
it's stunning how EVERY SINGLE DAY there's some new atrocity to write about. it never ends

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Ultimately it is their closed mindset (fixed/metaphysical epistemology) that prevents them from being able to consider anything beyond their myopically narrow-minded worldview.

For as long as we who have an open mindset (developing/naturalistic epistemology) the battle with the cave dwellers will persist.

This is why it is imperative that there should be a national referendum to seriously reconsider the inappropriateness of continuing to uphold a so-called right to freedom of religion. For it is this very right that empowers the right wing proponents to subvert the public civil discourse that ideally should yield a truly diverse, equitable, inclusive society that is the source of all future forward looking progress to a greater social cohesiveness and greater good for all concerned.

The antinomy of Democracy is centered in the division of mindsets, and religion is the single greatest common foundation for one side of the coin, whereas unbounded free intelligent thinking is foundational for the other side of the coin.

Guns and religion are two things all of humanity can live without.

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I have a friend who says 98% of the world's problems are caused by organized religion. I would go one further and say it is 99%.

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I seem to have struck a nerve with my comment. Someone visited my Substack and left an ugly comment at my most recent post.

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And 44/100th%.

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Republicans are morally bankrupt ghouls. I can’t find one who doesn’t tell egregious lies or one who cares about children when they’re outside of the womb. It’s beyond disgusting how they’re willing to lie to protect a disgusting, twice-impeached rapist. These clowns are useless and should be removed from office.

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What keeps you in the US under these conditions? I mean you know things were better before Reagan. It's been 40 years downhill. What gives you hope things will get better here without a revolution?

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And my belief this democratic republic flawed as it is, is worth fighting for.

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That’s what it’s going to take. We’re way overdue for a peasants’ revolt

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Yes.I agree.We The People need a revolution.

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I almost moved to Canada when I was younger and my kids were still small. I easily passed the test on the government site, but hedged because of family and other obligations. I sometimes regret it because I’m sure I’d still be there but too late. I hate what this country has devolved into but have hope in my kids’ generation to pull us out of this mess in 2024. If so, I’ll never stop repaying their efforts any way I can.

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My worry is that democracy itself has been on the ballot every two years since 2016. I'm exhausted. I don't want the drama and since the Republicans are just begging for fascism, I want out before they get a chance to try it.

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I can’t disagree and the exhaustion is real. I refuse to let the bastards win, but if they do, I may join friends in Portugal.

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Endless: If you are really hellbent on moving somewhere else, why not move to a battleground state where your vote really matters? Or move to the Pacific Northwest or to California where you will ultimately be a resident of a new country if things get bad enough in the rest of the US?

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Well, uh, everyone I live with is a woman. Would you want women you care about in America? Two of them are or are training to teach them. Would you let people you care for teach in America when every other country treats teachers better? Not I. Nor do I feel indebted to a country that made me pay for education to work thirty years and end up disabled for a pittance a month that wouldn't cover rent anywhere in America, much less food or utilities.

Fuck this money-grubbing slave labour Hellhole.

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Yes. I've been saying that every day since Nov. 2016. It never lets up. I was hoping once Joe Biden was sworn in we would catch a break from the insanity. Maybe it would have been possible had the likes of MTG, L. Bobert, Matt Gaetz etc hadn't been elected.

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That’s probably why you should take advantage of the holidays and you and Mrs Spouse go somewhere nice for a spell. There’s so much more crap on the horizon.

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I think that every day! We just can't catch a break!

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When they go low, we go: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???????????????????????????????????????

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Not any more. Nothing these jack-fucks do surprises me.

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If there is one thing we all must do in 2024, it is to commit ourselves to working our asses off to get everyone to vote. We must resoundingly destroy the republicans so that there is no question of fraud but a complete obliteration of their power, control and fascist ideology. THAT will be “USEFUL”!

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I plan to be useful AF. And I second your motion.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

agree but that is hard to do in places like Texas where the system has been rigged since 1992.

Ab-Butt and Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick destroy and skew Harris county's results which changes the true election results. Just ask Beto.

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Absolutely agree. And we can start now, volunteering for organizations that are recruiting progressives to run for office, focusing on offices and locations the Dem party tends to overlook.

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Jeff, thanks for being up front laser focused on Nazi history and American history of slaves. These GQP folks just don’t give a chicken fried fuck as they will do anything to justify their goal of straight up power at the expense of others in our nation.

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I just let out another massive, silent scream and there is a look of horror on my face. These GQP morons are deliberately trying to whitewash evil and they love their fat orange Beelzebub overlord. Somehow, they’ve become everything despicable and rotten that we never imagined.

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they didn't just become this way; they have ALWAYS been this way. the vile orange pig gave them permission then showed them the way to depraved sociopathic enlightenment.

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We become what we hate. A warning from many religions & philosophies but one to be aware of.

We "won" the Cold War...then what? We were sold out by the Reagan Republicans and lost the democratic base. While Clinton maybe a successful president they lost the union/worker base.

And now we re captive by corporate interests; retirement plans/401K, etc. The oil companies don't seem too worried with the paid FOX shills and reality denying GOP, but that could change.

We have our work cut out for us, no doubt. What, we should all just go somewhere more appealing? How long does that option work?.

I guess love it, or leave it is still a thing. Maybe the only thing...

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We’ve got to crush them and keep them from ever coming back

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Mean, stupid, and crazy liars don’t respond well to words. Show pictures of slave labor, lynching trees, knees on necks, mass graves, trucks full of bodies. Knowing these things happened is horrible enough, but we have to pull out memories to shove Republican noses into them every fucking day.

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The pictures your suggest are Republican pornography.

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I was taught to “Keep a bag packed”. Only problem with that advice is to where? Israel is almost as F’d up as us and our red states. Anyway, I’m pulling the duffle bag down from the shelf...

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I try to separate Israelis and Jewish people in my mind.

To all appearances, Bibi Netanyahu has set himself up to be dictator of Israel and planning to exterminate the Palestinian population. America calls itself Israel’s bff and sends billions to this already wealthy country every year.

Well, we have a bloody history of occasionally backing a murderous dictator so I guess we’ll keep it up. I wonder what the history books will say about how useful the Palestinians were.

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If you want to move to Canada--a truly lovely place with lovely people--go before you reach retirement age. Once you are retired, you cannot become a full-time resident because that country is humane and has national health care. I found out too late.

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I figured that out pretty much the night trump won. I'm less than two hours from Canada: same weather, same scenery. And sadly retired long before 2016.

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Good to know. I really do love Canada and Canadians. 🤞 I wont have to leave U.S.

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I live in Mexico. Beautiful country, culture and people. And at the moment, if you choose the right place, the climate is fabulous.

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And I’m a bit further south myself, Lorraine.

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I hope every one of these evil “Christian” fucks gets to the end of their miserable lives and are scared to die because they suddenly realize how evil they were. That shit with Abbott and the razor wire and DeSantis with basically every evil breath he takes make me wish I believed in hell.

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Believing in hell is a concept, so believe in it if it helps. it helps me just like believing in karma.

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I absolutely believe in Karma.

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Karma is just another bullshit religious concept to appease the masses.

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Not in my experience

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It's a mental opiate like salvation, heaven or that god listens to confessions and saying a couple of hail mary's will absolve you of your sins and other religious mumbo jumbo.

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I would like to sell Fox News to Russia! There they can talk about how useful the "Nazi Ukrainians" are making themselves as Putin tries to exterminate them! Fox News is a Russian agent. It should be captured, tried and sold to North Korea, where people disappear once they go there.

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You would enjoy the recent story in The Atlantic on 5 days of Russian TV.

I think if you could get the FOX viewer to have to sit through 5 days of it. With English translation they might understand, finally what real communism is.

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Thank you for the recommendation. When The Atlantic appears in my inbox today I will look for that story. In Meduza I am getting to see a lot of Russian stuff with translating subtitles. It has all been batshit crazy about the war. Prigozhin is done with Ukraine it sounds like, other than to train Belarusian combatants. Instead, he is furthering Putin's African agenda, which sounds like the kind of agenda DeSatan and Abbott would have in Africa too.

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Greg Gutfeld is a piece of shit. Anything for ratings. These pukes don't get to rewrite history.

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Gutfeld is a fucking moron. His show is ridiculous

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These racist fascist Republicans are trying to rewrite history. How the fuck do you spin the Holocaust and Slavery? They want the children growing up in this country to be ignorant. WTAF⁉️

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I’ve visited both Auschwitz and Dachau extermination camps.. the horror is utterly heartbreaking . All these neo-Nazi Hitler fans need to go sometime to see what being a Nazi really meant. Total barbarians without a shred of human decency. I commend the Germans for owning their history, for teaching it as hideous as it was.. and for rebuilding itself as a nation they can be proud of. History reminder… Hitler and his Nazi regime studied the US Jim Crow era laws to see how to best rid themselves of the Jews they so despised.

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I’ve been to Dachau as well. Truly horrifying. I think if everyone visited such a place they wouldn’t be so quick to want an authoritarian government.

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They are deranged. Fortunately also massively stupid.

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Being massively stupid AND in charge of the congress is a really really really bad problem. These ignorant, crazy, fuckers are gonna crash the government just to prove they can.

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I heard that the holocaust was valuable because we got The Diary of Anne Frank from it. Sheesh!

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True story: At one time my husband and I had a 2nd home in FL. Right after The Orange Man was "elected", a fervent evangelical asked me if I feared for my life. I said, there are some who might want to hurt me for being a Jew. She pointed to an air return vent (24 inches by 24 inches) and said I could HIDE IN THERE and she would give me food and water. She was oh so earnest and she was NOT KIDDING. Can't make this stuff up!! We sold the house, thank G-D. Could not get out of FL fast enough. What a #shitshow.

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Waiting for these two arguments to be used:

Slavery also provided white men with Biblical sources of sexual relief because the female slaves were all concubines, just like the Bible says.

And the Nazis were simply efficiently weeding out their workforce until they had the capable workers they needed to make bricks to build more concentration camps.

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