The Independent properly addressed a head line towards the GOP… “Navalny’s death has shown Speaker Mike Johnson up as a coward” Navalny was willing to take on Putin…Johnson cowers and caves to Marjorie Taylor Greene…
From The Independent: “Navalny was willing to take on Vladimir Putin and risk his life. Johnson is so afraid of losing his speakership that he caves to Marjorie Taylor Greene.” <<< that right there ought to be up in lights in Times Square.
If I'm not mistaken, mike johnson's congressional district is predominantly Black. How the fuck can he get re-selected? (Have they banned Black people from voting there?) Once he's out, he can go back to being the less-than-nothing he has always been.
If Biden were Putin and Trump were Navalny, Trump would have been under the prison by sundown on Inauguration Day 2021 for his efforts to stop the transfer of power. This is only hard to grasp if you’re in a cult.
They thrive on victimization. Narcissists do that. It's always about them. Over 60 million people in this country suffer from Narcissistic Abuse. Their cognitive dissonance has grown into psychological terrorism. They are the worst of humanity. They are the worst abusers on the planet. They're toxic and dangerous. They're your neighbor, your co-worker, your elected Representative, a partner, a parent. They are everywhere. Approach with caution. Or not at all.
A coworker said she's a T supporter. Not a Republican, a T supporter. And said the looming government shut down is because of the Democrats and the Democrats spent their whole time as the majority party " getting back at the Republicans." I just stood there, speechless. And now I find reasons to talk to her, not about politics but just to annoy her.
Ask what she thinks about Clarence going on all inclusive, paid, swanky vacations with the billionaires who think they have more to say about her childbearing choices than she does.
P.S. I have a neighbor three doors down who is a classic narcissist/Jeckle and Hyde. He was my piano teacher who after two months revealed himself. It was frightening, I had to block him on text and email which drove him over the edge. I haven't been able to play my piano ever since. That was almost a year ago but I will again I am sure.
That's awful. Many of my family members, (this goes back generations) carry the Narcissistic Personality Disorder gene. It's beyond words. It's a circling cluster fuck. There isn't a cure. It will be a relief when they die. The only reason I would attend their funerals, is to make sure they are really in the ground. That may sound harsh. My therapist says I'm a bit harsh. That comes from living with boxing gloves on my whole life.
Thank you for that and your kindness. I don't have any desires to hide the truth. I've been gaslight enough. If they don't like truth, don't fucking ask me the question.
thanks, but he has won nothing. it gave me more time to focus on my book which I finished in November to great reviews! i've already started my next book. fuck him and his sickness.
Thanks for your kind words. It's been surreal having a narc mother. My life was so much sadder and harder than it needed to be because of her misdeeds. I tried to kill myself when I was ten and instead of asking me why, she punished me for inconveniencing her. The worst thing is she is a Talibangelical end-timer (Rethuglican, of course) who said that I'm the one in the cult.
That's fucking terrible. As much as we try heal, it's a bitch. I'm 65 years old and if I'm around them I have night terrors like a 2yr old or my seizures return. I have complex trauma like a war veteran. Even with that I push forward. I can smell a predator a mile away. I'm sure you understand what being hyper-aware means. I never give up hope. I raise above and look down on them. The only way to have relationship with a narcissist, is not to. Love yourself. And fuck them.
The orange cult is only going to continue to get worse. With Trump enablers like immoral Newt Gingrich, sewer rat Dinesh Dadumbfuck and mindless ex congressmsn Lee Zeldin tweeting their usual anti American bullshit, the numbskull MAGAs will continue to accept this as being normal and acceptable. It's pretty damn scary.
So much of what these MAGAs come up with feels like a gut-punch. Comparing a hero of Russian Democracy like Navalny to a Fascist Insurrectionist like Dipshit-Diaperstain Donnie ranks right up there with the worst of the worst. They have no shame.🤬
Remember MAGAs have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, although some may have made it to junior high. They may have less intellectual complexity than that. What thought does a sheep need to have? All they have to do is bleat! Ba-a-a-h! That is Johnson.
Remember how Biden allowed rump to use Air Force One for his cowardly retreat from DC (refusing to attend the inauguration)? Biden should've forced him to use his own plane and had it staffed with the Secret Service traitors who support rump. Ooops. It shouldn't have flown over protected air space. "It's a bird, it's a...oh, it *was* a plane!"
It’s ironic that the most powerful man in Russia, Putin, could not guarantee that Navalny would survive prison. Either Putin is not that powerful or he was the one who ordered Navalny’s death. Putin is nothing but a lying POS. 💩
Who is Newt Gingrich? Oh, I remember. He's the guy who was Speaker who had to resign because he was a crook. And the guy who visited his second wife in the hospital where she was being treated for cancer--and told her he was divorcing her. Great guy. Another grifter.
Ah, I wondered how the Catholic adulteress could be the representative to the Vatican, they have some screwy rules! (not that I care about the adultery at all but they have weird loopholes.)
Rudy uses the same rules around divorce. If a marriage is annulled, there was no marriage so there is no divorce. An annulment can be expensive, but when your new(est) wife is loaded, that is no problem.
The republican party is going to hell-quickly. My father-who actually was a leader in the WI republican party back in the day-would be appalled by what the hell they are doing. Where are all the Mitt Romney’s in the party? I know…too scared-too chicken-shit to go against the tangerine asshole. MY GOD!
Newt's always been insane, that's the first thing that ever struck me about him when I'd see a clip of him talking - so self-assured and confident in whatever narrative he was spinning, cherry picking facts as needed and re-connecting the dots to create an alternate history for that topic or event, no room for doubt or uncertainty, just delivering a non-stop monologue to the camera. Next time I saw that type of speech style was when Trump would be delivering a non-pause monologue of made-up and "alternate" facts. Steve Bannon speaks in a similar way. I've come to group the 3 of them as the "trinity of insanity". But maybe it's just me.
I remember a journalist friend of mine intervewing Gingrich a long time back said Gingrich's wife started to say something, and Gringrich turned to her and said "SHUT UP!"
Did Newt Gingrich plant the seed of division, distrust, and hate between Republicans and Democrats? Yeah, I think he did. Largely because of the part of the country he came from, he was instrumental in bringing the “religious right” into the party and was a strong advocate for “nasty” politics, for arguing not that your opponent was wrong but that they’re actually evil. IMO, Trump is the apotheosis of Gingrichism. He’s the raw id they’ve been looking for since 1980.
I have ALWAYS laid our current state of politics at the feet of Newt Gingrich. Even Reagan wasn't as much of an asshole. I can still remember his bullshit "Contract with America" from the 1995 House, and of course, how were we to know that it was actually a Contract ON America at the time? Nasty, personalized politics came from the mind of Gingrich, with a healthy dose of "help" every day from Rush Limbaugh, who, it can never be emphasized enough, is STILL DEAD. Newt Gingrich AND Steve Bannon are pure evil.
GNEWT is Patient Zero for the MAGAT 🦠 VIRUS typical cross species infection! Friggen Polly wog ! That’s what being conceived in a swamp gets you! Being delivered anally didn’t help !
I spent most of my working life posted abroad...and I leaned strongly Republican. But then I came back in the '90's and saw what Gringrich had done and was doing. I dropped the GOP immediately and became a Democrat. Never looked back.
On a brighter note, the rubes are out there trumpeting the quiet part out loud. Apparently, they never got the 'Shhhhhhhh!' memo. Oops. Suburbanites recoiling in disgust.
Newt has been very active in leading the R Party down the rabbit hole. He is not talked about enough. No moral scruples, which seems to be the prerequisite for being in this Do Nothing Party. I would like him to go away and I mean that with all sincerity, like fly away to some deserted island where no one would listen to him. He can take his pals, Trump & Stephen Miller with him.
Newt ‘happening’ to the republican party is akin to a stage four cancer diagnosis. Death cant come soon enough for newt, for republicans, for stupid cult members.
Newt’s Reaganomic’s economic policy that he foisted on the GOP also sent our economic growth to the upper classes and doomed our middle class. That’s why the rich don’t pay taxes and companies like Fed-Ex don’t pay taxes but the Republicans don’t want to pay for “handouts” like Social Security.
Tess, I agree. The GOP is done. Whatever happened to integrity and intellect? To doing whats right? It's appalling and amazing at the same time, to watch them disintegrate.
Yes it is and the rest of the world is watching and taking notes, but some of them are just waiting for the other shoe to drop (another White House occupancy by Czar Cheeto) to make their next move. My gut instinct, which is never wrong, tells me that he doesn't have a rat's chance in hell of getting elected. He's definitely getting the R's nomination, but he will lose bigly.
I agree. He gets more demented by the day as the net closes around him. His unhinged whines will only grow louder and will only alienate voters who have a working brain cell.
I think that Trump has been dropped by his previous backers very recently ? Anyone else hear the rumor that the Space Nazi ordered him to back out of the election campaign at their recent meeting in Palm Springs ? If so, watch how the news media begin to push Nikki Haley as a remedy to GOP presidential campaign ills. I do not know enough about her to judge whether she would be just as dangerous a POTUS as Trump or not.
With their Strongman going down perhaps the GOP will now break into conflicting factions becoming a descending death spiral of circular firing squads.
Haley is much smarter than Trump and has more experience in the real world, if you can call the UN the real world. So she is dangerous, but in a more traditional Republican way, not the MAGAMoron way.
Oh no, she is definitely a MAGAts moron. She is a flip flopper and would definitely run that office with his policies. She is just as dangerous as he is. She just has a better education, more political experience and a part of the base that moved away from trump. If he drops out and I don't believe that his narcissism will allow him to, Biden has a greater chance of losing. Right now, Biden's chances of winning are monumental with demented don as the nominee.
That is very interesting... Haley is still a Republican, and has said she would sign any abortion ban that hit her desk, just like she did as Gov of SC. She endorses all their fuckery, but is smart enough to pretend to be "moderate". I know Charles Koch is backing her, but he backed Pence and could only get him in as VP.
Hey Susan. There's a problem with your Substack. They monetized it today. The problem is, there's no view in browser option on your Substack, which is on all my other ones. They seem to insist that I subscribe through the app. The app doesn't recognize any of my other subscriptions. I want to work off my Yahoo mail. Please help me.😥😥
"Imprisoning a political rival and engineering his murder — the very thing that Vlad Putin just got away with — is exactly what presidential immunity looks like."
This is what Liz Cheney said yesterday on CNN. Not that I'm a fan, I appreciate the Jan 6th committee work but could never vote for her. “…when you think about Donald Trump, for example, pledging retribution, what Vladimir Putin did to Navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law.”
Yes, Jeff. You are absolutely correct. The massive amount of gaslighting and pure horse manure from the cult is staggering. It's the law, dumb asses! When you break a law, you must be held accountable. What part of this cant they understand? 🤦♀️ The Republican Party is history.
He has a very limited vocabulary, probably due to Dementia and lack of education and that's most likely why he uses the same words and phrases repeatedly. Also the dated words like "crooked", which leads me to believe that he has been showing signs of cognitive decline since he was running against Hillary and no one outside of his flunkies noticed until Biden ran against him.
With his malignant narcissism and a rapidly rotting brain, that makes him even more dangerous and easier to manipulate the Cult further into his delusions with his repetitive rhetoric.
They're not in the business of thinking things through, because everything they say and do is in bad faith. They're not advancing *opinions.* They're spewing propaganda. They're not trying to persuade serious people with well-intended arguments. They're out to bamboozle and enrage the orc army of morons who are today's GOP rank and file. Sure, it's slimy and disgusting--but it beats working for a living.
Oh gosh, no need. We’re all trying like hell to make sense out of the absurd. Conventional language and tropes fail. If I can find the piece I read about what we are up against linguistically and rhetorically, I’ll stick it here. It’s crazy making for sure.
As I have said on social media to someone that mentioned the lack of critical thinking with the cult, you actually need more than one brain cell for that and Cheeto's disciples, Czar Cheeto himself, do not.
Putin is playing into that, he told Tucker Carlson in that love-fest (you couldn't all it an interview) that he would rather see Biden elected, as he is more stable, and predictable. That must have broken "Bronzo the Malignant's" non-existent heart.
If he was alive today and watching this alternate movie reality playing out in real time, he would definitely be offended by the comparison.
On that note, I believe that Adolf Hitler would also be pissed that he was being compared to the ex Cheeto and Chief. Malignant narcissists think that they are special and unique. I haven't seen trump melt down from the comparison, but the difference between Hitler and trump is that one claims to be a stable genius and the other one was actually pretty intelligent for a psychopath.
Everything you have said makes sense Donna. I thought the same regarding Hitler, he was a horrible person, but far from stupid. Cheeto on the other hand is stupid.
That makes me absolutely nauseous. The fact that Gingrich and the other psychos think that they can get away with that comparison shows how far they will go with their lies and how gullible their MAGA morons are. WHERE IS THE PRESS?
Navalny was the most vocal and visible to the entire world opponent of Putin. The one who motivated Russians to question Putin's intentions. There are many Russians who are happy that Eastern Europe can do what they want and that Russia doesn't have to prop them up or police them or worry about them. Russia is a big place and has enough to worry about.
Who would imprison Jack Smith and thousands of others and do away with them at his whim? The Orange Menace rubs his hands with glee. It is all in his campaign rhetoric.
Navalny may be revenged. Trump will never get his revenge. He will get the wages of high crimes.
This is so sickening. You think they can't go lower than whatever they did the day before but fuck no. Their depravity is bottomless. This insane comparison though ranks top of my list of why I hate the Magas.
The Independent properly addressed a head line towards the GOP… “Navalny’s death has shown Speaker Mike Johnson up as a coward” Navalny was willing to take on Putin…Johnson cowers and caves to Marjorie Taylor Greene…
From The Independent: “Navalny was willing to take on Vladimir Putin and risk his life. Johnson is so afraid of losing his speakership that he caves to Marjorie Taylor Greene.” <<< that right there ought to be up in lights in Times Square.
Doesn’t Trump tower have a news scroll outside? 😂🤣 It’s been too many years since my last trip to the Big Apple, can’t remember…
There is always the person that projects true statements onto his buildings.
A perfect observation to project.
They should project “Republican cowards. History is watching” on the Capitol Building.
If I'm not mistaken, mike johnson's congressional district is predominantly Black. How the fuck can he get re-selected? (Have they banned Black people from voting there?) Once he's out, he can go back to being the less-than-nothing he has always been.
He ran unopposed.
Lord help us! Anyone with (D) after their name should be able to beat that useless, obstructionist, cowardly a-hole!
I hope we can fix that.
That is brilliant, and the unvarnished, naked truth, thank you for sharing it.
If Biden were Putin and Trump were Navalny, Trump would have been under the prison by sundown on Inauguration Day 2021 for his efforts to stop the transfer of power. This is only hard to grasp if you’re in a cult.
Wait wait the "lock her up/day one dictator" crowd thinks Democrats are the party more like Putin? Hahaha.
I guess when objective reality means nothing to you, you really can just make up anything.
and incredibly stupid and hateful but then again, I guess those are cult attributes.
They thrive on victimization. Narcissists do that. It's always about them. Over 60 million people in this country suffer from Narcissistic Abuse. Their cognitive dissonance has grown into psychological terrorism. They are the worst of humanity. They are the worst abusers on the planet. They're toxic and dangerous. They're your neighbor, your co-worker, your elected Representative, a partner, a parent. They are everywhere. Approach with caution. Or not at all.
A coworker said she's a T supporter. Not a Republican, a T supporter. And said the looming government shut down is because of the Democrats and the Democrats spent their whole time as the majority party " getting back at the Republicans." I just stood there, speechless. And now I find reasons to talk to her, not about politics but just to annoy her.
Petty? Yup.
Go for it! Bitch slap her with facts. Idiots.
Ask what she thinks about Clarence going on all inclusive, paid, swanky vacations with the billionaires who think they have more to say about her childbearing choices than she does.
Write her off and spend your precious time/energy elsewhere.
But it's kind of fun!
😄😄Give her Hell!!
My advice... Stay far away from that person
P.S. I have a neighbor three doors down who is a classic narcissist/Jeckle and Hyde. He was my piano teacher who after two months revealed himself. It was frightening, I had to block him on text and email which drove him over the edge. I haven't been able to play my piano ever since. That was almost a year ago but I will again I am sure.
That's awful. Many of my family members, (this goes back generations) carry the Narcissistic Personality Disorder gene. It's beyond words. It's a circling cluster fuck. There isn't a cure. It will be a relief when they die. The only reason I would attend their funerals, is to make sure they are really in the ground. That may sound harsh. My therapist says I'm a bit harsh. That comes from living with boxing gloves on my whole life.
So. so sorry and it is NOT HARSH, it is honest. And to be nice or even less harsh would be living a lie.
Thank you for that and your kindness. I don't have any desires to hide the truth. I've been gaslight enough. If they don't like truth, don't fucking ask me the question.
If your therapist thinks that’s harsh, you need a different therapist.
JFC, internet hugs if you want them.
Thank you. I'll take them.🩷
They are out there ! Washington DC seems to disproportionately attract them 😵💫🥴
Play your piano. Don't let him win.
thanks, but he has won nothing. it gave me more time to focus on my book which I finished in November to great reviews! i've already started my next book. fuck him and his sickness.
😢 That is scary.
You don't have to see him do you?
no. he's not dangerous and at this point he's may be afraid of ME!
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% true.
My mother, who is also the worst fking person I have ever known.
Much healing energy to you.
I feel your pain. My heart goes out to you.
Thanks for your kind words. It's been surreal having a narc mother. My life was so much sadder and harder than it needed to be because of her misdeeds. I tried to kill myself when I was ten and instead of asking me why, she punished me for inconveniencing her. The worst thing is she is a Talibangelical end-timer (Rethuglican, of course) who said that I'm the one in the cult.
That's fucking terrible. As much as we try heal, it's a bitch. I'm 65 years old and if I'm around them I have night terrors like a 2yr old or my seizures return. I have complex trauma like a war veteran. Even with that I push forward. I can smell a predator a mile away. I'm sure you understand what being hyper-aware means. I never give up hope. I raise above and look down on them. The only way to have relationship with a narcissist, is not to. Love yourself. And fuck them.
Next time you marry, check out the family.
I've been married for 41 years. If I ever married again, I would marry a gay man. My husband's family are racist assholes. Mine are the cra cra ones.
I love gay men so much! They are the best friends a woman can have.
Just like Hilary said - deplorable.
Not at all, if possible.
The orange cult is only going to continue to get worse. With Trump enablers like immoral Newt Gingrich, sewer rat Dinesh Dadumbfuck and mindless ex congressmsn Lee Zeldin tweeting their usual anti American bullshit, the numbskull MAGAs will continue to accept this as being normal and acceptable. It's pretty damn scary.
So much of what these MAGAs come up with feels like a gut-punch. Comparing a hero of Russian Democracy like Navalny to a Fascist Insurrectionist like Dipshit-Diaperstain Donnie ranks right up there with the worst of the worst. They have no shame.🤬
…no shame and no brains.
Some of these MAGAt’s are as dumb as a fox….beware!
Remember MAGAs have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old, although some may have made it to junior high. They may have less intellectual complexity than that. What thought does a sheep need to have? All they have to do is bleat! Ba-a-a-h! That is Johnson.
should have been...
Remember how Biden allowed rump to use Air Force One for his cowardly retreat from DC (refusing to attend the inauguration)? Biden should've forced him to use his own plane and had it staffed with the Secret Service traitors who support rump. Ooops. It shouldn't have flown over protected air space. "It's a bird, it's a...oh, it *was* a plane!"
It’s ironic that the most powerful man in Russia, Putin, could not guarantee that Navalny would survive prison. Either Putin is not that powerful or he was the one who ordered Navalny’s death. Putin is nothing but a lying POS. 💩
Who is Newt Gingrich? Oh, I remember. He's the guy who was Speaker who had to resign because he was a crook. And the guy who visited his second wife in the hospital where she was being treated for cancer--and told her he was divorcing her. Great guy. Another grifter.
…and handed out bribe checks on the floor but that’s just of “historical interest“ - lordy I still hate those people .
Yep. He’s the one. Right out of the GA lowlife pool of goons and grifters.
...all while he was getting blow-jobs from his mistress in the car at work, while lecturing Bill Clinton on his sexual behavior.
I think Gingrich had the 2nd wife excommunicated too. Or it could’ve been the first. So many wives I can’t remember if it was the 1st, 2nd, or third??
He had his first two (supposedly unconsummated) marriages annulled (for a hefty price). There isn’t one authentic piece of DNA in his body.
Ah, I wondered how the Catholic adulteress could be the representative to the Vatican, they have some screwy rules! (not that I care about the adultery at all but they have weird loopholes.)
Rudy uses the same rules around divorce. If a marriage is annulled, there was no marriage so there is no divorce. An annulment can be expensive, but when your new(est) wife is loaded, that is no problem.
Pope Alexander, the Borgia Pope, had two children by mistresses; Chesare and Lucretia. So much for the vow of celibacy.
What about Juan the oldest? The one that got the armies that Chesare wanted?
That's right. Have you read "The Family" by Mario Puzo? The miniseries "The Borgias" is based on it.
And don’t forget Orange Baboon appointed that third wife ambassador to the Vatican. Sweet.
She with the faraway eyes and helmet hair. So very Republican.
The republican party is going to hell-quickly. My father-who actually was a leader in the WI republican party back in the day-would be appalled by what the hell they are doing. Where are all the Mitt Romney’s in the party? I know…too scared-too chicken-shit to go against the tangerine asshole. MY GOD!
Well, Newt Gingrich happened to the Republican Party for one thing…
Newt's always been insane, that's the first thing that ever struck me about him when I'd see a clip of him talking - so self-assured and confident in whatever narrative he was spinning, cherry picking facts as needed and re-connecting the dots to create an alternate history for that topic or event, no room for doubt or uncertainty, just delivering a non-stop monologue to the camera. Next time I saw that type of speech style was when Trump would be delivering a non-pause monologue of made-up and "alternate" facts. Steve Bannon speaks in a similar way. I've come to group the 3 of them as the "trinity of insanity". But maybe it's just me.
I'd add Rush Limbaugh and create the 4 Vampires of the Apocalypse.
Hah! Rush Limbaugh definitely belongs on the Mt. "Rush"more of evil!
That was brilliant!, Both of you, well done.
It's not insanity. It's conscience-free, calculated evil.
I remember a journalist friend of mine intervewing Gingrich a long time back said Gingrich's wife started to say something, and Gringrich turned to her and said "SHUT UP!"
Republican wives just don’t have a killer instinct…
Which makes it even more dangerous!
Too much confidence is. ‘Tell.
I’d say it was the Holy Moly Trinity of Insanity.
Don’t forget the buzzard Paul Ryan.
Did Newt Gingrich plant the seed of division, distrust, and hate between Republicans and Democrats? Yeah, I think he did. Largely because of the part of the country he came from, he was instrumental in bringing the “religious right” into the party and was a strong advocate for “nasty” politics, for arguing not that your opponent was wrong but that they’re actually evil. IMO, Trump is the apotheosis of Gingrichism. He’s the raw id they’ve been looking for since 1980.
I have ALWAYS laid our current state of politics at the feet of Newt Gingrich. Even Reagan wasn't as much of an asshole. I can still remember his bullshit "Contract with America" from the 1995 House, and of course, how were we to know that it was actually a Contract ON America at the time? Nasty, personalized politics came from the mind of Gingrich, with a healthy dose of "help" every day from Rush Limbaugh, who, it can never be emphasized enough, is STILL DEAD. Newt Gingrich AND Steve Bannon are pure evil.
Nancy Pelosi was asked when decorum went to hell in Congress, and she said it was when Gnewt Gingrich showed up.
And regarding Rush STILL being dead, I'd like to applaud the brave soul who put a stake through the corpse so it can't come back. Well done!
Did they take the head though,? Ghouls and Vampires can regenerate if you don't take the head.
GNEWT is Patient Zero for the MAGAT 🦠 VIRUS typical cross species infection! Friggen Polly wog ! That’s what being conceived in a swamp gets you! Being delivered anally didn’t help !
I spent most of my working life posted abroad...and I leaned strongly Republican. But then I came back in the '90's and saw what Gringrich had done and was doing. I dropped the GOP immediately and became a Democrat. Never looked back.
Well done.
The real problem is that they think Americans are stupid, and the bitch of it is that way too many are.
On a brighter note, the rubes are out there trumpeting the quiet part out loud. Apparently, they never got the 'Shhhhhhhh!' memo. Oops. Suburbanites recoiling in disgust.
Newt has been very active in leading the R Party down the rabbit hole. He is not talked about enough. No moral scruples, which seems to be the prerequisite for being in this Do Nothing Party. I would like him to go away and I mean that with all sincerity, like fly away to some deserted island where no one would listen to him. He can take his pals, Trump & Stephen Miller with him.
🎯Dude, you so nailed that one.
Let’s not forget Ronnie ‘the buffoon’ Reagan. Who decided ketchup was a vegetable.
Newt ‘happening’ to the republican party is akin to a stage four cancer diagnosis. Death cant come soon enough for newt, for republicans, for stupid cult members.
Newt’s Reaganomic’s economic policy that he foisted on the GOP also sent our economic growth to the upper classes and doomed our middle class. That’s why the rich don’t pay taxes and companies like Fed-Ex don’t pay taxes but the Republicans don’t want to pay for “handouts” like Social Security.
Bingo, he ruined the facade of civility with his "Scorched Earth" policies of no compromise...ever!
Tess, I agree. The GOP is done. Whatever happened to integrity and intellect? To doing whats right? It's appalling and amazing at the same time, to watch them disintegrate.
And putting our country in jeopardy!
and THE WORLD and its future in jeopardy. putin is succeeding so far that is.
Yes indeed they are. Maddening that they cant see this.
They don't want to.🙈🙈
Yes it is and the rest of the world is watching and taking notes, but some of them are just waiting for the other shoe to drop (another White House occupancy by Czar Cheeto) to make their next move. My gut instinct, which is never wrong, tells me that he doesn't have a rat's chance in hell of getting elected. He's definitely getting the R's nomination, but he will lose bigly.
I agree. He gets more demented by the day as the net closes around him. His unhinged whines will only grow louder and will only alienate voters who have a working brain cell.
I think that Trump has been dropped by his previous backers very recently ? Anyone else hear the rumor that the Space Nazi ordered him to back out of the election campaign at their recent meeting in Palm Springs ? If so, watch how the news media begin to push Nikki Haley as a remedy to GOP presidential campaign ills. I do not know enough about her to judge whether she would be just as dangerous a POTUS as Trump or not.
With their Strongman going down perhaps the GOP will now break into conflicting factions becoming a descending death spiral of circular firing squads.
Haley is much smarter than Trump and has more experience in the real world, if you can call the UN the real world. So she is dangerous, but in a more traditional Republican way, not the MAGAMoron way.
Oh no, she is definitely a MAGAts moron. She is a flip flopper and would definitely run that office with his policies. She is just as dangerous as he is. She just has a better education, more political experience and a part of the base that moved away from trump. If he drops out and I don't believe that his narcissism will allow him to, Biden has a greater chance of losing. Right now, Biden's chances of winning are monumental with demented don as the nominee.
That is very interesting... Haley is still a Republican, and has said she would sign any abortion ban that hit her desk, just like she did as Gov of SC. She endorses all their fuckery, but is smart enough to pretend to be "moderate". I know Charles Koch is backing her, but he backed Pence and could only get him in as VP.
May you be a prophet, but not like Cassandra.
Hey Susan. There's a problem with your Substack. They monetized it today. The problem is, there's no view in browser option on your Substack, which is on all my other ones. They seem to insist that I subscribe through the app. The app doesn't recognize any of my other subscriptions. I want to work off my Yahoo mail. Please help me.😥😥
Yikes! I just today set up Stripe…so I obviously didnt do it right. DUH! Please stand by as I call in tech support. 😂
I tried but got a fucking bot. I'm a tech caveman. Thank you. Please get back to me.
I absolutely will.
Thank you.
the Romneys et al are genteel nazis but nazis nonetheless.
"Imprisoning a political rival and engineering his murder — the very thing that Vlad Putin just got away with — is exactly what presidential immunity looks like."
Amen brother.
I thought this was a pivotal and incisive comment by Jeff as well.
This is what Liz Cheney said yesterday on CNN. Not that I'm a fan, I appreciate the Jan 6th committee work but could never vote for her. “…when you think about Donald Trump, for example, pledging retribution, what Vladimir Putin did to Navalny is what retribution looks like in a country where the leader is not subject to the rule of law.”
And the Bloated Orange Toad wants to be Putin, so badly!
In his dreams Natalie. Basically, he's too fucking stupid. Putin may be evil, but he is smart.
Absolutely, he could never duplicate Putin's intellect and ruthless training.
But the BOT WANTS to assassinate people like Putin does. Right?
Yes, Jeff. You are absolutely correct. The massive amount of gaslighting and pure horse manure from the cult is staggering. It's the law, dumb asses! When you break a law, you must be held accountable. What part of this cant they understand? 🤦♀️ The Republican Party is history.
They may do a Nero and try to burn the country down on their way out.
When did Dictator Wannabe start saying, “Lock her up!”
Pure projection just like "crooked Hillary" was the greatest political ruse in the history of US politics.
He has a very limited vocabulary, probably due to Dementia and lack of education and that's most likely why he uses the same words and phrases repeatedly. Also the dated words like "crooked", which leads me to believe that he has been showing signs of cognitive decline since he was running against Hillary and no one outside of his flunkies noticed until Biden ran against him.
With his malignant narcissism and a rapidly rotting brain, that makes him even more dangerous and easier to manipulate the Cult further into his delusions with his repetitive rhetoric.
Trump crime family stole billions.
Biden crime family accused of stealing millions.
Now that has been debunked. They guy who made up that story has been arrested by the FBI.
I was counting on Jeff's readers to know that.
A large majority would know that, of course, but someone may have missed it.
It is always projection with that lot, "every accusation is a confession."
By that logic, Putin will help Biden get elected? They’re not very good at that thinking things through thing, are they?
Not much critical thinking going on, no.
they're incapable of it.
They're not in the business of thinking things through, because everything they say and do is in bad faith. They're not advancing *opinions.* They're spewing propaganda. They're not trying to persuade serious people with well-intended arguments. They're out to bamboozle and enrage the orc army of morons who are today's GOP rank and file. Sure, it's slimy and disgusting--but it beats working for a living.
Yes. I know. My comment is sarcasm, which is a hard thing on social media
Oops. Sorry.
Oh gosh, no need. We’re all trying like hell to make sense out of the absurd. Conventional language and tropes fail. If I can find the piece I read about what we are up against linguistically and rhetorically, I’ll stick it here. It’s crazy making for sure.
I think the key word there, Cassandra, is “thinking.”
As I have said on social media to someone that mentioned the lack of critical thinking with the cult, you actually need more than one brain cell for that and Cheeto's disciples, Czar Cheeto himself, do not.
That was my first thought after reading the convoluted logic used.
Putin is playing into that, he told Tucker Carlson in that love-fest (you couldn't all it an interview) that he would rather see Biden elected, as he is more stable, and predictable. That must have broken "Bronzo the Malignant's" non-existent heart.
The part that Putin didn't say out loud is that Orange idiot is easier to manipulate.
True, he is the master of implied intent!
I knew Gingrich was a classless fuckup, but his post takes the cake. Definitely beaucoup dinky dau.
I want to puke. tRump = Navalny? I can't even.
He also says that he looks just like Elvis. My apologies if you are having lunch right now. 😬🫣
Correction, Fat Smelvis. Uh-huh! Thank you very much.
So disrespectful to Elvis...
In his dreams Donna. Elvis would be laughing his ass off.
I laughed my ass off too. I actually believe that Elvis would be offended by the comparison.
You are correct. I guess my thought was that Elvis would think it was a joke. Didn't explain myself very well.
If he was alive today and watching this alternate movie reality playing out in real time, he would definitely be offended by the comparison.
On that note, I believe that Adolf Hitler would also be pissed that he was being compared to the ex Cheeto and Chief. Malignant narcissists think that they are special and unique. I haven't seen trump melt down from the comparison, but the difference between Hitler and trump is that one claims to be a stable genius and the other one was actually pretty intelligent for a psychopath.
Everything you have said makes sense Donna. I thought the same regarding Hitler, he was a horrible person, but far from stupid. Cheeto on the other hand is stupid.
They always desecrate good men, by claiming their valor for themselves, when they are the opposite.
Equating TFG with Navalny is at best horribly insulting, at worst stomach turning nauseating. How dare anyone say that…Lowest of low would and has.
Its a disease.
Does it involve prions and non-functional brains?
Well trump is god and mikey johnson is moses so that is some pretty strong equating there.
I'm not even religious and I know that is blasphemy on their part!
That makes me absolutely nauseous. The fact that Gingrich and the other psychos think that they can get away with that comparison shows how far they will go with their lies and how gullible their MAGA morons are. WHERE IS THE PRESS?
There is very little “press” left. They’ve all been gobbled up and spat out by the Bezos’ of the country.
Taking down steno notes?
From the liars, without push-back absolutely.
But they CAN get away with it because the press is worthless and MAGA is full of cult members who believe anything.
Navalny was the most vocal and visible to the entire world opponent of Putin. The one who motivated Russians to question Putin's intentions. There are many Russians who are happy that Eastern Europe can do what they want and that Russia doesn't have to prop them up or police them or worry about them. Russia is a big place and has enough to worry about.
Who would imprison Jack Smith and thousands of others and do away with them at his whim? The Orange Menace rubs his hands with glee. It is all in his campaign rhetoric.
Navalny may be revenged. Trump will never get his revenge. He will get the wages of high crimes.
The Branch of the Russian State Duma in the United States is called the Republicans
Never forget that.
The mofo’s never tire of demonstrating to anyone paying attention that every accusation they make is another admission of guilt.
This is so sickening. You think they can't go lower than whatever they did the day before but fuck no. Their depravity is bottomless. This insane comparison though ranks top of my list of why I hate the Magas.