Those moon-dazed kooks are just getting warmed up. 100% believe they have Stephen Miller out scouting properties for internment camps. If young people tune out we will be good and truly fucked and I sure hope they know it.

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The patriarchy is doing its damnedest to keep itself going, but old white men are going by way of the dinosaur (not soon enough). We’re VERY troubled that the leaders of the world have been and still are primarily old, white men or just men in general. These men keep using hatred and lies to pit people against each other while they maintain power. When women finally get beyond fed up they will end the rule of the patriarchy. They will be joined by multi-racial, poor, middle class and underserved people. Women can and will be the prime influence on the vote. The stupid polls aren’t getting data on this and are missing the point entirely.

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The slanted bullshit polls leave that part out. My wife and I have discussed this numerous times and we truly believe that it will be the women and the Independents who will help make the vote go against the wannabe emperor tangerine asshole.The 18-35 crowd doesn't seem to have quite figured it out yet but hopefully, they'll see the light and realize the GOP'S deranged autocratic plans are for real.

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We had a shot with Hillary and we blew it. My own daughter wrote in a ‘making a statement’ alternate vote. That is the only time I’ve ever seriously questioned her intelligence.

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I was just having a long discussion with friends about abortion this morning. I had shared a NYT article on how people are stocking up on abortion pills as they see the potential for the court to make mail access or access illegal. If that happens, I think we need to do the kind of angry rioting that Israel just did to make their supreme court vote against Netanyahu's attempt to destroy any oversight of his doings. Anyway, one of my friends was having a panic attack. Her therapist has encouraged her to decrease her anxiety by avoiding the news. I'll bet a lot of therapists are telling people that. Anyway, so she got anxious and had me looking up all of the places where she can order this for her 18-year-old daughter, who is not in a sexual relationship with anyone but has implied to her mom that in college she has "hooked-up." She was super worried because the expiry date for one is 3-5 years whereas the other is 18-24 months. I am not a big worrier of expiry dates, but I could see her problem. Then, I was reading the absolutely Nazi era German abortion laws, since my 18-year old is in university there, and it made me think I should stock up too. In Germany, it is so convoluted I don't want to think about it, with needing to get counseling in order to get the pills, but they are starting to do mail- order too, since the pandemic. They have bigger problems from what I understand, but I can see where things could be headed here. Abortion is not required in OB-GYN training in med school so all of the people who know how to do surgical abortions are slowly retiring. Apparently the 60s and 70s being a radical time is when most doctors got training in abortion at their own insistence. Now, young women who are studying medicine are doing workshops where they practice D and C on a papaya. Not very inspiring. Germany does have a lot more supports for people to have children, but if you don't want a child you don't want one. Also, anything that delays people getting an abortion can put them over the deadlines for certain procedures. So, I can see that if abortion gets outlawed there will not be training programs in the USA for the procedures. If the abortion pills get outlawed they won't be produced in the USA, and we will have to get them from other countries. So, stocking up seems like a good plan right now, even though there is the expiration date. When they come for the birth control then that will be another thing that won't be produced in the USA. So, will we be building walls to keep people in, like Texas is trying to do to women to keep them having babies? Read this to see where we are headed. https://ghdi.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=2048

What I see is that if these men could reproduce on their own, they would do away with women too. Which is why I could see them exterminating us after we are beyond child breeding years. According to the Guardian, Biden plans to center his campaign on the concept of democracy, I think centering it on individual rights might be more effective. A lot of people don't really understand the concept of democracy. Those same people understand the consequences of not getting an abortion because you don't want to have a child, or because your life is in danger if you continue with a pregnancy.

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Don’t worry too much about expiration dates on meds, mefipristone or birth control; especially meds in pill or capsule forms. They will generally be effective long after that date. Just be extra careful storing them in a cool dark place- an unheated closet or something like that. Light & heat are 2 things that could hasten deterioration

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They don't remember the past and change is slow. Feels OK to them currently.

They can't see past themselves and won't recognize it until it affects them personally.

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And Kash Fuckedface Patel is making a list that I’m sure, at some level, will include us. Yup, us.

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That Texas decision makes my head explode, put itself back together so it can explode all over again. It says nothing less than: Women, we really don't care about you and all we want is control over you. So if you die, consider you died for a good cause, to protect a fetus which, upon arrival, we will do everything to give a miserable life. And it's very gratifying to have Kim Idiot get punished over and over and over. Way to go.

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And Ken Paxton is crediting himself with “protecting constitutional liberties” as he faces his comeuppance for an endlessly delayed trial & whistleblower hearings. Any woman, ANY woman who heard or read that statement could be heard saying “Really Ken? Have ya? Better check again.”

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Letting him off the hook only escalated his monsterness.

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Yup-just like Donnie. Any mother knows you can’t let little boys get away with the shitty stuff cuz they’ll keep doing it!

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Thank you Jeff.

I’m pretty sure that in Texas women are now referred to as ‘birth vessels’. And there is no question that the Heritage Foundation and their disgusting Project2025 would like to make it U.S.-wide. The extreme fundamentalists in control of the GOP would be delighted to return America to a time when only wealthy white landowners could vote.

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And get abortions.

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The Federalist Society funded Pro Life crowd are so full of shit! They’ll let women die because they’re against ALL abortions and once they force a woman to have a baby, they don’t want to help them in anyway to raise the baby. I’m so fucking sick of control freak Leonard Leo and his sick Federalist Society! END Citizens United!!

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You and me both...but how do we fight against billionaires who have poured their money into this extremely dangerous agenda? And for years, they’ve been doing this! I am so scared for my daughter and granddaughter...actually I’m scared for all of us..bc if we don’t turn this thing around and totally reject and defeat tRump/maga, we won’t have any rights left at all.....

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We have to end Citizens United. When the conservative justices voted for Citizens United on 1/21/10, they opened the door for unlimited donations going to candidates and mostly the right wing candidates from billionaires. I can’t see the Supreme Court overturning Citizens United vs FEC any time soon with Trump’s corrupt justices, but I donate to EndCitizensUnited.org every month because they are trying to fight the corruption.

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Absolutely 💯!

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Votes, enough of them, can defeat billionaires' money. Make sure everyone you know votes.

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They just want more white worker bees.

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End Leonard Leo.

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To end Leonard Leo, you first have to end Citizens United.

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Absolutely! There are ways to do it. There are a lot of organizations that are at it. (American Promise, Move to Amend, Wolf Pac, etc.) The problem is that they've gotten in each other's way from time to time.(In baseball it is called "clubhouse issues"). We're all on the same fucking team.

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There’s also the problem of the Supreme Court justices.

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The Court needs to expand to 13Justices. We need to kick ass and get the Senate votes to end the filibuster. That's as important as the Presidential line on the ballot.

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Hi Charlie, have you read Elie Mystal’s book “Allow Me to Retort” - a black guy’s guide to the Constitution ?

I highly recommend it. He also has a new podcast called Contempt of Court

I think he has excellent ideas about the scotus

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Birth control is nobody’s business except to the right wing loons that like to control bodies not their own.

Kim Davis created her own misery. If she’d just done her job, or quit, she’d be living her loon life in peace. She thought she’d be a hero, but she’s nothing but a broke zero.

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Several years ago, my 95 year old Missouri grandmother looked at me and said: "An abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, her family, and her God. The government should stay out of it." Nellie Lee was sooooo ahead of her time. I miss her every day.

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I don't know why people insist that THEIR way is the way it should be for everyone. It's extremely arrogant and boneheaded. You nailed it - do the job or quit. Those are the only options. I don't understand people who need to make everything their business. I guess Kim Davis is living and learning the hard way. Oh well.

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I remain flabbergasted 100 million women failed to vote out every gop for the next 2 decades in the last election. just stunned. wtaf is going on?

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I remain flabbergasted any men voted for that bloated buffoon

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They've accepted him.

It's maddening!!

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Because the problem is not just old, white, crabby asshole men. There are hateful, stupid, sadistic women out there too who crave control and power over others too and use their crappy religious club to get it.

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Sadly you are right.

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The situation in Texas is abhorrent and women everywhere need to wake the hell up. We MUST show up and vote these cruel extremists out. Our lives now depend on it. The GOP wants nothing more than to control-and hurt-women and they must be stopped. VOTE!!!!! And thanks for the good news about Kim Davis. We need to hear about some justice!

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Yes, Susan, control and hurt women. Put them back in their place.

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The cruelty is the point.

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Yes, Margaret, and to deter any more of that Me Too nonsense where we women stuck up for ourselves against creeps who plowed over us like some of the Supreme Court justices are wont to do, and have actually done.

Women started to be believed finally. They can’t have that.

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Our outrage is growing daily. I believe that this summer we will see an explosion. I look forward to it.

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In that first clip little Donnie stands there on the stage with the same movements, posture and bearing as a 2 year old toddler.

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... with a load in his drawers

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Aye, lad.

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To me, the singer on the stage comes across as some third-grade, faded-out ballroom crooner. But maybe Trump's team handpicked him so as to make a perfect match with the biggest insult to makind currently on planet earth.

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The message I got from that video of Himself on the stage with that singer singing that song means he is in full on loser mode. It looks like a dream sequence from a horror movie. It reminded me of hell.

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As a good contrast to Himself’s body language think of Michael Caine in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

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The pro-life crowd in Texas makes me livid!

Do NOT tell women what to do with their bodies! I cannot imagine why any self-respecting Dr would want to practice medicine in that state. I don’t even like to drive through it.

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It’s fascism. Period.

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Susan, that is the sum of it.

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Maybe that’s what needs to happen. If OBGYNs started moving their practices out of TX, perhaps the women there would wake the hell up. Too many people think it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect them personally.

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The doctors need to speak out against this.

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And draw attention to themselves and their families as being go-againsters in a fascist state like Texas?

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We’re all starting to really see where this is going. Prepare. Be serious. We have the numbers and the common sense. They have fear and hate.

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Yeah, I’m sure the forced-birther folks would start some serious harassment & maybe even death threats

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Hello PJ. Haven’t they done that already? I bet they have. Bombing or threatening to bomb a clinic is a death threat. Making little girls bring a fetus to term is a death threat. Making a woman carry a dead fetus to term is a death threat. Outlawing abortion is absolutely against the constitution. But it’s intrinsically against the natural laws of a just society. Withholding birth control methods WHILE outlawing abortion is treachery. We must all lock wrists and strongly resist this white, patriarchal Sharia inspired nonsense. And we must win.

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it is beautiful though. it's tragic what those people have done to it.

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White people are a tragic disease. We need to stop our spread.

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Human beings need to stop procreating period. Earth will be grateful and maybe make a full recovery from all the raping and plundering that’s been done to it. Let the oceans, the air, wildlife and nature have a nice long break from people. We won’t be missed.

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B-but…what about capitalism?

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I think we have curtailed our spread. That’s one of the reasons for trying to enact forced birth laws.

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They’re in dire need of a ‘domestic infant supply’.

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Lost many friends over their zealot beliefs.

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I’m probably fixing to get more on the outs with my closest relatives in Texas over their forced-birth stance. I’ve already sent my nephew, who voted for Trump in 2016 specifically due to his promise to put anti abortion justices on the scotus, the article about Kate Cox & told him; I hope you’re really proud of yourself now! 🤬

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I understand. It's heartbreaking& I feel your pain.

They are kinda brainwashed over there so even showing them the light doesn't always open their eyes.

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Well, these days, even driving thru it could be risky if you’re in the child-bearing yrs or have a pregnant person in your car. You might get stopped & detained in a couple of counties that share a border with NM. Some have made ordinances to make it illegal to transport across their roads to get an abortion!!! Probably unconstitutional

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In Texas, female voters outnumber male voters. If the women turn out, they win. And it's about fucking time.

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So the party of personal liberty is now the party of "anything-you-do-that-doesn't-agree-with-my-worldview-is-an-attack-on-me". That's all kinds of messed up. fuck that shit.

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p.s. I was an altar-server for until I was a senior in high school.

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“preening ASSHOLE...” is correct-emphasis on ASSHOLE! So sick of him and his idiotic followers!😡

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Texas hospital admin: "So just go and bleed out in your car from that miscarriage, lady, and when you crash, then we might let you come back into the hospital, and we MIGHT do a D&C, but then again... We really don't have to. The court said so."

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But remember, after you miscarry and if you're not dead, we're going to arrest you for having a miscarriage in the first place.

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OMG! The Handmaids tale is coming closer! This is so fucking scary!

And that video of The Dumpster Preening! And they are raising their arms out to him like he is Hitler/God.

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Texas just needs to change its name to Fetusland.

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A fertilized egg is called a zygote for the first 8 weeks. Many women don’t know they’re pregnant by then. Let’s call Texas zygote-land.

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I keep telling people that “its” not a baby at that stage of pregnancy!

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What a doofus! I can't see Trump's posturing without thinking of Mussolini.

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