Fani Willis’ love note to Gym Jordan was a piece of writing par excellence.

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Kay, Fani is the “Hemingway of Fulton County” in my book! ♥️

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My fave is how she basically told him "Sit down boy you ain't no lawyer..." Bless his heart!

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Very professional but scathing

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That's how yah do it, with class and sass!

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Sep 8, 2023
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Nioce! An apt description!

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As if that gerrymandered parasite could ever be a lawyer!

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His law school has a peer assessment of 1.5 out of 5. The Ohio State bar exam has an 82% pass rate compared to California (the hardest) with 34%. Fucker couldn’t pass?

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But see, this is why they keep getting their ass beat. They think they slick but they are trying to outwit people with bigger intellectual guns!

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the dumb shit should have tried harder to pass so he could move to some red state and got a Better Call Gym schtick going instead of making a horse's ass out of himself daily before a worldwide audience.

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I sincerely believe he just isn't capable. he is likely just smart enough to realize how dumb he is, so he blusters and over compensates all the time. Like those birds that puff up to looker bigger than they are to scare off predators.

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That's why he has to cheat at everything--that bottom dweller couldn't win honestly if he tried.

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It was beautiful.

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Someday she could write a book titled 'Yours In Service'!

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I would totally buy that book!

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Bravo, Jeff! Navarro and “Mark fucking Meadows” and Bannon and Stephen “self-hating descendant of Jewish immigrants” Miller and Giuliani and Bernie “fucking mafioso asswipe” Kerik and Ginni “bats in the belfry” Thomas all need to spend time in taxpayer financed housing, replete with armed guards, bars on the windows, and designated wake up hours.

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I am waiting on someone to write a tell all book about when and how Bats In The Belfry used to go to the Trump White House with her list of "people not loyal enough to Trump" - I bet there is a hell of a story there!!!

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Sep 8, 2023
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Dude, Go Fund me, Charity, petition, I am there!

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Sep 8, 2023
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ROFLMAO I dude everybody I kinda see it as gender neutral, like Babe, ROLFMAO

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Sep 8, 2023
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The Anarchy Princess for the win! 🏆

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If she's not married now, she will be in the next year or so I bet. :p

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God, I hope not. Great way to ruin a crusader!

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Biden needs to send in the COE and pull that shit out today. Make Texas sue us FFS

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He should also send abbot a bill after they’ve removed it.

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This just broke on the AP. Graham is another one I’d love to see get his.

ATLANTA (AP) — A report released on Friday revealed that a special grand jury investigating efforts to overturn Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results recommended indictments against a much larger group than Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis ultimately charged, including one current and two former U.S. senators.

The nine-page report showed jurors recommended charges against 39 people, compared to the 18 who were charged along with former President Donald Trump. The names of those not indicted included Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, former U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of Georgia and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Parts of the report, with 19 pages of appendices, had been released in February, but a judge had delayed the release of any recommendations for specific charges against specific people until after last month’s indictment. While most of the intrigue in the inner workings of the case has diminished with the filing of charges, it is notable that the special grand jury recommended many people who were not actually indicted. Graham and an attorney who has represented him did not immediately return messages seeking comment on Friday.

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holy shit

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If anyone is interested in more info, check out the analysis by Jessica Levinson on CBS on You Tube.

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I think Lindsay would like some aspects of prison life(LOL).

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Bend over and get the soap, bitch?

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He'd spend the entire time in protective custody (PC) a.k.a. "Punk City."

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Sep 8, 2023
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Remember the movie Fletch? Chevy Chase gets put in a jail cell with Tex Cobb. Tex says " Bend over". Chevy replies " Hi Ben. Victor Hugo."

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Sep 8, 2023
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I hope Lindsay was spared momentarily as an offer of cooperation is on the table. Mr Graham, which would you prefer? A very possible long prison sentence or cooperate with the prosecution?

It’s a good offer, so how deep are you into Putin for?

Lindsay completely lost his marbles after John McCain passed away. 1/6/2021 he seemed to snap back into reality until Trump reminded him who holds his balls.

Just my thoughts.

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Sep 8, 2023
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Great news. Weasels like Flynn and Graham have skated long enough.

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There is something afoot with Graham! It will soon all come out in the wash...

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Nothing would please me more than to see that two-faced weasel get wound up in an honest judicial system.

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Me too, because he knows better. Whatever they got on him to make him hop to Trump's tune is likely enough to put him away for good anyway...

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People are unbelievably cruel to others just because they don't like them. These MAGA maggots blame migrants for everything they think is wrong. What's wrong is inhumanity against people trying to escape their oppressive, violent countries. Yes, immigration is a problem. It isn't solved by killing people. If trump ever gains power, a lot of us may be migrating. Let's hope where we go isn't like Texas.

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100 percent!

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Navarro is so seriously stupid and unaware that he comes off as hilarious. He and Gym must somehow be related.

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I’d be careful though. Navarro is so high strung right now. His reactions look like his terrible side is right on the tip. I don’t think he’ll be able to hold it back.

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Anarchy Princess blowing that whistle is the best thing ever!

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It will be poetic justice indeed having Fani Willis, a black female, take down Donald Trump.

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Leesa, AG Letitia James is another powerhouse dump is terrified to face! Too delicious for words! 😂

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Not to mention Judge Tanya Chutkan!

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A trifecta of destruction for Drumpf! Love it!

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What’s hilarious is that shortly after getting his testicles handed back to him by Bragg and then Willis, Jordan has decided to make it a threefer by turning his grievances to Jack “I eat war criminals for breakfast at The Hague” Smith. Yeah...that’ll be fun. 😬

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This made me smile, Krista! 😆

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I am pleased to announce that “shitiologues” has been accepted for admission into the Jeff Tiedrich collection at the Library of Congress. I happen to consider myself to be the only voting member of the review committee and am pleased to further announce that the vote was unanimous. The committee is seeking congressional budget approval to construct a $145 million addition to the “Tiedrich Room” at the Library. For some reason, Congress has been slow to respond to our request. We may have to resort to crowdfunding, but Trump’s mug shot T-shirt sales have, for the moment, cornered the market on American’s disposable income.......currently teetering on the ledge at $400.

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All I can say is we are lucky to have Anarchy Princess to drive the entitled Peter into an absolute chicken fried fuck up of a little speech... and yet he tried... over whistle noise, and sign carrying patriot. Bravo 👏 A great weekend start Jeff.. To all fellow travellers... enjoy the karma

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“Your letter offends...” is her latest kiss-off!

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I got nothing to add here. I'm angry as you and support every ducking thing you've said here. I might even start praying a bit. For justice. Real justice. That mighty stream. Roll on down.

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For me that would only be a direct lightning strike, but I’ll take jailing these idiots up.

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No objection to this. Also, don't golfers sometimes get hit by lightning? Is it really too much to ask?

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Lady GA DA!

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Despite your artistic refusal to use capital letters, I am enjoying your rants tremendously. Keep up the hilarious, picante work. Your voice is needed.

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