I agree with all you've stated. I voted for Fetterman knowing he had residual problems after his stroke. On his worst day, he's better than the GOP lunatics .

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Who wouldn’t be depressed if they had a stroke that young. I’m a good bit older and I would be. It takes far more courage to acknowledge needing help than to pretend to power through. These Rs are cowards, projecting their ignorance and hatred onto everyone else while taking no responsibility for the consequences of their own actions.

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You are exactly right.

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40 years in mental health did wonders for my perspective, among other things!

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The new Jeff Game Show. Complete this sentence. I'll go first.

"it wasn’t too long ago that even rumors of ..."

transporting minors across state lines to have sexual congress with them would get you kicked out of the Legislative branch.

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Absolutely Jeff, they are the worlds worst shitheads. My husband had a debilitating stroke 17 years ago. Do you remember when the orange goon mocked that journalist who had cognitive disabilities? Well my husband I happened to be watching that day. I saw tears in the corner of his eyes. I looked at him because I’m like a mama lion (do not fuck with my cubs.) and said as long as I’m on this earth no one will do that to you. These fucking cretins best enjoy their short time in Congress because if we get up and vote numbers they will be put back in their their seats with pacifiers in their big mouths and silenced. They are nothing but spineless bullies and what they hate the most is to be made fun of. I really believe with all my heart that karma NEVER misses. What comes around goes around. Hateful fuckers I really hate them( it’s okay to hate evil.) that’s enough babbling from me. You John Fetterman are a man of honor, it’s perfectly normal to have clinical depression after a stroke.

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This is perfect. Wouldn’t change one syllable. Thanks, brother.

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Toxic. Fuckfaces. …. Says it ALL

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A fucking men.

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I agree! Strong and brave enough to get the help he needs. He’s a Boss.

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Jeff nails it (again)

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Once again Jeff, you are reading my mind! Great short, to the point article. This is why I subscribe.

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Fucking bravo! Depression is a known and common side effect after having a stroke, as with may chronic illnesses. I'd never been depressed, let alone suicidal, until I had long haul COVID and the physical and mental struggles that came with that had me considering it. When you've always lived an active life and rely on your intellect to coexist with "the worst fucking shitheads in the world" and your mind no longer works right? It's incredibly difficult to try and deal with or at best eventually overcome. I hope he's able to concentrate on recovering now. Being selfish I'll admit we need him desperately! He IS a fucking boss!!! It's a sad state of affairs when illness is used as reason to ridicule and demean. Repuglicunts @ they're worst and they've got a low bar when it comes to reprehensible behavior these days.

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So pleased with our new PA Senator! Happy to be rid of Pat Toomey! Loved how we laughed Oz off!

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Fetterman, reported: Post-stroke, at any age, diagnosed with clinical depression, accepted the medical and, albeit limited, people's' support of institution. Personal, diagnosed lab and therapy: At 77 yo, I cannot remember any age in my life when I was not (personally) affected by personal depression. Unlike Ferderman [as discussed], I am genetically bipolar. . . , born with a chemical imbalance in my brain whereas I cycle from low-to-high-to-low moods. I have lived through several episodes of clinical depression; I have experienced ignorance-in-actions of a majority, as well as empathy-in-reactions of a minority, by persons within my social scopes. General: Red Wave, definition (number?): Depression is weakness; offensiveness/defensiveness is strength. My heart fills with emotion for John Fetterman. My hope projects that an infinite number of people will see themselves, loved ones--even not loved ones--and react pro-socially, given his balanced response to his vulnerability, and go forward with a higher cognizance and empathy-in-action.

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I have never enjoyed a subscription more than this one. I laugh I cry and I thoroughly recommend it to everyone I know. I'm a 74 year old grandmother who lives alone. I worked in politics most of my adult life but it's no longer fun. Thank you thank you for sharing your opinion and for using the word fuck liberally.

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I can just love this for the rope!! The actual piss rope!

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Totally agree, Fetterman is showing us all how to do self care!! ♥️

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