John Durham gets screwed by the wingnut grievance bubble
another star witness gets his ass handed to him by Democrats armed with facts
yesterday, shouty half-dressed degenerate wrestling coach Jim Jordan wasted everyone’s time on another one of his clownshoes hearings.
you already know how it went, because all of these hearings follow the same template: Jordan huffs and puffs and waves his arms and shouts and points his fingers and makes wild allegations that have no bearing on reality, and then he brings out the star witness du jour, who promptly gets their ass handed to them by Democrats who have come prepared with actual facts.
why does this keep happening? because Jim Jordan and his fellow Republicans live inside the Wingnut Grievance Bubble. and they never fucking learn.
I’ve written before about the Wingnut Grievance Bubble. it’s that enclosed feedback loop where fantasies, delusions, conspiracies, repugnant behavior and harebrained notions are amplified and unchallenged, causing all who dwell within to fall right on their stupid fucking faces the moment they step out into the real world.
these people watch themselves on Fox News all day long. whatever dipshit ideas rattle around in their heads are never challenged.
therefore, inside the Wingnut Grievance bubble, everyone knows that the Trump-Russia connection is a hoax because everyone knows that the Trump-Russia connection is a hoax. it’s doctrine. it’s an article of faith. it goes unquestioned. it doesn’t matter that Mueller proved otherwise, because they never got the memo.
yesterday was John Durham’s turn to stumble out of the bubble and straight into the buzzsaw of reality.
it wasn’t pretty.
here’s Rep. Adam Schiff, completely eviscerating Durham:
seriously, John? you don’t pay attention to the news?
Rep. Ted Lieu joined the pile-on, making Durham look like an utter fool.
here, Durham admits to criming. Durham circumvented a court order to get a private citizen’s communications. the court told him NO. he did it anyway. what the fuck?
maybe get yourself a good criminal defense lawyer, John. you’re probably going to need one.
eventually, Republicans began to realize that their star witness was embarrassing the fuck out of them.
it was so bad that Fox News cut away from their coverage.
which is a shame, because Fox viewers didn’t get to see Matt Gaetz completely lose his shit and prety much accuse Durham of secretly working for the other side.
“you tried two cases and lost both of them… have you ever heard of the Washington Generals? they’re the team that basically gets paid to show up and lose, right? I think you let the country down.”
oh Matty, you’re so cute when you’re angry.
so all in all, how did your big day go, Jimmy?
that bad, huh?
better luck with your next fake scandal.
note: I wanted to title this one "John Durham can't stop fucking that chicken" but Goodwyfe Claudia overruled, saying it was too soon to recycle the trope
I love that you are so great at this evisceration of the fuckwits. It's whack-a-mole, and your passion is matched by a certain (dare I say it?) genius. Thanks a zillion. From all of us.