

Thanks. I appreciate you.

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It's definitely worth it. I look forward to the daily humor and useful info that helps get us through this non stop shit storm. Can't wait for the upcoming laughter and input from Jeff's commentaries once the tangerine turd trials begin.

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Our crack, that guy Jeff. Hahahaha.

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I have two paid subscriptions,, Jeff here, and Joyce Vance. They compliment each other beautifully. Jeff tells you why it's stupid. He leaves nothing left unsaid when it comes to stupid. He is always right and sometimes makes me snort laugh or spit my margarita across the table. Then Joyce, who is also humorous at times, is a brilliant attorney who explains the legal stuff in plain English and gives us the perspective we need to navigate this nightmare. Also she has cats, dogs and chickens to help illustrate her points, or to just make us feel a whole lot better. I very much look forward to their posts and I never, ever delete them or scroll by. They both make my day.

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I did the same thing. Then I went back to review all the Substacks I pay for and cut back, except for this one.

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hah i get it. i was on a shoestring budget 5 bucks one month, skip the next...then it was the hell with it, give the man his 50. it is cheap :)

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1. I think Trump was trying to say Groomers, but fucked that up too

2. Love that woman behind Navarro. I’d follow her if I was still on Twit.

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Me too, I peaced out on Muskvision after he bought it.

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Sep 2, 2023·edited Sep 2, 2023

exactly what I was thinking...like, I'd love to follow her but Im not re-joining "X" for anything ...because F Elmo, that's why lol

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I got booted off Twit for a post last year and refuse to "fix" it to regain access. I did not stutter. The post said exactly what I wanted it to say. I do miss keeping up with a few people -- haven't found Michael Beschloss posting much elsewhere & it was my only regular contact with a couple of friends & a cousin, but my blood pressure is much improved! To be fair, "this week in stupid" also contributes significantly to my health and well-being lol.

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Ditto here and that’s when I lost my daily feed of Jeff’s great tweets. I’m glad I can now read him on a daily basis.

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Can someone invite Michael Beschloss to Counter Social? Also the Trump Lost sign lady.

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I do people reposting Michael on Post.news where I also hang under a different handle.

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It's almost worth it to go see what she does, how fierce she is and you know Jeff puts some awfully funny laugh-out-loud on It Will Always Be Twitter To me.

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I went over and asked her to join Threads where her fan club awaits her.

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Me too!! I love her! Deep serious voice that ain't putting up with it.

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I thought that FuckFace Donnie was trying to say, or convey, that RUMOR has it that DeSantis is going to leave the Presidential Race!

I thought he spelled RUMOR as ROOMER! Remember, he supposedly acts as if he has the education of a 4th grader...probably NOT one of your high-achieving 4th graders!

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Yep, I was making a joke as well

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I think Jeff is just playing with us. Me thinks rumor is the correct term, even though Jeff was attempting to improve TFG’s spelling or his grammar.

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That woman behind Navarro made my day.

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She goes by Anarchy Princess on Twitter.

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Thank you!!! I just posted that I would love to follow her on other social sites besides Twitter which I left.

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Just found out her name is Brianne Chapman.

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Oh, great get!

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I left a comment on her YouTube channel to encourage a @threads account where masses await to follow....for now, here is her YouTube account


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Just subscribed!

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Me too.

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Thank you for this!❤️

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“bro, you’re already facing charges, go ahead and commit another crime. I’ve been here the whole time. have some situational awareness.”


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It didn't take her a second to come up with the whole brilliant spit-back.

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That's what amazes me the most! If Navarro had grabbed my sign, I'd be there yelling unmentionables...and she's so calm yet so sarcastic, and just plants a GREAT line right at him. He still thinks he has control when he turns his back on her (NOT getting the sign) and she finished with..."go ahead and commit another crime. I've been here the whole time, have some situational awareness"...and he's trying to dismiss her with a wave of his hand saying "Yeah..Okay." (I went back and actually turned on cc so I could see whether anyone said anything else...but that's all I got...at least in the version I saw. I didn't really care about the beginning part where he was asking about whether CNN or OAN was there🙄)

I followed Anarchy Princess on Twitter, and I think we're here at the making of a ⭐️ !

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I totally agree with every single word. It was truly one of those small but ultra spectacular gotcha moments. He was rattled and SHE. WAS. NOT. Actually checking around, she is blowing up all over the Internet since that. And we're spreading it further. Talk about girl power and just exactly the right kind, every single thing about it. I agree. She is a star!!! And you know what else, he shrank to 2 inches, not that he'd know it. Small small petty stuipid Trumper man.

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I would have knocked him out.

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Dude, that Anarchy Princess pranking Navarro needs a cabinet level position. Or maybe she could just flood the gene pool. I don't know. We need her cloned times a million.

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The woman behind Navarro didn't miss a beat. "You're already facing charges." Confidence!

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South Carolina may have two gay senators, not that there’s anything wrong with it (Seinfeld).

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Roomer! 🤣. And is it me, or does every defendant get dumber the farther we get into this? Navarro had his ass handed to him by that marvelous woman! Love all you fine people... especially you, Jeff!

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Forrest Gump 2024; 'cause he's smarter than every Republican running.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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No hope for no stupid. But thanks - my eyes had been burning from dicing onions but reading this cleared them right up. 🔥

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You forgot about the Jan 6 traitor who was sentenced this week to 10 yrs, acted all sorry and contrite, and then when the judge left the room shouted “tdfg” won. What a 🐔💩. And what moronic judge is cutting the sentences in half for these traitors??!?

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I'm not sure Dominic Pezzola realizes that video can be screened when DoJ appeals the sentence.

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You just made my day!!! 😂😂

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I don't get why vivek comparing the existence of white-supremacists to that of unicorns hasn't created the shitstorm it deserves. Is the bar for him already set that low?

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Bottom. Lol

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Well-I have to say...you will never be at a loss for “This Week in Stupid!!!” 🥳

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I think my stupid meter is busted. The needle has been pegged on 10 for about six years. Do they make any that go above 10.....like may be up to 500 or so?

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For THIS GQP you need the economy size stupid meter!

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We need to ask the scientist from NASA to design us one. Mines also been pegged every week!

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If you find one, let us know--and I still think we might want to buy them in bulk, just in case. Those suckers can be hard to repair!

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News From Stupid Fascist Tennessee. Republican Speaker not only silenced a Democratic representative, but went on to elbow another Democratic representative afterwards.

“Tennessee Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) has consulted his attorney and is contemplating moving forward with assault charges against House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) after an altercation Tuesday when the Tennessee special legislative session adjourned.”

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Here's the one that floored me this week.

"Bill Krueger, 79, head of Wisconsin Door County’s Right to Life chapter, thinks that in an ideal world, there would be no exceptions to an abortion ban.

If a woman dies?

“That’s God’s plan,” he said."

That's one lousy God you got there, Bill.


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The right really hates women.

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They think we're all expendable.

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Not at all, Eve. To them we are must owns. For sex, of course, to make more duplicates of them (babies), and for the kitchen arts.

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