Cowards. The marine and all the other RWNJ who think he did the right thing in killing a man are all cowards. They live in fear. No one was in imminent danger from Neely but I would guess most of the nutjobs who think it was okay to kill him have never been on a subway or even been in NYC. So they project their own fear of being on that subway car and hope for a protector. I've ridden subways since the 1970s when it was really bad in the city and you learn to ignore, walk away and not engage. How hard is that? No one went around killing someone for their ranting behavior. What's changed since then? The deliberate policy of the GOP in creating polarization in our country of having half of our population hating the other half. We have lost compassion and empathy for the less fortunate. Gov't money doesn't go to helping the needy; it goes to defense and corporations and the wealthy. The irony is that these people believe themselves to be Christians. One of the top beliefs in Christianity is: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. '

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Yes and how about "thou shalt not kill".

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Oh that’s only a suggestion. To them

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Of course they think he did the right thing. It’s their wet dream

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I feel like I need to write my memoirs just to make sure my progeny know I wasn't one of the brain dead, violence-loving, gun-toting, fucktards, who will no doubt be the title of this chapter in the annals of history.

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You’ll be known by your dash-like all of us.

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The party of law and order only believes in law and order when it suits them.

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I am sure they would be screaming for the death penalty if a Capitol police officer chokeholded their insurrectionists.

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For sure

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Well it is onvious that the ex Marine is as fucked up in the head as the homeless guy but because he killed the other sick fuck he is now a hero. Go figure!

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Ass backwards isn’t it. I remember when that “marine” would’ve hung his head in shame, also we don’t know his background or I don’t. Plenty marines and others are discharged under section 8 etc..

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They released a man who murdered another man. There’s video, there’s witnesses, who didn’t lift a finger.

Kyle the cowardly murderer is their mascot. Celebrated for murdering white protesters. This new celebrity murderer killed a defenseless black man. That’s probably got erections so hard you could hammer 10 penny nails into concrete.

When you hide behind the bodies of little schoolchildren, as fascists do, ignore the sanctity of life the way fascists do, when law enforcement allows murdering of annoying people as fascists do, cowardly fascists acts will continue.

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Unfortunately this is where our country has degenerated to Karen. But we can and will change it and send the fascist rats scurrying back into the holes from which they came out of when de furor was President!😡

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Bernhard Goetz is probably rubbing one out in celebration.

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Before I left NY, I rode the subway for years, at all hours and in all neighborhoods. People ranting, raving - even peeing - were nothing special. Unless someone laid a hand on me (which has also happened), I barely noticed. Assholes behaving badly were so commonplace, most riders wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. Annoying? You damn betcha. But it never once crossed my mind that being annoyed justified murder. Why? Because I’m a civilized person and not an asshole; my first reaction is to be pissed off - my default setting - but not homicidal.

It’s awesome that it’s become acceptable to strangle people who get on one’s nerves. I have a rather lengthy list of douchebags that deserve to be taken out. Unfortunately for me - and luckily for them - my most deserving candidates are in Washington DC while I’m in Washington State. But where we are now: My GPS was fucking with me and I missed a turn. Without a second thought, I pulled into a driveway to turn around. And then it occurred to me that I could have been killed. For fucking turning around in a driveway!

When I lived in NY, I never feared for my safety. But out here in my extremely blue state, there are lots of gun nuts - I mean gun OWNERS - and anything can happen.

Backpfeifengesicht of the day: Harlan Crow, whom I loath. (As opposed to the Black Crowes, whom I adore.) Props to Harlan for buying a Supreme Court Judge with what likely was pocket change to his benefactor. But a flying fickle finger of fate (shout out to Ruth Buzzi) to Harlan for being an anti-democratic, solipsistic turd blossom. And although it’s unlikely, if I were to run into Crow on the NYC subway, I would probably strangle him.

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Addendum: My husband reminded me of the time we were on the subway, I sat down without paying attention and wound up sitting in a seat full of pee. It was awful but I still didn’t think of killing anyone, not even the pee-er.

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I don’t have confirmation but ostensibly Cheeto Jesus is rushing home from Scotland to CONFRONT E. Jean Carroll. GREAT!! She’s a terrific writer and long time advice columnist. She knows all about nons and verbs and how to string them together, versus a zhlub who has trouble reading from a prompter and got (bought) several Ivy League degrees yet managed to learn fuck all.

It’s gonna be a major league shitshow and I can’t wait!

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The Orange Schlub. lol

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You asked all the right questions, Jeff. It's not like we're not aware of the needs of people with severe and persistent MH illness. We CHOOSE to look away until there's a meltdown of some kind, and then the reaction is an extreme, often deadly one. (When all one has is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.) But we're ONLY a reactionary society. (USA! USA! USA!) God forbid we actually look hard at a problem, understand the complexities, and come up with comprehensive, holistic, appropriate, preventative solutions.

I know my posts center around violence against women and children, but it's a lens that could be used to look at so many other issues (like severe and persistent MH concerns).

If we decided to actually care and focus resources on PREVENTION and INTERVENTION, and treat those with mental health issues like people who deserve to be cared for and about, incidents like this might be prevented from happening in the first place.

It's appalling and so telling that we continue to look for the most simplistic response (violence) to every fucking issue under the sun.

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Totally disgusted-

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In this environment someone somewhere will begin to assault a non Christian sanctuary, because, ya know, they find it annoying...probably will receive approval from the Reich Wing...any day now.

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Well come on, the “good samaritan” was white. I’m surprised the NYC cops didn’t treat him to Burger King after. And, the homeless man was a “shiftless” black guy, how many times since the Emancipation Proclamation have we heard about shiftless blacks? I mean, it was in Gone With the Wind, the Southern Bible, it must have been true.

How many white murderers have we seen questioned and released? And not arrested until there’s a public outcry? Countless. Apparently white men are just not that dangerous.

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I’ve ridden on numerous subways in numerous cities, I’ve ridden buses, local, commuter and Greyhound, I’ve flown in planes. Yes, there have been weirdos and randos on many. Not one time has the thought crossed my mind that any one of them needed a death sentence. SMH

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Resources... so much for Reagan's Faith-Based Charity.

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I am shocked at the news. I am in Germany right now, 'splainin' to everyone, why we ended up with Trump in the first place. They apparently really understand the gerrymandering piece, but not the electoral college so much! It is hard to explain why stupid things like this exist. They cannot even imagine the gun culture in the USA. Their gun culture here is somewhat controlled by having to have 1.1 mil Euros insurance when you own guns, and to be mentally tested before the age of 25 by a psychologist. There are some other rules that don't exist in the USA. But then, when someone does go crazy and shoots someone like they did in Serbia yesterday, they consider it an aberration, but don't kill the perp. In fact, they have training to shoot the wrist if someone has a weapon in their hand so they can't use it, and the knees so they can't run. In the USA they only seem to train police on the kill shot. I have also read that in the USA police have the least training and a bigger focus on weapons training. In European countries it varies, but the training is longer and it includes deescalation training. That this civilian, since he is ex military, but not in active duty, could kill someone and is not at least in custody makes New York a H---HOLE akin to Florida and Texas. Kathy Hochul better watch out or soon she is only going to be electable there if she becomes a Republican. The cops in NYC are something else. Much like the ones in Chicago where I live, there are way too many White Supremacists among them. This Marine antihero appears to be one too. No one would think it is okay to kill someone else without impunity otherwise. Trump unleashed the permission for White people to kill Black people and according to him among these hate filled people are good people.

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