Facts and evidence? Sorry Jeff. MAGA’s are ‘factose’ intolerant. In fact, they are generally intolerant.

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Boy, okay, that is a new phrase. That needs to be coined and used every single time with those people

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I am going to try that one out on my Trumper relative :D

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Make sure and tell them they can find the "molecules" on the Idiotic Table as long as we are recreating reality!

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The media isn’t helping.

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no they are not. I could write a whole separate thing about that. who knows, maybe I will

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Please do 🙏

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You and everyone else who can write should (yes that means me too) be excoriating this sad sack pile of shit media for turning into whores that gives real whores bad names. They have become one with the enemy, because the enemy has all the money and I ain't sayin' that they gold diggers, but they ain't messin' wit' no broke...

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Johnathan Last has a good segment.

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Ah I've only seen him in print but yeah I like what I've seen.

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I’d love to see that!

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It's the media that will elect this fascist psychopath president again. The lead on every broadcast, whether mainstream or cable, and in the print media, is this mfkr. There's no escape. It needs to stop.

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I tuned into Bret on Fox...they are offering a raffle to the "lucky winner +8 guests" a chance to go to the GOP debate! WTAF will that be? That lucky winner better watch out, they might actually be on the debate stage.

So what all the media is trying to do from cable to NYT is get that political $$ flowing. And the fake excitement that no one feels. The only "show" anyone wants is in a Feder

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do it Jeff, they are truly half our country's problem.

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Please do take on the media. They’re not the least bit interested in the boring story of the rule of law. For them, it’s all about personality. Maybe we need a superhero called “Marvel: The Rule of Law!” Nah, might as well talk about the Magna Carta.

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Do it! Do it! Do it!

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You should

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Of course not. In a Corporatocracy like ours, only the bottom line matters. Outrage and misdirection, whataboutism and flagrant lies are lucrative.

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I don't watch the media Because they are not journalists

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I did read the indictment. Holy shit, reading it gives one much more knowledge than snippets on the tv, but you also realize just how awful and deep this scheme really ran.

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Oh, Jeff, my sweet Summer Child. You believe the NYT is liberal? Have you forgotten Valerie Plame? or the unjustifiable invasion of Iraq? full page ads paid for by right wing politicos? George effing Will? Maureen whatshername? the crucifixion of Hillary Clinton?

The Gray Lady is so completely "Fair and Balanced".

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AND they knew trump was in coelution with Russia during the 2016 elections and refused

to fucking print it. THEY KNEW!

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🤭🤣 Yes! Thank you. But SAD!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

When your parking garage lawyer goes on two networks and confesses to one of your alleged crimes, you might want to check out the bargain bin lawyer section at Dollar Tree. You’d probably find better representation.

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He totally hung dickhead out to dry. You might get better representation from the homeless guy on the corner

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NYT consistently sucks.

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Every day and twice on Sunday.

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Mainstream media has made it their goal to both sides every argument. That saddens me because I have always valued the free press and thought it was their job to inform, not disseminate misinformation. Well, it is what it is.

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I canceled my sub to the Grey Lady yesterday. I actually canceled it because they're jacking the rate up five bucks a month and I'm cheap as a can of off-label cheez whiz, but reading this today just affirms the correctness of my decision. 😀

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I canceled my subscription to the NYT today after reading these comments. I still subscribe to the Washington Post.

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Same here. Left NYT in the dust years ago and still have WAPO. I like that I can gift 10 articles a month. Sign up for newsletters from ProPublica too.

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Same. Dumped NYT several years ago. Still have WAPO. :)

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I canceled mine a while back, but I do subscribe to their game app.

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Following MAGAt logic... if Trump wins the election in 2024, Biden can deny this and override the election. And after Biden passes away, Hunter Biden can become President.

These people ARE fucking idiots.

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Even better! Kamala can just reject the ffker.

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Kamala Harris can refuse the electoral votes and throw the election to Biden.

How ya like that you funkin red traitors?

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I guess we're all just suffering through Trump Arraignment Syndrome.

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It’s overwhelming every day having to confront the anti-think tank GQP and all the money grubbing enablers (media, etc.) who continue to promote the most monstrous scum-bag with the orange anus face while he is allowed to walk freely. These enablers are sucked so far into the cesspool that they can’t find a way out even though there has been one blinking exit sign after another. They can’t tolerate the possibility of admitting that they are hypocrites, liars, power mad, dupes that have supported a disgusting sociopath that most of them hate.

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The media only wants circulation and ratings. It's retail news, and whatever they think will rake in the money, that's what they will put out there.

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WTF, NYT?!?! I am so disgusted by mainstream media anymore. What a disservice to Americans.

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The only surprise is that they didn't include a pic of Rump with a gigantic American flag waving. Like the dude is sooooo patriotic. F the NYT.

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We need to create a scale for just how far (well, low) his chorus of weasels are willing to go. A point system for glib bullshit buzzwords he’s decided his army of imbeciles have a Pavlovian reaction to. I’ll start: Rubio is at the top for me today.

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"self-entitled shitbag" is probably tattooed on his chest, above the place where the heart might be if he had one.

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So true!!

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Why must we be plagued with having to listen to these unwitting or, in some cases, witting Republican pawns play into Donny's grand con to steal as much as possible from the American public by whatever means possible. They all know he is genuinely an incompetent administrator that was an ineffectual and grossly corrupt President and would be even worse in a second term. While I believed months before the 2016 election that Donny was going to win (never underestimate the stupidity and ignorance of the American public) it is hard to imagine that he could win another lifetime term, yes it will be lifetime, as President. We have to believe that however many stupid, ignorant, and gullible millions of Americans there are that there are much more that see this narcistic, pathologically lying, incompetent, morally challenged individual as the lifetime con man and grifter that he as been all along.

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Very well stated. It's scary as hell that 80% of the GOP still subscribes to this insanity and refuse to do the right thing. We can only hope that justice and/or the 14th Amendment will stop and put this repulsive tangerine malignancy where he belongs.

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You are correct. Maybe he will completely meltdown on stage and need a straight jacket?

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We can only hope.

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It is a pleasant thought just like he is miserable from his own actions. I heard he found it irrating or actual anger that he was being addressed as, "Mr Trump:" haha...just another bum. Just another swinging D, that of course can't stop stepping on it.

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He gives their inner Ahole a license to lean into the depths. Apparently, they like that.

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On his 2nd term he will die in office but Stalin-like no one will say anything or do anything. Maybe spray the walls with a little ketchup to keep up appearances.

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