For everyone that shares the concern that tfg might not make it through the trial, I found this quick-read Daily Kos Article by Torta to be heartening and an excellent writeup with “concise detailed information and support for arguments.”

“Unlike Obama before him and Biden after him, in a time of extreme stress and need, Trump does not have a beloved spouse and partner whom he can turn to for support. After all, this trial is about him falsifying business records to interfere with an election, but the reason that happened is that he schtupped a porn star and sex worker while his wife Melania was about to give birth to her first and only child with him. And this became worldwide knowledge, very humiliating for Melania. Never a warm one to begin with, from the moment “Stormy Daniels” became a commonly known phrase, Melania really turned up the arctic chill toward the man she only married for money, and everybody knows it. So, every night after night after night, Trump is alone.” Where is Jeff’s ‘smallest violin in the world’ when we need it?

Torta’s final paragraph sums it up. “I am now more optimistic that this situation could finish Trump off politically. But more than that — the odds are considerably greater than zero that this trial finishes Trump off literally. Either in mind (already in tatters) or in body.” Also check out the “gold medal comments”. “Wish they’d stop calling this an “affair” An “affair” takes longer than 27 seconds and you don’t have to pay someone $130,000.”


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The trial could help Trump? Help! Help!

I am a San Francisco native. Harry Truman (a Missouri native) was President when I was born. Did he (the buck stops here) need any help?

I have been to New York City a number of times and walked around in Manhattan. When you are on the street there, people from 150 different countries could be on the same block as you are. Stay outta the way of the cabbies. But let the colors and smell of a blessed city soak in and you will feel a little electricity and joy in knowing that all of these people can live in peace and try to help each other.

Need some help in NYC? As a professional long haul truck driver I did on a couple of occasions. It is real easy to get lost or come upon a 12 foot overpass in a 13 foot 6 inch tractor trailer. New Yorkers will drop what they are doing and stop traffic if they can to help someone they think is a decent person.

That's why they ran the stinking Trumps off. They are tired of mob bosses and people only put for themselves.

I have nothing but praise for the people of New York City. They are doing the best that they can on the little space that they have.

As for Trump, four days a week for eight weeks sitting in a smelly courtroom while people laugh at him or tell how much they hate him may be better than jail. I actually expect Trump to suffer spontaneous human combustion.

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Holy Moly Macaroni, Jamie Raskin just demolished Gomer “I’m a farmer, I have land” Comer in an epic, surreal, full body slam that may have been one of the best bouts in the history of the United States House of Representatives, during an Oversight Committee hearing yesterday. This Brian Tyler Cohen You Tube moment is a must see.


Memories are short but the last time I remember this much drama on the hill was in early September 2018 when Lindsay Graham had a meltdown during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing and literally blew a gasket. Actually, Graham has ‘blown many gaskets’, bless his heart, and that should not be taken as a double entendre.


As the Big Orange Dumbster would say “No one has ever seen anything like it!”

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This whole thing is absolutely disgusting! You nailed it-mob boss….taking everything he can get and not giving a shit about anyone else. OMG…SO SICK of it! And MEDIA better wake the fuck up and not worry about the damn bottom line—-worry about the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA instead!

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Packs of Hispanic males roaming the streets!


I saw them in Puerto Rico too when I was on vacation!!!

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Jeff, seriously, you crack me up. Your writing is helping me maintain my sanity.

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That smirk...

We're dealing with the King of the Douchebags. You can't be polite with a douchebag. You can't be civil. You can't win a battle with them, so you might ad well go ahead and drop the biggest, baddest hammer you've got on them. Yeah, jail. Not house arrest, not 5 digit monetary fines (use that on Scavino), fucking Riker's.

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ONLY five percent! I am shocked! Another reason he took over the RNC. I like this scenario: trump cleans the clocks of all the little down ballot losers, goes to their `paltry rallies and only whines about himself then leaves town, Letissa James cleans trump's clock due to the phony 175 million bond, trump loses the election along with hundreds of magat candidates, then with whatever family or associates he's got left, he gets on his plane splits the country for ____________ fill in the blank.

Adios fucking sundowning, misfit, diaperload traitor!

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So the Trump National Committee is fleecing down-ballot R candidates at a rate of 5%, eh? Whoever saw that coming said no one.I predict that this whole glorious organization will be in the hole before all is said and done and it couldn’t happen to a shittier group of jackals.

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1. I’m a west coast gal forever, but I’ve traveled around this country quite a bit. I’ve been to NYC a few times and you know what I’ve seen? People of all different ethnicities going about their business. It’s shocking! 🙄

2. Stephen Miller is a hobgoblin.

3. I’m not a fashion icon, I don’t read Vogue, but I know an unkempt slob when I see one (looking at you, Orange)

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“it wasn’t suicidal enough to hitch your electoral future to a quadrice-indicted twice-impeached popular-vote-losing adderall-huffing” <— this is one of the most unhinged brilliant owns, I’ve ever read. You sir, are amazing

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BREAKING NEWS: It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that grotesque pile of steaming, maggot infested fucking dog shit known as Donald J. Trump is still alive. Please respect my privacy during this difficult time. In a pseudo-related story, I assume the "J" stands for jerk off.

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Jeff, I'm not shitting you—you actually connected the dots on juror intimidation better than any source on Planet Earth.

You have my deepest gratitude!

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You just know Donnie Shitstain is just pushing the judge to throw him in jail for contempt I'm sure he figures that it will be a fundraising bonanza PLUS a media explosions. I can see it, 'Messages from Riker's Island.'

I know the judge doesn't want to play in his hand....but couldn't he do house arrest and take away his social media? Something...anything?!

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We keep screaming for justice.

But there is just us.

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I hate this fat fuck so much. Finish him! They’re not even trying to hide their racism. It’s sick.

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