JT, with so many making noise about Dianne Feinstein, I have to ask who the hell elected this old relic Grassley? Andrew Jackson?

Perhaps the piece I wrote about Government Reform is not such a bad idea after all:


BTW, JT: thank you for being a voice of reason for those of us who have not yet gone mad.

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That would be Iowa.

And I believe it is the ONLY job Grassley ever had. Can someone please get him to retire because the folks to the state south of us must surely forgotten just how many times they have voted for him.


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Grassley's been around since BEFORE Iowa was a state!

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I have to admit I hadn’t heard of Madame Three-Toes decrying “honeypots”. Oy, gevalt.

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Is MTG on LSD? She seems to hallucinate regularly.

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She's not interesting enough to take LSD. Actually it might help her.

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MTG took the IRT down to 4th Street USA. When she got there, what did she see? The youth of America on LSD (with apologies to the rock musical "Hair")

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Honeypots? Oh Madge...is this some type of flower you’ve been smoking? Is it similar to the new Gary Payton strain? I’m confused Madge, please enlighten me.. Also Madge, you have yet to pontificate concerning the “very credible witness” Tara Read and her allegations against our President, something that you say happened in the 90’s... Well Madge, do us all a favor and travel to Moscow for an exclusive interview with Tara, cause all that freedom over in Russia, perhaps you will feel so safe and kiss the ground as Tara did.... come on Madge go.... and never come back. Jeff and fellow travelers... relax and have a great weekend🎤

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For some reason I can read your trump and republican craziness and laugh. It’s because, simply put, you deliver these tidbits with the WTF OMG humor they deserve. Every day is like Saturday Night Live with republicans. I might as well learn to laugh about them, and you deliver every time. Laughing is better than living with continual frustration and overwhelming anger. Thanks for the therapy!

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I wonder how much money Jeff has saved people in therapy bills. Probably enough for us to start our own PAC.

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He and Dan Rather are just about it for my reading news anymore. Otherwise I’m just a headline reader to make sure there’s no mushroom cloud going on. Jeff and Dan - Best therapy ever!

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My goodness, another hilarious day under construction already. I do hope some liberal instigated the Trump bucks and is sitting in their counting house counting all their rube money. Nothing in this list that isn't great today.

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Chuck Grassley nickname = Up-Chuck 🤮

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Marge...honeypot means something and what it means has very little to do with how you're using it, unless you mean to imply the Jan 6th riot was a plot for hundreds of Incels to finally get laid.

...although I confess that's a more plausible story that most defendants have been using. That being said, how do these people manage to dress themselves while completely detached from reality?

Wait, don't tell me, they pay people to dress them, don't they? With our taxpayer dollars.

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That would take quite a few honeypots... go figure. Just listening to that voice was probably evidence enough for her husband in divorce court!

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"Putting tranny semen..." Made me laugh at the absurdity of it. I also laughed at Sen. Grassley's ages - both of them. 😅

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OMG, LOL! Thank you for the humor. Priceless. You rule. 🐦

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Forget voter IDs. People should have to show IQ test scores in order to vote.

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It wouldn’t have saved us from Trump. Ivy League schools from womb to tomb but he’s as dumb as a box of rocks. He got the best education daddy’s money could buy but I don’t believe he’s ever read a book without pictures. His diplomas aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

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Agreed on all you say.

To add to the wingnut news, here we have another sect of Christianity that is considered to be a cult. IBLP otherwise known as the Institute of Basic Life Principles. After being romanticized on television, a darker truth was revealed about the family and the religion they practiced.


Frankly, I cannot see how any of the Evangelical Christian Sects, and the White Supremacist so called Christian with a mix of Norse Mythology are not all cult sects. If Christianity is supposed to be about belief in Jesus Christ as the Lord Savior, then anyone who does not believe in Christ's teachings cannot really be a Christian. In fact, I don't believe fundamental Christian's really understand the basic tenants of Christianity because they would not be able to be sexist, racist, homophobic or so vicious about it. What happened to Turn the Other cheek. Anyway, here, if you scroll down a bit you will see the Duggars , which is the family who are members of the IBLP cult in 2002 dressed like they are in The Handmaid's Tale. In fact, the docu series on Amazon Prime starts tonight for the show on the Duggar Family, members of IBLP which follows the teachings of Bill Gotherd. https://youtu.be/Pm0-I_tPuz8

I'll bet this family did not vote for Biden. Why, because Trump is more likely to support them keeping on grooming their children to be sexually and otherwise submissive, and lacking in independence when they do not get a decent basic education. While Republicans complain about Democrats being groomers, it is really Republicans with their prurient sensibilities that seem to be the biggest children groomers through there so called Christian Cults. Oh for raising the independent thinker. That is what is in danger if these wingnuts get a hold of our government any more than they already do.

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Thanks for the heads-up on the Prime documentary

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It is just frightening what the uneducated are doing to our country; totally between the have and have nots, and they are seriously lacking in the have no brain department.

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Just wondering how many trump bucks it would take to buy a bridge in the Sahara Desert? Maybe Jared and Ivanka Trump Kushner would know?

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This title is everything; but the best is the snippit about 165 year old Grassley.

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You had me at your Lede!

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1. Hot Trump bucks, one a penny two a penny hot Trump bucks….. not even worth that piddling amount

2. Have never eaten at Chik-fil-a, never will.

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