I agree with Susan. Angry Jeff needed to vent for all of us. It’s nice to know we all aren’t alone and screaming. We have a big angry family who has our backs and is screaming along with us.
People only have as much power, as they are given. He's not Putin, yet. He can't order a judge's assassination, yet. The power holding chicken-shit dickless wonders players sound like a bunch of whining bitches. Well, I guess if it was poor person busted with 2oz of weed, then they'll bring the hammer down. Fuck all!
Please read my comment above. If the judge locks the old geezer up now, it will only help his campaign. All the magats will fall for his poor, persecuted, innocent, little me act, and he can play that very well from jail. I want him behind bars as badly as the next rational person does, but this isn't the right time to do it. It will make him a martyr, and we'll be on the losing end of that.
He's going to parade around in his glowing victimization no matter what side of the bars he's on. He's double dog daring the judge. It will be in line with his many, 'I'm #1' accomplishments. His supporters are going to jail. They aren't going to show up. If they do, the cops will handle it. It will be humiliating for him. I wouldn't underestimate that.
You apparently did not read the article. Like Jeff said, there is not an army of Biden supporters who are going to suddenly vote for Trump because he's a "martyr". That's not how it works. Putting Trump in prison isn't going to make a bunch of non-voters suddenly want to vote for him either.
I never mentioned Biden supporters. I'm talking about riling up the magats and encouraging them to do God only knows what. Yes, I read the article. I'm afraid too many magats and people on the fence would feel sorry for drumpf if the judge put him in jail, which I'd dearly love to see, after three or four full days of his whining and moaning and bitching about the unfairness of his having to obey the laws of the land.
I live in the south. In a red town, in a red county, in a red state. I keep my mouth shut in public. drumpf is already a hero here, and putting him in jail will just increase those feelings. It frightens me.
Hi marciam12, I am from the south and I have relatives who support Trump (or did -- many are deciding not to vote for him again). I do think equality under the law should always prevail, and in this case, regardless of whether some MAGA folks make Trump a martyr or not.
I get it. His followers & their willingness to commit violence is very scary. I have a Truth Social account & still go on Twitter just to see what they are saying, how riled up they are getting. Yes, they talk of civil war & killing Dems, libs.
I just hope the FBI is also keeping an eye on them.
So when is the “right “ time? I keep thinking about the Joseph McCarthy HUAC anti-communist blacklisting era when Joseph Welch finally called him out with “Have you no sense of decency?” which finally brought down his terrible house of cards.
Not all, polls which I don't always follow or believe in are saying some fence sitters will change their minds and not vote tRump if convicted of a crime, we can only hope.
We should all be angry right now. Or like me. I am scared. I have been going over Hitler's rise to power and the resistance movement with my daughter for an exam she will have. This makes it all fresh in my mind, and I am looking at the information with different eyes. Of course, we know that during the Weimar Republic Hitler staged a BeerHall Putsch (Coup) and he got thrown in prison for it. This is where he drafted his infamous, Mein Kampf. He was supposed to do 5 years, however, he was released early, after only 9 months. If he had not been released, the history of the world would have been different. The Social Democrats would probably have gone on to rule Germany continuing their newly formed (15 year old) democracy. Instead, we got return to Absolutism, but in the evil form known as fascism, or there probably would not be this war between Israel and Gaza right now. Millions of Jews would have lived and would be less worried about dying out. However, Hitler was released early, and look what we got. Donald Drumpf . That is what his family name really was. Mr. Drumpf who quotes Mein Kampf, sounds like an accolade of Adolph Hitler. The town Drumpf's grandfather came from in Germany went from being proud of him in a show I once watched to not wanting to claim him. The shame Germans feel about Hitler a few now feel about Drumpf, but most Germans just see Drumpf/Trump as a symptom of Americans having lost our minds. https://www.dw.com/en/what-trumps-ancestral-village-in-germany-has-to-say-about-him/a-19088834
We don't want to make the same mistake with Drumpf that the Germans made with Hitler. They did not take the threat that he posed seriously. Those who tried to kill him or and overthrow him got caught and killed. In fact, people were generally executed the same day they were tried in the Kangaroo court, which our Supreme Court is rapidly becoming. There was always a segment in the military that opposed Hitler but they did not successfully get rid of him either. Who successfully got rid of Hitler was the Russians and the Americans, because he could not take the shame of the defeat so he killed himself.
True. How about respect for law, order and our democratic Republic and stop giving this criminal so much undue attention. He could be given lockup in the court house and then he could go to court like any other citizen. And future president-please! We deserve better.
I agree with you and Jeff that being afraid to lock him up is the problem. It would be good to do it now, so that if any of his followers decides to riot, they can be locked up before the election too.
A terrific essay that shows the parallels between Hitler and our own orange menace. Lots of similarities. What Jeff said about the bullying behaviors that both the orange menace (still can’t say his name w/o feeling nauseous) and Hitler used is EXACTLY correct. That is how fascism starts. Enough people have to realize that for the sake of our democracy.
If you read Mary Trump’s stuff, it shows he REALLY is afraid of jail. And what Jeff said about all the other excuses people give really is bullshit. I love the add on about Drumpf and Trump. John Oliver said that several years ago but I didn’t really believe till now. That’s great!
I also thought this was a terrific essay, but I'm afraid this won't reach the idiots out there, and there are many, who think turning drumpf into a fascist dictator is just the ticket. My daddy and my uncle were both combat veterans of WW II, so anything about that part of history is meaningful for me. Unfortunately, Jeff is spot on about the parallels between these two, Hitler and Shitler, and, where I live, if Shitler wins in November I'm going to be terrified to live in my own home in my own town in my own state. I'm going to get out of here and flee to a blue state while I still can, if I can do it then.
Do it now, Marciam. You don't want to live with people you're afraid of. It might be very difficult, but your safety and sanity are worth it. Get out of there and get yourself free.
Interesting, what state are you in? I am from Georgia. My father also enlisted to fight Hitler in WWII at age 16 (they didn't really check much back then). Thankfully DDay arrived before his ship arrived in Europe, so he was in the occupation in Germany and France instead (there was at least one town in France still held by Nazi troops after the war ended, I believe).
I live in Arkansas, born here and lived here all my life. It may be time to make a change, as Margaret said. Your father was very lucky, and I'm glad to hear that for you. My daddy had PTSD, or shell shock as they called it then. He was a nervous wreck. My uncle evidently was able to manage whatever he had seen, etc., but you don't ever really know that about anybody.
Everyone: There were 16 attempts on Hitler's life and all of them failed. Hitler would have been the equivalent of a MAGA freak, like MTG, if he had been kept in prison for the full term as Linda laid out. Once that genie left the bottle or Pandora opened the box, it was too late. Lesson: Don't get to the point of no return. Stop Trump now while we can.
I'm angry, all right, and I'm scared. Then I'm also mad because I'm scared, and that's not what life in America is supposed to be about. I'm also terribly worried about my two grown sons, because this is NOT the world I wanted to leave them. Not that I'm going anywhere, but y'all know what I mean.
Actually I think this the playful Jeff, of sorts. Seems like he really has a good time when he writes this with this “colorful” language. It does make me angry too but it also makes me laugh, sometimes playfully. Keep up the great work Jeff!
Yes, I agree.The tangerine hippo as you call him has gotten break after judicial break time and time again.To hear the hippo tell it, he is being singled out and treated unfairly by the law.As Jeff says it”Boo fucking hoo!” Trump has been a virtual Houdini at evading and avoiding being held accountable for ANYTHING.Let this judge throw his petulant arse in jail and let the chips fall where they may.I was frankly glad to hear from Angry Jeff today.We all get angry from this bullshit from time to time.
No doubt. Mr. Mangey Mushroom Dick gets more slack than your average criminal with 88 felony indictments. Sure, he is an ex president but who gives a shit? The only way you get this life long criminal to stfu is put him where he has no choice but to button it. This silence would be beyond golden.
Angry Jeff has every right to post today. I am so sick of this orange piece of crap. I'm with you. Lock him already. He's a PAB; one day in prison should cool his jets a little.
As for his cultists, let them give him more $$. Every time he raises funds, I give a little more to Biden/Harris. I think most reasonable people are just tired of his BS. He's a drama queen and EXHAUSTING.
We’re all good with appropriate anger and disgust. WE are all being put in danger by letting this Fascist Monster violate laws, the Constitution and gag orders REPEATEDLY without consequence.
Jeff, you took the words right out of my mouth. I just kept shaking my head at the anger that was so evident in your post today. I understand it fully, I’m as angry as you are and I don’t even live in your country. I suspect that Judge Merchan consulted other well-informed judges prior to his admonition yesterday. I also suspect that he will act upon the next violation in the manner in which most sane people wish he would. Please bring back funny Jeff.
There should be some great material after Stormy testifies. He's going to s**t himself bigly. The poor lawyers sitting nearby will have to ask for a time out to change his diapers. It will be awesome.
we are ALL fucking angry about this continuing bullshit!!!!!....and I really don't believe for a second that this judge has the nerve to lock that bloated sack of shit up!...we have clearly reached a point where one 'man' (let's face it, he's not a man, he's a big bloated blob of of raw sewage but I digress) is above the law...welcome to the 2024 version of nazi 'Murica...how long before king fuckface shows up somewhere wearing a swastika armband???
Hey! If the morbidly obese former president- the fattest since William H. Taft, the chief executive who got stuck in the bathtub- wants to mouth off on Truth-free Social, the judge will have to act. Bring your toothbrush, Mr Former Somebody!
Yeah I posted this exact opinion yesterday and had legalities mansplained to me. Dan Rather posted it just fine though. I bet it goes fine for you too.
Maybe I should make my avatar Henry Cavill or something.
I am angry right along with you. That's my heart speaking. However, I know why Judge Merchan is doing what he is, and I know that the reason you don't see more people getting this treatment is, well, two-fold. MOST people slapped with a fine after breaking a gag order have the good sense to SHUT THE CATFUCK up, and, further, we've never had a trial that was this public before, other than perhaps the OJ trial. We wouldn't, in the general scheme of things, be aware of the incremental nature of penalties for things like gag orders. They generally take place quietly, and without fanfare. And they take place fairly frequently.
Judge Merchan is walking a very fine line between maintaining control in his courtroom and avoiding even the appearance of bias. Even the wording of this last caution set him up to be able to say, if there were an appeal, "I TOLD him I did not want to jail him, but he gave me no choice." We do NOT want Trump having successful appeals for any damned reason.
Hitler discovers poison gas ! Trump learns how to tweet!
Justin McConney, a recent college graduate, became Trump’s first social media manager. Before he arrived on the scene, Trump didn’t know how to use social media. In 2013, Trump posted his first tweet, an innocuous thank-you to someone who complimented him publicly. Justin McConney said, “The moment I found out Trump could tweet himself was comparable to the moment in ‘Jurassic Park’ when Dr. Grant realized that velociraptors could open doors. I was like, ‘Oh no.’”
I wouldn't worry about offending anyone, I would worry about inspiring someone. We live in a country where the normalization of gun violence is overwhelming. Let's resist together.
I VERY highly doubt that some random person reading Jeff Tiedrich's blog is going to read a random comment and suddenly decide to take a shot at Trump.
The United States is "we." Every time we express the wish that someone gets shot, we are adding one particle of pathology to the We that is the United States. it all adds up. I once read a man say that when he was a child, it never occurred to him that one human being could kill another. Eventually, he learned that it happens, and it blew his mind. We won't get back our better selves unless we really, really work at it.
I used to subscribe to Robert Reich's substack, Clinton's Secretary of Labor. I liked a lot of what he had to say. He ran a survey, and it turned out that 9% of his readers thought political violence could be justified. He seemed to take this in stride. I thought he should regard this fact as a 5-alarm fire. When it became clear that Reich had no intention of pushing back on this attitude, I canceled my subscription.
I stand with MLK— when it comes to having a country, violence is never the way to make progress.
Although I have no problem with hoping that trump dies a natural death, I do not like the thought of him being shot, even by himself. In our trigger-happy country, I don't want death by gunfire suggested.
Narcissists rarely commit suicide. They will threaten it to manipulate people, but as a rule don’t follow through because they love themselves too much. DT actually thinks he has “beautiful blue eyes”. I’ve also heard him call himself “youthful” with a straight face.
FWIW, I lost my best friend last year to a suicide. She was depressed after a string of personal tragedies, also she suffered from PTSD. Most days I’m kind of just existing rather than feeling alive. So I don’t take the subject lightly, and I never will.
It's unfortunate that SCOTUS tossed the Congressional Emoluments suit as lacking standing because yesterday, we got solid evidence that he was working his own businesses while he was supposed to be working for us. We were defrauded of a full-time President. We were just a side hustle.
E-mail everyone. Every paper. Every congressional office. The SCOTUS. Anyone and everyone with e-mail. Write articles. Anything to get anyone to DO SOMETHING about this malignant fucking tumour in masculine maternity outfits.
He should be jailed and then made to appear the in court in a prison jumpsuit the following day. Apparently this his his biggest fear, wearing the orange prison garb. No girdles? Diaper outlines? Clashes with his orange makeup? 🙄
No time to prepare? Shitler and his attorneys have had all the time in the world. They knew Ms. Daniels would be a witness. Stormy weather predicted today with a chance of hail size shit balls in Dump’s diaper.
Tangerine Caligula is just using the fascist playbook- every tweet repeats the same lie without any form of proof and because no one does anything about it. It becomes fact in the mind of his moron followers.
There is a very real danger of allowing his crimes to be ignored and providing him with a shocking, preposterous privilege for attempting a deadly coup and keeping it rolling to-this day, with each defiance that goes unpunished for this monster criminal & traitor!
I have been screaming about the hypocrisy of saying “no one is above the law,” and then letting Donald J. F***ing Trump do whatever the hell he wants to do and get away with it. Angry Jeff, Angry Irma is right here with you! Keep saying what needs to be said.
I am on blood pressure medication because of Trump and company. Angry doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. What infuriates me the most is the media constantly ramming every single idiotic thing that comes from the mouth of DJT down our throats. A close second is watching my President be ignored by Bibi Netanyahu whose government is dependent on my country for military aid, and again, the damned media gleefully reports every single show of contempt. Not sure what makes me angrier, DJT and company, or the media that enables him. What do yo think?
Well I've cancelled my NYT subscription that I've had for 15 years, after reading the drivel they've been pushing, I also wrote several letters to the editor, which many others did. . They are led my a man who has his nose out of joint because Biden wouldn't give them an exclusive interview. Gee sorry but Biden is busy trying to help the American people, instead of fleecing them ala DJT.
I think this is the reason. Came here to sorta say that. Squeaky clean case. I can hear LDFF now: He gave me enough rope to hang myself, so I did. See, It’s all his fault.
At this point that should no longer be a concern… that ship sailed a long time ago. Now, it seems to me anyway, there’s a very bleak inevitability to all of this.
Sadly we cannot rely on the court system to nail his ass and provide level of justice deserved - we must beat him at the ballot box, win both Senate and House and change the rules so his ilk never sees public office again
Absolutely correct. That is our only recourse. We must help where we can to get people registered, send postcards, make phone calls, and donate to those crucial candidates that will give us a majority in the house. We can do this if we turn our anger into action. 💪🏼
I can’t believe that this impulsive person was president and will possibly be again. He has an itchy trigger finger and could literally end the world. It’s about time all the SANE American citizens get better treatment. ENOUGH of the psychological abuse they keep putting us through.
OMG - Stormy is telling the court of meeting trump at his hotel for dinner and - wait for it - met her at the door in silk pajamas!!! Then, after she said he was "Old" he told her she reminded him of his daughter!!! Can it get more icky? This has nothing to do with anything, but I am watching the news and now throwing up. They discussed STDs! What a first date with a presidential candidate! Not surpised, but wish the electorate had this info before the sleazebag won the election. Sorry, Jeff. I am snickering too much to show my outrage!!!!
Jeff says “letting one man bully his way to unaccountability through threats of violence is literally how fascism works. is that the country we want to live in?” As Timothy Snyder puts it in On Tyranny, “Do Not Obey in Advance.”
Trump makes a mockery of everything we used to think were invaluable. The Constitution. The Rule of Law. The Criminal Justice System aka the Courts. Forget any residual legitimacy that might have remained for American Institutional Religion. They’re all gone. Done and dusted by Donald J. Trump… sleazy con man.
We need to put a new law in place…fine judges every time a gag order is violated & they refuse to take appropriate action to end it! Trump THREATENS juries and opponents. Judges: STOP being a contributor of failed justice!
sorry, Angry Jeff locked Funny Jeff in the basement for this one, and didn't let him out until after it was posted
You were spot on and reflecting how we all feel.
I agree with Susan. Angry Jeff needed to vent for all of us. It’s nice to know we all aren’t alone and screaming. We have a big angry family who has our backs and is screaming along with us.
This is a fantastic community-we’re all supportive-and seemingly sane😆
Hey who you calling sane! 🤪
😂😂😂. True!
People only have as much power, as they are given. He's not Putin, yet. He can't order a judge's assassination, yet. The power holding chicken-shit dickless wonders players sound like a bunch of whining bitches. Well, I guess if it was poor person busted with 2oz of weed, then they'll bring the hammer down. Fuck all!
Yes, like this African American man who served 36 YEARS in prison for stealing $50 https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-spent-36-years-prison-stealing-50-bakery/story?id=65264675 or the man sentenced to life in prison for attempting to steal a pair of hedge clippers https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/17/us/louisiana-habitual-offender-parole.html/ or another man who got life in prison, where he died, for stealing $14 https://theintercept.com/2017/03/14/shannon-hurd-got-a-life-sentence-for-stealing-14-then-he-died-in-prison-from-untreated-cancer/ or...well, you get the picture.
There are hundreds of stories just like those & it not only breaks my heart for the suffering they endured, it makes me so angry
Please read my comment above. If the judge locks the old geezer up now, it will only help his campaign. All the magats will fall for his poor, persecuted, innocent, little me act, and he can play that very well from jail. I want him behind bars as badly as the next rational person does, but this isn't the right time to do it. It will make him a martyr, and we'll be on the losing end of that.
He's going to parade around in his glowing victimization no matter what side of the bars he's on. He's double dog daring the judge. It will be in line with his many, 'I'm #1' accomplishments. His supporters are going to jail. They aren't going to show up. If they do, the cops will handle it. It will be humiliating for him. I wouldn't underestimate that.
Lisa 59, I hope you're right, too. I'd be happy to be wrong in this situation.
I hope you are right!
You apparently did not read the article. Like Jeff said, there is not an army of Biden supporters who are going to suddenly vote for Trump because he's a "martyr". That's not how it works. Putting Trump in prison isn't going to make a bunch of non-voters suddenly want to vote for him either.
In fact it might break the spell for some cultists.
I never mentioned Biden supporters. I'm talking about riling up the magats and encouraging them to do God only knows what. Yes, I read the article. I'm afraid too many magats and people on the fence would feel sorry for drumpf if the judge put him in jail, which I'd dearly love to see, after three or four full days of his whining and moaning and bitching about the unfairness of his having to obey the laws of the land.
I live in the south. In a red town, in a red county, in a red state. I keep my mouth shut in public. drumpf is already a hero here, and putting him in jail will just increase those feelings. It frightens me.
Hi marciam12, I am from the south and I have relatives who support Trump (or did -- many are deciding not to vote for him again). I do think equality under the law should always prevail, and in this case, regardless of whether some MAGA folks make Trump a martyr or not.
I get it. His followers & their willingness to commit violence is very scary. I have a Truth Social account & still go on Twitter just to see what they are saying, how riled up they are getting. Yes, they talk of civil war & killing Dems, libs.
I just hope the FBI is also keeping an eye on them.
I doubt it. More of his supporters are waking up and his magrats are greatly outnumbered. Think of his protesters outside the courthouse.
All one of them 🙄
So when is the “right “ time? I keep thinking about the Joseph McCarthy HUAC anti-communist blacklisting era when Joseph Welch finally called him out with “Have you no sense of decency?” which finally brought down his terrible house of cards.
Not all, polls which I don't always follow or believe in are saying some fence sitters will change their minds and not vote tRump if convicted of a crime, we can only hope.
They aren't martyrs until they're dead.
I don’t believe that. He’s already playing the martyr every single day.
Put his assin jail & deal with the consequences now, rather than later
AND I still found myself laughing at quite a few of his descriptions! Go figure.
I always find something in what Jeff's written that makes me laugh.
AGREED 💯!!!!
Angry Jeff is just as important as Funny Jeff.
We should all be angry right now. Or like me. I am scared. I have been going over Hitler's rise to power and the resistance movement with my daughter for an exam she will have. This makes it all fresh in my mind, and I am looking at the information with different eyes. Of course, we know that during the Weimar Republic Hitler staged a BeerHall Putsch (Coup) and he got thrown in prison for it. This is where he drafted his infamous, Mein Kampf. He was supposed to do 5 years, however, he was released early, after only 9 months. If he had not been released, the history of the world would have been different. The Social Democrats would probably have gone on to rule Germany continuing their newly formed (15 year old) democracy. Instead, we got return to Absolutism, but in the evil form known as fascism, or there probably would not be this war between Israel and Gaza right now. Millions of Jews would have lived and would be less worried about dying out. However, Hitler was released early, and look what we got. Donald Drumpf . That is what his family name really was. Mr. Drumpf who quotes Mein Kampf, sounds like an accolade of Adolph Hitler. The town Drumpf's grandfather came from in Germany went from being proud of him in a show I once watched to not wanting to claim him. The shame Germans feel about Hitler a few now feel about Drumpf, but most Germans just see Drumpf/Trump as a symptom of Americans having lost our minds. https://www.dw.com/en/what-trumps-ancestral-village-in-germany-has-to-say-about-him/a-19088834
We don't want to make the same mistake with Drumpf that the Germans made with Hitler. They did not take the threat that he posed seriously. Those who tried to kill him or and overthrow him got caught and killed. In fact, people were generally executed the same day they were tried in the Kangaroo court, which our Supreme Court is rapidly becoming. There was always a segment in the military that opposed Hitler but they did not successfully get rid of him either. Who successfully got rid of Hitler was the Russians and the Americans, because he could not take the shame of the defeat so he killed himself.
True. How about respect for law, order and our democratic Republic and stop giving this criminal so much undue attention. He could be given lockup in the court house and then he could go to court like any other citizen. And future president-please! We deserve better.
I agree with you and Jeff that being afraid to lock him up is the problem. It would be good to do it now, so that if any of his followers decides to riot, they can be locked up before the election too.
True, but they don't seem to be going anywhere but the rallies. I say do it.
A terrific essay that shows the parallels between Hitler and our own orange menace. Lots of similarities. What Jeff said about the bullying behaviors that both the orange menace (still can’t say his name w/o feeling nauseous) and Hitler used is EXACTLY correct. That is how fascism starts. Enough people have to realize that for the sake of our democracy.
If you read Mary Trump’s stuff, it shows he REALLY is afraid of jail. And what Jeff said about all the other excuses people give really is bullshit. I love the add on about Drumpf and Trump. John Oliver said that several years ago but I didn’t really believe till now. That’s great!
I also thought this was a terrific essay, but I'm afraid this won't reach the idiots out there, and there are many, who think turning drumpf into a fascist dictator is just the ticket. My daddy and my uncle were both combat veterans of WW II, so anything about that part of history is meaningful for me. Unfortunately, Jeff is spot on about the parallels between these two, Hitler and Shitler, and, where I live, if Shitler wins in November I'm going to be terrified to live in my own home in my own town in my own state. I'm going to get out of here and flee to a blue state while I still can, if I can do it then.
Do it now, Marciam. You don't want to live with people you're afraid of. It might be very difficult, but your safety and sanity are worth it. Get out of there and get yourself free.
Interesting, what state are you in? I am from Georgia. My father also enlisted to fight Hitler in WWII at age 16 (they didn't really check much back then). Thankfully DDay arrived before his ship arrived in Europe, so he was in the occupation in Germany and France instead (there was at least one town in France still held by Nazi troops after the war ended, I believe).
I live in Arkansas, born here and lived here all my life. It may be time to make a change, as Margaret said. Your father was very lucky, and I'm glad to hear that for you. My daddy had PTSD, or shell shock as they called it then. He was a nervous wreck. My uncle evidently was able to manage whatever he had seen, etc., but you don't ever really know that about anybody.
Great job on your post, hope history doesn't repeat itself, except for the shame/suicide part... wishful thinking I guess 🤔
Linda, Thank you. PBS (BBC) Rise of the Nazi's is a must see documentary series
Everyone: There were 16 attempts on Hitler's life and all of them failed. Hitler would have been the equivalent of a MAGA freak, like MTG, if he had been kept in prison for the full term as Linda laid out. Once that genie left the bottle or Pandora opened the box, it was too late. Lesson: Don't get to the point of no return. Stop Trump now while we can.
Eileen, thanks for the documentary recommendation.
I'm angry, all right, and I'm scared. Then I'm also mad because I'm scared, and that's not what life in America is supposed to be about. I'm also terribly worried about my two grown sons, because this is NOT the world I wanted to leave them. Not that I'm going anywhere, but y'all know what I mean.
What I want to know is Is There A Silly, Playful, Jeff?
Dogs and cats living together.
Actually I think this the playful Jeff, of sorts. Seems like he really has a good time when he writes this with this “colorful” language. It does make me angry too but it also makes me laugh, sometimes playfully. Keep up the great work Jeff!
Some times you gotta be fucking angry. The tangerine hippo gets so much more deference than he deserves, and than literally any other defendant
Yes, I agree.The tangerine hippo as you call him has gotten break after judicial break time and time again.To hear the hippo tell it, he is being singled out and treated unfairly by the law.As Jeff says it”Boo fucking hoo!” Trump has been a virtual Houdini at evading and avoiding being held accountable for ANYTHING.Let this judge throw his petulant arse in jail and let the chips fall where they may.I was frankly glad to hear from Angry Jeff today.We all get angry from this bullshit from time to time.
Yes, it's long overdue to say the (late) emperor has no clothes.
No doubt. Mr. Mangey Mushroom Dick gets more slack than your average criminal with 88 felony indictments. Sure, he is an ex president but who gives a shit? The only way you get this life long criminal to stfu is put him where he has no choice but to button it. This silence would be beyond golden.
Can you imagine how nasty his junk is? I mean, don't.
Stormy descibed it a small mushroom surrounded by yeti pubes.
Gack! Ugh, ugh, ugh
Tangerine hippo? Don’t think I heard that one before 😂😂😂😅😅😅🦛🍊
And sometimes humor can be weirdly disarming… but ‘constant’ anger exhausting… crazy/dark times indeed…
Angry Jeff has every right to post today. I am so sick of this orange piece of crap. I'm with you. Lock him already. He's a PAB; one day in prison should cool his jets a little.
As for his cultists, let them give him more $$. Every time he raises funds, I give a little more to Biden/Harris. I think most reasonable people are just tired of his BS. He's a drama queen and EXHAUSTING.
Angry Jeff and Funny Jeff are like a sucessfully married couple. They complete each other!
Well said!
We’re all good with appropriate anger and disgust. WE are all being put in danger by letting this Fascist Monster violate laws, the Constitution and gag orders REPEATEDLY without consequence.
Jeff, you took the words right out of my mouth. I just kept shaking my head at the anger that was so evident in your post today. I understand it fully, I’m as angry as you are and I don’t even live in your country. I suspect that Judge Merchan consulted other well-informed judges prior to his admonition yesterday. I also suspect that he will act upon the next violation in the manner in which most sane people wish he would. Please bring back funny Jeff.
Don’t worry he’ll be back….
There should be some great material after Stormy testifies. He's going to s**t himself bigly. The poor lawyers sitting nearby will have to ask for a time out to change his diapers. It will be awesome.
Daniels testifies that Trump told her that he and his wife don't sleep in the same room, sparking an audible response in the gallery of the courtroom.
I loved Angry Jeff! Sincerely, Irate Irma
I guess that makes me Cranky Kathleen.
Righteous anger is not crankiness, it’s being aware and caring. You go, girl!
we are ALL fucking angry about this continuing bullshit!!!!!....and I really don't believe for a second that this judge has the nerve to lock that bloated sack of shit up!...we have clearly reached a point where one 'man' (let's face it, he's not a man, he's a big bloated blob of of raw sewage but I digress) is above the law...welcome to the 2024 version of nazi 'Murica...how long before king fuckface shows up somewhere wearing a swastika armband???
Angry Jeff, you sang the tune I pace my kitchen to. My husband plays the bass notes. My dogs know the tune and provide descant.
And now ladies and gentlemen, the Cassandra Orchestra.
Hey! If the morbidly obese former president- the fattest since William H. Taft, the chief executive who got stuck in the bathtub- wants to mouth off on Truth-free Social, the judge will have to act. Bring your toothbrush, Mr Former Somebody!
Mr Former Somebody…has a special ring to it Neal! 👍🏼 Maybe even, Mr Former nobody who only thought he was somebody. 😂
No, no, it’s Mr former nobody!
Jeff you said it just as magnificently as humanly possible. I wish we had millions of you.
Yeah I posted this exact opinion yesterday and had legalities mansplained to me. Dan Rather posted it just fine though. I bet it goes fine for you too.
Maybe I should make my avatar Henry Cavill or something.
Only if you use his Witcher one!
I am angry right along with you. That's my heart speaking. However, I know why Judge Merchan is doing what he is, and I know that the reason you don't see more people getting this treatment is, well, two-fold. MOST people slapped with a fine after breaking a gag order have the good sense to SHUT THE CATFUCK up, and, further, we've never had a trial that was this public before, other than perhaps the OJ trial. We wouldn't, in the general scheme of things, be aware of the incremental nature of penalties for things like gag orders. They generally take place quietly, and without fanfare. And they take place fairly frequently.
Judge Merchan is walking a very fine line between maintaining control in his courtroom and avoiding even the appearance of bias. Even the wording of this last caution set him up to be able to say, if there were an appeal, "I TOLD him I did not want to jail him, but he gave me no choice." We do NOT want Trump having successful appeals for any damned reason.
Merchan has addressed this. He is concerned for the safety of the actual New York employees who would be tasked with actually making this happen.
Apparently the mayor has helpfully offered that prison staff have a plan and stand ready.
And I read it to the hubs like Angry Jeff wrote it. WYKYK! 😉
*** Pivotal moments in world history ***
Hitler discovers poison gas ! Trump learns how to tweet!
Justin McConney, a recent college graduate, became Trump’s first social media manager. Before he arrived on the scene, Trump didn’t know how to use social media. In 2013, Trump posted his first tweet, an innocuous thank-you to someone who complimented him publicly. Justin McConney said, “The moment I found out Trump could tweet himself was comparable to the moment in ‘Jurassic Park’ when Dr. Grant realized that velociraptors could open doors. I was like, ‘Oh no.’”
From Joyce Vance's substack last night
I’m hoping he takes the final act of his favorite nazi dictator and offs himself in the end. But he’s too much of a coward for that…
I said what I said. Sorry if it offends anyone. I don't condone violence either but he would do us all a favor if he ceased to exist.
I wouldn't worry about offending anyone, I would worry about inspiring someone. We live in a country where the normalization of gun violence is overwhelming. Let's resist together.
Truth! Yes, let’s! ✌️
I VERY highly doubt that some random person reading Jeff Tiedrich's blog is going to read a random comment and suddenly decide to take a shot at Trump.
The United States is "we." Every time we express the wish that someone gets shot, we are adding one particle of pathology to the We that is the United States. it all adds up. I once read a man say that when he was a child, it never occurred to him that one human being could kill another. Eventually, he learned that it happens, and it blew his mind. We won't get back our better selves unless we really, really work at it.
I used to subscribe to Robert Reich's substack, Clinton's Secretary of Labor. I liked a lot of what he had to say. He ran a survey, and it turned out that 9% of his readers thought political violence could be justified. He seemed to take this in stride. I thought he should regard this fact as a 5-alarm fire. When it became clear that Reich had no intention of pushing back on this attitude, I canceled my subscription.
I stand with MLK— when it comes to having a country, violence is never the way to make progress.
Oh yes Kathleen. Robert Reich is really controversial. Give me a break!
Robert Reich always has something valuable to say imo. HE didn't say anything about violence, he did a survey.
Ty for reeling us back in. 🙏
I just read the Obama quote that you restacked, and I restacked it myself. Fantastic!
The quiet part being said out loud. 🙏
Perhaps that cholesterol and stress we have all been warned about can do us a solid.
Oh come through red meat!
Maybe the McD's "pink slime" and KFC's rancid fat will do him in.
Although I have no problem with hoping that trump dies a natural death, I do not like the thought of him being shot, even by himself. In our trigger-happy country, I don't want death by gunfire suggested.
Perhaps you would consider deleting your comment.
Narcissists rarely commit suicide. They will threaten it to manipulate people, but as a rule don’t follow through because they love themselves too much. DT actually thinks he has “beautiful blue eyes”. I’ve also heard him call himself “youthful” with a straight face.
FWIW, I lost my best friend last year to a suicide. She was depressed after a string of personal tragedies, also she suffered from PTSD. Most days I’m kind of just existing rather than feeling alive. So I don’t take the subject lightly, and I never will.
I'm very sorry for your loss. You make excellent points. Please be well and do take care.
Sympathies on the loss of your best friend. 💓
My thoughts exactly
It's unfortunate that SCOTUS tossed the Congressional Emoluments suit as lacking standing because yesterday, we got solid evidence that he was working his own businesses while he was supposed to be working for us. We were defrauded of a full-time President. We were just a side hustle.
Contemplating emailing SDNY to see if they can work with it.
E-mail everyone. Every paper. Every congressional office. The SCOTUS. Anyone and everyone with e-mail. Write articles. Anything to get anyone to DO SOMETHING about this malignant fucking tumour in masculine maternity outfits.
You, too. Everyone on this thread should do the same. Stand-up and scream like the Whos in Whoville that Horton heard.
I don’t want him put in jail. I want him blasted off into space. Can’t we lure him into a space capsule with some fried chicken or something?
Violet, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 As long as no oxygen is supplied..all for it.
Omfg yessssssss
I would love this as a cartoon
He should be jailed and then made to appear the in court in a prison jumpsuit the following day. Apparently this his his biggest fear, wearing the orange prison garb. No girdles? Diaper outlines? Clashes with his orange makeup? 🙄
The hair! My God, the hair!
How could I forget that?? Of course that’s included! And no Old Spice…
No makeup and no hairspray in jail. Can you imagine him without his combover? Yuck!
And, NO DIET COKE BUTTON!!! The humanity....
No time to prepare? Shitler and his attorneys have had all the time in the world. They knew Ms. Daniels would be a witness. Stormy weather predicted today with a chance of hail size shit balls in Dump’s diaper.
Softball size shitballs.
I mean the internet has memes about this A MONDAY OR TWO AGO. We all knew she had to happen sometime.
Exactly! Does the constant mis-naming of Dump’s trial “Hush Money” not ring a bell?
😂😂 I'm thinking boulder size!
Tangerine Caligula is just using the fascist playbook- every tweet repeats the same lie without any form of proof and because no one does anything about it. It becomes fact in the mind of his moron followers.
There is a very real danger of allowing his crimes to be ignored and providing him with a shocking, preposterous privilege for attempting a deadly coup and keeping it rolling to-this day, with each defiance that goes unpunished for this monster criminal & traitor!
Tangerine Caligula! 😂😂😂
“Cats and dogs living together “! 😂😂😂. It’s waaayyy past time to jail his ass. No cell phone. End this shit!
I have been screaming about the hypocrisy of saying “no one is above the law,” and then letting Donald J. F***ing Trump do whatever the hell he wants to do and get away with it. Angry Jeff, Angry Irma is right here with you! Keep saying what needs to be said.
I all really is beyond my poor powers of comprehension. I wake up everyday disgusted by the news and go to sleep every night feeling hopeless.
I am on blood pressure medication because of Trump and company. Angry doesn’t begin to describe how I feel. What infuriates me the most is the media constantly ramming every single idiotic thing that comes from the mouth of DJT down our throats. A close second is watching my President be ignored by Bibi Netanyahu whose government is dependent on my country for military aid, and again, the damned media gleefully reports every single show of contempt. Not sure what makes me angrier, DJT and company, or the media that enables him. What do yo think?
Well I've cancelled my NYT subscription that I've had for 15 years, after reading the drivel they've been pushing, I also wrote several letters to the editor, which many others did. . They are led my a man who has his nose out of joint because Biden wouldn't give them an exclusive interview. Gee sorry but Biden is busy trying to help the American people, instead of fleecing them ala DJT.
I agree with you, 100%.
Jeff, I think that was the last warning. Merchan is doing everything possible to avoid being overturned by a higher court.
I think this is the reason. Came here to sorta say that. Squeaky clean case. I can hear LDFF now: He gave me enough rope to hang myself, so I did. See, It’s all his fault.
At this point that should no longer be a concern… that ship sailed a long time ago. Now, it seems to me anyway, there’s a very bleak inevitability to all of this.
Sadly we cannot rely on the court system to nail his ass and provide level of justice deserved - we must beat him at the ballot box, win both Senate and House and change the rules so his ilk never sees public office again
This is exactly what needs to happen. Otherwise we're fucked.
Absolutely correct. That is our only recourse. We must help where we can to get people registered, send postcards, make phone calls, and donate to those crucial candidates that will give us a majority in the house. We can do this if we turn our anger into action. 💪🏼
Exactly. Everyone needs to do their part. And it's a perfect antidote to fear, loathing and depression.
Here’s some encouraging news!
Thanks for sharing. Both credible and uplifting!!
I can’t believe that this impulsive person was president and will possibly be again. He has an itchy trigger finger and could literally end the world. It’s about time all the SANE American citizens get better treatment. ENOUGH of the psychological abuse they keep putting us through.
I don’t think he has a chance in hell of ever becoming president again. No one is protesting.
Plus he has dementia: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247
OMG - Stormy is telling the court of meeting trump at his hotel for dinner and - wait for it - met her at the door in silk pajamas!!! Then, after she said he was "Old" he told her she reminded him of his daughter!!! Can it get more icky? This has nothing to do with anything, but I am watching the news and now throwing up. They discussed STDs! What a first date with a presidential candidate! Not surpised, but wish the electorate had this info before the sleazebag won the election. Sorry, Jeff. I am snickering too much to show my outrage!!!!
Jeff says “letting one man bully his way to unaccountability through threats of violence is literally how fascism works. is that the country we want to live in?” As Timothy Snyder puts it in On Tyranny, “Do Not Obey in Advance.”
Was it Brazil that put Bolosonaro away? They did better than the US.
For now.
Trump makes a mockery of everything we used to think were invaluable. The Constitution. The Rule of Law. The Criminal Justice System aka the Courts. Forget any residual legitimacy that might have remained for American Institutional Religion. They’re all gone. Done and dusted by Donald J. Trump… sleazy con man.
We need to put a new law in place…fine judges every time a gag order is violated & they refuse to take appropriate action to end it! Trump THREATENS juries and opponents. Judges: STOP being a contributor of failed justice!