The Dear Leader says: "…because everybody who has pictures says how horrible it is. nobody can explain to me how allowing millions of people from places unknown, from countries unknown, who don’t speak languages. we have languages coming into our country. we have nobody that even speaks those languages. they’re truly foreign languages. nobody even speaks them.”

The following appeared today in Jennifer Rubin's column in the Washington Post:

"Salon interviewed John Gartner, a psychologist and former professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School.

Gartner was analytic, specific and frank. He pointed to “‘phonemic paraphasias’ — the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar.” He spelled out his observations:

"Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes “benefishes.” Renovations become “renoversh.” Pivotal became “pivobal.” Obama became “obamna.” Missiles became “mishiz.” Christmas became “Crissus.” Bipartisan became “bipars.” …

"Trump also engages in what we call “tangential speech.” He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that’s a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step ... but of severe cognitive deterioration."

"What I don’t understand is why those clips aren’t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isn’t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden.

"Perhaps outlets and figures such as Gartner who responsibly discuss Trump’s mental and emotional condition will shame the rest of the media into covering what should be a major story."


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"What I don’t understand is why those clips aren’t replayed over and over in the mainstream media."

you and me both

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“If not already known to you, nobody is coming to rescue us.” We thought Mueller would. We thought Jack Smith could. The media is complicit, We thought the six hooded justices would apply the laws of the constitution……………. Nope, we never really thought that...

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Boom! You are right! We The People know now absolutely who never to trust in again.The Mueller report, James Comey, the 2 impeachments, the SCOTUS fuckery all ruses. Won’t get fooled again.

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It’s up to us on election day & even that depends on young people showing up 😞. It’s astonishing how fast the institutional rails have broken. Remember when Gary Hart’s presidential bid was derailed completely by a picture of a woman, not his wife, sitting on his lap. Now tRump & his Dominionist judges who shield him, will manage to get away with stealing top secret documents

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it depends on whose lap, democrats would be called hypocrites, because since the other side is evil, we not only have to be good but also pure, democrat john Edwards was shunned for his exploits, rightly so in that case

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This Hoyt, is so damn true.

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It is demoralizing, but I don't think that we ever thought this election would be easy and knew each of us would have to do whatever we are capable of to keep our sanity and our country. I have personally always liked a challenge, but this one really could be life or death for some folks.

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all folks even the magats

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almost one half million of them died because they were told over and over covid was a hoax and they believed, they are not capable of sentient behavior and many are fine with dying for their lord.

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I already knew the corrupt 6 weren’t going to do shit to save this country, but I lost all hope when they decided to hear the immunity case & set the arguments date so far away. And of course Loose Cannon is going to delay that case til after the election.

If McAfee disqualifies DA Willis that’ll just be icing on the cake

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more like another stab to the heart and we can only take so many stabs before we are dead

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While we're in a wondering mood, why hasn't the mainstream media jumped on TFG's drug use? Oh, they hint at it but let's get into the down-and-dirty about Trump's Adderall/barbituates/cocaine use?

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

TRump claims that he's just that way naturally. He says he's never done drugs or drank because his brother was an addict and alcoholic. I don't believe that for a minute...

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I've heard he lies.......a lot.

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There's also NFW he's a germaphobe after he raw dogged a porn star!

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He thinks because he abuses prescription drugs, prescribed by Dr. Feelgoods like Ronnie Jackson and that scruffy-looking dude that hung out with trump that it isn't addiction.

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He’d be a lot thinner if he was using cocaine! 😜

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Rachel Maddow had the author of a Rolling Stone article about all the speed(Provigil) & Xanax that was being dispensed to anybody & everybody very loosely during his admin. The crazy doc was even stockpiling Fentanyl & Ketamine!!

The excuse they gave for the stockpile was in case Trump was out in the wilds somewhere & got shot or seriously injured & they needed to do an emergency procedure. Riiight 🤣🤣

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Why, again, is the media not on this like a duck on a June bug?

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You and me both... Even the fucking so-called liberal media isn't interested in highlighting the garbled diarrhea coming out of TRump's mouth to show how utterly demented he is. It's frustrating and makes me mad as hell! 🤬

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He is the king of the drizzling shits from that anus-like mouth of his. From all of his constant distortions of the English language and his inability to speak in complete sentences that make any damn sense, the rest of the world must be saying is this the best the GOP has to offer? Obviously those clueless morons believe it is and could care less.

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Watch Rachel show some of those clips & then she imitates him! It’s fucking hilarious 🤣

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Yes, Donnie Drizzler has a bad case of Senior Oral Incontinence, and there is no Mouth Depends he desperately needs. Maybe some Adult Pampers would help the fire below at least.

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Yes and wouldn’t Trump cut a dignified and impressive figure when representing the people and nation of America when on an international stage? A real classy guy, eh?😳

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Check out Nicolle Wallace’s interview with former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. It is spot on. Took place yesterday in the second hour of her daily show.

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That interview with PM Turnbull was excellent! Should be played on every network and MSM available because he was in the room. When I think of the international presence a US President has and will have, all I can think of is how trump pushed aside foreign dignataries to get to the front of them for a photo op. It was disgusting in every way! And today I read that he was "upset" that the Court allowed Jack Smith to exit the courtroom before him which is what court decorum dictates. He did not like that they abided by that and allowed DOJ's Smith to go before he did. Sucks to be him I guess.

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He pushed the PM of Montenegro, to prove his love for Putin, Putin was mad at the guy, so Donny shoved him. Dbag Donnie has no idea where, or even what Montenegro is.

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Oh I cringe at that thought. It was so horrible the first round, and now it would be 10 times worse 😫.

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Megan, makes you wonder does it not?

Or are they playing both sides if they coin for the Almighty Clicks, Views Dollars?

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Watch Monday’s Rachel show. It’s fantastic, she imitates & makes fun of him

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and Joe Biden slips on one minor non-essential gaff and its a hot topic for a week.

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There aren’t any far reaching left wing media…

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Not true, I wish you would all watch Rachel’s show from Monday night!! She not only showed several clips, but she imitated him doing it! It was lmao hilarious 🤣

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Jeff I'm telling you that you would be solid gold to the WH. Seriously you have real talent. And I'm not saying that just to be nice. It's the absolute truth.

You hold people's attention with you wit and humor and convey serious messages at the same time. And the best part is that you are concise . You don't waste anytime

Donald Trump and his MAGA bitches wouldn't know what hit them

Because you are a force of nature not to be fucked with!!

Think about it

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I 1,000 percent agree with this!

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Of course he’d have to edit a bit… which would mean being NotJeff, alas. But maybe the WH writers/speech writers have Jeff as required reading!!

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Jeff was one of the social media influencers invited to the White House previously before the election. They definitely know who he is.

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I didn't know that!😃

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Here's the link. You'll see Jeff standing behind Jo Jo from Jersey (far left), Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote) and all of the greats - Brooklyn Dad, Hoarse Whisperer, the Meidas brothers, Noel Casler, Aaron Rupar, etc. Fighting then... still fighting now!

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Jeff can definitely edit it for sure and still have the same impact

Just IMHO ❤️

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Yeah, I agree. If the shoe was on the other foot…

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Only MSNBC is doing its job.

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I do understand why. The right wing nutters own our media. Why is that news? We should be clear on this by now. That’s why Substack accounts and alternate news sources are so important. Let’s stop pretending we din’t know exactly why we don’t hear the Democrats side of ANYTHING..but always hear about the orange lunatic.

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I keep telling you guys…you aren’t watching the right programs. Maddow does an excellent job, be sure to check out her Monday show.

Jen Psaki, Lawrence O’Donnell, & Stephanie Ruhle in the late evening are pretty darn good at calling out the lies & hypocrisy; also they show lots of the Trump dementia moments

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Russian and oligarch money

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...Poisons everything.

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Partially because they wouldn't have a

" Storyline" anymore. Its shot to hell.What do you report on if the one candidate you have been saying is old and senile, why then is joined by the alternate candidate who Definetly is showing signs of mental degradation?

Spin that one for me?

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Bring this to the attention of the folks of the Lincoln Project, ask them to produce a video with all of the word salad clips spliced together, ask them to place that video on all social media sites, over and over and over, and ask them to make the video downloadable so that anyone who wants to can also post that video on social media sites and send that video via email to everyone they know.

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They are already doing that, but it's not getting as much circulation as you or I would wish. It's hard to find which videos focus on this issue among the scores that the Lincoln project has produced. Here's a good one put out by Newsweek


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Well, I can’t disagree with the “failing NYT” one.

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Go find Maddow’s Monday night show

She shows several of his recent mumbles & word salad & then she imitates him & it’s hilarious 😂

I think it’s on YouTube & shareable

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Thank you, PJ!

I’m gonna check that out!

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Yep another in a loooong line of the press giving Trump a pass while skewering Biden for petty, minor gaffes. Happens every day.As I have said before, the press is not a friend of democracy and the people just as it is with the horribly corrupt SCOTUS. NOT our friends.

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Tertiary syphilis is a bitch!

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Yes Charlie

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Actually he has venereal herpes according to the guy that worked with him on the Celebrity Apprentice

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And it turns you orange, evidently.

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From Ben Meiselas:

I got an interesting message this morning: “Hi Ben! I'm a psychiatric nurse in Canada. I am watching the video you posted this morning about Trump completely losing it. I noticed in his videos that his face is not symmetrical anymore when he's talking. His right eye is not focused with the left. Now l've read articles that he has dementia but this was obvious to me who has seen geriatric patients after stroke or advanced dementia. He's also talking mostly out of the left side of his face. I can't diagnose him but this was what hit me the most. Keep doing what you're doing!” youtu.be/2V4_YKBwTlM?si…

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And, oh, how I want to hear this fool debate Biden, Biden who should put on his dark glasses, say ‘what a bunch of Malarkey’, and laugh.

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He was on someone else’s YT yesterday pointing out the same things. Even though we barely made it through Reagan’s Alzheimer’s we sure as hell can’t allow him and all his goons back into power. All they need him for is to hold the signing pen.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

The downside is it may be garnering more support from the Pentecostal electorate….you know ….the speaking in tongues thing.

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Well, as someone who has seen people speaking in tongues at a service, it is totally different. Although I know you are being facetious.

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I noticed Trump making a rigid chopping motion with his hand that is characteristic of early- to mid-stage Alzheimer's, at least in our family. My mother, who we cared for after she developed Alzheimer's, used to make that gesture for emphasis, even though she was very present emotionally. When I saw one of her younger sisters, my aunt, make the same gesture at a party some years later, I left the room and burst into tears. She, too, died after a brave battle with Alzheimer's. I do think a CT scan would show that Trump has dementia.

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How hard it is for you to learn about this the hard way!

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This is very good...and very useful. I've posted it on my Facebook feed, on which I post (almost) daily news and observations on various topics of interest.

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Great comment! I tried to reach the article you referred to with the link, but the link won't work for me. Could you please provide more information identifying the article or a different link? I would like to read the article and post it on social media. Many thanks for your comment and your help in tracking down the article.

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Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. tell me if this doesn't work.


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Why aren't the Democrats making ads of these? And his enthusiasm for Russia attacking allies? Why do we have to go to Meidas Touch and David Pakman to see these?

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Women are going to destroy the Republicans in November. They are evil idiots.

Trump clearly has dementia.

Please write to the Supreme Court at supremecourt.gov/contact

I unloaded on them and it felt so good.

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*Supreme court: “Next up, gay marriage is reversed and furthermore, no ‘special rights’ for gays, and trans people will be housed in holding camps.”

Next, all non-resident aliens are required to return to their country of origin or immediate extradition will occur.

Next, a 20 foot high wall will be built along the periphery of the entirety of the United States including the Atlantic Pacific and Gulf.

Next, life begins when we say that it begins. God’s will.

Next, all future climate related legislation will be DOA.


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They are going to be needing to raise taxes a lot to fund the police state required to impose minority rule.

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They aren't going to pay their cops, just let them live.

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But they will have only the very bestest, prettiest uniforms ever in the history of the world and they will do the goosestep perfectly.

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sieg heil!

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Hugo Boss inspired- no doubt.

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They don’t really need cops to enforce their will; they already have 100s of 1000s of those quasi-militia goons with more firearms than they can carry at one time, who will be just giddy to be their enforcers.

They’re already foaming at the mouth like a bunch of rabid raccoons, just waiting for Trump to say “sic ‘em boys”

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Ah, The Vigilante Force to the rescue! But once the initial thrill wears off they will need to pay the rent like the rest of us. IMHO.

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Pelican Brief.

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Selah. Selah. Selah.

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Anyone who has ever had a relative with dementia knows exactly what they're seeing in Trump, and knows what trajectory his "mind" is going to take in the next few years.

Goodbye, saliva control. Goodbye, bladder control.

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His bladder and his bowel control is gone and has been for a long while. I am waiting for the non-verbal stage to happen which probably won't because he can't stop running his pie hole, but the incoherance will get more bizarre than it already is (party sized word salad).

You know that his kids really don't give a fuck about him since they aren't stepping up to silence his batshit crazy rhetoric and getting him to see some specialists asap. Condoning his behavior is enabling him, but it's also endangering the lives of everyone around him, but also all of us. It's senior abuse and someone should notify senior protective services in Florida so they can come in and evaluate him and his surroundings.

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A welfare check with bear spray....

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The bladder control is already gone. (Adult diaper)

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We know his sphincter control is gone. Not only does he shit his diaper, he's not even aware he's doing it, but everyone around him is. Maybe this is part of the reason Melania recoils from his touch in disgust.

Do we have any evidence that he's lost bladder control too? Aside from those ridiculously long ties?

Biden has an aging brain. He makes the same sort of mistakes that smart people make, because smart people have a cerebral buffer, which they send the speech to while they think ahead to what to say next. Being a stutterer, he has two verbally active occipital hemispheres and can think ahead better than most. but sometimes the buffer malfunctions.

Trump has a specific dementia that qualified people can diagnose without an MRI.

* he doesn't just confuse names; he confuses people. He said Nikki Haley was in charge of Capitol security seven times. That isn't bad buffering. He's demented, and getting worse fast

* His groping for words is a symptom of the same affliction. He'll begin a word, get the first syllable, then is unable to finish it

The change from five years ago is noticeable; from 25 years ago, dramatic.

And atop all this, he has numerous severe character disorders, and a monstrously warped personality.

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Shitler has no bowel control either due to years of drug abuse. Just ask Noel Castler from the Apprentice -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N60ceYRlY2I

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Thank you. Done. Short and sweet. All kindergarten children in America knows presidents are not kings.

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YES! I'm getting ready to do just that. I also posted their email link. We have to try.

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So did I. Saw an article today saying they are hearing from a SHIT TON of people and majority is all negative comments about them. Good. Took me about 2 mins to fill.out the form and hit send.

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Please post the text of the letter you sent. I want to use it for my own letter! Thank you.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Sorry but I don’t have it and I don’t remember the wording. I do remember I was mad as hell though. And it wasn’t a letter. The SC contact page has a small area to fill in your message.

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Will do, thanks, I've been needing to unleash!

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Which, of the many, issues did you mention?

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I focused on them taking up the DC case and pushing it off to April to make sure Trump’s trial is put off until the fall and possibly after the election.

Also, I asked why they didn’t lift the stay while waiting for April. There is no reason why preparations for the trial can’t continue.

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Marie, I talked about corruption, particularly with Thomas and Alito, and how they no longer deserve our trust.

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Please American women. Do just that. Destroy republicans.

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BREAKING NEWS on TRUTH SOCIAL from Dick Tater, "Foreign dictators, if you're listening, I need $500 billion ASAP. My trillionaire buddies, Vladamir and MBS are cash strapped. Hey, my brothers from different mothers; Orban, Xi, Modi, Kim, Erdogan, Sisi, Duterte, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, and Assad…HELP!!! HELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!.

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Well, Orban is coming to see Trump next week. Think he’s gonna be carrying a suitcase full of money to help the critter out. The money, of course, is being laundered by Putin.

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Another day, another grift, ho hum............

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And he will leave with another suitcase of our National Secrets the stupid FBI didn't get in their search.

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Hoyt: my guess is that the money will appear. No single source for the half billion, but a group transaction in exchange for favors

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Excellent plea Hoyt!!!

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Republican ignorance is so strong and fueled by their mindless hate. It's astounding really, how anyone with half a brain cell could vote for such assholes. After the SCOTUS decision, we better get out the damned vote or America is done. I'm beyond pissed off. OH. Here's the email to tell the black robed ones how you feel about their decision to hear Trumps immunity case. ✌️https://www.supremecourt.gov/contact/contact_pio.aspx?fbclid=IwAR3ozPidCZe0SavtuN2o4z8ZJHSL3UCCTEWlMix6l9Sfh5JfEbm2SYH57oU

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Do you think if I just wrote "you suck..." to scotus they'd pay attention to it...?🤔😏 probably not, huh. At this point, that about covers my feelings about just about everything these days. It all just sucks.

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I hear ya, Morgan. I was so incredibly down after their decision. A real funk. Then someone told me to buck up and remember our ancestors fought the British for their freedom from tyrannical rule. I guess now we're going to have to fight the MAGA morons for our right to be free from their tyranny. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Sucking can be a nice thing -- these mofos BITE!

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I agree. I could list some of the things I enjoy sucking on but that wouldn't be appropriate. 😈😉🤣 But biting also falls into that category 🤭🤫🤔.

I suppose I could say "go fuck yourselves" or "fuck off you imbeciles." But then I'd be flagged for using the f-word.

It all just sucks, in the ugliest way possible. 🤷‍♀️

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Fuck them. Send them what you really need to say!

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That's rather nice compared to what I wrote.

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Every time I think that THIS is a bridge too far. THIS is going to rally democrats, or THIS won’t even be acceptable to sane republicans, I’m sorely disappointed. They’re going for every single one of our rights. They’re turning this country into a Christian theocracy. They’re helping a demented, sociopathic rapist with 91 felony counts to get elected. They’re refusing to sign a bipartisan bill to protect the border. They’re turning their backs on our allies, while supporting our enemy. The list of evil, criminal and treasonous acts being committed by Trump and the GOP is endless. This should be a no-brainer to end all no-brainers, and yet, when you look at the poll numbers, the needle isn’t moving. I’m equal parts disheartened and terrified.

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Couldn’t say it better myself. I think we’re all feeling the same way, you just said it better. But thank goodness we have each other here, thank you Jeff, I don’t feel so alone!

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I agree with you 100%! I’m so grateful for this! 🥰

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Stephanie: the successive inversions of expected outcomes have all of us (the sentient among us) experiencing mental vertigo. Up is down and down is up. Nothing is as it seems or as our brains tell things should be

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Yes. This must be what it feels like to be in the Twilight Zone.

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I’m right there with you. ✌️

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I reminded them of the reason the English left king rule behind when they came to America to start an equitable democracy.

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Pretty story. But not true.

The original colonists came to America to practice a degree of religious intolerance they were denied in England. In the original 13 you could be executed for missing a day of church.

This cruelty and severity have never gone away.

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Yes even the tolerant Dutch threw the fanatical Puritans out. And they still have the record of being the ones to outlaw Christmas.

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👏👏👏👏👏👏 Excellent!

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Thanks Susan, just sent off a rather interesting email to SCOTUS, the fuckers….🤭

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Share the link! Let's bombard their office!!

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Me too. I made sure to word it so the FBI wouldn't come knocking on my door! 😳

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Awesome. Tell everyone you know to shoot an email to these assholes! ✌️

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🤣 🤣 🤣 😬

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From Tristan Snell:

MASSIVE NEWS - DOJ says 60-day rule does NOT apply to Trump trials, because he’s already been indicted

So the Trump federal trials CAN happen even if they run into September/October

Drastically increases odds that Trump is tried — and convicted — before the election in November

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Someone catch me-I feel faint! Let’s goooooooooo!!!

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It’s almost unbelievable. 🎉

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I'll do that when I get home. 😃

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I’m going to write to them right now, but I have a question. Are we allowed to be outraged in our email? Or do we have to write to them in a respectful tone, as we would speak to a judge in any other situation? Because I have a lot of snarky things to say—starting by asking them if they’ve ever heard of Richard Nixon—but I don’t need the feds showing up at my door.

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I started mine out with the word SHAME in all caps. It went downhill from there.

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Sandie, I too decided that this kangaroo court hadn’t earned my redpect. Instead they received my wrath.

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Speak from your heart.

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Not to defend SCOTUS, which I have serious issues with, but actually I understand why they wanted t have the last word on probably the most important case to come before it in recent memory. I don't like it, because it is going to move the timeline for the trial back possibly to the fall, depending on how fast they can craft a coherent opinion on the matter. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Done. Thanks for the address, Susan.

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Christ on a pogo stick Jeff, you hit the nail on the head! These maggots have no f-ing clue where they stand on any issue. They make shit up to sound good but in reality, they sound like a bunch of crazy ass idiots. Happy March 1 everyone….

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I think the Christer Theocrats know exactly where they stand on most things - they are just very bad at making those atrocities politically palatable. This may be because to believe the insane and dystopian things they take as truth and desire for everyone's future they need to be pretty dumb. Or their beliefs are impossible to make palatable?

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At least it’s just languages sneaking across the border now. I remember when it was entire prisons just uprooting their criming asses and marching to the promised land.

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🤣 sneaky things, those languages. I guess when they cross the border we should just plug our ears...?

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Like Charlie replied, 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Again....get skank to translate as nobody understood her 5 languages either.

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It sucks to reach a point in life where you wish half the people in the country you lived in were dead.

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It is very sad. I'm embarrassed to live in a country that has such idiots breathing the same air as the rest of us.

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Or at least educated, but I’m with you! 😜

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deletedMar 1
Comment deleted
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I wish TRump dead. Just dead. Not impaired or imprisoned, but DEAD. I really feel that our nation and the world would IMMEDIATELY be a safer place.

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I second that. I'm sure our intelligence agencies are asking where's Oswald when we need him?

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Off to the dust bin of history. They’re gonna need a bigger bin.

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Right Vickie, like only them to suffer the consequences of their dim-whittery.

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You gotta love how republicans have learned nothing from the butt kicking they’ve received in every election since the Roe overturn. They’ll just keep digging and we will just keep voting. Seriously, VOTE!

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We are seeing the culmination of decades of work on their part. Not gonna turn that barge around quickly. Thankfully the GOP is fully exposed for having lied about this all along as they kowtowed to religious zealots for votes to keep them in power. November is coming.

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It all.started back with Newt Gingrich and his moral majority....remember the purple teletubby? We all just treated them.like escaped mental patients...now they're running the asylum

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And they'll keep trying to suppress the voters.

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True. Gerrymandering and lying, not positions popular with the people, is how they got into power.

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I’m surprised with all the talk about protecting life that republicans haven’t

yet provided fetuses with AR15’s. They do have 2nd amendment rights!

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no shit! (I know…I’m in a swearing mood!)

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I’ve been in a swearing mood since 2016! 🤬

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no shit!!!!! 🤣

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It’s amazing that one singular mass of ugly orange flesh can garner this much hatred..I mean, if you’re not part of his cult, you probably hate his guts! Right? How many people hate this man? And yet he has the ultimate power over us! If the rest of the country (those who have their heads in the sane) don’t wake up, he will be our Putin…it’s pretty simple and pretty scary!

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Sand, not sane…🤦‍♀️

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actually…sane works there as well!!!

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Tess and Joanne: Fuck yeah!

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Maybe Boebert will run in Trump’s shoes, and try to get her son out of jail by bringing him on as her VP candidate…’Vote Strokey and the Bandit’ in bedazzled letters will be on her next pantsuit blazer 😂😂😂

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OMG Amber, THANK YOU for that full out belly laugh. I live in CO, I changed my affiliation to independent so I could vote against Strokey. Now she’s moved out of my district so I hope people there do the same thing. It’s all just so damn depressing, thank goodness for this column and all of you commenting or I’m sure I’d go insane!

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I am in CO as well, and continually bothered the Denver DA’s office to request charges against Strokey. At least I have Jason Crow currently as my Representative.

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Strokes and Sporky. What a pair!

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LOL! Good one! 😂😂😂

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Dear America,

Please stop electing stupid people.


Everyone who finished high school

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Oh shit!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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GOP gunning for IVF

GOP gunning for abortion

GOP gunning for your incarceration if you miscarry

What isn’t GOP gunning for? Guns

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Good one Kay-El!

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Thanks Charlotte, I’m here all week (weekends too). 😉

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I have a severe headache, AND I'm totally pissed off.

Our SCOTUS (presently populated by at least two Justices, Alito and Thomas, who are on the take) together with Fraud Trump's judge-in-his-pocket (enabler Cannon) are going to do whatever they can to delay Fraud Trump's criminal trials until after the election takes place. BY NOW, THAT SHOULD BE VERY CLEAR TO EVERY AMERICAN. And, after the election takes place, if Fraud Trump is elected President, we all know damn well that Fraud Trump's very first actions as President will be to fire AG Merrick Garland, fire Special Prosecutor Jack Smith and throw out the lawsuits against him. THAT, TOO, SHOULD BE VERY CLEAR TO EVERY AMERICAN. In a letter to sent to AG Garland in June 2022, I said to him, both at the beginning of the letter and at the end of the letter, "in America, NO. ONE. IS. ABOVE. THE. LAW" Quite evidently, SCOTUS is flaunting that to the point where one person - Liar, Fraud, Con, Traitor, Fascist, Scumbag, Putin's-Puppet, American's Presidential Accident & Disgrace Donald Adolf Trump - will be above the law.

Tell me what I and other Americans who believe that NO. ONE. IS. ABOVE. THE. LAW. are supposed to do about that. Nothing?

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Raise hell. Be loud. Be brilliantly correct

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Do as many commenters on here have done & send an email to


I’m doing that today & plan to stress that they have lost ALL legitimacy & that their blatant overreach on the 14A sec3 was appalling

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Some languages have now evolved into independent physical organisms and no longer require a person to speak them in order to exist. Therefore we have languages that can cross our border in addition to people that speak no languages, if a person formerly spoke a language that has now transitioned to physical form.

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Hugely independent physical organisms. Bigly.

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“Big, strong languages walked up to me, tears in their eyes …”

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Do languages have the same rights as fetuses…. And embryos?

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Hmm … probably Republicans would only grant rights to the English language.

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Election year semantics, they're fucked and they know it 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣

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Fifteen years ago I attended a lecture where the speakers told us of antiabortionists’ plan to make abortion illegal through the entire US. They explained that 2/3 of women seeking to terminate a pregnancy already have children they cannot adequately support. After the lecture, I suggested to one of the speakers that perhaps our goal should be to get free birth control into the hands of all women. The speaker quickly replied,”no, they’re coming after that next.” I was incredulous. But here we are. Now these same bastard fascists are plotting to take away freedom from ALL citizens—not just women, and I believe every word of it because it is actually written down and published! I used to feel badly for the hatred I have for these people but not anymore. If they’re not secret about their plans to take away my freedom, I’m not secret about telling them what pieces of shit they are and I hope they are hit by a bus as soon as possible.

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I agree about the being hit by a bus thing. Have you read Andra Watkins’ Substack? Title is How Project 2025 Will F*ck Your Life Andra was raised in the Christian Nationalist community, so she understands their beliefs & code words; what they really mean when they say certain things. She also is reading the entire 900 pgs of that document & interpreting what it actually will do to our lives.

I definitely think it’s worth a paid subscription.

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So great GOP goofballs in House of Representatives go public

with their plan to restrict access to abortion pill.

They just managed to assure the kicking their own asses in November. Yesss!

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Funnier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest?

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They are also going to make all forms of abortion illegal by enforcing the Comstock Act. That won’t just apply to sending mefipristone through the mail, it will apply to all equipment & supplies used to perform a medical or procedural abortion. Birth control will soon be gone too because they consider hormonal BC pills & IUDs as abortifacients & therefore illegal to dispense & they too can’t be sent through the mail under the Comstock Act. This is all very near

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