just a couple of dudes planning war crimes, as one does
get ready for the Trump Gaza Golf Motel
Donny Convict is a man with a bunch of really fucked-up plans. he wants to send troops to Panama to solve an imaginary ‘foreign policy crisis’. he wants to send troops to Greenland to plunder their resources. he wants to send troops into Mexico, allegedly to deal with cartels. he even wants to send troops into Canada, if they don’t volunteer to become our 51st state.
but Donny — all that shit would be happening in the Americas. what about the Middle East? what kind of really fucked-up plan do you have for over there? maybe something that would immediately set the whole world against us?
“the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it, too. we’ll own it.”
what — and I cannot put too fine a point on this — the fuck?
okay, before we delve into just how batshit this is, let’s back up a bit, and talk about the last time the US went on a nation-building spree.
back when George W. Bush lied us into pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, neocons like Paul Wolfowitz and Michael Ledeen all started high-fiving each other — because the neocons didn’t just want to oust the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Saddam in Iraq. they wanted to remake the economies of those countries over in their own image. Afghanistan and Iraq became laboratories for every harebrained unregulated free-market scheme — and it was an utter fucking disaster. the economies of both countries cratered.
corruption and thievery were off the charts. pallets of cash were offloaded from US military jets, loaded onto trucks, and never seen again. twelve billion dollars just vanished into thin air.
twenty three years later, Afghanistan is back in the Taliban’s hands, and Iraq is just another failed state.
and now Donny and his despot bestie Netanyahu want to make all those mistakes — as well as a whole bunch of new ones — all over again in Gaza.
Donny’s going to — in his own words — “level the place,” demolish everything, “develop” it and rebuild it into “the Riviera of the Middle East” — presumably with a big, gaudy Trump Gaza Golf Motel™ right smack in the middle of it.
this should all sound familiar to you, because the entire Trump Crime Family has been dreaming of doing this for years.
and the whole thing would be a human rights violation cranked up to eleven, because get a load of this.
President Donald Trump has said he wants the United States to take over the war-shattered Gaza Strip after Palestinians are displaced to neighboring countries, and develop the territory so the “world’s people” will live there.
oh good, we get to replicate our own ‘trail of tears’ — except this time in the Middle East. Donny’s going to march millions of Palestinians right out of Gaza and into who the fuck cares, it’s not Donny’s problem.
oh, by the way? the forced mass transfer of populations is a fucking war crime.
after ethnically cleansing the shit out of Gaza, the guy who went broke running casinos is going to bring his business acumen to its rebuilding. I guarantee you that the graft and corruption that went on in Iraq and Afghanistan will seem like a cakewalk compared to the thievery that Donny will commit.
do I even need to say that the entire world recoiled at Donny and Bibi’s plans? because even staunch Donny-supporter Bone Saw Arabia was all the fuck you are, assholes.
The foreign ministry said it rejected any attempts to displace the Palestinians from their land and described its stance as “clear and explicit” as well as not negotiable.
“Saudi Arabia also reiterates its previously announced unequivocal rejection of any infringement on the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, whether through Israeli settlement policies, the annexation of Palestinian lands, or attempts to displace the Palestinian people from their land,” it said.
but of course Republicans immediately fell into line.
as did every member of Donny’s Confederacy of Sewer Clowns.
“Gaza MUST BE FREE from Hamas. As @POTUS shared today, the United States stands ready to lead and Make Gaza Beautiful Again. Our pursuit is one of lasting peace in the region for all people.”
what in the hallowed name of Orwellian Jesus is this? is this what we’re going to do now, just fuck the living shit out of whatever sovereign nation seems like an easy mark, and then claim we ‘made it great’ — or ‘beautiful’ — ‘again’?
fuck Marco Rubio. and fuck every Democrat who defended their vote to confirm this guy ‘because he seemed like Donny’s most-normal pick’ — because here’s what else our new Secretary of State has been up to.
El Salvador has agreed to house violent US criminals and receive deportees of any nationality, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced Monday, in an unprecedented — and legally problematic deal – that has alarmed critics and rights groups.
Rubio unveiled the agreement after meeting with Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, as part of a tour of several Central American countries intended to consolidate regional support for the Trump administration’s immigration policy.
that’s right, ‘seems like a normal guy’ Marco Rubio has been jetting around Central America, in search of despots willing to house our unwanteds. in Nayib Bukele, Marco’s found his man — but it’s even worse than that:
In addition, Bukele “has offered to house in his jails dangerous American criminals in custody in our country, including those of US citizenship and legal residents,” Rubio said.
isn’t that nice of the Salvadoran President, to offer to jail any US CITIZEN that Donny and Liddle Marco care to deport his way? now that’s the spirit of international cooperation. hey President Bukele, do you maybe have room for two million Palestinians?
oh, and speaking of Democrats who can fuck all the way off to Fuckoffistan and back, what the fuck is this?
“Outside the Senate chamber in the Capitol, Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, who is known as one of the most staunchly pro-Israel Democrats in the Senate, called President Trump’s remarks ‘provocative,’ but said that he would support a potential American occupation of the Gaza Strip, adding that Palestinians for years have ‘refused or have been unwilling to deliver a government that provided security and economic development for themselves.’”
fuck this guy. as bad as Manchin and Sinema were, I don’t think they ever came out in favor of war crimes.
after all that, we definitely need a palate cleanser. enjoy a couple of clips from a rally held yesterday in front of the Treasury Building, against the fuckery being perpetrated by the Space Nazi and his merry band of DOGE incels.
here’s the vid of the entire 90-minute rally.
here’s your daily reminder that I can be found on BlueSky at this link.
this is going to be my closing message for the foreseeable future:
practice self-care. do what you need to do to keep sane. if that means you need to disengage with my daily posts for a while, I get it. this community of ours will still be here when you return.
to all the people who have signed on in the days since the election, welcome aboard. settle in as we all try to deal with the shitfuckery that’s ahead of us.
we are all in this together, and we are all here for each other.
but at least we denied the presidency to the woman who couldn't solve a thousand-year-old conflict during the 107 days she was a candidate, am I right
Probably wants to name it Gaz-a-Largo.