Allowing Trump anywhere near our military is like giving a three year old a hand grenade. If you appreciate and value our military, then you'll vote these assholes out. 🤦‍♀️

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Can you believe he had the nuclear codes? I mean - OH.MY.GOD. Four years of utter panic that the stupidest, most corrupt, self-serving imbecile in the world had our nuclear codes and military secrets..... and shared them.....

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wasn't there talk about requiring more codes to use the football than the one they gave him, just so he didn't set off a nuclear conflict by accident, or when he had a big mad? Can't remember if they actually did that or not...

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I woke up every morning (well, evening, I'm a day sleeper), and thought, "Well, he hasn't killed us all...yet. Maybe today."

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I can’t believe it. We have dodged disaster-so far. 🤦‍♀️

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He may still have them! After all, hasn't he been charged with violating the Espionage Act and willfully retaining national defense information?

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Well with Judge Next Mrs. Trump Cannon at the helm, he will get away with that too.

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Maybe so, especially in light of the disclosure today that the FBI didn't search a locked closet and a secret room. Jesus H. Christ.

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Omg, when I heard that newsbreak I just started screaming What The Fuck??!! Those FBI agents & whomever gave them the okay NOT to knock down that locked door & search, needs to be charged with dereliction of duty & fired!! I just can’t believe that stupid shit. They are probably Trump supporters.

Especially now knowing that Trump had the lock recently changed & the keys given to him. I just can’t scream JFC loudly enough. You know GD well if that had been the home of a drug lord, they would have wrecked that door in 2 seconds

They would have also probably found the secret room behind the armoire because they would have moved every stick of furniture in the place.

He was treated with kid gloves because of his wealth & who he is, & because of that, some really valuable, incriminating evidence has most likely been lost forever.

I’m beyond stroke level angry about that

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Jan 30·edited Jan 31

Exactly...he thinks it his personal military

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His own personal palace guard.

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Learned it from Putin.

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Jeff: This was profound. Thank you for saying what should be mantra every day

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Who else could just throw out a phrase like "the heat death of the universe" so poignantly?

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As a liberal who grew up as an Army Brat, I am at a loss for words how what used to be the pro-military party has devolved into a screaming caucus of cowardly fuckweasles...

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“Soldiers? Who cares? But we LOOOOOVE our military contractors! They’re so, so GENEROUS.”

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They have never served, and will never serve, as long as there are others they consider "suckers and losers" to send into harms way to do their dirty work. Trump just says the quiet part out loud, but it's how they think. We are all just cannon fodder in one way or another, for wealthy, privileged white guys. whose main goal in life is to get richer. Tuberville who has never served, still held up the promotions in the military, AFTER the debacle in Niger. It's like he didn't read the report which pretty much concludes that it was the failure and lack of experienced leadership. I don't think any of these men "knew what they were signing up for" in that regard.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

It's beyond belief. My dad who was a WW II vet and a life long Democrat, would've been absolutely appalled by this blatant anti American behavior. From the tangerine draft dodging psychopath at the top to another treasonous IQ deficient dipshit in the Senate, Tuberville, it's very difficult to understand why the many Vets who unfortunately support MAGA are accepting this craziness. Further proof how fucked America and the rest of the free world will be if this deranged monster is reelected.

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Same here, although my dad started out Republican, back when Republicans had Democratic ideals and platforms, and vice versa. He got disillusioned, and by the time Reagan came along, became a proud Democrat...Since it was the same party he grew up with.

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Both of my folks disliked Reagan. As governor of CA, his nightly appearances on the news enhanced some colorful commentaries at the dinner table with my dad leading the way. When Reagan was elected president, it was even more colorful.

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Here, here, well said!!

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And they were never really pro-military. They just talked like they were tough guys, and wanted to reward their big funders with big military contracts. Since they were more likely to get us into wars, that is hardly a pro-military thing to do. As a person who is living in Germany and has cousins stationed here, I hope we don't go flying off the handle at every provocation. I am grateful that cooler heads are prevailing. Biden's model still makes the military contractors rich, but not at the expense of sending our troops out to fight for other people's battles.

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It’s almost like these fuckers have zero insight into the military and how it works...

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They’re still clueless as to how audio & video work, so, yeah. Plus none have ever served.

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Indifference probably. They don't have to worry, Foxed-up News never airs the negative statements or votes, fist-pumps and all but just the highlights from the BS artists best pandering and made-up compliants. Much like Trump's disgusting deeds never see air time there either. Huh, go figure.

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I'm sure that has to do with the fact that they have never been anywhere near the military.

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They don't!

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Some used to. Almost none do now.

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Thank you, Jeff. This post should be plastered on the front of every newspaper, and the top story of every news outlet. Oh wait, I'm talking about our MSM...what am I thinking?! As a veteran, the rage I feel every time a fucking Repug talks about how they support the military or how Biden is mismanaging the military threatens to blow my head off. OK, deep breath, OMMMMM.

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Thanks for your service Lynn❤️

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I was Viet Nam era so it took me awhile, but I am proud to have served. So you're welcome!

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Keep breathing, Lynn 🥰

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Trump's statements and actions should be fodder for a million political attack ads.

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“Cold hearted inhuman dick” - that really says it all!

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Roy Cohn, Trump's mentor and maybe 'friend' if that is possible between such monsters, said Trump's veins run ice water. This was after Trump dropped Cohn like a hot potato when he learned Cohn was dying of AIDS. Trump is a monster. He has no - not a single one - redeeming qualities. Inhuman indeed.

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You took the words off my page. I think it's hilarious that Roy Cohn had to figure out on his death bed that 1) he helped create a monster 2) this was his moment to look in the mirror and 3) TRUMP IS MENTALLY ILL - only a person so void of feeling - incapable of shame or empathy is going to become this kind of sociopath. Trump cannot get power. He MUST be stopped.

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Or " Cold hearted inhuman small dick"

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This makes me so mad, I can’t even finish reading it. Maybe I’ll come back to it later. 🤬

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

Yeah sometimes you just have to rest your brain. There is only so much you can process on any given day. And this is just the stuff we know about or can readily access information about. I cannot even begin to imagine how much we don't know. I just recently watched the movie "Missing" with Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek, about the coup in Chile that was orchestrated by Henry Kissinger. Then I read up on the years that followed...just a bit, because of brain overload. I appreciate Jeff and others out there, that point out things that lead me to read further, or revisit the past. During 45's reign of terror, there was so much to be outraged about every day. And today it is easy to forget a lot of it. Remember when Rachel Maddow kept track of people he fired in his cabinet. After a while, there was so much turnover it was impossible to track and display the list on TV. It was ironically starting to look like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall with name after name after name of people that trump thought weren't loyal enough because they didn't kiss his gigantic ass.

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I'm at the point today where if it's anything re tangeranus I delete it.

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I agree.🤬🤬😡🤬

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As a long retired Navy officer I am even more impressed with your work today than usual. This piece resonated as I was furious with the fresh repubs hypocrisy relative to anything militarily, except giving military contractors huge bloated contracts. Please continue with this theme as, it seems, you are the only one who cares.

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Jeff, when Trump blew off the WWI cemetery visit--didn't he also secretly meet with Putin during that time? Am I misremembering?

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I dunno

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You are remembering correctly.

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Satan's minions. With a video camera in place of pitchforks. Hieronymus Bosch, where are you?

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I'm surprised a lot of GIs didn't get out while the Orange Pustule (OP) was in power, but I'm so grateful they stayed. I can't imagine having to serve with him in my chain of command. He's the Biggest Loser of all time. And yes, watch what they do. Trust but verify. Follow the money.

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I literally vomited when I learned that Shitler was going to be my USCG son's new C-I-C. I hadn't puked in decades nor have I since.

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I'm so sorry you lost your breakfast. But believe me, as an ex-WAC, I totally understand. I trust you are feeling considerably better ;-)

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I hate these people. Truly.

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It's not healthy but by god I can't help it.

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I can’t forget how Shitler stood with General John Kelly at the General’s son’s grave in Arlington, looked out over the cemetery and said “I wonder what was in it for them”.

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This is profound Jeff. I hope there is enough common fucking sense in the government to drown out the garbage being spewn from the gqp.

We are in serious turmoil and need Nov to come quickly before these morons cause us to lose more lives because of their complete and utter discord of democracy and it's values.

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I can understand why so many people follow Trump. They’re fucking idiots. My surprise is that I never realised there were so many fucking idiots in America. Like Hitler, don’t underestimate Trump. Madmen do things normal people least expect. Who would have thought Republicans were so sick in the head. We know now, so no excuses to let them anywhere near power.

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They are idiots by design. The GOP design. Weaken public education, close libraries, make secondary education out of reach and saddle students with mountains of debt, destroy unions, use religion to divide people, gain control of local and national media outlets -- newspapers, magazines, radio and television and social media. Even the Washington Post has an ex-rupert-murdoch guy at the helm. Look at some of the crap the NYT spews and keep your eye on the WAPO. Call them out for any bullshittery.

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The GOP as designed by the oligarchy. To get people to buy the trickle down wealth theories and that government must protect the obscenely wealthy and no one else because boot straps, you need to make people poor, indebted, dumb, bigoted, divided, and angry at the only institution that is designed to help them. The current crop of Republicans in Congress are all those things, plus money whores. The ones who feel bad about exercise "republican courage" and quit. I do hope we can send the current GOP to the trash bin of history, and very soon.

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Dumpf is unable to believe that anyone exists outside his experience of them...And....

His ramora's don't give a shit as long as they can grab some of the scraps.

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Wikipedia's page for the suckerfish Remora has this comment that I thought you may like: "Although it was initially believed that remoras fed off particulate matter from the host's meals, this has been shown to be false; in reality, their diets are composed primarily of host feces."

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Oh thanks for that image. And I assume it would entail a dumpster dive to access the dirty diaper, source of LDFFF. (LDFFFeces).


Now I am going to go sanitize my brain. I need one of those “flashy thingies” from Men In Black.

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The draft dodging POS mango moron does not give a flying fuck about any of our military personnel. And that loser football coach Tommy Tuboshit can go fuck himself as well!

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