Angry Jeff shoved Funny Jeff into a locker this morning and wouldn't let him out until after this post was published, sorry

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I don't blame Angry Jeff. This shit sucks.

It was painful to see footage of the reopening of the magnificent, majestic Notre Dame Cathedral marred by the presence of that piece of orange garbage.

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I bet they had to open all the windows to air out the stink from his XXL Depends™️.

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He looked exquisitely uncomfortable, the poster boy for MAGA isolationism.

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He specifically appeared to be straining a bit to push out a fart enhanced loose pile at Notre Dame. Bet that was yummy. Just look at his face, you can practically read the "urgghhh, ahhh" expression on his face.

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That photo did give me a tiny twinge of joy. He is a disgusting person.

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Industrial depends 🤔?

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And once again, he avoids being struck by lightning. That pisses me off big time.

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Yes, Marcie - Which reminds me of Twain’s remark: “It’s not that there are too many fools in the world, it’s that the lightening isn’t distributed properly.”

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Twain said that?! Marvelous!

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It was attributed to him. Not sure he really said it.

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Susan, OMG, how has that A+++ superb quote been all my life!! Thanks for sharing.

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Perfectly played Susan!!

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Which merely confirms my theory of an absentee, "gone walkabout" deity.

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Me too Marcie... me too

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Yeah just reading his name, next to “in Paris” was jarring, never mind “in Notre Dame”. And then the clip showing the collective revulsion of the other guests, at whatever the hell the orange toad was saying. Holy merde!

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Wasn't that marvelous?!

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I believe he was reproducing the call of the barking tree spider. Or it was Morse code for "I could give a shit."

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Le mot juste, trou de cul Lisa!!

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How was he even there, he's merely the president-elect?

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I’m really kind of surprised that the great cathedral didn’t come crashing down around his fucking ears.

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Dec 8
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I can hear right wing Pulpit Pimps saying "Yes God's Anointed King speaks in tongues to prove that he was anointed by Him to bring Murka back to Christ!"

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Just wait until the 250th birthday of our country with him basking in our limelight. What a travesty

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That is depressing but true July 4th 2026 will be nothing but one big celebration of God's Anointed King Over Us. It will be an endless nationwide Trump asskissing. And it's gonna make me 🤮

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Maybe we’ll get lucky and he will be indisposed!

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I still believe that he will be "martyred" in service to the lord.

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🤯🤬🤬🤬😢 I just can't hit "like" for your comment...but I agree!

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My guess is that JD and the oligarchs will have disposed of the Donvict long before that anniversary.

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There won’t be much to celebrate unless the Senate finds it collective spine and tells him to fuck off with his cabinet of misfit toys.

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Oh that is a brilliant moniker!

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Ironically (and also a travesty), Gerald Ford was president during the US bicentennial--a man who had never been elected to a national office.

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But he knew how to quid pro quo a pardon for Nixon. And THAT is what Gerald Ford was doing in that position.

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They only put him in as VP, because he was a good tool, who did what they told him to when he was on the Warren Commission.

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Yep, the lone gunman finding.

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I choose NOT to see dcon around. Lightning, catastrophic cardiac incident..

the reasons are endless!


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Just wait and see if that orange bastard doesn't throw a big July 4 tribute to Himself with tanks and military marching down Pennsylvania Ave. If we are really lucky, he'll do it in Floriduh.

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Surprised the roof didn't start to cave in when he walked into the cathedral. You'd think that someone in the Catholic spirit world would've remembered his brilliant suggestion of using aerial water drops to help put out the fire.

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He probably has 666 on his scalp! That’s why he wears that ugly hair combed over!! The Demon and his Demon cronies!!!

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Or what Jeff likes to say, that piss-stained badger pelt.

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Now that’s funny 😆 thanks for making me laugh!

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Glad I could help.

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You know in the way-old days they used urine, to bleach things.

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Why the F was Trump at Notre Dame? He gives two fucks.

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Talk about the UGLY AMERICAN ! You can bet your ….I-mean his ass that shit stain he burnt into that brand new wooden P - ew will last till the next rebuild ,god damn lucky the place didn’t reignite! 🔥Holy shit !💩

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Wouldn't be surprised if they have to re-consecrate the place now that he's been there.

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Exorcism needed.

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Love it!

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Right, he doesn't give two fucks. It's the cameras, the heads of state, the TV!!

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Indeed Eileen! Paris has far too much class, to have invited the old orange rotting sack of lab grown meat to the grand reopening of Notre Dame!!

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"Cause everyone else was there". He had to go because Biden and his wife were invited and attended.

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Apparently he gives two shits.

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I’m guessing more like 4 or 5. His diaper doth runneth over

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Where's Mr. Wet Wipes? Calling Mr. Wet Wipes!

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Kay-El, you always crack me up!

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I’m funny that way. 😁

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Because he's an attention-whore, who is so out of it, he thinks he is still president.

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Agreed 100% dros, a beautifully crafted and recently restored work of historic architecture, stained by this diaper wearing, drug addled, doddering old mobbed up dotard!

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FOTFLMAO! What a GREAT description!

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I so agree. It turned my stomach. I couldn't watch it.

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And I'm so angry about all this talk of privatizing government agencies that they basically just want to get rid of that I could scream. The way to destroy an agency is to privatize it - sell it to some billionaire like it's a new toy he can break. They need to just leave their greedy incompetent hands off our stuff!

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I’m surprised that Norte Dame didn’t reignite when he walked in.

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Trump looks like a kid with ADHD who can't sit still for two seconds.

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Actually, please tell Angry Jeff that he was giving us important information and therefore he did the right thing.

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It's OK, Jeff—your reality meter is working. Indeed, why the **** are you apologizing?

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Yes, no apology necessary!!! I’m angry as F—k!! More angry than I think I have ever been!!

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We thinking people have to pace ourselves. It's going to be a long, miserable time for America.

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Angry Jeff has good reason to be angry. Just seeing Trump's disgusting boorishness with his stupid overcompensating handshake was enough to piss me off...let alone the media's stupidity in sanewashing EVERYTHING--especially when it sugarcoats and sane washes what doesn't need washing of any kind.

Facts is facts and factual news is important to have. It does NOT need to be made more palatable for the unbelievers, as they won't believe anything negative about their idiotic "Dear Leader" anyway

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It's looking like "factual" news is becoming an oxymoron. kellyanne's "alternate facts" have become our new reality. (Stuns me, how fast that happened.)

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dcon does the overbearing handshake so often. WHEN is everyone ignoring his outstretched hand with every intentional lame excuse "sorry, donOLD, my hands are injured" or prewrapping both hands with gauze "sorry, leprosy".

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Love that idea!!!

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Question to me is, why don’t they have a piece of carpet tacking with double sided taped to their palms for the task Terri??

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Patrick! Bravo!! 🏆🏆🏆

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That's what "Vampire gloves" are for.

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LOVE the leprosy excuse!!! I was thinking of being a big more straightforward, e.g., "What are you doing, Donald? Are you trying to break my arm?!" and "OK, Donald. Now it's time to let go of my hand. Thank you."

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Too kind. The next time the diplomat should just jerk down his entire arm.

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Dec 8
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Good memory, you.

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I like the writings of each twin.

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Ditto Kay-EI!!

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💩💩💩💩 I nominate *shitfuckery* for the word of the year for 2025. 💩💩💩💩

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I liked shitbag as well 😂 along with many others of course!

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Sometimes anger is not only justified, but required.

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We should all be the angry version of ourselves. These rapacious black holes of greed will stop at nothing to not only "get theirs" but to get OURS too. We are simply piles of meat for them to feast upon. They are the definition of evil vultures.

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I am already the angry version of myself!

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I'm always the angry version of myself.

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Jeff! you have the absolute measure of angry. I like it. I have that too. Completely healthy and a propo.

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Shout it from the rooftops “angry” Jeff. Personally my blood boils every time I see him

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I was beginning to worry about being pissed off so much. Nah, it's fine until I stroke out.

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*hugs* I know how you feel.

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As long as Angry Jeff is available, he may want to look into something called mutual-to-stock conversions, or "demutualization". The insurance industry started moving away from non-profit models under Reagan, and here we are. There is a letter on my stack if you are interested. Or ask Bob Reich.

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Reagan fucked the 99% royally. What an asshole

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