You’ve earned my vote for short-form Pulitzer. Or Nobel Prize.

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Wow, that says it all beautifully. Thank you.

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These right wing politicians gloating with power who worship at the feet of the NRA will never be able to wash the blood off their hands, or shake the stench of death from the air they breathe. They disgust me- every one of them.

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Was it really a victory for Texas for passing a bill yesterday raising age from 18 - 21? Some dirty old bastard in Texas yesterday shot a 14 year old kid for playing hide and seek on his lawn.

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Are you freaking kidding me? Hide and Seek? There isn't going to be enough prison space to put all of these gun crazy whack jobs in.

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The bill was voted out of the ludicrously named Select Committee on Public Safety. It will die in the House. Also, Mauricio Garcia was 33.

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And they say guns are not the problem and they’re right--they, themselves are the problem. The majority of people both on the left and right want sensible gun laws and health services for all Americans but, senselessly, we can’t seem to elect people who will deliver.

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And it looks like they’ve succeeded in rigging the system so we can’t even vote them out. Is civil war inevitable? If so, the other side has big head start

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I don’t think civil war is going to happen but I do think that republicans are painting themselves into a corner and I do worry about how that’s going to play out. If there is a weakness to our constitution it is it’s reliance on common sense and we are seeing just how far popularity contests can bend us away from it.

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And anyone who does deliver has to lay awake at night wondering if that little wooden creak means his house is about to be firebombed.

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You couldn't be more right. Republicans are fascist idiots who seem intent on killing off anyone they don't like or doesn't agree with them. Of course they deny it. Everywhere we look now, there's hate and anger at so many different people. It's not Democrats pushing their destructive agenda on people. Democrats want to tax the wealthy and rebuild the middle class. Republicans disagree and want to take from those less fortunate, because they are assholes. Holding the debt ceiling hostage, knowing what will happen. For me it will be catastrophic. They worship money, power and guns. Great leadership, huh?

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And of course their best spokesmouth opened up and made note of the "gang symbol tattooed on his hand while conveniently ignoring the Swastika, and SS symbols.

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Mike drop.

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Meanwhile, the conservativerse is having a cow about how dare they call the shooter a white supremacist, when he's obviously not white! He's mentally ill! And besides, it's all the FBI's fault, because he was discharged from the military for mental illness, so how the hell did he get a gun? Etc. Seriously, we've got to vote them all out.

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Why family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers who voted/voting for Republicans are now in my rear view mirror now! Prefer not to entertain or be entertained by them! At almost 66, I do not want/need these Republican-voting people in my life. Goodbye, adios to them!

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I do not have any Republican friends, but I will never cut off my extended family.

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Dayenu Jeff, could not have presented it more concisely, logically... a tour deforce for fellow travelers.

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Since we are talking about mass shootings and murder, you will likely be interested in this Hartman Report article that illustrates a very important perspective on the problem which is exactly what we need to have more of in order for us to bring change. https://open.substack.com/pub/thomhartmann/p/are-we-there-are-americas-mass-shooters?r=hkm3s&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Outstanding, Jeff!

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Your best one yet!

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Perfectly said. Now, how do we TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY AND VOTE THEM ALL OUT!?

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