Damn, now I can’t read your comments while walking around the house, as I started laughing, I tripped over my damn feet, it’s not easy to see through tears. Not a bad way to start a Monday though.

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“What are the signs of a paranoid narcissist?

Requires and seeks excessive admiration from others. Has a sense of entitlement, expecting to be treated as someone special or given priority at all times. Is interpersonally exploitative of others for personal gain. Lacks empathy and is unable to recognize the needs or suffering of others.”


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Robert: If any of these maga people showed up in my office, my first action would be to call the local psych facility for inpatient+meds...

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She’s way past the need of medication. A straight jacket and padded cell would be far more fitting for her.

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What I'm curious about is how she knew it was a laptop connecting. I want the tech she has.

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microwave oven.

everyone knows this.

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I know less than Jon Snow.

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JeWiSh spAcE lAzErs just sayin;...

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I'd put a good deal of $$$ on the bet that Sporkfoot and her kids benefitted like the rest of us from the polio, diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, flu, haemophilus, hepatitis B &A, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, shingles and pneumococcal for Marg and hopefully human papilloma and meningococcal for the kiddies.

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Hey dumbass, your thoughts on tfg having been Covid vaccinated?

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Bwahahaha! So there's not only a laptop trying to connect to her television.. but some external camera, which must be pointed at the laptop trying to connect to her TV and ALSO transmitting to her TV? Republicans keep saying we are going to take care of the mental health crisis. MTG is Ground Zero.

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Ha ha ha! My neighbours constantly mistake my Apple TV for theirs and try to connect to it. Happens maybe every two months... for years. They're stubborn bastards. Maybe I was wrong and she's right!! The vaccine putting 5G into my TV and we know Apple is super-woke.... must do my own research on this.

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Had Apple TV only to pick up the Foundation 1st season. I think the next season is coming in a couple of weeks. I am old school, so I am unhappy with how off base they are with Asimov's book, but still, a good series nonetheless.

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I used my daughter’s free trial to watch Severance. May have to bite the bullet since I really enjoyed it

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Isn't this just a 'smart TV' updating itself? Maybe she can get on a privacy kick, now that she is a victim. After all, a progressive is just a conservative who has perceived to have been targeted.

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microwave oven.

keep up!

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I..."know how much they've been screwed over by the corrupt people in our government..."

Can you say 'Freudian slip'? 🤣🤣

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Me thinks she doth protest too much, eh?

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OMGEE MTGEE!! Her TV turned on all by itself and the DEEP STATE of WOKENESS has Jewish Space Lasers connected to her head. And her laptop keeps turning off and on all by its itty bitty self.. Or MAYBE you sat your FAT ASS on the remote.. ?? And your laptop turned on and connected you to an LGBTQIA+ site for dating recommendations cause you’re actually a dude.. I dunno 🤷‍♀️ really trying to be helpful here and I’m wondering if maybe counseling or I dunno maybe checking yourself into mental hospital for your mental illness. I think you have a very serious and possibly deadly disease : it’s called ImAnIgnorantRacistTwatSyndrome I’m sure your followers will donate money .. you poor fugly troll .. I feel so sorry for me..

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Most excellent review of a contestant in the famous America Royal horse show in KC.. Thanks Jeff.

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American Royal has a Horse Show? Is it a side event to the BBQ Championship?

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Looking at the image again...wow. Over 35,000 people actually think she's worth the time of day.

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Her whole post is devised off of a nothingburger as usual.

She is the most shameless person in America

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Great way to start the week Jeff. These nutballs just keep on giving!! Love it!!

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Many people are saying this.

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