May 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

If Ruth Bader Ginsburg—who by that time had cancer twice—had stepped down when Obama had the votes to assure a liberal successor, the ReichWing takeover of the Supreme Court would have been far less certain. I'm guessing she was gambling that Hillary would win. She lost that bet, and the country lost even more.

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You speak for all of us on that. It was a terrible decision for the country.

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I'm still pissed about it. What is with these people in power who refuse to acknowledge their mortality?

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The power?

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That part is a little pathetic. We all resist the evidence that the end is near.

When my father was in his final decline with mesothelioma he transferred some of his money into five year bonds. He had only weeks to live.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Let's RBG this with DF.

What could go wrong?

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And now we have a psychotic woman in the Supreme Court.

Yeah, "People of Praise."

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

So funny (not funny)! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/05/19/us-senate-seniors-retirement-destination-satire/

US Senate Seniors Retirement Destination by Alexandra Petri

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I finally had enough and called my other senator Padilla to relay the fact that she is destroying her entire legacy of good work with this refusal to resign. There will be an entire generation that only knows this doddering selfish senator who gave power to the fascists in the final hours of democracy.

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Unfortunately, one of the signs of senility (especially dementia) is an inability to recognize one’s own failings and frailties. The behavior and thought processes become more and more inflexible and irrational. There are quite a number of senators and congresspeople who are either stupid or are suffering with senility. It’s hard to tell with the GOP, because they have always had illogical, ruthless and cruel policies, which have only worsened since the demented trump. Meanwhile, there are no procedures to deal with the senility of our elected officials - another of the manifold issues that need immediate attention.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Also, it seems that no one has power of attorney over her health care decisions or life decisions. It’s doubtful that she would have signed the paperwork for that. Now it seems like she has mid to late stage dementia where a Conservatorship is the next solution to DiFi’s problems. Doesn’t appear that she has family members that are caring for her (or us) at this point.

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Very true. But where are her "friends", family? She is disoriented enough for any Will she would make would be deemed invalid because of her cognition impairment. Her loved ones should explore obtaining a Probate Conservatorship at this point.

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And the argument is hard when "ageism" can be labeled for an easy cop out.

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Hard sell when her cognitive infirmity is on full display.

"I haven't been gone, I've been right here voting."

Uh, lady ...

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It’s NOT all right to do what she’s doing. NOT all right.

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Thank you for your efforts. I am going to send a letter to Sen. Feinstein's office and a copy to Gavin Newsom. She has been a iconic senator for us but it is time to pass the baton.

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Why not call her office directly and let HER know.

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I tried originally, but figured coming from a colleague, it would hold more value than a simple constituent..

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Can I quote you?

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May 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

It’s sad. She’s almost as addlepated as Chuck Grassley.

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yes. this is a problem that really isn't just about DiFi. there needs to be term limits for -all- senators

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May 20, 2023

The Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein

11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Subject: Your retirement

Dear Senator Feinstein:

You have been an iconic senator for the democratic party and your contributions to our country’s well being have been enormous but dearest Dianne, it is time to pass the baton to another progressive warrior. Please don’t make the mistake Ruth Bader Ginsberg did when she refused to acknowledge her mortality despite numerous serious health issues and unwittingly set up a situation that allowed our present SCOTUS to be dominated by right wing extremists and led to the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Please do the right thing and bow out gracefully and with dignity. Don’t wait for your constituents to hound you out of office. Give the baton to a younger, healthier and more energetic public servant. My choices to replace you till the next election would be: Katie Porter or Adam Schiff.

You were elected to DO a job, not HOLD a job.

With sincere respect,

My name________________

Constituent of Rep. Pete Aguilar

Redlands, CA 92374

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But that never seems to gain any ground…

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And Paul Gosar... I can't even listen to him, much less watch him.

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I love that word and it's not used nearly enough !

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I first encountered it in a Mark Twain novel. 🙂

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These ailing old pols are incredibly selfish. There needs to be a way to usher them out. Term limits, mandatory retirement age, disability termination. So many flaws in our system keep surfacing. The founding fathers couldn’t fathom the arrogance and self-serving inherent in America’s “public servants.” Maddening that DiFi is even an issue.

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I think our founding fathers knew a thing or three about people. They just may never have imagined we’d live so long.

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Yes DiFi needs to go along with several others. Yes she’s being selfish, but...there’s that judiciary...

How about they can no longer effective serve their constituency. Unable to perform the duties required of congress. That sounds reasonable due to old age and frailty. Nothing to be ashamed of. You just can’t, due to nature taking its course.

We are all going to die and hopefully from old age, but it ain’t pretty.

As to her seat on the judiciary, all this B.S. of hoop jumping, sword swallowing circus acts are wasting our time here on Earth. 2/3 of this, 60 senate votes for that, super majorities... fucking stop!! It a simple majority, who wins the popular vote.

Don’t like it, move to Russia. They have all that shit there, what with people falling from windows and down steps. You can bask in the glow of your wife beater shirts and carry torches all day long.

It’s all fascist inroads to our Democracy. Fascist have twisted being a public servant in to constant game of Candyland and Shutes and Ladders.

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Old age is definitely not pretty. My late friend always said it's a horror show.

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Its inevitability has always pissed me off. I don't smoke or drink, I've exercised since I was 17, the gym as much a part of my weekly cycle as eating and sleeping, I eat healthy food.

And still I'm going to get frail.

What a gyp.

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Some people are spry and lucid at 89.

Diane Feinstein is not spry and lucid. She looks like an absolute wreck and some brown hair dye doesn’t transubstantiate tottering frailty into spryness and lucidity.

Hanging on in her condition isn’t any kind of noble act, it’s irresponsible as fuck and she needs to resign.

She looks like she could drop dead at any moment.

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That might be a blessing

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I’ve been screaming this since the dementia laden Feinstein told off the children who wanted to talk to her about the environment and she said they were to young to vote. She was obviously untethered then and that was Feb. 2019

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San Francisco native here. I have always loved being represented in some way by Di-Fi. She is tenacious and not afraid to speak her mind to power or otherwise. She has been a delight. She is VERY stubborn, though, and I mean VERY, which is why she used to win because her opponents know she will not back down. Unfortunately, this does not play well today. I’m afraid we have to wait. As much as I hate that her current stance will destroy her legacy, it’s truly long past time for her to step down. We Californians feel that we are not represented 100%. Damn pitiful situation.

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Why oh why did the people of CA re-elect her. Although she is more frail now, her cognitive decline has been apparent for years.

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They elected her because she was the nominee for the Democratic party. If you don’t want a Republican you vote for a Democrat because unless you’ve got an Angus King, you pretty much throw away your vote by voting Independent or write-in. One of my friends was sharp as a tack at 91, another started losing it in her 70s. What to do?

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Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Then BOO for the party, because she was showing signs of memory dysfunction and cognitive decline quite a while ago.

As far as what to do, mandatory retirement at age 70 sounds good to me.

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Some people are as sharp at 70, or even 90, as they were at 35. Others start showing cognitive decline before 50. It's too variable to impose fixed limits on people who remain unaffected.

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Of course variations occur as they do throughout nature. But age is the biggest risk factor for many brain diseases, most of which affect brain structure and function. Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia can occur in mid life, but the probability is that they will manifest as we get older. Moreover, conditions that are more common in older adults, such as diabetes and heart disease, poor vision can also compromise cognitive function. We impose age limits on air traffic controllers, judges, FBI agents and pilots among other professions, why not politicians? I'm tired of the gerontocracy. Time for new blood.

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For the reasons I have already stated.

In one case to force retirement would be to dodge a bullet, a representative who spaces out on basic responsibilities. In another case, at the same age, you are throwing away decades of wisdom and experience that could continue for two more decades, just because of a number.

Absolutely there should be a mechanism to remove the mentally infirm from responsible positions of all kinds. But it needs to be based on regular evaluations, not on a number.

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I was horrified to see the news clip of Feinstein’s return. After voting for her in every election since 1980, it is way past time for her to retire, and for everyone to stop being so codependent!

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Absolutely. I’m concerned for her too. I have seen patients who refused to acknowledge their limitations (for whatever reason). It never ends well for that person.

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Her family is doing wrong by her.

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Is it true that if she steps down that her vacated seat on the judiciary cannot be filled w/o 60 votes

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That's the concern some people have expressed about her stepping down. What a nightmare.

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Dear Dianne,

You must resign. For your own physical good. Seriously.

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Jeff--may I add a third, much less important consideration? That she should also retire for her *own* good? She is obviously suffering. The recent pictures look like she is being dragged out and tortured. Please senator--you've earned the right to retire. Does she even know where she is? Who is doing this to her? And why? This is a horrifying situation for everything you mentioned today. sigh....

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When someone has dementia, they lose their capacity for reason. My previously highly intelligent father could not be made to understand why he could no longer drive, despite losing his license and insurance, having multiple accidents, and getting lost in a strip mall parking lot. Someone must have medical power of attorney for Sen. Feinstein. I share the concern about losing a seat on the Judiciary Committee however.

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"When someone has dementia, they lose their capacity for reason"

Hey, thanks a LOT for the headache.

Any special reason you need to mix up singular and plural? English much?

"People with dementia lose their capacity for reason."

No "when," no "someone," no "they," number agreement, shorter, clearer.


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For Fuks Sake she won't resign. Plus Nancy Pelosi wants to make sure it's Adam Schiff who gets to replace her. Gavin Newsom has promised to replace her with a black person if she resigns. I mean God forbid we get a Progressive in there Nancy.

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I’m a Katie Porter fan.

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Me too. Either way I don't care if Barbara Lee replaces her. Schiff does not excite me at all.

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Many years ago, I watched a diminished Senator Quentin Burdick basically get lead around the Senate like some prized poodle. During a meeting he did allow me to use the Senate restroom when it was urgently needed. It is rather tragic that a once great country seems to have no ability to have the best, brightest and most alert citizens leading the country. We will likely see this same scenario play out with Senator Grassley who just one his election. At some point the voters have to become much smarter and vote better people into office that will better represent their interests. Continuing to have millions be ignorant and so damn gullible will not serve our country well into the future.

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