
and these are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head. I'm sure that you commenters will be able to add many more

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Fuck them. Fuck every fucking single one of them. Fuck then today, tomorrow, next month, next decade. Fuck them in the afterlife. Just fucking fuck them.

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Republicans are so busy protecting children they pass laws allowing children to work in dangerous jobs ie meat packing plants, chemical plants etc. All with no health benefits and a very low pay scale, cause.... wait for it.... protecting the children. Yeah Jeff, I got a 20 megaton dump ready for the GQP.

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So well said, Jeff, as always. I’d add Rs are so busy protecting children from learning how to think critically (which would lead them to vote R butts out of office the moment they were old enough to vote) that they forgot to protect them from being murdered in their classrooms. It’s all about greed and power. Deep Throat was right: follow the $ every damn time.

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Mass shootings in America, whether of adults or children, is nothing more than human sacrifice on the altar of the Second Amendment. Why else do our "high priests" (aka politicians) offer up only thoughts and prayers? They don't want to incur the wrath of the NRA, MAGAs and other "gods." At least in the good old days of the Aztecs, the priests did their own dirty work. The blood on their hands was actual blood.

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Jeff, your superlative expression is genius! You continuously write about all these horrible, tragic and avoidable situations with such clarity and succinctness. Thank you.

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They don't give a fuck about children, they are willingly sacrificing them to the gods of facism.

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Ya gotta be really stupid and really evil to ban "The Diary of Anne Frank"!

First read that book in 1954, when it was published. I have practically memorized it. Have formatted my own diary like hers.

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Thank you, Jeff, for this horribly sad but wonderfully written piece. Would make a great series of billboards in the DC area.

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They didn't forget anything. When you're busy trying to keep your kids or yourself from being murdered, you're less of a threat to the repuglikkan's owners.

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Ah, but they didn't forget. They simply do not care about the lives of children. They care about advancing the cause of authoritarian "Christian" nationalism, so they see children (and adults that don't agree with them) as disposable in service to the "cause." I used to think that if their own children were gunned down, it would change their hearts and minds, but I don't think so anymore. Their own precious children will also be sacrificed if need be. And that tells us pretty much all we need to know in order to understand they are EVIL. Pure, unadulterated evil. And we must stop them before it is too late.

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Read and weep. All true

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Republicans were so busy protecting the right to own, and use at free will, muskets that they forgot to protect children from being murdered in their classrooms.

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Fucking republicans.

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Nothing changed after Sandy Hook, and nothing will change now. There’s too much money involved. And Billy Bob needs to carry an AR-15 to buy donuts.

When you see 20 precious faces of murdered children and it doesn’t move you, you must be a Republican.

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