Hi Jeff,

Thought you might want to tighten up your lingustic descriptors, since you do so well with qualifiers like "pantload."

Moron was once applied to people with an IQ of 51–70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26–50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0–25). The word moron, along with others including "idiotic", "imbecilic", "stupid", and "feeble-minded" (courtesey Wikipedia).

These days the scientific community has evolved to two simplified categories: "Normal" and "Republican."

(30 years licensed psychologist here.)

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I literally lolled

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Perfection, 77.

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Hahaha! 😂

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Swalwell was great!! Gym Jordan is a menace to society. I live in Ohio; he’s a douchebag extraordinaire. He needs to go away.

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There’s only one way for him to go away. VOTE HIM OUT in 2024.

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Have you seen how gerrymandered his district is? Good luck with him ever getting voted out until they redraw district lines legally

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Gerrymandering is the reason Georgia produced Mad Marge Green as well. Gerrymandering is the primary nationwide.

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Unfortunately, those who need to hear and act upon that won’t be reading this anytime soon. Nor voting with any common sense.

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I'm being lazy and asking you instead of looking it up, but could it be gerrymandering that keeps this fool safe in his seat?

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doh! next comment answered my question, lol

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No, I hadn’t looked at the gerrymandering. It’s a good point, but I also have faith in the human spirit. Sometimes, even for the most unabashed Repugnicans, enough is enough.

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I agree Carole Ann about the human spirit. But I’ve never in all my years run into people like these. But keeping the faith is what I do best. So, onward and upward.

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Me too and his district is overwhelmingly gerrymandered to Retrumplican voters. I keep waiting for the OSU wrestling team scandal to break open.

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A map of his district is so gerrymandered it looks like the letter ‘J’ with a couple of hooks hanging off of it.

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Haha. To me it looks like the side view of a woman with a long ponytail typing on her vintage Macintosh on a windy day.

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Just goes to show us how putrid and despicable the GOP congress is when they appointed this ignorant, worthless turd head of the House Judiciary Committee. You'd think that a subpoena ignoring, pardon seeking Jan 6 participant would be on his way out at some point but Jordan's bullshit just keeps getting more pungent, deeper and more damaging.

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Really makes me wonder HOW itaf that could be, Rick. Turd head made me smile.

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Eric Swallwellis a national treasure.

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Seriously, I don’t think I can get more impressed with him. We need this from every Democratic politician. It is the simple truth.

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I agree. I love Eric Swalwell. He represents the district next to mine, and sometimes he and my Congressman go to each other's districts. When Swalwell is on the program, it's like a rockstar is coming!

I would also add Ted Lieu as one of the guys who pushes back against all this crap and has for years. We need all of them!

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Adam Schiff isn’t bad either.

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But in yesteryear he was just a normal decent human being that good women everywhere would want as their kid’s daddy.

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I'm traveling so I missed the hearing, so thank you for bringing me up to speed. Jordan is such a waste of air. Can I loathe anyone more? The waste of tax dollars on this crap is staggering. Is the public this stupid to continue to allow it? Wait. Dont answer that. 🙄 Another day in America.

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Jeff, I’m trying to watch expenses, but decided to sign up as a paid subscriber to your Substack. If only every Democrat pointed out the absurdity of The Fascist Cult the way one of my favorites, Eric Swalwell, does. We need this and we need your fitting cuss-a-thons, which I find fully suitable for what is happening to our country.

I read that a couple of people complained about the level of cussing you do. Please carry on. I knew just who you were talking about when I saw the word pantload! 😄 Well said.

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welcome to the commentariat!

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... or whatever you folks want to call yourselves

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EJean calls her followers the "conflab...!" I'm proud to be a part of the conflab and the commentariat. Yay us!! We're the sane users of oxygen in this country.

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...how about big fan(s). It’s not just about the cussing. You bring a new, curious lilt to the daily news. It’s informative and funny.

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Commentariat works for me! 😄

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Not necessarily watching expenses, but am watching the crumbling of America and common sense. So I signed up for Jeff because he has a way with words and a way with which to wrap up all the slime into anxiety release, intelligence, and smirky laughter at the same time.

I will say this about the swearing ... first, I ID as a swearer. I’m 75 yo and I’ve not stopped swearing just because I’m a grandma. One DIL keeps charging me a dollar, every time I do. (She’s going to be able to pick out a new ride in the near future bc grandma’s swearing jar is paying off nicely.!). But the thing is, where do you go from here? How do you keep readers from getting numb to it? It becomes a how-many-times-can-you-say-VERY issue. It eventually has to devolve into something about donkeys and your mother.

But. Never mind. Your thinking is sharp. Your pieces are priceless. You are the ONLY substack or blog I pay for. We need you. Keep up the good work.

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I subscribe to Jeff because of what you said. Also, I support Wonkette because they cover a lot of political and cultural territory and they, too, speak truth with snark and recipes and pet photos and, uh, dick jokes. And swears. Lots and lots of swears. Anyway, Jeff, you've got lots of fans over at the Wonketariat's Wonkette, too.

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I happen to LOVE the cuss words!

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The cursing is sometimes distracting and cringe but less bothersome while reading well written content. And because Jeff nails it every time, and so spot on, there is a vibe of respect and admiration in which the frequent curse balls become easy to forgive and tolerate whereas it may not be with other writers.

Carry on I say...Most of the time the cursing is much deserved to the subject matter LOL

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Cursing is an art form.

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Fuck those people.

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“Rules for thee- not for me” party...😡

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Blatantly true. So obvious one wonders how even the most committed MAGAs don't hurl.

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A song;

They call me steaming pantload

But I say that's far too kind!

When my face I first showed

Mother Nature hit rewind!

Of talents I have nothing

Of morals I have few to none

You may think I'm bluffing

But I'm never that much fun

I'll never again get laid

Despite power and cash

Not even if I had paid

For no one wants my rash!

I yell and scream and whinge and moan

And carry on for days and days

I never leave well enough alone

And lack evidence always!

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🤣🤣🤣 well done, nameless.

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Muchas gracias.

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This is great, EN! 👏👏👏

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It's actually probably terribly off beat but at least the rhymes work. I'm a poet, not a songwriter (and I could do better meter if I really tried but I was going quick and dirty.)

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My favorite has been Jethro Tull, Locomotive Breath for Trump's legal woes. I don't know if that is too old of a reference but is one that gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling when I first thought we'd never get indictments and then we got 2, 3 & 4!

"Old Charlie stole the handle, and that train it won't stop going, no it won't slow down".

The entire song is fitting but I am sure a word smith could add a bit of additional sublime.

PS for those concerned about Jeff's writing diminishing over time...ah, no. Most here probably think it is getting better over time. I for one do. Jeff, please continue, ( stirring that big spoon).

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Quick and dirty worked, Endless. Fun.

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It's really clever!

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New rule; evidence first, THEN hearings. Easy enough?

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We have to be very thankful that we have good people like Mr. Swalwell & other rational people on our side.

The Republicans look like a bad joke when these idiots let themselves be led around by the bloviating gasbag Jim Jordan, who keeps wasting our time with useless “hearings”… Vote them all out!

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yes, agreed ! So many Democrats just sit their and listen and not respond in any meaningful way to the GOPs absurdities. Mr. Swalwell is an exemplary leader all Dems should notice... They Model the Way, Inspire Shared Visions, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart.

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Wait. Bloviating gasbag has been taken, Ja.

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Eric Salwell is the man. Period. Gym Jordan can go fuck himself.

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A jibbering loon? You are waaaaay too kind!

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Yeah, but the visuals!!

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1. I understand that Hunter's "lie" on the form was simply checking a no box when he should have checked a yes box. He actually didn't make any claim - just checked a box.

2. Are members of the House exempt from subpoena's - and can they simply ignore them? Bannon got tried and convicted. When's Gym's turn?

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I noticed Gymbag wore a tie and didn’t roll up his sleeves after the dress code gibberish from the senate. He still didn’t wear a suit coat. He is such a waste of oxygen.

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Swalwell has made a career of pounding Gymbo senseless on the House floor. But Gymbo just keeps coming back for more.

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Secretly I think he enjoys it.... it's the long unfulfilled masochist he hides away deep inside. 🤷‍♀️

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How do we get rid of creeps like him? And how do we elect people like this? Is this really who we are? This makes me so sad.....All the ugly, cruel, bigotry was there, but under the surface, until the orange creep unleashed it all. 🙁

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This is who SOME of us are. The rightwing agenda of “dumbing down America” has worked.

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yep. dumb um down and make um pissed off.

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With gerrymandering states...not easy. My home state of Wisconsin is case in point; of the donor class a-hole GOP taking a state known for being progressive and turning into a paid circus. A slow fight back.

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As Gym got up and dashed out of Chambers. What a coward.

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Yep. The man (that's questionable) leaving the room....

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