
honestly, the whole time I was writing this, I was half-expecting I'd have to set it aside and write about Trump getting indicted this morning. oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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Once again Elon Musk is proving to everyone that money does NOT equal intelligence.

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More power to them. I hope they fuck their respective brands up so badly they dissappear from Earth. A plague on them both, their families and their worshipers.

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Never was a fan of Elon’s. After he teamed up with DeFascist from Florida to launch his presidential campaign, which was another MAJOR mis-fire, that was it for me. Elon sux. (<---that’s a better use of an “x”)

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Building that pyre, climbing to the top with a lighter.

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RE: tfg's pompadour. I read somewhere that he had surgery on his putrescent melon to patch up growing bald spots. The problem was that there's not enough skin on the scalp to patch all the spots he had. As a result, a bald spot remained on the back of his noggin, which he labours assiduously, with the help of brushes, combs, rakes, blowguns, and several Club-Sized cans of hairspray to glue this bouffant hair mousse into place.

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Jeff, it's called "X" as an ode to all of the ex-twitter users, like most all of us.

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It takes a skilled writer (such as you, Jeff) to express what others are thinking in a style and voice all one's own. Well done!

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That was like an 85% Drumpf-free article about stupidity. Sometimes I go a couple of days without driving and forget there are stupid people entirely unconnected to Donald.

That being said, I'd say the one place Elon may have wanted to fuck with his brand is Tesla, since they have a reputation for exploding. But of course he did it on Twitter, where recognition was literally the last thing it had going for it.

Hopefully the ghost of Malcolm X visits him and scares him to death before he stupids Earth into extinction.

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Talk about messing with your brand: I was an early adopter of hybrid cars and electric cars but I will NEVER buy a Tesla.

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It's a bird, it's a plane, it's CLUSTER-X!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah. Elon's a genius alright. Just ask any fanboi.

He and tRump share two things in common. They're both narcissists, and they both think they're the smartest guy on the planet. And neither one could pass an IQ test.

OH! And they also both share the utter inability to get out of their own way.

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When I saw "Glass Onion", I thought one of the main characters, Miles Bron, was like Elon. Watching the crap that Elmo keeps doing, it's more like he IS Miles Bron - shallow, egotistical and not terribly bright,

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Someday I may get through the first sentence of your Substack without LMAO. Today isn’t that day. Hilarious as always.

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I bet that when he was a kid, Elon broke all his toys as soon as he got them.

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as they sow, so shall they reap. pretty sure he didn't ask my old employer about the branding thing but then they probably would never have accepted him as a client. they probably would have told him the same thing but charged him big bucks for the same advise- DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH. YOUR. BRAND.

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