I was born in 1949 and remember what it was like-lucky enough to grow up middle class and secure. I am white, so of course, I had several legs up (though a women, so remove one leg). Reagan stepped in...and it has NEVER been the same. If they take away social security, my husband and I are seriously fucked.

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And Republican’s tax cutting and largesse for the military, oil and other industries has only made it worse. It boggles my mind that we spend over half of all discretionary dollars on “defense”. And the Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare “because we can’t afford them”

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

Born 1951. I remember a brand new library down the street, well paid and well respected teachers, Route 95 was completed from NY to FL, new trains, new airports, new schools (schoolbooks were provided to students at no charge), new fire houses., new hospitals. We had the $$ to do these things because EVERYONE paid their share of taxes. Then came the real hoax … “trickle up.” I left the Republican Party shortly afterward. They were telegraphing exactly what their agenda was and it wasn’t pretty. Now we have hospitals closing, roads and bridges failing, schools crumbling, teachers fleeing the profession, stagnant wages for workers, union busting, child labor making a comeback while the wealth made on the backs of American workers flows ever upward. Our media is corporate owned and right wing biased, ignorance is praised, cruelty is seen as strength, rights are being taken away, and too many Americans have been oblivious, disinterested, or apathetic. America WAS once the greatest nation on earth. We became complacent and here we are. TAX THE RICH and have them pay their fair share. It’s only 1 out of 10,000 things we must do, but funding our government will strengthen it. And when we strengthen our government we can start working on the other necessary things and get them done.

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Jeff I’m 16 years older than you and I remember all of it. My husband got great veteran’s benefits too, but of course there was the draft.

I’ve spent every year since 1980 trying to explain to people what Reagan and Gingrich did to ruin everything, but you said it better.

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As someone who has worked in higher education for decades, I truly believe that GenZ is going to change the world for the better. They are cognizant of the right-wing wingnuts who refuse to fund education and services for minorities, and the imbalance of wealth and power in our country. And they will take these beliefs to the voting box.

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Is there enough to swing the balance of power though?? I sure hope so.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

I think there will be. Will the GOP change the voting laws to exclude anyone under the age of 21 or older? The old bastards are afraid of our young people having a say in the world they're inheriting.

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Yes! They know if they stop the college vote, they can take over. GOP are putting up a bill to ban campus voting under the guise of school safety.

I’m so sick of their gaslighting…

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I know they are trying to remove voting areas from campuses. Trying to make it harder for them to vote.

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"The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled Friday that state lawmakers can do as they please with the state’s congressional maps, with little oversight from the courts."

We are so screwed.

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Wisconsin has the same issue. Unless this new Supreme court gets to rule otherwise, then we might have a chance.

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With hope.

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You mentioned the solution. Make those rich cocksuckers pay their fair share!

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Yes to “the rich pay their fair share and this time, everyone benefits.” My first political memory was of my grandmother wearing an “I like Ike” button while my grandfather hosted a fundraiser for Stevenson (must have been ‘56). I also remember the racism, anti-Semitism, and a couple of closeted friend of my parents’. And I remember that my grandparents‘ political differences were not about greed and hate. Of course, “Ike” was to the left of a whole lot of Dems currently in power, cautioned about wars-for-profit, and believed in the common good (though sadly excluding BIPOC & LGBT+ communities). Nixon encouraged the racists’ reaction to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, and then Reagan laughed at the notion of the common good, the value of education, and the ability to think critically, and busily dismantled as much of the social safety net as he could. And so was born the modern GOP. I wonder what will happen to them when tffg croaks.

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As a therapist of more than 40 years, I have a relationship with many extraordinarily wealthy people, for some reason this is the majority of my clientele. There are some very generous, conscientious and delightful people within the group I have seen and they are very aware of the inequities, deception and damage that the wealthy have been part of and these accountable people do their work to rectify the situation. But the majority of the people I see have been raised by wealthy families in a tradition of hiding and hoarding their millions, billions for themselves and their children. They may ‘donate’ to charities but the percentage is minuscule in comparison to their wealth and is often directly from tax deductible foundations that only help them in their tax planning. At times when I’ve been able to inquire into their reasoning for their behavior it’s as rigid as speaking to someone suffering from serious OCD who has set up their life to avoid germs. They just repeat the same rationale over and over and basically explain that this is what they were taught to do and encouraged to do by their families and their advisors. It’s a closed, sick belief system founded on anxiety and attempting to immunize themselves against avoidance of any financial loss. I’ve also noticed that the wealthier that many of them become it turns into a competition, an insecurity when compared with others who are wealthier than themselves (and this applies to billionaires).

I’m writing all of this because I have done my small part in attempting to help them find their better selves, break through their rationalizations and defenses, and offer them the possibility of a life where they could have unlimited joy helping others and the planet. It’s tedious work and the level of difficulty seems to have worsened in our current climate.

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I was born in 1946 and I remember fully funded government as well. The public schools were terrific and no one except Catholics, very rich people or incorrigibles went to private ones. The roads were a joy to drive on and airlines were not cattle car modes of transportation. On the other hand, we didn't have Medicare, so there was that. Elderly people either died or went broke if they got sick. Of course, the GQP keeps wanting to cut that. Late stage capitalism at its best.

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I swear I think this one thing, really taxing wealthy people and corporations has a very wide ranging benefit far in excess of just more money in government. I have read many stories about Presidents, CEOs of companies, raising the wages of workers, why? because they would rather do that then pay even more taxes! I also think the #1 thing, they had way, way, less disposable income. So they had less of an ability to mess around in government and especially elections. Yes Citizen vs. United caused a lot of harm but for crying out lout when you have billions what is giving the Federalist society a couple of millions to rig our courts? Tax the crap out of them is my feelings, end the "Super Yachts."

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Born 1951. I remember a brand new library down the street, well paid and well respected teachers, Route 95 was completed from NY to FL, new trains, new airports, new schools (schoolbooks were provided to students at no charge), new fire houses., new hospitals. We had the $$ to do these things because EVERYONE paid their share of taxes. Then came the real hoax … “trickle up.” I left the Republican Party shortly afterward. They were telegraphing exactly what their agenda was and it wasn’t pretty. Now we have hospitals closing, roads and bridges failing, schools crumbling, teachers fleeing the profession, stagnant wages for workers, union busting, child labor making a comeback while the wealth made on the backs of American workers flows ever upward. Our media is corporate owned and right wing biased, ignorance is praised, cruelty is seen as strength, rights are being taken away, and too many Americans have been oblivious m, disinterested, or apathetic. America WAS once the greatest nation on earth. We became complacent and here we are. TAX THE RICH and have them pay their fair share. It’s only 1 out of 1,000 things we must do, but funding our government will strengthen it. And when we strengthen our government we can get the other necessary things done.

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As I have said numerous times on Substack Jeff, I remember cuz I am 74 years old and saw the middle class develop and grow into a powerhouse!

Not so much anymore. Middle class in the 60's meant a wage of 10-15 dollars an hour, not as today when one must make at least $100K per year to be on the bottom third of middle class.

I worked at three different auto factories in one summer after graduation from high school before college. Jobs were everywhere much like they are now. The difference is that a pick up truck will cost you $70,000. As an example I bought a pickup truck brand new in 1973 for $3,000. This country will never get back to the good old days of the 50's and 60's until we elect and "Manage" politicians who will do as we demand.

The GQP will never get us to the goal. Unless scrutinized carefully neither will the Dems. If we tax the first 90% of a wealthy persons money they will still have 10% for their luxuries. 10% of 500 million is still 50 million to piss away as they wish. Plus after tax, their is still spending money left after taxes from the $450 million. How much luxury does anyone really need??? I know I am garbled here but so what! I am sick of preaching about significant tax reforms.

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If these Trumpers really wanna MAGA, then all that needs to be done is Tax The Rich. Like they used to in the good old days like the 50s that every Republican yearns for.

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I remember those days well. We could safely stay away from home dawn to dusk. Playgrounds, trees and bike rides to the local lake to swim were how we built up immunity from depression and fear. Our parents knew we were safe as most every neighbor and local cops kept a watch out for us. Our kids deserved so much better than as hostages of this evil system now created.

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The essential step, which will be damn hard to accomplish, is to greatly reduce the obscene amounts of money openly and privately being spent to aid the politicians willing to increasingly do the bidding of the wealthiest in our society. All other steps to take necessary action will wither because the big dollar donors are largely opposed to anything that does not benefit them personally. If my existence as an elected politician relies on huge sums of money to finance political campaigns, why would I do anything to bite the hand that feeds (brides) me.

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