I've already started to tune out these fools. There's going to be plenty of stupid to come. I'm appalled with DeSantis and the fascist bullshit he's pulling in FL. Anyone know if Leonard Leo is behind him, or is it the Koch brother? I'm not convinced he's electable. He may be smarter than trump, but GD, that boy has all the charisma of a corpse. His wife is already auditioning for the part of the Queen of America. Fuck them.
Biden is doing, and has done a good job so far. There's plenty of conservatives who are praising him and his accomplishments to date. Seems they like normal too.
As of today, the GOP has no one who can compare to Biden. They've shown the world who they are, what they believe in. It ain't pretty. It ain't democratic.
I don't see trump as a threat. Maybe I've lost my mind, but I honestly think he's going to be indicted this year. Besides, trump has lost his mojo. He's got loser stench all over him. He only appeals to his hardcore idiot base.
De Santis’s wife, the Empress of Tallahassee, who once worked in television, is said to choose everything he appears in. Probably no expense has been spared on the suits. It’s the lizard body that’s the problem.
Jeff, He preaches freedom and look at what he has done to mainstream people and especially blacks. He has even gone after Disney! I have always considered Florida my home, but not anymore. I have been married to a Canadian for 15 years and I am now living in Canada. I am still a US citizen. I used to teach in Florida and I thought it was bad then with everything No Child Left Behind! I wouldn’t teach in Florida under that regime for a million a year! Poor kids! I hope parents leave the state with their families. They need a well rounded education of the real world. Latin Americans, be careful. You will not matter if he gets involved in running for president. He’s politicizing now.
"Unctuous dipshit" Best description of Ron De Sanctimonious I've ever seen. One of the best things Trump has done is to give that nickname to that fascist.
F*ck we are so screwed.. so the party of Suck ( R’s) have a growing column of wannabe next Presidents.. who are ALL horrible human beings.. this does not make me feel better… I’m female and not white..
Your honesty makes me want to cry. No, really!!! 😭 I also keep writing these fucking 🤡🤡 off and end up crying on election night.
GET THE FUCK OUT AND VOTE! I’m doing it in southeast Virginia tomorrow- because a washed out never did a fucking thing for his neighbors except abuse and exploit the local black population because he and his brother own the entire tri-county area used to be NASCAR driver wants the seat next. Just no. We have to take this shit back. Fuck you Hermie, yes, really. Hermie.
Ron *💩for 🧠’s* DeSantis is about as appealing as a wisdom tooth extraction, bone saw and all. This cheap rendition of Hitler in a diaper is about as electable as full blown round of Norovirus. Like you Jeff, I laughed my self silly over the thought of Trump becoming POTUS. I know now to temper my reactions to the walking freak shows Republicans like to run as presidential candidates, but this stinker is a hard no for a general election. Trump it is, or not depending on the DOJ. Sooo...Nikki Haley? That’s how I see it, anyway.
Jeff, what do you think about Christofascist Goobernator Dumbkin, who rules my state? He really thinks he's hot stuff, he's 6 feet 6 inches tall, holds church services in his basement, kept downstate Virginia from acquiring 2400 jobs with a Ford plant...
Hates women, of course (wants an abortion ban), hates trans children, you name it, he hates it. Typical Rethuglican. To my mind he has ZERO appeal (he lost Loudoun County, where I live, by 13,000 votes), but he's still angling for the Rethug nom in '24.
I've already started to tune out these fools. There's going to be plenty of stupid to come. I'm appalled with DeSantis and the fascist bullshit he's pulling in FL. Anyone know if Leonard Leo is behind him, or is it the Koch brother? I'm not convinced he's electable. He may be smarter than trump, but GD, that boy has all the charisma of a corpse. His wife is already auditioning for the part of the Queen of America. Fuck them.
Biden is doing, and has done a good job so far. There's plenty of conservatives who are praising him and his accomplishments to date. Seems they like normal too.
As of today, the GOP has no one who can compare to Biden. They've shown the world who they are, what they believe in. It ain't pretty. It ain't democratic.
I don't see trump as a threat. Maybe I've lost my mind, but I honestly think he's going to be indicted this year. Besides, trump has lost his mojo. He's got loser stench all over him. He only appeals to his hardcore idiot base.
Short, squeaky, ill tempered fascist in a bad suit!! You’ve painted the perfect picture!
De Santis’s wife, the Empress of Tallahassee, who once worked in television, is said to choose everything he appears in. Probably no expense has been spared on the suits. It’s the lizard body that’s the problem.
Imagine having that Smile Woman as First Lady. I need to throw up
Anytime anyone works the word "unctuous" into a description I'm all in.
I heard it my butcher use it to describe a distinctive ribeye.
And "unctuous dipshit" does seem to me les mots justes.
Jeff, He preaches freedom and look at what he has done to mainstream people and especially blacks. He has even gone after Disney! I have always considered Florida my home, but not anymore. I have been married to a Canadian for 15 years and I am now living in Canada. I am still a US citizen. I used to teach in Florida and I thought it was bad then with everything No Child Left Behind! I wouldn’t teach in Florida under that regime for a million a year! Poor kids! I hope parents leave the state with their families. They need a well rounded education of the real world. Latin Americans, be careful. You will not matter if he gets involved in running for president. He’s politicizing now.
"Unctuous dipshit" Best description of Ron De Sanctimonious I've ever seen. One of the best things Trump has done is to give that nickname to that fascist.
F*ck we are so screwed.. so the party of Suck ( R’s) have a growing column of wannabe next Presidents.. who are ALL horrible human beings.. this does not make me feel better… I’m female and not white..
You should’ve seen this goon when he had the televised gubernatorial debate with
Charlie Crist. He could NOT contain his emotions and it was hilarious to watch. He’ll be eaten alive on the national stage.
There must be a correlation between the awkwardly rigid body posture of these autocratic types and their severe malignant narcissism/sociopathy.
Your honesty makes me want to cry. No, really!!! 😭 I also keep writing these fucking 🤡🤡 off and end up crying on election night.
GET THE FUCK OUT AND VOTE! I’m doing it in southeast Virginia tomorrow- because a washed out never did a fucking thing for his neighbors except abuse and exploit the local black population because he and his brother own the entire tri-county area used to be NASCAR driver wants the seat next. Just no. We have to take this shit back. Fuck you Hermie, yes, really. Hermie.
Love you, Jeff! I share your positivity tho past performance may suggest otherwise?
Ron *💩for 🧠’s* DeSantis is about as appealing as a wisdom tooth extraction, bone saw and all. This cheap rendition of Hitler in a diaper is about as electable as full blown round of Norovirus. Like you Jeff, I laughed my self silly over the thought of Trump becoming POTUS. I know now to temper my reactions to the walking freak shows Republicans like to run as presidential candidates, but this stinker is a hard no for a general election. Trump it is, or not depending on the DOJ. Sooo...Nikki Haley? That’s how I see it, anyway.
Jeff, what do you think about Christofascist Goobernator Dumbkin, who rules my state? He really thinks he's hot stuff, he's 6 feet 6 inches tall, holds church services in his basement, kept downstate Virginia from acquiring 2400 jobs with a Ford plant...
Hates women, of course (wants an abortion ban), hates trans children, you name it, he hates it. Typical Rethuglican. To my mind he has ZERO appeal (he lost Loudoun County, where I live, by 13,000 votes), but he's still angling for the Rethug nom in '24.