
here's your Saturday stupid: in the emailed version, I misspelled "Gutfeld" in the subhead. doh!

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In a Manhattan court room on Monday for the first time in our 248 year old democracy a former president will find himself required to sit at the defendants desk for up to six weeks in his first of four criminal trials. “This case involves falsification of business records to cover up a hush-money payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election. Trump faces 34 felony counts brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Trump is accused of doctoring financial records of his companies and orchestrating a scheme to influence the 2016 presidential election.” Here is a brief synopsis of the background and Q&A on the trial. https://time.com/6965419/trump-hush-money-trial-legal-questions/

Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, a con man, a financial fraud and cheater, a serial liar, a want to be dictator, a thief, a traitor, an insurrectionist, a man who pays off porn stars to shut up about his sex exploits. He suffers from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Delusions of Grandeur, and age-related cognitive decline. He is best at stoking hatred, promoting greed and praising ignorance. He cheats on taxes. He molests women. He mocks disabilities. He degrades the military. He caters to nazis. He is a grifter. He is a traitor. He is a cruel, hate filled fascist. He is a criminal magnet. He continues to destroy human lives. And if you believe current polling, he has at least a fifty-fifty chance of being your next president.

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What brand of "bronzer" does trump use? He looks like he just won first prize in an Eat-My-Shit Pie eating contest.

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Have you noticed that both the ‘CRT’ and the ‘WOKE’ movements died as a result of intellectual scrutiny and a lack of interest in these unsuccessful assaults on American intelligence. Both created a stir as magats whipped up a frenzy over critical race theory “an interdisciplinary academic field focused on the relationships between social conceptions of race and ethnicity, social and political laws, and media. CRT also considers racism to be systemic in various laws and rules, and not only based on individuals' prejudices.” CRT is a graduate-school-level class. So, no, it’s not being taught in any K-12 classroom or even undergraduate classes.

The term ‘WOKE’ became synonymous with a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. To stay woke was never about signaling moral or intellectual superiority, but about keeping our own privilege in check.

Each of these assaults failed because of the backlash to both schemes. But since all ‘they’ have is scaring the shit out of the willing, you can plan on more assaults on democracy via their boogeyman tactics. The media is always there to assist as they love to promote a good dog and pony show.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

(The dipshittery is so deep right now...I amuse myself by going on MT Gangrene and Gymbo Jordan FB posts and asking on multiple posts if they're taking donations from Russia or if their PACs are. I don't get responses, but others are picking it up. Fun)

2 days until Stormy Monday. I think we're going to see a Category 6 shitticane on ReichsTwitter. I think this is the greatest risk of an attempt to flee (I doubt kidnapping Secret Service agents would trouble his conscience). And I would be surprised if the Slovenian accompanied him unless she's been threatened financially or with physical abuse if she doesn't do the loyal wife thing.(Ivana said he was a beater)

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Just sharing this!

Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man, a poor man’s idea of a rich man, and a dumb man’s idea of a smart man, a traitor’s idea of a patriot — and a loser’s idea of a winner.

Mat Calabro


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Monday cannot happen fast enough to see what demonic serendipity will save him from THIS accountability.

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Lawrence O'Donnell did a thorough riff on how Trump's face, with its troweled-on mudpack but neglected "pink" ears, will be the only "testimony" jurors will get from him, for every day of the trial. (Assuming his lawyers refuse to let him testify, which is a good bet.) Some of the people he hates (Stormy, Michael Cohen, etc.) will testify, and it will be fun to watch Trump try to control himself and not try to shout them down.

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Judge Drunkie! I choked on my toast. 😂 And that AI Image of the orange asshole in armor is proof these people are mentally ill. Along with the idiot in Maine...WTF??? Religion is inside our government and thats a big fucking problem. Anxiously awaiting Monday to get the real party started...as Trump encouraged violence in his fundraising email. We'll see if his cult responds. 🤦‍♀️

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Hey Jeff, AZ resident here…. It’s seems with all the talk about AZ reverting to an 1864 law concerning abortion one fact the msm keeps missing. The fact that if you were to read the statute you would discover that the age for female consent is 10 years old…now let that sink in fellow travelers.. every time a MAGA speaks to me about how great the 1864 law is….i love to point this out and ask them are you planning to marry a 10 year old? All I get from them is…”I didn’t know that was part of the statute”…my response is…learn to read for yourself… Another point… opium was legal in the Arizona Territory in 1864, so I guess it’s legal now, using MAGA logic…. Good Times, amiright? Best to you and fellow travelers.

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1. I can’t even call Maria a dim bulb. The lights are on but nobody’s home.

2. Yeah, god is so pissed about abortion they’re even allowing red states and formally red states to get abortion protection enshrined in their constitutions with no plagues, frogs or floods happening.

3. Agent Orange’s Halloween costume is quite the get-up. It must hurt to have all his flab squished up in that armor. I’m crying, alright, with laughter.

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Jeff : you cheer me up! So glad you have revived my high school favorite insult: DIPSHIT. In my youthful innocence I truly believed the dipshits would be overwhelmed by us Hippies because they were so arrogant and were sooooo uncool.

Too bad: The Karl Roves et al took over. The GOP 100% dipshits and worse! Praying in tongues?

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God damn, he could really use some of those YouTube Makeup tutorials produced by drag queens!!

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America desperately needs a federal law mandating a civics knowledge test and a reasoning ability test to apply for any public office. City, County, State, Federal. There are too many ignorant idiots in offices of public trust. (See the list of 147 Objectors.)

The Naturalization Test would be appropriate for the civics exam. Our immigrant citizens know more about our government than many of the elected office holders.


And a basic reasoning ability test.


Candidates who haven't learned American History and Government or are too stupid to be rational, don't qualify.

(I'm forwarding this to my members of Congress.)

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Oh my goodness, Jeff! Your cartoon clip helped me figure it out! We are rapidly becoming a nation of Wile E. Coyotes! Kind of wish I owned stock in ACME, but on the other hand…

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This was a head-shaking, eye-rolling, WTAF kind of roundup. Thanks, Jeff. I have to humbly submit one more REALLY stupid thing for consideration. I was so gobsmacked...I know, I know, nothing should surprise me with these half-wits...I went all the way to the source (house.gov) to find out it's true. What's on the docket for the ever-so-productive House this coming week: H.R. 6192 — Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act, H.R. 7673 — Liberty in Laundry Act, H.R. 7645 — Clothes Dryers Reliability Act, H.R. 7637 — Refrigerator Freedom Act, H.R. 7626 — Affordable Air Conditioning Act, and last but not least H.R. 7700 — Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act. I am fucking serious...these are actual bills that our so-called representatives in Congress are going to discuss!! Taxpayer dollars right down the low-flow toilets. Although, I was hoping the Liberty in Laundry act might free me from doing laundry ever again? Alas...silly me. But I am going to tie down my refrigerator...sorry, bud, no freedom for you! I'm even more furious at the MSM who won't cover this total fucknuttery.

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