Paxton is one of those thuggish morons at the heart of the corruption in the US. Heartened, but with low expectations. Still, it's not nothing. And some crimey fucks might be starting to wonder about those slowly grinding wheels of Justice headed their direction.

(Expect more cries that Soros is coming for them. It always leads back to the Jews.)

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The GOP was never going to win bc they had nothing (but theatrics) in their ‘plan’. It was all bs designed to get the necessary media attention and boy did they get their fix. The media is the tail wagging the dog and it’s painfully, disgustingly clear. On the bright side it’s a beautiful day here on the west coast and the river still runs downhill. Going to go find some rascally mushrooms at the snow line of the mighty Sierra’s, maybe find a waterfall or two ✌️

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Yes, you are right about the media. They are a lot of the reason we got TGF ( The F*cking Grifter). Watched CNN yesterday(my husband had it on) and I could have sworn it was Faux "news".Anyway, it is a great weather day here in Ohio and am planning on visiting The Groovy Plant Ranch which is a nursery that everyone is raving about.

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Love your definition of TFG.

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Nailed it.

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I was thrilled, yet shocked, that this was done to Ken Paxton. Not because he isn’t deserving of impeachment, but the fact that there is anything that bothers the GOP enough to impeach one of their own. We’ve seen them ignore so many crimes and “unpleasantries” over the years. Why now? Why Paxton? I feel there is much more to this. I don’t think for one nanosecond that the Texas GOP is suddenly concerned with inappropriate, or even illegal behaviors. They must have his replacement already chosen, someone who is more devious and corrupt than Paxton. There’s a reason they want him out, and I think it’s to replace him with someone worse. Hope I’m wrong.

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Agree. It’s been gnawing at me since they announced the impeachment. For the party with no bottom this is just a bait and switch. We will see.

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I read somewhere in a lot of articles over a very few days that they don't want him running for governor.

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Paxton obviously stepped on some big money, top of the food chain, Republican toes. That’s the only thing that the republicans will not tolerate in their party.

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Good point! Wouldn’t it be awful if they plan to put Cruz in his place? Just a thought. 🤮🤮

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Sending Ken Paxton all my thoughts and prayers, which we all know amounts to absolutely nothing.

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I tuned in MSNC at 6 pm, after the basketball 🏀 game, so I could hear about the Paxton impeachment. The first thing they showed was this asshole with a Paxton sticker on his lapel. Of course he started out trying to defend him with a stream of bullshit. I turned it off immediately. What an idiotic move by MSNBC. I'm sure most people switched it off. MSNBC immediately lost it's audience. What genius producer made this decision to open with this jerk?

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Don't you love that Paxton who was one of the biggest loudmouths saying that the presidential race was illegal is now saying his impeachment is illegal!!! LOL

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Paxton tried to sue four states for listening to the will of the people and giving their electoral votes to Biden. His own Solicitor General refused to sign the lawsuits.

I too was hoping for a 14th Amendment solution to the debt ceiling and telling the Freedom Cockup to go pound sand. But I read that it could go to the Supreme Court where the Six would ignore the Quaint Parchment and Amy Coney Batshit would vote with the alito thing and the rest to give the shitheads what they wanted.

Trump got three debt ceiling hikes without a whimper, even after adding $8 trillion to the debt with those fucking tax cuts.

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It’s maddening that members of GOP refuse to face up to their own double standards. But for today, I’m going to listen to Jeff’s playlist & have a glass of wine.

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Not a fan of vocalists. I like ambient.

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Nothing prepares me for a day of rest better than seeing a bunch of terrorists crying in their cereal.

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Enjoy the weekend, Jeff!

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you enjoy yours

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Sky blue as blue, 26C, slight breeze, happy sunshine - taking the pupper for a stroll in the nature park. Letting the world turn as it must. May your day be full of good things.

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I like the rhyme you started with. It makes my day! Thank you for the upbeat details. I will try to ignore knowing that Ken Paxton and Donald Trump are threatening everyone in the Texas Legislature if they dare to vote for the impeachment. Trump is the MOB BOSS AND Paxton is an underling! Trump needs to keep his loyal henchmen around. It helps him in recruiting his White Supremacists. While they may be individuals, they are still part of the MOB. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/28/lone-wolf-far-right-terror-attack-warning?utm_term=647342490bdfd43c6936337499108f15&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUS&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUS_email

See Prof. Kathleen Belew's book Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America. Though nothing helps to control Bad Boys like time in prison. Yesterday I was speculating on where Oath Keeper Rhodes might go to prison. Knowing these details might make it less appealing to join the White Supremacy groups in action. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/4020834-oath-keepers-founder-stewart-rhodes-sentenced-to-18-years-for-jan-6/

Biden and his aids the brilliant Shalanda Young and Steve Ricchetti really did a great job. While I wanted the 14th amendment too, I understood that Biden would not be Biden if he went that route, or it is still a back up if Jeffries and McCarthy cannot get the votes together to pass it. let us hope this works. We can all breathe a sigh of relief when the debt ceiling is taken care of.

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Thank you for brightening my Sunday morning!

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But there is the TX Senate and his wife is a Senator. Don't look for her to recuse. But yes it is a good day. Joe did a great job. We were never going to get the taxes raised with the current House composition (the looney faction). Enjoying the cooler early mornings and lots of fresh local produce from the stand down the road. Planting herbs tomorrow!!

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If she has any smarts she’ll vote to impeach, then head on over to a divorce lawyer.

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It will be interesting to see what she does on the vote. One of the items Paxton admitted to was an extra-marital affair.

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Thanks for the Cyrille Aimee link.

She definitely my new fave.

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I so hope you’re right that this is a better deal than we could have hoped for. I was still hoping Dems could find 5 Rs who understand the serious consequences of a default and would be willing to sign the discharge petition for a clean debt ceiling bill. Of course, if the chaos caucus votes no, Biden will need to revisit 14A and Dems will need to continue to pressure the Rs from districts that voted for Biden to sign the discharge petition for a clean pay-our-bills deal. Meanwhile, it’s a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest.

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I was hoping too, but it just shows they’re all spineless toadies. Also in the PNW, just gorgeous

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Disregarding the continuing saga of National, as well as State level politics, which is always a source of stress, it is a comfort to read all the folks in the USA have not all lost their marbles, I relax hearing music that soothes & melts the stress away!

Thank you for your playlist. May the rest of this holiday weekend be marvelous to you & your followers! Just dance!

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