They’re all folding like cheap suits. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Tim Apple, the MSM. It’s easy to feel hopeless. It truly is up to us to fight this mess. I’m getting involved in my blood red community to protect the most vulnerable. Small actions add up to huge gains.

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HOW?! I feel very much alone!!! WTAF

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I belong to the Unitarian Universalist fellowship. We are forming committees to help at risk communities. Food for unhoused, toys & food for migrant communities, people to write letters to editors, call congress, march in MLK Jr. parade, driving people to last remaining clinic in my area for reproductive care. Speaking out at school board meetings against Moms for Liberty, attending NAACP local meetings. Donations for local free medical clinic None of these actions are permanent solutions. But we are looking out for the vulnerable in our community. It’s better than hiding at home in the fetal position with grief crushing you. I live in Florida: one of the worst states to be liberal. We have to stick together to survive.

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Lisa all these actions add up and show the way for others. Keep up the good work

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You're doing the actual Lord's work.

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sans the Lord - I dig the UU people, adopting how religion should work but not hung up on the silly myths

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Yeah, too bad the "Lord" isn't a real person. According to the Council of Nicea, the Jesus character was man-made in (approx) 312-325 of the CE (Common Era). But I get that your version of this fairytale character is this empathic, people-loving, and altruistic person. Just remember, that's all he is. At the same time, for now, this is a free country, and you can believe in these things and not be persecuted, which is not what I'm trying to do. Have an enlightened day. :-)

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Let's hope the day doesn't come when we become myth fodder by some fascist leader. It happened in 1939 - 1945, when the Reich used those that were different: (Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, the handicapped, etc.), to promote nationalism. It was not only 6 million Jews that were killed, but another 2 million OTHERS. Freedom to worship, or not, as we please seems to always be at some risk.

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EXACTLY!! Daughter of Holocaust victims here. My maternal grandparents were gassed in 1942 at the camp known as Chelmno. They were in a van with 9 others. And let’s remind people that Henry Ford was a huge admirer of Hitler and provided his regime with cars and machinery parts. That bastard couldn’t have died quick enough!

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I believe it was 6 million others, not just 2 million others.

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Jerry, essentially I agree with you. But do you have to refer to people's beliefs with insults? Calling Jesus a "fairytale character" is unnecessary. For the record, I'm not a Christian, but I like the idea of peace on Earth.

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There are folks on Bluesky trying to organize a boycott of Media, Social Media, and spending to hand Donnie Dipshit hugely low ratings and telling corporate America that caving to this dumpster fire is not going to help their profits. Read the posts, get involved, and disappear on Jan 20th.

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That is useless. Newspapers and media companies no longer depend much on subscriptions for revenue. They have diversified.


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They do depend on *views*: if those disappear, so do the ad revenues.

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I only read the writers I believe in. I cancelled all MSM months ago. I can't even watch Maddow and Lawrence any more because that supports MSM.

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Not necessarily. The federal government pours money into the TV networks so that they don’t collapse no matter how few views they get.

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doncon will flip his dead ferret lid if inauguration TV viewing is low or nil, & crowd size is as miniscule. Major narcissistic injury. I read more DC Sens + Reps are not attending his inauguration 🔥🔥🔥

Am boycotting spending beginning Jan 20 by major stocking up now on as much as possible. Someone even bought a set of tires now to rob convict economy of $.

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Yup, the NYT gets by on puzzles, games, and recipe section, which so many among us still subscribe to, in spite of there being many free sites available.

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I've cancelled my WaPo subscription, but please don't ask me to give up the NYT crossword!!! There are limits to what a person can resist. 😁

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Where is that on bluesky? I want to join them!

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Where? Do you have a site you can lead us too?

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Lisa, the UUSF has been a reliable group for decades. I was raised in it and the minister of our teenage youth group married me. You can't go wrong.

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Good for you Lisa. 💙💙

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Absolutely brilliant, Lisa! Many kudos to you.

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Also join your local Democratic Club. I attended a women’s lunch this past weekend. There were about 150 people there (as usual, mostly older women). Specific goals were set to educate people & to attract youth.

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Thank-you for your service to our country in its time of great need.When you think about it, older women are a giant part of the resistance and this continues to amaze me.Thanks are in order to the older women who tirelessly support and defend our democracy along with all of the others aiding this effort.

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Amazing isn't it.

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But not really amazing to me. I’m 79. When I grew up, women could not get loans in their own name, or get a credit card (as those came along) or buy a car without Daddy’s or Hubby’s permission. Don’t even talk about buying a house or any other property. There was no birth control, no legal abortion (oh but hey, I know this guy who knows someone who can fix this for you…) and the list goes on. We older women KNOW what is coming down the road, and it is a major SUCK. “I have to stay married to him because how could I support myself and the two kids without some money from him? And if I were to even go out on a date he’d try to get the kids taken away because of my “moral turpitude”, while he’s shaking up with some new bimbo every month.” “Well, sometimes men just gotta hit a gal, and we just have to take it.” (I was actually told this by someone I supervised; I was almost dizzy with rage. At him. At “society”.) We older women are watching women today being moved into a line and told to march over the cliff “for our own good”, or because “it’s the Lord’s will” or “this is how to ‘get’ or ‘keep’ a man, as if they were some elusive prey.

Sorry, rant [off].

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My mother bought a house in 1967. She was a widow. She got an FHA loan.

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Call your Senators to challenge Trump’s right to hold any government office position! Lisa It reads:no person who has taken an oath as an officer of the United States can hold office if they “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”.

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Dana, perhaps take a break from Subs & news. I did for 3 days, & feel much more normal. Self care is critical.🌿

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Could be. BUT I’m so fuckin pissed at all these IDIOTS who voted for a FUCKING LYING CRIMINAL. And the HISPANICS WHO DID -WTF IS THAT??? He fucked then over, then threatened to deport them - THEY FUCKING VOTED FOR THAT LYING JACKASS??? I’m done. I want out of here.

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You know NOTHING about me and self care. I spent 12 FUCKING YEARS in hospitals trying NOT to die. What’d I get??? Just POOR POOR POOR. LOST ALL MY ASSETS. You know NOTHING ABOUT me. So do NOT tell me what to do. FUCKIN A

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Kudos to you, Lisa. The best thing you can do is EDUCATE. Before the election, I took a random, unscientific survey. I asked 20 diverse people, to explain tariffs to me. Only 1 of the 20 had it correct!

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Powerloads his diaper- new Top of the List description by our favorite writer.

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Indeed Ole, another fabulous Tiedrichism!

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Fight? By doing what, exactly?

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Read my post. We can’t get the criminals out of the WH at this time, but we can try to protect ourselves & others. Much better than rolling over & doing nothing

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I read it and saw nothing. You're fantasizing. The situation will not end by joining little groups who hold meetings i church basements. It has never, ever worked. But I wish you luck. Me, after 48 years, I'm done fooling myself.

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I’m sticking with Lisa! Every little bit HELPS, pushes back the evil.

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Yes, it does, but the evil won’t end until we fix the education system and society itself. Read up on how Mussolini, Hitler and every other strongman came to power.

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Marycat, you & I are in the same rocky boat. I had to tune out for days, it was all too much. Watching my hummingbirds, Christmas gifts sent and being with friends NO political talk, helped. It will be an unwanted ride, but staying grounded will keep us calmer. ((( Hugs))) 🌻

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Call your senators about Trump’s 14th amendment statute violation, he cannot be allowed into any governmental office in accordance with section 3, which is as follows Marycat: It reads “no person who has taken an oath as an officer of the United States can hold office if they “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”!!

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Unfortunately, my senators at the moment are [outgoing] Sherrod Brown and [outgoing] Shady Vance. Incoming Bernie Moreno is in TMURP's pocket, and the replacement for Vance will inevitably be another MAGA, given the Repug trifecta here in Ohio. And yes, I'm ashamed to be an Ohioan at this point. Here and in other states like it, protests fall on deaf ears. I'm not giving up, but it IS depressing to live here

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Sorry to say, that hope is a day late and a dollar short. In truth, the cat was out of the bag in 2021 when McConnell and company didn’t convict.

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Patrick, done! Thanks.

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🏆🏆 BRAVO Patrick! Keep calling DC folks & their local offices. Demand they RESIST & remind them of turd's 14th A, Section 3 violation!

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We all know what happened; one of trump's minions when to ABC and told them if they don't settle this lawsuit in a way that's favorable to trump, we will pull your broadcast license or worse. Mob boss' have been doing it for decades.

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Nice station you have there, it would be a shame if you lost your license.

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Will no one rid me of this meddlesome news station?

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MSM conceded that right-wing media won the propaganda and profits wars long ago...and jumped on the bandwagon.

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This! Thanks Kristy!!

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Exactly as a mob boss would Chris, we know That Trump considers himself one, with fealty to only “The biggest”mob boss on the planet, Putin!!

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and the dick-tator elect also threatened to "pull the license" from CBS because he was unhappy how his 60-minutes interview went...why is the current admin allowing him to pull this much power...it is abuse and it is not American.....why do they allow tRump to go unchallenged, unchecked, and give no push-back at all.... unbelievable

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Really? Since when do dictators follow the rules?

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are you going to be the one to tell him that?

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Trump has no power to pull an FCC license.

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Would you like to tell him that?

Rules, norms, regulations, and laws will be gone as of January 20th. Doesn’t matter one bit whether TMURP has a "right" to pull a broadcast license. If his toadies are in charge of all the agencies and many of the courts, who's going to stop him?

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Correct Marycat!!

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Timothy Snyder, author of "On Tyranny, last night on Maddow described how the courts could possibly still be a guardrail against Turd's actions. He may find the courts will at least slow down his idiocy.

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There is that Chris, it’s hard to argue!

Becoming a mafia run country, means rules and regulations will fall like a defenestrated body from the 13th floor!!

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Meidas Touch’s Michael Cohen predicted trump would bring in all the gazillionnaires & shake them down, mob boss style. And here we are, more than a month before inauguration horror, and they’re all paying him “protection” money. Do they not know it’ll only protect them until he demands more? and then even more? I don’t care if they’re all broke; it’s everyone else I worry about.

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Until Trump is no longer useful; that's when the oligarchy puts forth the couch groper in his place, via the 25th amendment. In a sane world, all of these ass clowns would be in prison or in court defending against their charges of committing felonies and misdemeanors. And Kamala would be Prez. *Sigh* Do men believe their balls will shrivel up if a woman is in charge? Asking for 51% of the population.

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Dec 16
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IIRC, he said that a man having sex with a woman was gay. How you square that hole, I don't know (no pun intended).

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Thom Hartmann tells the story of Vladamir Putin calling all of Russia's oligarchs to a meeting. When they arrive, they see that one of them is in a cage. Putin tells the rest of the oligarchs to give him half of their money or they too, will end up in a cage. Some say that Putin is now the richest man in the world.

At the end of the day, it's all a dick-measuring contest to see who can become the world's first trillionaire.

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Trump doesn’t need to shake anyone down, he’s got Hulk Hogan and Pete Hogsbreath to break arms Abbi!

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Hogsbreath. LOL

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No one ever said that billionaires are smart. If they were smart they would be on the side of truth and be like Mark Cuban, who is supporting others with his medication program. The money hoarders are addicted to money. They could be genuine heroes and abolish world hunger, but they’re patsies who want more tax breaks so their offshore accounts would grow.

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Dec 16
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I wouldn’t say “all.” Just too many. They are bullies. Trump is just dumb enough to be egregious open about it.

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The thing that Trump is absolutely best at is psychological warfare. Making you feel hopeless! Don't let him win!


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Okay. Thanks. I won’t go there. I’ve always been a fighter. It’s why I’m STILL alive. AND mad as hell!!!

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You're just my type!

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The cream of the jest is that ABC is donating this money to the Donald Trump Presidential Library. It'll probably be a reading room at Mar y Lago. But of course it will never open its doors until the day after I win a Nobel prize for physics.

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Well he doesn’t fucking read (I almost got thru this without saying fuck!) soooooo the library will likely be empty and used for adderall snorters!

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I was thinking the same thing. Maybe ABC is banking on the fact that they’ll never be a library.

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The library will contain only video screens playing glorified segments from the shitting gargoyle's gilded life. He has no use for literacy, like his cult.

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"Shitting gargoyle" is going on my list! Thanks for your contribution.

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I think ABC said this deliberately as a very public jab at the ignoramus.

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But he will still take their $15 mil regardless whether a library is ever built or not.

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The money isn't going to him

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True dat Tess, well known as illiterate!

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I visualize walls and walls of posts that he has vomited up over the past 8yrs .

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Well, all the books will have cheap imitation gold covers!

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And be made in China.

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Up for sale. What a grifter. Ugh and slime

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And by signed by the Big Orange Guy!

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Big orange fuckface.

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At least he'll have everything he needs for a fully stocked gift shop.

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BOGO on government secret documents!

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TrumpTM Bibles, all of them.

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Will be the first ever incident of a USA Presidential Library used for money laundering

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Hey he just released his latest grift - a book!! See with the frump bible and this he has a library!! Ta-da

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Shelves & shelves of Reader’s Digest and

Highlights magazine

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And National Enquirer.

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