and of course there's always that one thing that happens while I'm in the middle of writing about it

"Rep. Dan Meuser blames DEI and the FBI investigating Trump for the attack in New Orleans"


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and Mike Johnson, right now, is blaming the attack on SLEEPY BRANDON'S OPEN BORDERS


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Jeff, by my quick math (let's see, 535 Congress people, 8 more Republican than Democrat, throw in 30+ Repub. governors...) there will probably be over 300 individual statements from lying Repub. politicians trickling out one by one. PLEASE, for the sake of your sanity, please don't feel any guilt about missing a few of these predictable-as-the-sunrise lies that follow any major news event. You do more than your fair share already!

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Steve, agreed! One report on the RW idiocy on one subject is enough for my overloaded brain. Sure. Drag Christmas into a terrorist or domestic terrorist attack. 😵‍💫

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It looks like their entire political goal is to get the most clicks. Doesn't matter what they say as long as people are following their constant blather. I think I would like to go for a 4 year sabbatical on Pluto.

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Can I come?

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I'd prefer a 4 year sabbatical on Risa. Too bad it doesn't really exist.

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My husband would like that a lot lol, and he could log in to work from there, I suppose. I can't -- state of TX requires that you be physically located in the state when you log in remotely -- but I'm barely hanging on until retirement anyway. And of course, we'd be traveling with cats and a dog or two.

Shit, I'd settle for Vulcan.

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Yeah, at least it's warm on Vulcan. It's 28 degrees where I am right now.

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yeah, Vulcan reminds me of Texas but with smarter people

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I'd go anywhere with a cat, but have to bring my current three, and Otis has to be by himself. He's elderly and doesn't care for young ones.

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My happiest day was my best friend telling me over Christmas she had stopped watching Corporate Media and put Shout! Factory's MST3K livestream on instead.

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Portugal has better climate!

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I’m in.

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Holey Mike Johnson oughta review his Commandments, especially that pesky one about bearing false witness

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Honestly, I don't think he knows them. My dad read them everyday.

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A guy like Johnson who is so outwardly proud of his supposed Christian piety not only should know them but by all that is right should try to live by them. Being a cruel, judgmental conservative and even worse, being a MAGA ass kisser are not compatible with his professed beliefs.

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He worships antichrist. Whatever Jesus taught, he does the opposite.

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See my New Apostolic Reformation beliefs link above.

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This is what Andra Watkins has to say about Christian Nationalists and how do deal with them.


Also, remember Mike Johnson with his Seven Mountain Madness, is a New Apostolic Reformer, so he believes in an End-of-Days view that has us conforming too.


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He's got an app for that

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A typo. Not “professed” beliefs, but “professional” beliefs. Lies are ok with God if it’s for work.

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We shall see what they say in a year about things happening. It will be like 1984 in their use of Doublespeak!

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"Obama's fault!"

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Or maybe Hilary's fault?

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Or maybe Carter's fault, or Roosevelt's fault....

By then Russia, China and North Korea will be our allies and NATO countries will be the enemy.

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(To Linda's comment) "1984" revisionism : "Oceana was at war with Eurasia; therefore we have always been at war with Eurasia". Trump update : "I declare NATO is now our enemy; therefore NATO has always been our enemy".

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Oh, I don't know. I'm looking for the boatload of them to implode before that happens.

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I'm fully expecting Jimmy Carter to be dragged into this just because some of the G-dumbass-P had to say some nice things about him because he died and they've never missed a chance to dump on Carter before now.

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Orwell definitely had vision Linda, dubious that any of Trumps coterie have a clue of what lies ahead!!

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Somehow it will still be Biden’s or Obama’s fault.

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Nah. It’ll be the uppity broads not manual those men happy…

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Let's fortify all of Texas' borders. We obviously cannot trust people of Texan descent nor can we allow them to rent these weapons of mass destruction! Texans want a holy war, a jihad!

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In this case, I think you could stick just with the stupidest of the stupid you've come across -- they're going to be reading off the same Dear Leader talking points anyway.

Fox News just HAD to get in the bit about truck having a history of "suspected trafficking" since they fucked up the first take so badly... never knew that a truck could be held culpable like this! Lock the fucker up!

(yes, I'm going to miss Biden a lot, too.)

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That line of thinking goes along with 'people don't kill people, guns kill people.'

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My guns are lazy; haven't done any killin' their whole lives. Just no ambition whatsoever, apparently.

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Me too....the missing Biden part. Actually what I'm going to miss the most is sanity. Will we ever see it again?

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LOL so we can't open the borders to US citizens?

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He is so useless. The facts don't matter anymore. I hope they public gets wise to this garbage.

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Sure of course the fucking idiots always blame Democrats!!

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I think it's time to start playing Benny Hill music over some of these moronic statements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg

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Apropos music, fer sure. Moronic and comically inaccurate statements and outright lies. But sadly effective with the large swath of Americans who feast on outrage and are uncaring whether it is true or not

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The Repuklicants lemmings are not informed about anything they just parrot dear OrangeShitstain leader.. and they’ve got MoldyMuskRatBrain and his fugly eyesore SUVWTF is it car that was used to blow shit up.. the dude who did this served our country.. now we have to worry about the enemy within.. how many more of our service men and women who follow that Orange Ass will be willing to do this shit??

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You know, that could be highly effective -- in UK, when the right-wing was picking all the prime ministers, and getting worse and worse picks as they went, there was a guy protesting out on the street, playing the Benny Hill music through speakers, very loudly. It was hilarious.

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Pedagogical pedantry! Goodness gracious, replete with credentials. Gasp!

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DEI. Really?

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Yeah...how the hell does idiot Rep Meuser figure that DEI had shit to do with any of this and whatever other random imbecilic notions he just pulled out of his arse.

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Just pulling sh’t out of their ass

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As always

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It's like the narrative pulling in immigratiin

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Dude in Las Vegas was white. Where's the DEI? How is that even a thing?

Unless he was talking about the doer in New Orleans. I'm old and easily confused.

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"... it’s bad enough that ABC folded like a pack of cards in the face of Donny’s defamation suit against them. now we have to watch them kiss Dear Leader’s ass for the next four years."

No, Jeff, we don't have to watch ABC for the next 4 years. I abandoned them years ago as news lite. Totally worthless.

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Brain power seems to be very limited in the u.s. house. What an idiot.

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WTAF? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Jan 4Edited

You can’t make this shit up. Basically, you write the intro, “republican __________ blames ___________ for all the bad shit that befalls vonschitzenpanz. Own the libs! Own the libs! Marxist! Communist!! SOCIALISM!!!! OOHHH MY GOD THEY’RE COMING FOR THE BABIES!!! THEY’RE GONNA EAT THE BABIES!!!! BIDEN CRIME FAMILYRIGGEDELECTIONHUGOCHAVEZHUNTER’SLAPTOPCHRISTIANPERSECUTIONNEVERINTHEHISTORYOFTHEWOOORRRRLLLD!!!!!

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Jan 2
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Lisa, both my husband and I (plus my dad) and I have had melanoma, and we never thought we were going to die. When the biopsy says cancer, then you can ask for surgery asap.

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Jan 2
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Yup been there and I remember hearing the diagnosis and then it was like I was in a very long tunnel.. didn’t hear a damn thing after they said cancer..I just went blank..

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I don't know. Does this explain Magas?

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They don’t go blank.. they’re just very easily manipulated. They WANT to be “special” MAGA is a club and it’s the mentality of being special being better than everyone else.. that grabs them.. they think they’re superior in every single way to anyone else.. a whole new level of White or Right Nationalism.

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1. Nobody needs Kash, except a lonely jail cell

2. Someone better read that truck it’s rights or it might get off on a technicality.

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Just like dear leader keeps getting off for everything. It's going to be extremely difficult going from an honest caring leader who's presidency has been based on facts to another term from the biggest, lying, horseshit shoveling asshole who continues to get assisted by the media. Whether it's old anus lips himself or the press and airwaves, honesty along with facts have gone by the wayside and the twisted GOP Congress supports this crap every step of the way.

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Sad truth Rick, the fact that Trump was never brought to justice, when the FBI had investigations into his criminal activities since the 70’s including his Russian, Crossfire Hurricane investigation, spells his role as a C. I. Clearly!!

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Don’t forget his boosts from the corrupt Supreme Court

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I hope he doesn't last long...At least Jewish Doctor Vance is actually intelligent. It does hurt to say this, btw.

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Jan 2
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Yeah, he has all the personality of dryer lint. Wrong person to head up a cult of personality, since he has none.

Will be interesting to see the clash of egos between Sissy SpaceX and Peter Thiel (who backs Vance) should Vance be elevated. Especially since neither one of them is US-born and thereby ineligible for POTUS.

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If it was a white truck, that right there IS a technicality. /s

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The truck's lawyers will use a whole bunch of delaying tactics until the Supreme Court grants all Tesla vehicles immunity.

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3. Kash will never be the equal of J. Edgar. I don't even think he knows who he is, otherwise he'd hang his head in shame for his lack of achievement.

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Hoover abused his power, did he not? I have to think any Trump nominee would not be far behind.

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He didn't just terrorize radicals, he terrorized members of the government, presidents. He was a no limits guy.

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In a dress.

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Yes, you are correct, he was an equal opportunity terrorizer

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Does Kash have a background in cross-dressing? If not, he cannot be equal to J. Edgar.

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Left with a smile Kay-EI!!

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Oh yeah, it’s gonna be a great 4 years. They’ll have to do some twisty acrobatics to blame Democrats for all the coming shit when they’re the ones in charge. I just hope to god the Dems DO NOT think they have to rescue them. Let them fuck themselves.

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Many people are saying Matt Gaetz once rented that truck. I don't know if that's true. But many people are saying that.

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Verrrry possible if the truck is less than 18 years old

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LOL!! OMG!!!😱

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Nicely done.

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I'm shocked the MAGA cult hasn't tried to blame the exploding Cybertruck at the Trump flop house hotel in Vegas on Biden yet.

But it's still early.

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Don't rule out that guy, Ben Ghazi. He's always up to something.

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How in the fucking fuck are these “news” outlets getting away with their blatant lies? And did any of these lying nut jobs address the fact that the crazy piece of shit was able to get his hands on the assault weapon he had in his vehicle? I am so sick of this shit. I will say one thing in defense of ABC. On both the local NY station and World News Tonight, they repeatedly reported that the murderer was an American born citizen. OK, I know it’s a low bar, and I’m done defending them now.

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I’m in the Philadelphia news market, and the local news said he was a citizen and a former member of the Army. World News Tonight is one of the least biased outlets for news. David Muir and his co-hosts are always on top of the news and deliver it like the old valued news people did. Straight forward and honest.

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I agree!

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That bars underground Stephanie!!

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Yes, Patrick. It’s somewhere near the earth’’s core.

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Isn’t there one damn thing that can be done about this media bullshit we all have to (not really) listen to???? The idiots just keep hearing it and spewing it! What the hell happened to TRUTH? ARGH!!!!

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Signed away in Telecommunications Act Tess! Prior communication talking heads were required to be regulated and licensed, not anymore!!

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Thank you Ronald Reagan.

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