And what’s up with this fool lecturing anyone on paying their bills?

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When I read the WSJ article that popped up on my iPhone to my husband about Trump ranting over NATO members "paying their bills" he instantly laughed, "Trump is THE guy who stiffs people every day. He can't say shit about who should pay bills." Incidentally, the same WSJ article couldn't resist yanking out of nowhere President Biden's age with the poor excuse, paraphrasing: "Maybe this NATO rant by Trump will give Biden some relief from his mental and physical tales from the crypt King Tut dust in the wind massively ancient man press coverage." The Media blows.

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Remember that WJS is owned by Murdoch.

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Absolutely! I was surprised they even called out Trump's pro-Putin attack on NATO. So, sure thing, they had to save room for a Biden hit. Pathetic.

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He probably bought it, because the editorials have always been snakepit of evil.

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Hasn't he said elsewhere that only losers who can't get out of them pay (bills | taxes | for a proper resting place for the mother of three of their spawn)+ ?

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yeah that makes him smart to weasel out of paying taxes

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He's a very stable genius. Just ask him! 🤣

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He’s actually proud of his loop holes that enables him and others in his class to wriggle out of paying taxes so it’s stuck on the middle class and working poor. It just isn’t right and no president has done much to thwart it.

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Now that’s the true and ugly question.

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I'm interpreting TFFG's NATO remarks as the 2024 version of his famous 2016, "Russia, if you're listening" cue to activate Putin's troll bot army.

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And he's the biggest deadbeat ever

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Oh, yes. Wasn't that rich.

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I know, right? The irony is of course lost on his MAGAt followers.

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Yes, Jeff. I wanted to garrote fuckin’ Anderson Cooper for spending all of 2016 going on endlessly about Hillary’s emails. This is the same shit. Swift boats, emails, Kenya birthday…same shit, different year. I’m fucking sick of it. The fucking rapist draft dodger charity thief bankrupt fraudster walks around like his shit smells like vanilla ice cream and the media is afraid to call him out. The fucking media cost us 2016. They cost us the Iraq disaster by sticking their noses up Bush’s ass so they’d look all patriotic goin’ to kick the wrong asses after 9/11. Enough is enough. Time to call out those assholes and make them accountable. By name.

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I've posted this before; Columbia Journalism Review article 'The Warped Front Pages', November 23, 2023. This article explains how the NYT and the Washington Post lean Republican. Not Democratic as they like to sell the public. I have sent them this article. They had a very defensive response. They are full of shit.

In regards to the Heritage Foundation Project 2025, I'm in everybody's face about this. I just get the deer in the headlight look back. No one knows that this is how the Republicans and their alt-right Billionaires will replace democracy into an autocratic government.

Kiss your Social Security goodbye. They state that SS wasn't meant to be supplemental income. It was meant to keep the poor elderly in cat food. They want a 30% flat tax for everyone. We would need 60% to support our institutions. So, since this will not support them like the Department of Education, they will be gutted. Then they can break up the Teacher's Union. It goes on and on over 900 pages about how the rich will get richer and the rest of us can go straight to hell.

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Thank you for this. the press is just as much influenced by the oligarchs trying to return to feudalism as the Republican party is. The main stream press (especially NTY and WaPo) have an obvious bias in favor of Republicans. They have this new "Biden's Memory" chew toy and they will not let it go. This will be a story until the next election. And the rapist, wannabe dictator and moronic sack of rabid personality disorders the Republicans are trying to put back in the white house will continue to be normalized. Trump is a rapist. The main stream press is biased and quite lazy. I am beginning to think the only thing that might save us temporarily is reaction to the Dobbs decision, but I am not optimistic.

I will confess to a Pollyanna moment of thinking Trump's invitation to Russia to attack NATO allies who don't "pay up" would be the thing that finally got the press to open their eyes. But no, they are busy with the "Biden's memory" chew toy that ratfucker Hur handed them and they will chew it to bits, while Trump gets madder and more dangerous. Trump is a rapist.

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Our babies get gunned down in their classrooms. They don't give a flying fuck. They protect themselves. We are their collateral damage.

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Americas overwhelmed and over loaded with weapons that no civilian has a right to own. Now everyone, more men than women, “need” an AR-15 rifle in their arsenal. My grandson while visiting his cousin went out with him to shoot it-my grandson is a big guy, he said when he pulled the trigger it almost knocked him down.

It’s no one’s constitutional right to have these type weapons. No ones. But as long as republicans are blocking anything resembling gun regulation, or once again banning these military style weapons it’s only going to get worse. They couldn’t care less how many children go to school and never come back. One day it will land in their own back yard and way too late to turn it around.

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They would rather protect their employment status. Besides the NRA has been laundering money for years. They use the Second Amendment to create another non-profit to grift voters. They stoke fear. It's profitable. It's the 'Hate Thy Neighbor' campaign paid for by alt-right Billionaires. There is an article in the Texas Tribune today about the two the Christian Texas Billionaires funding antisemitism. Can't remember their names. Some Texas GQP have had enough of it. Interesting read. Just like Leonard Leo funds disinformation and the Moms of Liberty. There is a purpose here. To divide us and win at all cost. So they can own us. Our enemies make laws to protect themselves. It's as corrupted, deep and fucked up as it can get.

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Yes, and I blame Garland for pussyfooting around the issues he should tackle. He should have redacted the editorial comments by that MAGA moron.

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Don't think he can change a special counsel report. He sure as hell can repudiate it. Waiting.....

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Yes, he could make the special counsel rewrite the report without the personal attacks, which are completely inappropriate.

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I don't think so. Has to do with why it is a special prosecutor in the first place--independence from the DOJ. He obviously didn't vet Hur very carefully for political bias. I do think he would be within his rights to explain why the ultimate report, though independent, was in violation of the basic rules of law.

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Pussyfoot is the right word

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I dropped the Times for the AP and I have no complaints. It’s the best source out there and free. They give you facts not BS

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You know, that's an excellent suggestion - thanks! No "editorial" filter there...

I do still read WaPo selectively -- they haven't gotten rid of all of the writers I like reading. When they ran that article about how wonderful Sandra Day O'Connor was as a jurist, I told them to fuck off, strong letter to follow, and they offered me an almost-free subscription for online access. So I took the offer -- for now.

Oddly, one of the very best news organizations I know of in the US is the Texas Tribune -- yes, a Texas-based newspaper. They laser-focus on state government issues and they do thorough and excellent reporting without sparing the feelings of the Ruling Class. I do not know why they're tolerated, but will enjoy it while I can.

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After Sally Buzbee took the the executive editor helm, WaPo tilted even further right, than the Publisher Fred Ryan, had pushed (he is a Reagan fellow, and even was keeper of Reagan's library) They started writing sympathetic articles about the anti-abortion nutters, trying to normalize them. I had just renewed when that effluent came out. I dropped my subscription, but since they don't do refunds, my 'script ran until it ran out. The commenters there are quite brilliant though.

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AP is right wing biased.

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I posted this today. I have others if you’d like. https://mpost.tribel.com/public/posts/8deeba80-c86c-11ee-b850-ad2c7d5ddccf

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No. It’s not. I get it every day sometimes several times a day. Most of my postings on Tribel are from the AP and if you looked under my profile at them you would know without a doubt that the AP only reports facts, no opinions, it reports real news without hyperbole. Because the AP doesn’t need it and many news outlets get their news from AP. In no way do they lean right.

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We need to send THEM to Hell.

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I'm trying to be a pain in the ass. I keep calling my insurrectionist Representative and asking them since they know more about women's healthcare, than my doctor, is someone from her office going with me to my doctors appointment. So, they can tell my doctor how to proceed. I get silence. 🤣 Fuck sticks. I call her often.

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I got a text from my MAGA congressional representative about 6 weeks ago. I asked them the question: Is Joe Biden the legitimate President of the United States? Crickets!! So I sent them a follow-up text that I would do everything to defeat him in November. I ended the text with: "Rot in Hell!!"

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Whenever I get mail from a Rethuglican running for office I will load up their prepaid envelope with coupons along with a note that because of their policies, I can't afford to send them any money but maybe these coupons will help. If I'm in a pissy mood that day I will add a piece of lead, so it costs them a fkton in postage.

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Good for you!! Mine is more sexist and misogynistic than a lot of men I know.

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Back when Bush and Cheney were working on getting us into Iraq (because Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction", but more importantly, oil) I sent my Senator, who was unfortunately Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a letter saying that I was not interested in potentially sacrificing my smart, capable son so the administration could take over some more oil fields based on what was CLEARLY manufactured evidence.

I got back an extremely snotty response from her saying that I should be happy to sacrifice my son for "freedom" and that he was no more important than anyone else's son.

(And she was considered "moderate".)

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Wow, that's really shitty. We had Paul Wellstone representing us in those days. I miss him.

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I do hope you told her to bite your posterior?

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not in so many words :) but I did respond. Oddly, neither she nor her office ever answered that one...

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*Singsong* And this is why I'm leaving the US.

Y'all can stay and fight if you want but I'm pretty sure half the ship is already underwater and it's a bit late to break out the bail out thimbles. We needed to stop them when they were the Tea Party. Now they're in every level of government and half the courtrooms.

If y'all are gonna fight, a fair fight is never gonna work. They make the rules. The rules will always be against you. You will have to use the tools of your enemies. You will have to sacrifice morals on at least a temporary basis. You will in all likelihood need to be perfect beasts. Because there is no bottom for these people. They will sink until they come out the other side of the planet.

My worry is that few if any victories can be had against these monsters without becoming close to being them. And I would rather leave than become a bloodthirsty savage and spend the rest of my life worrying whether I'll teeter over the edge or someone will scream I killed their (whomever) and shoot me while I'm getting groceries.

Nah, fam. I'm good. Let me know how it goes.

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I don't blame you. Like me, my son spent much of his working life overseas. When he was about to come home I suggested that he was eligible for Canadian citizenship and should not come back to crazy. He's now settled with his family in Ottawa. I'm too old to leave; if I could, I would.

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I'm with you. If you are old enough to be on Medicare and have a manageable but pre-existing condition or two, there is almost NO place you can go. None of us, obviously, have paid into the taxes for universal health care in another country, and try to get insurance with those conditions when the ACA doesn't apply. Canada in particular won't allow Americans who are retired to stay more than six months at a time, and then they need to stay out another six months.

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There are ways around that. Many Canadians who essentially live abroad have to return on a regular basis, even if it's for only 48 hours, to "reset" the clock in terms of their benefits. It's expensive of course, and although not illegal, certainly questionable. That said I don't know if the reverse is possible as you are wondering. You'd have to connect with some US citizens in Canada to confirm.

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I got it from the Canadian website on immigration to Canada back when trump was first elected--I live less than 100 miles from the border and it would otherwise be an easy move. Things may have changed. I wonder how Canada treats refugees or those seeking asylum.

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I think of it as the Dems are bringing balloons to a knife fight. It is tactically foolish and potentially fatal to play nice by the rules when your enemies are employing everything they can to destroy you.

The hidden enemy is normalcy bias. So many pussy-footing Dems I know want to be comfortable and not get "involved" with "stressful issues."

Repugs could not wish for better opponents.

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I wish it were as simple as deciding whether or not to leave. Not all of us can. I’ll have to weather the storm as I have children and grands here I could not be far away from. You’re fortunate to have that alternative and believe me I’ve often fantasized about what life would be like had my ancestor never crossed the water from Northern Europe.

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We are on the exact same page. They don't play by the rules. Why the Dems are still hanging onto taking the high road I don't know. There will not be a fair fight, whether it's in the houses of state, or in the streets.

I'd be curious as to where you're heading. If it's Canada, you may want my two cents worth on that idea. (I'm Canadian.)

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Not just that but I prefer warmer weather. Also, Mexico itself is fairly Americanised now. Articles I read on moving frequently emphasised how many people speak English and how many things (like electronic devices) are compatible.

Any of the suburbs of Mexico City are relatively low on crime and close to most of the ex-American action. Apparently some parts of MC are as high as 25% expats. I know one of the people I see on here is in San Miguel de Allende.

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No one can argue the benefits of the better weather. And in retirement, those frigid northern winters are not fun. Although this winter I've missed the cold and the snow. We're supposed to have both but have had little of either. Signs of things to come?

In terms of language, technology has made so much possible. I'm here in Progreso for a month. The guy I rent my house from knows as much English as I know Spanish... which is significant but still crude, but we managed to have a wonderful day together yesterday. I treated him to lunch. Between what we know and translators, we had a great time.

San Miguel is beautiful as I understand, but expensive.

Regarding "relatively low on crime.".. just imagine what's going to happen post Nov 4th in the USA? OMG. If Trump loses, the election is already pre-determined to be stolen. If he wins. God help everyone.

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Exactly why I'm leaving. This election has no good potential outcomes except as low percentage scenarios. Either we elect the antichrist or deal with an at least attempted coup.

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Mexico actually. Other way.

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We're contemplating the same. Mexico has a better chance against aggressive moves by an authoritarian US government than Canada.

If the US was to get hostile against Canada, who would protect us? NATO? Yeah. Right. We're sitting ducks.

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Bon voyage. I'm sticking around and carrying a short iron pipe and voting blue. I fought once for this country and I'm old but I still got some spark left in me.

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I hope you win. Or that there even are non-phyrric victory options.

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When these monsters fully take power there will be no safe countries, especially those with borders with the US.

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Switzerland will probably still be safe but I think I need to be wealthier for my healthcare to function well there.

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Good day Lisa

And as I have said before, The Coup Continues. It rolls on. Aided by the very institutions that pretend to uphold democracy.

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That’s ok. In MAGA world, everyone at those institutions will be publicly executed. Per Fuckface’s orders

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To me, MAGA stands for MY ACHING GODDAMN ASS. Every time they open their pie-holes.

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I love it l Lisa!

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My wife saw his proclamations just a few minutes ago, being from an ethnic German family, she says it sounds better in German......

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Totally on point about NYT and even WaPo. Trump grabs eyeballs… will soon be grabbing throats

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They admitted that their profits went down post Trump. He's their golden goose. The Washington Post hired a Murdoch man to run it. I left than. He will turn it into the Wall Street Journal/Fox Billionaire paper.

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They were leaning hard right for several years now, once Bezos got to hire his own people it went south...fast.

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Hi there, you're right. When they hired the Murdoch dude I knew it was over. I think these crazy Billionaires have lost their minds. But, they can afford too. No one should have that much power and control. It appears that they are running the show. They can probably claim lobbyists as dependents.

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This was what tore it for me.

They were normalizing forced-birthers running a religious human puppy-mill in Texas, calling it a "maternity ranch" shades of the Magdalyn Laundries!


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Lisa59, You are spot on! What people need to hear in addition to the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 is not what is going to happen, but what Trump's authoritarian rule already committed against the American people. Here are three examples. If Trump gets back in power, he will use ALL the tools, including tech to keep Americans under his thumb.

1) Turkish bodyguards beat up American protesters in Washington DC 17-May-2017


"The melee prompted Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under Obama, to tweet Tuesday that "clearly Erdogan's guards feel complete impunity, drawing on tools of repression they use at home & knowing he [Trump] has their back, no matter what.""

2) BLM Protesters in Portland, OR rounded up 17-JUL-2020


"What is happening now in Portland should concern everyone in the United States. Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street, we call it kidnapping," said Jann Carson, interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, in a written statement. "The actions of the militarized federal officers are flat-out unconstitutional and will not go unanswered."

3) Trump's policy of separating children from their families at the border 2017


"Dickerson found that separating children wasn't a side effect. She says it was the intent. She writes that instead of working to reunify families after parents were prosecuted, officials worked to keep them apart for longer. Her article, titled "We Need To Take Away Children," "

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His ultimate goal is to be worshipped. That's it. He will brake everything and everyone to attain it.

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ITA. The NY Times has made a mockery of this election & WaPo is close to becoming even worse. What happened to "fair & balanced" reporting? Reporting every bullshit story about Biden's so-called decline while ignoring every Trump gaffe is not fair or balanced. Opinions are not news. It is your opinion, not the facts. I am disillusioned with the news media.

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I read a comment in the NYT by a psychiatrist on the subject. He said Biden was showing signs of dementia but, Agent Orange is just saying some silly gaffes. Really??? It's amazing how paper smart people are so fucking ignorant. Scary.

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Obviously, that dude is an asshole and a republican.

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Obviously had to find a 3rd rate practices. Perhaps because when the professionals tried to warn us(The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump)by 17 highly respected practices they were attacked by their own using the "Goldwater rule". Now, no one will speak truth to power and call out Trump for what he clearly is, a malignant narcissist and a sociopath ( psychopath if you prefer). Hundreds of National Security experts signed a letter of protest or spoke publicly, or both about the dangers of this man having power and access. Dr Brandy Li has a substack newsletter highly worth reading. She was one of the authors on the book listed above and lost her job over it. So now the only acceptable thing to do is lie to the readership and makeup fancy stories.

Joe Biden is old but still highly effective as president easily based on his record. We have highly accomplished VP. The GOP has a man with criminal personality disorders, no platform and butler for past VP. But no on in the MSM will say. They weren't straight with us in 2017-20, why would that change now?

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Practices should be practioners.

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Thank you for the Project 2025 referrals to those still out to lunch on this ugly subject. I refer those who might need a bit of an education on it to either Jesse Dollemore or Leeja Miller, both on You Tube and both with good, in-depth information about it. It’s beyond scary and anyone who still thinks Hillary was out to lunch on her ‘vast, right-wing conspiracy’ comments ought to be eating their words about now.

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I hear you. I'm right there with you. It's terrifying! I can't get it out of my head. I read the first 600 pages. I'm trying to stomach the rest. I'm walking around like a damn talking parrot. Spitting out what it says to anyone who will give me an ear. I'm freaking the fuck out!!

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I read Andra Watkins substack, she was raised as a fundy, and escaped the lunacy, so she understands what project 2025 really says.


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I dropped them for the AP where I get reliable news.

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Next time you write the Post send the article again, and then tell them to start reading the comments sections of their articles about Biden and tRump. It might open their eyes.

I for one will keep my subscription until after the election. Once that's over, SEE YA! WaPo!

The NYT sent me a sales email. I said they've become far too much like the Yellow Rag from across town for me to spend my money on them.

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I am right there with you. Less than 10% of the people I know have even heard of Project 2025. When I describe it to thee , they are like, No way! I suggest they research it. And then I bet them they will freak out. The pay off is that they have to go on the same crusade that I am on.

MSM has so totally dropped the ball.

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Hey Lisa59. Thanks for mentioning the CJR article. Read it as a result of your comment - it's a good one. Subscribed to CJR as a result.

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The press should be excoriating any crave politician who even hints of pulling out of an alliance that has kept the peace since the end of WWII, and certainly one who suggests he would give that vicious dictator free rein to do whatever he wants.

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CNN pretty much lost me when they replaced Aaron Brown with Anderson Cooper.

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CNN has sucked for a long time.

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We have family that live in the Netherlands. The foreign press is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT over the neo-Nazi orange mango said about NATO!!!! This fucking traitor just invited his Russian friends to March right into ANY country who is “delinquent in their bills” to NATO??!!! Wtf with this insurrection inciting fucknut?..

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Fuck him and all of his disciples.

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And they are gutless, they cower when questioning anyone, to scared to offend or call out. They play both sides?

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I watch zero televised news

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John Malone, a rabid right winger is the owner these days. He wants to make it Fox-lite. The quality has declined in the year or two he has owned it.

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Anderson Cooper was off my list when he threw Kathy Griffin under the bus after her photo with "Trump's head" came out. He can fuck himself into eternity!

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Yes. BY NAME. @peterbakernyt

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