That fucking fucker ain’t even worth a single fuck.

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best photo i saw yesterday was Trump receiving a pair of double barrel FU fingers to his face at close range in that football game. Definitely a Pulitzer prize for that photo - it defines the Trump era.

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Yes, it raised my spirits too.

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Oh, yes. I would love to have seen that salute!

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That was awesome! More of this please!

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He sure as hell isn't. He keeps shoveling this horseshit and his spoon-fed MAGAts keep eating it up and coming back for more. It's obvious they're too fucking stupid to know any better.

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fucking A

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I love it when a woman says "Fuck it" or even just "Fuck". Go Lorraine!

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I fucking agree with you!

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Your statement reminds me of a t- shirt I saw in a shop in San Francisco.. It read: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

It don't get much clearer than that!

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Behold my backyard and see I have not planted any fucks to pass out to MAGA!

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All my fucks are given...

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I hit my ‘fuck them’ quota yesterday. (I can’t resume until the weekend.)So thank you from the bottom of my fed up heart.

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But it was only Monday!

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Maybe because the grandkids weren’t around.

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Dunno Patris. You might’ve exceeded your quota by one just now. Not trying to be persnickety, just helpful.😉

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Thought I’d get away with it dammit

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The word “human” doesn’t apply to that orange asshole. I have never had as much contempt for anyone as I have for that fucker. I hate him with every cell in my body!

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Can’t disagree with your reasoned analysis Carol. I’m on board.

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Right there with you. I think it’s a club that grows every day, at least, I sure as hell hope so otherwise we’re fucked! We must blue!

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I am glad, in a way , to hear someone echo my feelings so exactly. In these times things are so absolute, as in Good vs. Evil. And I also hate him with every cell in my body. I have been heartsick since he first took over .I can't stand to even see his face, but I have to keep up with whatever is next. Like a rattlesnake on the loose, is my analogy. Loose in the common house we all live in.

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Same. And really--I agree. What human is orange?

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What does it say about the citizens of this country who STILL BELIEVE his bullshit? It is imperative to vote the traitors OUT before the succeed in turning America into an authoritarian country. Our collective intellect needs to be better than adoring a POS like Trump.

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It says our media is complicit in spreading propaganda.

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hard to see why someone would be so stupid to be a modern day Lord Haw Haw. Just one of them in the person of Tucker Carlson was bad enough.

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Truly. Party of the constipated frown.

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New York Times reported Fox is getting sued again. This time by those who invested for pensions. They are suing because of Fox's loses over telling lie after lie and not correcting their wrongs. Well deserved. Done with the lies.

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Thanks for sharing that. 👍🏻

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I completely agree!

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They think the man is 215 pounds. Ain't no saving them.

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They’re demented. They’re lazy ignorant ass wads. Refuse, intentionally, to even look into any misdeeds this repugnant fool has conned them into.

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Biden has done more in the past few days for our security than Trump ever thought of in his disastrous 4 years.

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Or his fucked-up “my daddy gave me everything” life!

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And yet the MSM reports that Biden is "sleepy" after a grueling overseas trip and packed scheduled. Heck, I am younger than Biden and I would need a nap after that. Ageism is such a cancer.

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Ageism IS a cancer! And it’s there because our media glorifies youth. After years of ad agency experience I’ve been told countless times I was “overqualified” now. Fuck that. I freelance now where nobody cares! And I’m not even 68! 🤦‍♀️

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It is insane--people seem to want experience with a 25-year-old's face body, and attitude. Bump that!

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I got exhausted just reading it.

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I think they listen non-stop to RW podcasts and then are drawn in to someone else with the same agenda. It makes me sick to hear the bullshit then repeated verbatim whenever they think they’re having an original thought 💭 Do they think we don’t listen? Do they think they’re going to be winners in a scare tactic with their threats & cries for civil war? My guess is yes, they think that, but I doubt it will look that way from prison.

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Joseph R Biden is the only person that can lead our country forward. I shudder to think where we’d be if DFF was still the president, and I shudder to think of what will become of our country if he is “elected” again. Stay strong! And thank you, Jeff for keeping us riled up. We can’t give up.

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Ukraine would be toast, NATO would be toast and every decent American who could, would have left the country. Plus, all the gun toting Nazis would be threatening and probably killing everyone who didn't look like them. There would be no infrastructure work going on and climate change progress? Forget about it.

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Was in NJ a few miles from the falling towers. We spent days glued to the news reports (we still had journalists and genuine reporters then) and we were in Manhattan 5 days afterward (a friend in NYC was really shaken up.) NO ONE other than uniformed and safety equipped rescuers was allowed South of Church Street. The air was full of the smells of burning debris and death. There was a film over everything, like a heavy dust. The City was in shock and it was heartbreaking. Trump was nowhere to be found. By day 4 news reports confirmed Trumps’ phone calls bragging about how HIS building was now the tallest in NYC while the city was burning and people were dying. There was a quick and furious backlash. Ooops. Trump pulled strings to get close enough for a photo-op and arranged to be interviewed, attempting to aggrandize himself with stolen valor while also erasing the factual reports that he had spent 9/11 on the phone talking about the height of his building. If we still had journalists instead of stenographers, we wouldn’t be in the dangerous mess we are currently in. The man and his party are dangerous. Our media is complicit. That’s my experience and take. Thanks for sharing your view Jeff. Much appreciated.

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" If we still had journalists instead of stenographers". That's a great phrase to describe today's digital news sites headline writers who mainly seem to just print a verbatim tweet or quote from some lying Republican politician and leave it at that , context-free with no explanation that it's a lie (or their euphemism a misstatement). They've become the (digital) print equivalent of the local tv news anchors who simply read a two sentence summary of a story while showing a brief video of the politician speaking and then move on to the next item they have a video clip for, no attempt to inform the viewer of its significance or veracity.

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I love the saying: if one party says it is raining outside and another party says it is sunny outside, it is the journalists responsibility to GO OUTSIDE AND FIND OUT WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING. Then report the truth. No both sides having equal weight garbage. it is the journalists responsibility to point out the truth by labeling it as “truth”, and point out the lie by labeling it a “lie.” US media is compromised of stenographers who print whatever they are told without research or checking for veracity. Our media is complicit in the disintegration of our democracy. That’s my take and I’m sticking with it.

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👏👏👏👏 spot on Ellen. 👍🏻

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He is the lowest of low, profiting off other peoples' courage and sacrifices.

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This POS 💩is profiting off othrrs grief! He’s lower than the dirt the pile of pig 🐷 💩 clots on in their pens!

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Dammit! Just start printing out paper copies of Jeff’s columns and mail them to your elected representatives, TV and radio stations and then stuff copies in your neighbors’ - well, you can’t use mailboxes so just hand them around. Repost them on your social media - whatever name it’s going by this week.

Everything they need to know will show up here sooner or later.

Don’t you want to read today’s Tiedrich aloud on Fox News while the host sits gently but firmly bound and gagged? I know I do.

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LOL I'm getting a visual ... 🥸

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Oh, I share, all right, and I'm hoping Jeff is getting plenty of new readers/subscribers from it!

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I know I do.

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The day he descended the escalator, I was already hoping he would keep going down, down, down, down ... 🔥

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Oh, he did, he has and so has MAGA.

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Not yet. But they are heading there. They should all go to hell.

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I second that emotion.

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Add to this his malicious lie that Muslims were celebrating 9/11 in Jersey City, and that he saw them from his office in NYC. Physically impossible, and a vindictive lie.

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This!!! ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼

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Still horrific - the sociopathic decrepitude of this bilious orange waste of cells. But what is even more shocking are the people that continue to admire this exploding zit. From a psychological perspective, it’s very difficulty to dissuade a lemming from their illusion, especially when they feed themselves a daily dose of ridiculous fantasies. OY!! The weight of their mental illness is killing me.

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How dare you! Donald John Trump is the absolute DEFINITION of a patriot!

...for Russia, but still...

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Jeff, you missed something: TFG (The Fucking Guy) claimed he “lost hundreds of friends on 9/11”.

He didn’t lose a single acquaintence, let alone a friend (because get real, he has no friends!).


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Righteous words of righteous outrage at the utter venality of the buffoon.

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Thank you Jeff! In my wildest imagination I could never picture the orange waste helping anybody with anything!! His red tie would have been caught in the sacred debris!!

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