Fuck every one of those fuckers until the fucking end of time. Full stop. Every single one of them.

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Republicans are afraid of two things. Losing White privilege, and losing money. At least the Black Rs anyway. And I don't mean that as a racist statement, it's just that being non-White makes it difficult to assert White privilege. No, Black Rs are afraid of losing the money they worked hard to get, because they're afraid anyone in their own community might get the same advantage they had.

And, I would think that a certain amount of shame might be in order when a foreign country issues a travel advisory before one of their citizens comes to the US, to warn they may become the victim of gun related violence.

Ask any gun toter why they need to carry and they'll say for personal protection. Ask them against what and you'll get a plethora of answers, none of them good, most of them racist, classist, or just plain dumb. Then ask them why they want to live in fear and you'll hear them say they don't. It's merely precaution. Point out that precautions are mostly based in fear and you'll get an ear full. Also point out that the number of shooting deaths in other well developed "1st world" countries are far below the US, and you'll hear all the reasons why it's a wash. and how they don't have the freedoms we do.

And it's all hogwash.

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I'm hoping the Ds all decide to wear rainbow pins & bring along some M & Ms.

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If they want to honor a weapon that decapitates children, or maybe engage in an early celebration of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas massacre anniversary, all I can say is, thank you for telling me who you are.

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