YES. Everything you said, Jeff. I'm appalled that Biden has negotiated with McCarthy, and keep hoping that he's only doing so in order to maintain the moral high ground (always willing to talk) -- but I fear he thinks he has to give ground in order to maintain the illusion that democracy is still functional in the US, when in fact it is pretty-near broken if it ain't broke already. You don't negotiate with terrorists and hostage takers. Period. Because if you do, then the next time -- and there WILL be a next time -- will be even worse. I just don't understand the Dems continued reluctance/inability to play hard ball. And I'm angry as fuck about this. I live month-to-month on a small payout from my retirement savings. If the world markets crash next week and I lose half my investments to American MAGA fuckery I am in big trouble. I don't have 10 years to rebuild.
Agreed. I worked hard for my retirement, watching my 401k bounce around due to corporate meltdowns and the like. I finally hit my goal two years ago, downsized my house and while hardly rich, I’m comfortable. Losing all we worked for is the height of GOP irresponsibility
I sincerely hope Biden is just letting Mccarthy get as much rope to hang from as possible, before invoking the 14th. This shit is ridiculous. I guess "shall not be questioned" can be ignored but "shall not be infringed" is some god given commandment that melts one's brain.
Dems have got to stop being pussies and stand up to the 3rd grade bullies. Just keep borrowing and paying the bills and let the process go through the courts, seems that should take a few years if pursuing justice for Donny is any example. If you allow these terrorists to get you to capitulate on the debt ceiling, they will again hold you hostage this fall when dealing with the 2024 budget and ever after. Tell these unpatriotic morons to bite it because the adults plan to govern and protect the public not just play grade school antics. Repubs have never been good at governance, but always seem to bully the Dems in the games of politics, Grow a pair Dems.
Well, I'm sure you're being modest, but here's a great explainer about the Debt Con: "The GOP Rolls Out Its 'Two Santas' Plot for Debt Ceiling and the Long Con Continues," by @Thom_Hartmann:
More bully pulpit from the Dems - including from President Biden. McCarthy is on the news daily with his and the GOP stance, blaming Democrats, saying that POTUS wouldn't start negotiations until almost the last minute, etc. Let's hear from the Dems. Let's see them - all of them - on tv saying the truth. Stand up and let the country know this is on the GOP. Explain it like the American people are first graders so they understand! We don't negotiate with terrorists - especially GOP terrorists who are holding the US economy as hostage. Enough!
The shitshow continues.. and the Repuklican nimrods want to play chicken.. they refuse to budge on their wants and gimme gimme budget. Which we all know they are lining their pockets and their donors pockets because the Repuklican Party of Grifters are on the payrolls of the wealthiest of the wealthy. There is no trickle down effect for the rest of the country and yet their rabid frothing at the mouth supporters don’t realize they’re being taken. I feel like I’m in an alternate reality of insanity and these grifting despots are in fact the wardens and the rest of us are at the mercy of the lunatics. TFG is a cancer to our nation and his rabid followers are just indoctrinated foot soldiers to keep the rest of us in line.. well that’s just NOT going to work for me. The only way to protect our nation and ourselves is to Vote and vote them all out. If we all stand together we are stronger. “One whisper added by a thousand others, becomes a ROAR of discontent” The POWER is with US : WE THE PEOPLE
Everyone with a brain knows Kevin is full of it. Those people have lost their minds. My fav this week was MTG pounding the gavel and asking for decorum in the chamber. Almost peed my pants when the Dems laughed at her.
2. there are people at the White House who read my stuff and every once in a great while, something of mine gets forwarded to Joe. (I know this because they tell me, when it happens.) but who knows if this is the kind of thing they'd want him to see.)
You know this trillion dollar deficit goes back to the stupid shit show that was the Iraq invasion. I remember it like yesterday because I kicked my TV so much at their faces, GW, Dick on CNN that I broke my big toe.
I know nothing about economics either but I know one thing for sure, I'm sick of the Republicans using it against the Democrats over and over and over. I'm glad to see Dems starting to fight back. We have a lot to retrieve from those bastards.
Damaging this fragile economy in order to score political points and hurt your opponent’s reelection is sick, disgusting, and well, very Republican.
It's like Lucy with the football with Republicans, no intention of good faith negotions
YES. Everything you said, Jeff. I'm appalled that Biden has negotiated with McCarthy, and keep hoping that he's only doing so in order to maintain the moral high ground (always willing to talk) -- but I fear he thinks he has to give ground in order to maintain the illusion that democracy is still functional in the US, when in fact it is pretty-near broken if it ain't broke already. You don't negotiate with terrorists and hostage takers. Period. Because if you do, then the next time -- and there WILL be a next time -- will be even worse. I just don't understand the Dems continued reluctance/inability to play hard ball. And I'm angry as fuck about this. I live month-to-month on a small payout from my retirement savings. If the world markets crash next week and I lose half my investments to American MAGA fuckery I am in big trouble. I don't have 10 years to rebuild.
Agreed. I worked hard for my retirement, watching my 401k bounce around due to corporate meltdowns and the like. I finally hit my goal two years ago, downsized my house and while hardly rich, I’m comfortable. Losing all we worked for is the height of GOP irresponsibility
I sincerely hope Biden is just letting Mccarthy get as much rope to hang from as possible, before invoking the 14th. This shit is ridiculous. I guess "shall not be questioned" can be ignored but "shall not be infringed" is some god given commandment that melts one's brain.
Dems have got to stop being pussies and stand up to the 3rd grade bullies. Just keep borrowing and paying the bills and let the process go through the courts, seems that should take a few years if pursuing justice for Donny is any example. If you allow these terrorists to get you to capitulate on the debt ceiling, they will again hold you hostage this fall when dealing with the 2024 budget and ever after. Tell these unpatriotic morons to bite it because the adults plan to govern and protect the public not just play grade school antics. Repubs have never been good at governance, but always seem to bully the Dems in the games of politics, Grow a pair Dems.
From your mouth to Joe’s ear!!🙏🏻
Well, I'm sure you're being modest, but here's a great explainer about the Debt Con: "The GOP Rolls Out Its 'Two Santas' Plot for Debt Ceiling and the Long Con Continues," by @Thom_Hartmann:
I’m no economist either, but I damn well know how to pay my bills. I suggest withholding the paycheck of those who would hold us hostage.
More bully pulpit from the Dems - including from President Biden. McCarthy is on the news daily with his and the GOP stance, blaming Democrats, saying that POTUS wouldn't start negotiations until almost the last minute, etc. Let's hear from the Dems. Let's see them - all of them - on tv saying the truth. Stand up and let the country know this is on the GOP. Explain it like the American people are first graders so they understand! We don't negotiate with terrorists - especially GOP terrorists who are holding the US economy as hostage. Enough!
The shitshow continues.. and the Repuklican nimrods want to play chicken.. they refuse to budge on their wants and gimme gimme budget. Which we all know they are lining their pockets and their donors pockets because the Repuklican Party of Grifters are on the payrolls of the wealthiest of the wealthy. There is no trickle down effect for the rest of the country and yet their rabid frothing at the mouth supporters don’t realize they’re being taken. I feel like I’m in an alternate reality of insanity and these grifting despots are in fact the wardens and the rest of us are at the mercy of the lunatics. TFG is a cancer to our nation and his rabid followers are just indoctrinated foot soldiers to keep the rest of us in line.. well that’s just NOT going to work for me. The only way to protect our nation and ourselves is to Vote and vote them all out. If we all stand together we are stronger. “One whisper added by a thousand others, becomes a ROAR of discontent” The POWER is with US : WE THE PEOPLE
Everyone with a brain knows Kevin is full of it. Those people have lost their minds. My fav this week was MTG pounding the gavel and asking for decorum in the chamber. Almost peed my pants when the Dems laughed at her.
If the parties were reversed and a democrat House was doing this to a GOP president that is what the president would do.
Excellent! I hope you tweeted this to Joe on Twitter!
1. Joe Biden doesn't use twitter.
2. there are people at the White House who read my stuff and every once in a great while, something of mine gets forwarded to Joe. (I know this because they tell me, when it happens.) but who knows if this is the kind of thing they'd want him to see.)
3. yes, that -is- very cool. and surreal
You know this trillion dollar deficit goes back to the stupid shit show that was the Iraq invasion. I remember it like yesterday because I kicked my TV so much at their faces, GW, Dick on CNN that I broke my big toe.
This is the one thing that needs to get through!
I know nothing about economics either but I know one thing for sure, I'm sick of the Republicans using it against the Democrats over and over and over. I'm glad to see Dems starting to fight back. We have a lot to retrieve from those bastards.
I agree wholeheartedly!